blob: 205131cc9ff14a43aa2520f11e3cd1cbf5c3c939 [file] [log] [blame]
** Copyright (C) 2019 The Qt Company Ltd.
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#include "enummaps.h"
// When mapping NoXxxx to both "None" and "", "None" should come first to help
// strFromEnum give more readable results.
static EnumNameMap g_presentationRotationMap[] = {
{ UipPresentation::NoRotation, "None" },
{ UipPresentation::NoRotation, "" },
{ UipPresentation::NoRotation, "NoRotation" },
{ UipPresentation::Clockwise90, "90" },
{ UipPresentation::Clockwise180, "180" },
{ UipPresentation::Clockwise270, "270" },
{ 0, nullptr }
EnumNameMap *EnumParseMap<UipPresentation::Rotation>::get()
return g_presentationRotationMap;
static EnumNameMap g_nodeRotationOrderMap[] = {
{ Node::XYZ, "XYZ" },
{ Node::YZX, "YZX" },
{ Node::ZXY, "ZXY" },
{ Node::XZY, "XZY" },
{ Node::YXZ, "YXZ" },
{ Node::ZYX, "ZYX" },
{ Node::XYZr, "XYZr" },
{ Node::YZXr, "YZXr" },
{ Node::ZXYr, "ZXYr" },
{ Node::XZYr, "XZYr" },
{ Node::YXZr, "YXZr" },
{ Node::ZYXr, "ZYXr" },
{ 0, nullptr }
EnumNameMap *EnumParseMap<Node::RotationOrder>::get()
return g_nodeRotationOrderMap;
static EnumNameMap g_nodeOrientationMap[] = {
{ Node::LeftHanded, "Left Handed" },
{ Node::RightHanded, "Right Handed" },
{ 0, nullptr }
EnumNameMap *EnumParseMap<Node::Orientation>::get()
return g_nodeOrientationMap;
static EnumNameMap g_slidePlayModeMap[] = {
{ Slide::StopAtEnd, "Stop at end" },
{ Slide::Looping, "Looping" },
{ Slide::PingPong, "PingPong" },
{ Slide::Ping, "Ping" },
{ Slide::PlayThroughTo, "Play Through To..." },
{ 0, nullptr }
EnumNameMap *EnumParseMap<Slide::PlayMode>::get()
return g_slidePlayModeMap;
static EnumNameMap g_slideInitialPlayStateMap[] = {
{ Slide::Play, "Play" },
{ Slide::Pause, "Pause" },
{ 0, nullptr }
EnumNameMap *EnumParseMap<Slide::InitialPlayState>::get()
return g_slideInitialPlayStateMap;
static EnumNameMap g_slidePlayThroughMap[] = {
{ Slide::Next, "Next" },
{ Slide::Previous, "Previous" },
{ 0, nullptr }
EnumNameMap *EnumParseMap<Slide::PlayThrough>::get()
return g_slidePlayThroughMap;
static EnumNameMap g_animationTrackAnimationType[] = {
{ AnimationTrack::NoAnimation, "None" },
{ AnimationTrack::NoAnimation, "" },
{ AnimationTrack::NoAnimation, "NoAnimation" },
{ AnimationTrack::Linear, "Linear" },
{ AnimationTrack::EaseInOut, "EaseInOut" },
{ AnimationTrack::Bezier, "Bezier" },
{ 0, nullptr }
EnumNameMap *EnumParseMap<AnimationTrack::AnimationType>::get()
return g_animationTrackAnimationType;
static EnumNameMap g_layerNodeProgressiveAA[] = {
{ LayerNode::NoPAA, "None" },
{ LayerNode::NoPAA, "" },
{ LayerNode::PAA2x, "2x" },
{ LayerNode::PAA4x, "4x" },
{ LayerNode::PAA8x, "8x" },
{ 0, nullptr }
EnumNameMap *EnumParseMap<LayerNode::ProgressiveAA>::get()
return g_layerNodeProgressiveAA;
