blob: 509ce4e45b6bedc576235020c2766aa8bd0cbcc4 [file] [log] [blame]
** Copyright (C) 2019 The Qt Company Ltd.
** Contact:
** This file is part of Qt Quick 3D.
** Commercial License Usage
** Licensees holding valid commercial Qt licenses may use this file in
** accordance with the commercial license agreement provided with the
** Software or, alternatively, in accordance with the terms contained in
** a written agreement between you and The Qt Company. For licensing terms
** and conditions see For further
** information use the contact form at
** GNU General Public License Usage
** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU
** General Public License version 3 or (at your option) any later version
** approved by the KDE Free Qt Foundation. The licenses are as published by
** the Free Software Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL3
** included in the packaging of this file. Please review the following
** information to ensure the GNU General Public License requirements will
** be met:
#include "uipimporter.h"
#include "uipparser.h"
#include "uiaparser.h"
#include "uippresentation.h"
#include "datamodelparser.h"
#include "keyframegroupgenerator.h"
#include "uniqueidmapper.h"
#include <QtQuick3DAssetImport/private/qssgqmlutilities_p.h>
#include <QBuffer>
#include <QJsonDocument>
#include <QJsonObject>
// QTextStream functions are moved to a namespace in Qt6
using Qt::endl;
QFile optionFile(":/uipimporter/options.json");;
QByteArray options = optionFile.readAll();
auto optionsDocument = QJsonDocument::fromJson(options);
m_options = optionsDocument.object().toVariantMap();
const QString UipImporter::name() const
return QStringLiteral("uip");
const QStringList UipImporter::inputExtensions() const
QStringList extensions;
return extensions;
const QString UipImporter::outputExtension() const
return QStringLiteral(".qml");
const QString UipImporter::type() const
return QStringLiteral("Scene");
const QString UipImporter::typeDescription() const
return QObject::tr("Qt 3D Studio Presentation");
const QVariantMap UipImporter::importOptions() const
return m_options;
namespace {
bool copyRecursively(const QString &sourceFolder, const QString &destFolder)
bool success = false;
QDir sourceDir(sourceFolder);
return false;
QDir destDir(destFolder);
auto files = sourceDir.entryList(QDir::Files);
for (const auto &file : files) {
QString srcName = sourceFolder + QDir::separator() + file;
QString destName = destFolder + QDir::separator() + file;
success = QFile::copy(srcName, destName);
return false;
files = sourceDir.entryList(QDir::AllDirs | QDir::NoDotAndDotDot);
for (const auto &file : files) {
QString srcName = sourceFolder + QDir::separator() + file;
QString destName = destFolder + QDir::separator() + file;
success = copyRecursively(srcName, destName);
return false;
return true;
const QString UipImporter::import(const QString &sourceFile, const QDir &savePath,
const QVariantMap &options, QStringList *generatedFiles)
// Reset UniqueIdMapper cache so different imports do not affect each other's ids
m_sourceFile = sourceFile;
m_exportPath = savePath;
m_options = options;
// Verify sourceFile and savePath
QFileInfo source(sourceFile);
if (!source.exists())
return QStringLiteral("Source File: %s does not exist").arg(sourceFile);
if (!savePath.exists())
return QStringLiteral("Export Directory Invalid");
QString uiaComponentName;
QSize uiaComponentSize;
// If sourceFile is a UIA file
if (sourceFile.endsWith(QStringLiteral(".uia"), Qt::CaseInsensitive)) {
auto uia = m_uiaParser.parse(sourceFile);
uiaComponentName = uia.initialPresentationId;
for (auto presentation : uia.presentations) {
if (presentation.type == UiaParser::Uia::Presentation::Qml) {
m_hasQMLSubPresentations = true;
QFileInfo qmlFile(source.absolutePath() + QDir::separator() + presentation.source);
if (!m_qmlDirs.contains(qmlFile.dir()))
generateQmlComponent(, qmlFile.baseName());
for (auto presentation : uia.presentations) {
if (presentation.type == UiaParser::Uia::Presentation::Uip) {
