blob: 1aa7c758b77392a21fedd6855d3f20dd938bc393 [file] [log] [blame]
** Copyright (C) 2019 The Qt Company Ltd.
** Contact:
** This file is part of Qt Quick 3D.
** Commercial License Usage
** Licensees holding valid commercial Qt licenses may use this file in
** accordance with the commercial license agreement provided with the
** Software or, alternatively, in accordance with the terms contained in
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** GNU General Public License Usage
** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU
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** be met:
#include "keyframegroupgenerator.h"
#include <QtQuick3DAssetImport/private/qssgqmlutilities_p.h>
#include "propertymap.h"
// QTextStream functions are moved to a namespace in Qt6
using Qt::endl;
KeyframeGroupGenerator::KeyframeGroupGenerator(float fps)
: m_fps(fps)
for (auto keyframeGroupMap : m_targetKeyframeMap.values())
for (auto keyframeGroup : keyframeGroupMap.values())
delete keyframeGroup;
void KeyframeGroupGenerator::addAnimation(const AnimationTrack &animation)
auto keyframeGroupMap = m_targetKeyframeMap.find(animation.m_target);
QStringList propertyParts = animation.m_property.split(".");
auto propertyType = KeyframeGroup::getPropertyValueType(animation.m_target->type(),
QString property = propertyType == KeyframeGroup::KeyFrame::Unhandled
? : animation.m_property;
QString field = QStringLiteral("x");
if (propertyParts.count() > 1)
field = propertyParts.last();
if (keyframeGroupMap != m_targetKeyframeMap.end()) {
// Check if the property name already exists in the keyframes
auto keyframeGroup = keyframeGroupMap.value().find(property);
if (keyframeGroup != keyframeGroupMap.value().end()) {
auto keyframeGroupInstance = keyframeGroup.value();
// verify the keyframe lists are the same size
if (keyframeGroupInstance->keyframes.count() == animation.m_keyFrames.count()) {
for (int i = 0; i < keyframeGroupInstance->keyframes.count(); ++i)
keyframeGroupInstance->keyframes[i]->setValue(animation.m_keyFrames[i].value, field);
} else {
qWarning() << "Keyframe lists are not the same size, bad things are going to happen";
} else {
// if not then add a new property
new KeyframeGroup(animation, property, field, m_fps));
} else {
// Add a new KeyframeGroupMap
auto keyframeGroupMap = KeyframeGroupMap();
keyframeGroupMap.insert(property, new KeyframeGroup(animation, property, field, m_fps));
m_targetKeyframeMap.insert(animation.m_target, keyframeGroupMap);
void KeyframeGroupGenerator::generateKeyframeGroups(QTextStream &output, int tabLevel)
for (auto groupMaps : m_targetKeyframeMap.values())
for (auto keyframeGroup : groupMaps.values())
keyframeGroup->generateKeyframeGroupQml(output, tabLevel);
KeyframeGroupGenerator::KeyframeGroup::KeyFrame::KeyFrame(const AnimationTrack::KeyFrame &keyframe,
ValueType type, const QString &field,
float fps)
valueType = type;
frame = qRound(keyframe.time * fps);
setValue(keyframe.value, field);
c2time = keyframe.c2time;
c2value = keyframe.c2value;
c1time = keyframe.c1time;
c1value = keyframe.c1value;
void KeyframeGroupGenerator::KeyframeGroup::KeyFrame::setValue(float newValue, const QString &field)
if (valueType == ValueType::Float)
else if (field == QStringLiteral("x"))
else if (field == QStringLiteral("y"))
else if (field == QStringLiteral("z"))
else if (field == QStringLiteral("w"))
QString KeyframeGroupGenerator::KeyframeGroup::KeyFrame::valueToString() const
if (valueType == ValueType::Float)
return QString::number(double(value.x()));
if (valueType == ValueType::Vector2D) {
return QString(QStringLiteral("Qt.vector2d(") + QString::number(double(value.x())) +
QStringLiteral(", ") + QString::number(double(value.y())) +
if (valueType == ValueType::Vector3D) {