static EnumNameMap g_layerNodeMultisampleAA[] = {
{ LayerNode::NoMSAA, "None" },
{ LayerNode::NoMSAA, "" },
{ LayerNode::MSAA2x, "2x" },
{ LayerNode::MSAA4x, "4x" },
{ LayerNode::SSAA, "SSAA" },
{ 0, nullptr }
EnumNameMap *EnumParseMap<LayerNode::MultisampleAA>::get()
return g_layerNodeMultisampleAA;
static EnumNameMap g_layerNodeLayerBackground[] = {
{ LayerNode::Transparent, "Transparent" },
{ LayerNode::SolidColor, "SolidColor" },
{ LayerNode::Unspecified, "Unspecified" },
{ 0, nullptr }
EnumNameMap *EnumParseMap<LayerNode::LayerBackground>::get()
return g_layerNodeLayerBackground;
static EnumNameMap g_layerNodeBlendType[] = {
{ LayerNode::Normal, "Normal" },
{ LayerNode::Screen, "Screen" },
{ LayerNode::Multiply, "Multiply" },
{ LayerNode::Add, "Add" },
{ LayerNode::Subtract, "Subtract" },
{ LayerNode::Overlay, "*Overlay" },
{ LayerNode::ColorBurn, "*ColorBurn" },
{ LayerNode::ColorDodge, "*ColorDodge" },
{ 0, nullptr }
EnumNameMap *EnumParseMap<LayerNode::BlendType>::get()
return g_layerNodeBlendType;
static EnumNameMap g_LayerNodehorzfields[] = {
{ LayerNode::LeftWidth, "Left/Width" },
{ LayerNode::LeftRight, "Left/Right" },
{ LayerNode::WidthRight, "Width/Right" },
{ 0, nullptr }
EnumNameMap *EnumParseMap<LayerNode::HorizontalFields>::get()
return g_LayerNodehorzfields;
static EnumNameMap g_LayerNodeUnits[] = {
{ LayerNode::Percent, "percent" },
{ LayerNode::Pixels, "pixels" },
{ 0, nullptr }
EnumNameMap *EnumParseMap<LayerNode::Units>::get()
return g_LayerNodeUnits;
static EnumNameMap g_LayerNodevertfields[] = {
{ LayerNode::TopHeight, "Top/Height" },
{ LayerNode::TopBottom, "Top/Bottom" },
{ LayerNode::HeightBottom, "Height/Bottom" },
{ 0, nullptr }
EnumNameMap *EnumParseMap<LayerNode::VerticalFields>::get()
return g_LayerNodevertfields;
static EnumNameMap g_Imagemappingmode[] = {
{ Image::UVMapping, "UV Mapping" },
{ Image::EnvironmentalMapping, "Environmental Mapping" },
{ Image::LightProbe, "Light Probe" },
{ Image::IBLOverride, "IBL Override" },
{ 0, nullptr }
EnumNameMap *EnumParseMap<Image::MappingMode>::get()
return g_Imagemappingmode;
static EnumNameMap g_Imagetilingmode[] = {
{ Image::Tiled, "Tiled" },
{ Image::Mirrored, "Mirrored" },
{ Image::NoTiling, "No Tiling" },
{ 0, nullptr }
EnumNameMap *EnumParseMap<Image::TilingMode>::get()
return g_Imagetilingmode;
static EnumNameMap g_ModelNodetessellation[] = {
{ ModelNode::None, "None" },
{ ModelNode::Linear, "Linear" },
{ ModelNode::Phong, "Phong" },
{ ModelNode::NPatch, "NPatch" },
{ 0, nullptr }
EnumNameMap *EnumParseMap<ModelNode::Tessellation>::get()
return g_ModelNodetessellation;
#if 0 // TODO: QTBUG-81016
static EnumNameMap g_CameraNodescalemode[] = {
{ CameraNode::SameSize, "Same Size" },
{ CameraNode::Fit, "Fit" },
{ CameraNode::FitHorizontal, "Fit Horizontal" },
