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** Copyright (C) 2019 The Qt Company Ltd.
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** This file is part of Qt Quick 3D.
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** accordance with the commercial license agreement provided with the
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// W A R N I N G
// -------------
// This file is not part of the Qt API. It exists purely as an
// implementation detail. This header file may change from version to
// version without notice, or even be removed.
// We mean it.
#include <QtQuick3DAssetImport/private/qtquick3dassetimportglobal_p.h>
#include <QtQuick3DUtils/private/qssgbounds3_p.h>
#include <QtQuick3DRender/private/qssgrenderbasetypes_p.h>
#include <QtCore/QString>
#include <QtCore/QByteArray>
#include <QtCore/QIODevice>
#include <QtCore/QFile>
namespace QSSGMeshUtilities {
struct MeshData
// All enums must match the ones defined by QSSGRenderGeometry class in quick3d module
enum PrimitiveType { // Must match also internal QSSGRenderDrawMode
UnknownType = 0,
Triangles, // Default primitive type
struct Attribute {
enum Semantic {
UnknownSemantic = 0,
PositionSemantic, // attr_pos
NormalSemantic, // attr_norm
TexCoordSemantic, // attr_uv0
TangentSemantic, // attr_textan
BinormalSemantic // attr_binormal
enum ComponentType { // Must match also internal QSSGRenderComponentType
DefaultType = 0,
U32Type, // Default for IndexSemantic
F32Type, // Default for other semantics
int typeSize() const
switch (componentType) {
case U8Type: return 1;
case I8Type: return 1;
case U16Type: return 2;
case I16Type: return 2;
case U32Type: return 4;
case I32Type: return 4;
case U64Type: return 8;
case I64Type: return 8;
case F16Type: return 2;
case F32Type: return 4;
case F64Type: return 8;
return 0;
int componentCount() const
switch (semantic) {
case IndexSemantic: return 1;
case PositionSemantic: return 3;
case NormalSemantic: return 3;
case TexCoordSemantic: return 2;
case TangentSemantic: return 3;
case BinormalSemantic: return 3;
return 0;
Semantic semantic = PositionSemantic;
ComponentType componentType = F32Type;
int offset = 0;
static const int MAX_ATTRIBUTES = 6;
void clear()
m_attributeCount = 0;
m_primitiveType = Triangles;
QByteArray m_vertexBuffer;
QByteArray m_indexBuffer;
Attribute m_attributes[MAX_ATTRIBUTES];
int m_attributeCount = 0;
PrimitiveType m_primitiveType = Triangles;
int m_stride = 0;
template<typename DataType>
struct OffsetDataRef
quint32 m_offset;
quint32 m_size;
OffsetDataRef() : m_offset(0), m_size(0) {}
DataType *begin(quint8 *inBase)
DataType *value = reinterpret_cast<DataType *>(inBase + m_offset);
return value;
DataType *end(quint8 *inBase) { return begin(inBase) + m_size; }
const DataType *begin(const quint8 *inBase) const { return reinterpret_cast<const DataType *>(inBase + m_offset); }
const DataType *end(const quint8 *inBase) const { return begin(inBase) + m_size; }
quint32 size() const { return m_size; }
bool empty() const { return m_size == 0; }
DataType &index(quint8 *inBase, quint32 idx)
Q_ASSERT(idx < m_size);
return begin(inBase)[idx];
const DataType &index(const quint8 *inBase, quint32 idx) const
Q_ASSERT(idx < m_size);
return begin(inBase)[idx];
struct MeshVertexBufferEntry
quint32 m_nameOffset;
/** Datatype of the this entry points to in the buffer */
QSSGRenderComponentType m_componentType;
/** Number of components of each data member. 1,2,3, or 4. Don't be stupid.*/
quint32 m_numComponents;
/** Offset from the beginning of the buffer of the first item */
quint32 m_firstItemOffset;
: m_nameOffset(0), m_componentType(QSSGRenderComponentType::Float32), m_numComponents(3), m_firstItemOffset(0)
QSSGRenderVertexBufferEntry toVertexBufferEntry(quint8 *inBaseAddress) const
const char *nameBuffer = "";
if (m_nameOffset)
nameBuffer = reinterpret_cast<const char *>(inBaseAddress + m_nameOffset);
return QSSGRenderVertexBufferEntry(nameBuffer, m_componentType, m_numComponents, m_firstItemOffset);
struct VertexBuffer
OffsetDataRef<MeshVertexBufferEntry> m_entries;
quint32 m_stride;
OffsetDataRef<quint8> m_data;
VertexBuffer(OffsetDataRef<MeshVertexBufferEntry> entries, quint32 stride, OffsetDataRef<quint8> data)
: m_entries(entries), m_stride(stride), m_data(data)
VertexBuffer() : m_stride(0) {}
struct IndexBuffer
// Component types must be either UnsignedInt16 or UnsignedInt8 in order for the
// graphics hardware to deal with the buffer correctly.