// UIP
auto uip = m_uipParser.parse(source.absolutePath() + QDir::separator()
+ presentation.source,;
processUipPresentation(uip, savePath.absolutePath() + QDir::separator());
if ( == uiaComponentName)
uiaComponentSize = QSize(uip->presentationWidth(), uip->presentationHeight());
if (m_hasQMLSubPresentations) {
// If there is any QML in the project at all, we have to copy the entire
// qml folder over
for (QDir dir : m_qmlDirs)
copyRecursively(dir.absolutePath(), m_exportPath.absolutePath() + QDir::separator() + QStringLiteral("qml"));
} else if (sourceFile.endsWith(QStringLiteral(".uip"), Qt::CaseInsensitive)) {
auto uip = m_uipParser.parse(sourceFile, QString());
processUipPresentation(uip, savePath.absolutePath() + QDir::separator());
QString errorString;
// Copy any resource files to export directory
for (auto file : m_resourcesList) {
QFileInfo sourceFile(source.absolutePath() + QDir::separator() + file);
if (!sourceFile.exists()) {
// Try again after stripping the parent directory
sourceFile = QFileInfo(source.absolutePath() + QDir::separator() + QSSGQmlUtilities::stripParentDirectory(file));
if (!sourceFile.exists()) {
errorString += QStringLiteral("Resource file does not exist: ") + sourceFile.absoluteFilePath() + QChar('\n');
QFileInfo destFile(savePath.absoluteFilePath(QSSGQmlUtilities::stripParentDirectory(file)));
QDir destDir(destFile.absolutePath());
if (QFile::copy(sourceFile.absoluteFilePath(), destFile.absoluteFilePath()))
m_generatedFiles += destFile.absoluteFilePath();
// Generate UIA Component if we converted a uia
if (m_createProjectWrapper && !uiaComponentName.isEmpty())
generateApplicationComponent(QSSGQmlUtilities::qmlComponentName(uiaComponentName), uiaComponentSize);
if (generatedFiles)
generatedFiles = &m_generatedFiles;
return errorString;
void UipImporter::processNode(GraphObject *object, QTextStream &output, int tabLevel, bool isInRootLevel, bool processSiblings)
GraphObject *obj = object;
while (obj) {
if (obj->type() == GraphObject::Scene) {
// Ignore Scene for now
processNode(obj->firstChild(), output, tabLevel, isInRootLevel);
} else if ( obj->type() == GraphObject::DefaultMaterial &&
obj->qmlId() == QStringLiteral("__Container")) {
// UIP version > 5 which tries to be clever with reference materials
// Instead of parsing these items as normal, instead we iterate the
// materials container and generate new Components for each one and output them
// to the "materials" folder
GraphObject *materialObject = obj->firstChild();
while(materialObject) {
materialObject = materialObject->nextSibling();
} else {
// Output QML
output << endl;
obj->writeQmlHeader(output, tabLevel);
obj->writeQmlProperties(output, tabLevel + 1, isInRootLevel);
if (obj->type() != GraphObject::Component && obj->type() != GraphObject::Layer)
processNode(obj->firstChild(), output, tabLevel + 1, isInRootLevel);
if (obj->type() == GraphObject::Layer) {
// // effects array
// // get all children that are effects, and add their id's to effects: array
// QString effects;
// GraphObject *effectObject = obj->firstChild();
// while (effectObject) {
// if (effectObject->type() == GraphObject::Effect)
// effects += effectObject->qmlId() + QStringLiteral(", ");
// effectObject = effectObject->nextSibling();
// }
// if (!effects.isEmpty()) {
// // remove final ", "
// effects.chop(2);
// output << QSSGQmlUtilities::insertTabs(tabLevel + 1) << QStringLiteral("effects: [") << effects << QStringLiteral("]") << endl;
// }
// Check if layer has a sub-presentation set, in which case we can skip children processing and timeline generation
auto layer = static_cast<LayerNode*>(obj);
if (layer->m_sourcePath.isEmpty()) {
// Process children nodes
processNode(obj->firstChild(), output, tabLevel + 1, isInRootLevel);
// // Generate Animation Timeline
// generateAnimationTimeLine(obj, m_presentation->masterSlide(), output, tabLevel + 1);
// // Generate States from Slides
// generateStatesFromSlides(obj, m_presentation->masterSlide(), output, tabLevel + 1);