{ CameraNode::FitVertical, "Fit Vertical" },
{ 0, nullptr }
EnumNameMap *EnumParseMap<CameraNode::ScaleMode>::get()
return g_CameraNodescalemode;
static EnumNameMap g_CameraNodescaleanchor[] = {
{ CameraNode::Center, "Center" },
{ CameraNode::N, "N" },
{ CameraNode::NE, "NE" },
{ CameraNode::E, "E" },
{ CameraNode::SE, "SE" },
{ CameraNode::S, "S" },
{ CameraNode::SW, "SW" },
{ CameraNode::W, "W" },
{ CameraNode::NW, "NW" },
{ 0, nullptr }
EnumNameMap *EnumParseMap<CameraNode::ScaleAnchor>::get()
return g_CameraNodescaleanchor;
static EnumNameMap g_LightNodelighttype[] = {
{ LightNode::Directional, "Directional" },
{ LightNode::Point, "Point" },
{ LightNode::Area, "Area" },
{ 0, nullptr }
EnumNameMap *EnumParseMap<LightNode::LightType>::get()
return g_LightNodelighttype;
static EnumNameMap g_MaterialNodeshaderlighting[] = {
{ DefaultMaterial::PixelShaderLighting, "Pixel" },
{ DefaultMaterial::NoShaderLighting, "None" },
{ 0, nullptr }
EnumNameMap *EnumParseMap<DefaultMaterial::ShaderLighting>::get()
return g_MaterialNodeshaderlighting;
static EnumNameMap g_MaterialNodeblendmode[] = {
{ DefaultMaterial::Normal, "Normal" },
{ DefaultMaterial::Screen, "Screen" },
{ DefaultMaterial::Multiply, "Multiply" },
{ DefaultMaterial::Overlay, "*Overlay" },
{ DefaultMaterial::ColorBurn, "*ColorBurn" },
{ DefaultMaterial::ColorDodge, "*ColorDodge" },
{ 0, nullptr }
EnumNameMap *EnumParseMap<DefaultMaterial::BlendMode>::get()
return g_MaterialNodeblendmode;
static EnumNameMap g_MaterialNodespecularmodel[] = {
{ DefaultMaterial::DefaultSpecularModel, "Default" },
{ DefaultMaterial::KGGX, "KGGX" },
{ DefaultMaterial::KWard, "KWard" },
{ 0, nullptr }
EnumNameMap *EnumParseMap<DefaultMaterial::SpecularModel>::get()
return g_MaterialNodespecularmodel;
static EnumNameMap g_TextNodehorzalign[] = {
{ TextNode::Left, "Left" },
{ TextNode::Center, "Center" },
{ TextNode::Right, "Right" },
{ 0, nullptr }
EnumNameMap *EnumParseMap<TextNode::HorizontalAlignment>::get()
return g_TextNodehorzalign;
static EnumNameMap g_TextNodevertalign[] = {
{ TextNode::Top, "Top" },
{ TextNode::Middle, "Middle" },
{ TextNode::Bottom, "Bottom" },
{ 0, nullptr }
EnumNameMap *EnumParseMap<TextNode::VerticalAlignment>::get()
return g_TextNodevertalign;
static EnumNameMap g_TextNodewordwrap[] = {
{ TextNode::Clip, "Clip" },
{ TextNode::WrapWord, "WrapWord" },
{ TextNode::WrapAnywhere, "WrapAnywhere" },
{ 0, nullptr }
EnumNameMap *EnumParseMap<TextNode::WordWrap>::get()
return g_TextNodewordwrap;
static EnumNameMap g_TextNodeelide[] = {
{ TextNode::ElideNone, "ElideNone" },
{ TextNode::ElideLeft, "ElideLeft" },
{ TextNode::ElideMiddle, "ElideMiddle" },
{ TextNode::ElideRight, "ElideRight" },
{ 0, nullptr }
EnumNameMap *EnumParseMap<TextNode::Elide>::get()
return g_TextNodeelide;