QSSGRenderComponentType m_componentType;
OffsetDataRef<quint8> m_data;
// Either quint8 or quint16 component types are allowed by the underlying rendering
// system, so you would be wise to stick with those.
IndexBuffer(QSSGRenderComponentType compType, OffsetDataRef<quint8> data)
: m_componentType(compType), m_data(data)
IndexBuffer() : m_componentType(QSSGRenderComponentType::Unknown) {}
template<quint32 TNumBytes>
struct MeshPadding
quint8 m_padding[TNumBytes];
MeshPadding() { memZero(m_padding, TNumBytes); }
struct Vec3
float x;
float y;
float z;
struct MeshSubset
// std::numeric_limits<quint32>::max() means use all available items
quint32 m_count;
// Offset is in item size, not bytes.
quint32 m_offset;
// Bounds of this subset. This is filled in by the builder
// see AddMeshSubset
QSSGBounds3 m_bounds;
// Subsets have to be named else artists will be unable to use
// a mesh with multiple subsets as they won't have any idea
// while part of the model a given mesh actually maps to.
OffsetDataRef<char16_t> m_name;
MeshSubset(quint32 count, quint32 off, const QSSGBounds3 &bounds, OffsetDataRef<char16_t> inName)
: m_count(count), m_offset(off), m_bounds(bounds), m_name(inName)
MeshSubset() : m_count(quint32(-1)), m_offset(0), m_bounds() {}
bool hasCount() const { return m_count != 4294967295U; } // AKA U_MAX 0xffffffff
struct Joint
qint32 m_jointID;
qint32 m_parentID;
float m_invBindPose[16];
float m_localToGlobalBoneSpace[16];
Joint(qint32 jointID, qint32 parentID, const float *invBindPose, const float *localToGlobalBoneSpace)
: m_jointID(jointID), m_parentID(parentID)
::memcpy(m_invBindPose, invBindPose, sizeof(float) * 16);
::memcpy(m_localToGlobalBoneSpace, localToGlobalBoneSpace, sizeof(float) * 16);
Joint() : m_jointID(-1), m_parentID(-1)
::memset(m_invBindPose, 0, sizeof(float) * 16);
::memset(m_localToGlobalBoneSpace, 0, sizeof(float) * 16);
// Tells us what offset a mesh with this ID starts.
struct MeshMultiEntry
quint64 m_meshOffset;
quint32 m_meshId;
quint32 m_padding;
MeshMultiEntry() : m_meshOffset(0), m_meshId(0), m_padding(0) {}
MeshMultiEntry(quint64 mo, quint32 meshId) : m_meshOffset(mo), m_meshId(meshId), m_padding(0) {}
// The multi headers are actually saved at the end of the file.
// Thus when you append to the file we overwrite the last header
// then write out a new header structure.
// The last 8 bytes of the file contain the multi header.