return QString(QStringLiteral("Qt.vector3d(") + QString::number(double(value.x())) +
QStringLiteral(", ") + QString::number(double(value.y())) +
QStringLiteral(", ") + QString::number(double(value.z())) +
if (valueType == ValueType::Vector4D) {
return QString(QStringLiteral("Qt.vector4d(") + QString::number(double(value.x())) +
QStringLiteral(", ") + QString::number(double(value.y())) +
QStringLiteral(", ") + QString::number(double(value.z())) +
QStringLiteral(", ") + QString::number(double(value.w())) +
if (valueType == ValueType::Color) {
return QLatin1Char('\"')
+ QColor::fromRgbF(double(value.x()), double(value.y()),
double(value.z()), double(value.w())).name(QColor::HexArgb)
+ QLatin1Char('\"');
return QString();
KeyframeGroupGenerator::KeyframeGroup::KeyframeGroup(const AnimationTrack &animation,
const QString &p, const QString &field,
float fps)
type = KeyframeGroup::AnimationType(animation.m_type);
target = animation.m_target;
property = getQmlPropertyName(p); // convert to qml property
isDynamic = animation.m_dynamic;
for (const auto &keyframe : animation.m_keyFrames) {
keyframes.append(new KeyFrame(keyframe, getPropertyValueType(target->type(), p),
field, fps));
for (auto keyframe : keyframes)
delete keyframe;
void KeyframeGroupGenerator::KeyframeGroup::generateKeyframeGroupQml(QTextStream &output,
int tabLevel) const
output << endl;
output << QSSGQmlUtilities::insertTabs(tabLevel) << QStringLiteral("KeyframeGroup {") << endl;
output << QSSGQmlUtilities::insertTabs(tabLevel + 1) << QStringLiteral("target: ")
<< target->qmlId() << endl;
output << QSSGQmlUtilities::insertTabs(tabLevel + 1) << QStringLiteral("property: ")
<< QStringLiteral("\"") << property << QStringLiteral("\"") << endl;
for (auto keyframe : keyframes) {
output << QSSGQmlUtilities::insertTabs(tabLevel + 1) << QStringLiteral("Keyframe {") << endl;
output << QSSGQmlUtilities::insertTabs(tabLevel + 2) << QStringLiteral("frame: ")
<< keyframe->frame << endl;
// special handling just for opacity value
if (property == QLatin1String("opacity")) {
output << QSSGQmlUtilities::insertTabs(tabLevel + 2) << QStringLiteral("value: ")
<< QString::number(double(keyframe->value.x()) * 0.01) << endl;
} else {
output << QSSGQmlUtilities::insertTabs(tabLevel + 2) << QStringLiteral("value: ")
<< keyframe->valueToString() << endl;
// ### Only linear supported at the moment, add support for EaseInOut and Bezier
output << QSSGQmlUtilities::insertTabs(tabLevel + 1) << QStringLiteral("}") << endl;
output << QSSGQmlUtilities::insertTabs(tabLevel) << QStringLiteral("}") << endl;
KeyframeGroupGenerator::KeyframeGroup::getPropertyValueType(GraphObject::Type type,
const QString &propertyName)
PropertyMap *propertyMap = PropertyMap::instance();
const auto properties = propertyMap->propertiesForType(type);
if (properties->contains(propertyName)) {
switch (properties->value(propertyName).type) {
case Q3DS::PropertyType::FloatRange:
case Q3DS::PropertyType::LongRange:
case Q3DS::PropertyType::Float:
case Q3DS::PropertyType::Long:
case Q3DS::PropertyType::FontSize:
return KeyFrame::ValueType::Float;
case Q3DS::PropertyType::Float2:
return KeyFrame::ValueType::Vector2D;
case Q3DS::PropertyType::Vector:
case Q3DS::PropertyType::Scale:
case Q3DS::PropertyType::Rotation:
return KeyFrame::ValueType::Vector3D;
case Q3DS::PropertyType::Color:
return KeyFrame::ValueType::Color;
return KeyFrame::ValueType::Unhandled;
return KeyFrame::ValueType::Unhandled;
QString KeyframeGroupGenerator::KeyframeGroup::getQmlPropertyName(const QString &propertyName)
PropertyMap *propertyMap = PropertyMap::instance();
const auto properties = propertyMap->propertiesForType(target->type());
if (properties->contains(propertyName)) {
return properties->value(propertyName).name;
return propertyName;