// The previous N*8 bytes contain the mesh entries.
struct MeshMultiHeader
quint32 m_fileId;
quint32 m_version;
OffsetDataRef<MeshMultiEntry> m_entries;
static quint32 getMultiStaticFileId() { return 555777497U; }
static quint32 getMultiStaticVersion() { return 1; }
MeshMultiHeader() : m_fileId(getMultiStaticFileId()), m_version(getMultiStaticVersion()) {}
struct Mesh;
// Result of a multi-load operation. This returns both the mesh
// and the id of the mesh that was loaded.
struct MultiLoadResult
Mesh *m_mesh;
quint32 m_id;
MultiLoadResult(Mesh *inMesh, quint32 inId) : m_mesh(inMesh), m_id(inId) {}
MultiLoadResult() : m_mesh(nullptr), m_id(0) {}
operator Mesh *() { return m_mesh; }
static const char16_t *m_defaultName;
VertexBuffer m_vertexBuffer;
IndexBuffer m_indexBuffer;
OffsetDataRef<MeshSubset> m_subsets;
OffsetDataRef<Joint> m_joints;
QSSGRenderDrawMode m_drawMode;
QSSGRenderWinding m_winding;
Mesh() : m_drawMode(QSSGRenderDrawMode::Triangles), m_winding(QSSGRenderWinding::CounterClockwise) {}
Mesh(VertexBuffer vbuf,
IndexBuffer ibuf,
const OffsetDataRef<MeshSubset> &insts,
const OffsetDataRef<Joint> &joints,
QSSGRenderDrawMode drawMode = QSSGRenderDrawMode::Triangles,
QSSGRenderWinding winding = QSSGRenderWinding::CounterClockwise)
: m_vertexBuffer(vbuf), m_indexBuffer(ibuf), m_subsets(insts), m_joints(joints), m_drawMode(drawMode), m_winding(winding)
quint8 *getBaseAddress() { return reinterpret_cast<quint8 *>(this); }
const quint8 *getBaseAddress() const { return reinterpret_cast<const quint8 *>(this); }
static const char *getPositionAttrName() { return "attr_pos"; }
static const char *getNormalAttrName() { return "attr_norm"; }
static const char *getUVAttrName() { return "attr_uv0"; }
static const char *getUV2AttrName() { return "attr_uv1"; }
static const char *getTexTanAttrName() { return "attr_textan"; }
static const char *getTexBinormalAttrName() { return "attr_binormal"; }
static const char *getWeightAttrName() { return "attr_weight"; }
static const char *getBoneIndexAttrName() { return "attr_boneid"; }
static const char *getColorAttrName() { return "attr_color"; }
// Run through the vertex buffer items indicated by subset
// Assume vbuf entry[posEntryIndex] is the position entry
// This entry has to be QT3DSF32 and 3 components.
// Using this entry and the (possibly empty) index buffer
// along with the (possibly emtpy) logical vbuf data
// return a bounds of the given vertex buffer.
static QSSGBounds3 calculateSubsetBounds(const QSSGRenderVertexBufferEntry &inEntry,
const QByteArray &inVertxData,
quint32 inStride,
const QByteArray &inIndexData,
QSSGRenderComponentType inIndexCompType,
quint32 inSubsetCount,
quint32 inSubsetOffset);
// Format is:
// MeshDataHeader
// mesh data.
void save(QIODevice &outStream) const;
// Save a mesh using fopen and fwrite
bool save(const char *inFilePath) const;
// read the header, then read the object.
// Load a mesh using fopen and fread
// Mesh needs to be freed by the caller using free
static Mesh *load(QIODevice &inStream);
static Mesh *load(const char *inFilePath);
// Create a mesh given this header, and that data. data.size() must match
// header.SizeInBytes. The mesh returned starts a data[0], so however data
// was allocated is how the mesh should be deallocated.
static Mesh *initialize(quint16 meshVersion, quint16 meshFlags, QSSGByteView data);
// You can save multiple meshes in a file. Each mesh returns an incrementing
// integer for the multi file. The original meshes aren't changed, and the file
// is appended to.
quint32 saveMulti(QIODevice &inStream, quint32 inId = 0) const;
quint32 saveMulti(const char *inFilePath) const;
// Load a single mesh using c file API and malloc/free.
static MultiLoadResult loadMulti(QIODevice &inStream, quint32 inId);
static MultiLoadResult loadMulti(const char *inFilePath, quint32 inId);
// Returns true if this is a multimesh (several meshes in one file).
static bool isMulti(QIODevice &inStream);
// Load a multi header from a file using malloc. Header needs to be freed using free.
static MeshMultiHeader *loadMultiHeader(QIODevice &inStream);
static MeshMultiHeader *loadMultiHeader(const char *inFilePath);
// Get the highest mesh version from a file.
static quint32 getHighestMultiVersion(QIODevice &inStream);
static quint32 getHighestMultiVersion(const char *inFilePath);
struct MeshDataHeader
static quint32 getFileId() { return quint32(-929005747); }
static quint16 getCurrentFileVersion() { return 3; }
quint32 m_fileId;
quint16 m_fileVersion;
quint16 m_headerFlags;
quint32 m_sizeInBytes;
MeshDataHeader(quint32 size = 0)
: m_fileId(getFileId()), m_fileVersion(getCurrentFileVersion()), m_sizeInBytes(size)
struct MeshBuilderVBufEntry
const char *m_name;
QByteArray m_data;
QSSGRenderComponentType m_componentType;
quint32 m_numComponents;
MeshBuilderVBufEntry() : m_name(nullptr), m_componentType(QSSGRenderComponentType::Unknown), m_numComponents(0)
MeshBuilderVBufEntry(const char *name, QByteArray data, QSSGRenderComponentType componentType, quint32 numComponents)
: m_name(name), m_data(data), m_componentType(componentType), m_numComponents(numComponents)
// Useful class to build up a mesh. Necessary since meshes don't include that
// sort of utility.
QAtomicInt ref;
virtual ~QSSGMeshBuilder();
virtual void release() = 0;
virtual void reset() = 0;
// Set the draw parameters for any subsets. Defaults to triangles and counter clockwise
virtual void setDrawParameters(QSSGRenderDrawMode drawMode, QSSGRenderWinding winding) = 0;
// Set the vertex buffer and have the mesh builder interleave the data for you
virtual bool setVertexBuffer(const QVector<MeshBuilderVBufEntry> &entries) = 0;
// Set the vertex buffer from interleaved data.
virtual void setVertexBuffer(const QVector<QSSGRenderVertexBufferEntry> &entries, quint32 stride, QByteArray data) = 0;
// The builder (and the majority of the rest of the product) only supports unsigned 16 bit
// indexes
virtual void setIndexBuffer(const QByteArray &data, QSSGRenderComponentType comp) = 0;
// Assets if the supplied parameters are out of range.
virtual void addJoint(qint32 jointID, qint32 parentID, const float *invBindPose, const float *localToGlobalBoneSpace) = 0;
* Add a subset, which equates roughly to a draw call.
* A logical vertex buffer allows you to have more that 64K vertexes but still
* use u16 index buffers. In any case, if the mesh has an index buffer then this subset
* refers to that index buffer, else it is assumed to index into the vertex buffer.
* count and offset do exactly what they seem to do, while boundsPositionEntryIndex,
* if set to something other than std::numeric_limits<quint32>::max(),
* drives the calculation of the aa-bounds of the subset using mesh::CalculateSubsetBounds.
virtual void addMeshSubset(const char16_t *inSubsetName = Mesh::m_defaultName,
quint32 count = std::numeric_limits<quint32>::max(),
quint32 offset = 0,
quint32 boundsPositionEntryIndex = std::numeric_limits<quint32>::max()) = 0;
virtual void addMeshSubset(const char16_t *inSubsetName, quint32 count, quint32 offset, const QSSGBounds3 &inBounds) = 0;
// Call to optimize the index and vertex buffers. This doesn't change the subset information,
// each triangle is rendered precisely the same.
// It just orders the vertex data so we iterate through it as linearly as possible.
// This *only* works if the *entire* builder is using triangles as the draw mode. This will be
// a disaster if that condition is not met.
virtual void optimizeMesh() = 0;
* @brief This functions stitches together sub-meshes with the same material.
* This re-writes the index buffer
* @return no return.
virtual void connectSubMeshes() = 0;
// Return the current mesh. This is only good for this function call, item may change or be
// released
// due to any further function calls.
virtual Mesh &getMesh() = 0;
virtual Mesh *buildMesh(const MeshData &data, QString &error, const QSSGBounds3 &inBounds) = 0;
// Uses new/delete.
static QSSGRef<QSSGMeshBuilder> createMeshBuilder();
} // end QSSGMeshUtilities namespace