} else if (obj->type() == GraphObject::Model) {
// materials array
// get all children that are materials, and add their id's to materials: array
QString materials;
GraphObject *materialObject = obj->firstChild();
while (materialObject) {
if (materialObject->type() == GraphObject::DefaultMaterial ||
materialObject->type() == GraphObject::CustomMaterial ||
materialObject->type() == GraphObject::ReferencedMaterial)
materials += materialObject->qmlId() + QStringLiteral(", ");
materialObject = materialObject->nextSibling();
if (!materials.isEmpty()) {
// remove final ", "
output << QSSGQmlUtilities::insertTabs(tabLevel + 1) << QStringLiteral("materials: [") << materials << QStringLiteral("]") << endl;
} else if (obj->type() == GraphObject::ReferencedMaterial) {
m_referencedMaterials.append(static_cast<ReferencedMaterial *>(obj));
} else if (obj->type() == GraphObject::Alias) {
} else if (obj->type() == GraphObject::Component) {
obj->writeQmlFooter(output, tabLevel);
if (processSiblings)
obj = obj->nextSibling();
void UipImporter::checkForResourceFiles(GraphObject *object)
if (!object)
if (object->type() == GraphObject::Image) {
Image *image = static_cast<Image*>(object);
if (image->m_subPresentation.isEmpty() && !m_resourcesList.contains(image->m_sourcePath))
} else if (object->type() == GraphObject::Model) {
ModelNode *model = static_cast<ModelNode*>(object);
QString meshLocation = model->m_mesh_unresolved;
// Remove trailing # directive
int hashLocation = meshLocation.indexOf("#");
// if mesh source starts with #, it's a primitive, so skip
if (hashLocation == 1)
if (hashLocation != -1) {
meshLocation.chop(meshLocation.length() - hashLocation);
if (!m_resourcesList.contains(meshLocation))
} else if (object->type() == GraphObject::Effect) {
// ### maybe remove #
//EffectInstance *effect = static_cast<EffectInstance*>(object);
//if (!m_resourcesList.contains(effect->m_effect_unresolved))
// m_resourcesList.append(effect->m_effect_unresolved);
} else if (object->type() == GraphObject::CustomMaterial) {
// ### maybe remove #
// CustomMaterialInstance *material = static_cast<CustomMaterialInstance*>(object);
//if (!m_resourcesList.contains(material->m_material_unresolved))
// m_resourcesList.append(material->m_material_unresolved);
void UipImporter::generateMaterialComponent(GraphObject *object)
QDir materialPath = m_exportPath.absolutePath() + QDir::separator() + QStringLiteral("materials");
QString id = object->qmlId();
if (id.startsWith("materials_"))
id = id.remove(QStringLiteral("materials_"));
// Default matterial has two //'s
if (id.startsWith("_"))
id.remove(0, 1);
QString materialComponent = QSSGQmlUtilities::qmlComponentName(id);
QString targetFile = materialPath.absolutePath() + QDir::separator() + materialComponent + QStringLiteral(".qml");
QFile materialComponentFile(targetFile);
if (m_generatedFiles.contains(targetFile)) {
// if we already generated this material
if (! {
qWarning() << "Could not write to file : " << materialComponentFile;
QTextStream output(&materialComponentFile);
output << "import QtQuick3D 1.12" << endl;
if (object->type() == GraphObject::ReferencedMaterial)
output << "import \"./\"" << endl;
processNode(object, output, 0, false, false);
m_generatedFiles += targetFile;
void UipImporter::generateAliasComponent(GraphObject *reference)
// create materials folder
QDir aliasPath = m_exportPath.absolutePath() + QDir::separator() + QStringLiteral("aliases");
QString aliasComponentName = QSSGQmlUtilities::qmlComponentName(reference->qmlId());
QString targetFile = aliasPath.absolutePath() + QDir::separator() + aliasComponentName + QStringLiteral(".qml");
QFile aliasComponentFile(targetFile);
if (m_generatedFiles.contains(targetFile))
if (! {
qWarning() << "Could not write to file: " << aliasComponentFile;
QTextStream output(&aliasComponentFile);
output << "import QtQuick3D 1.12" << endl;
processNode(reference, output, 0, false, false);
m_generatedFiles += targetFile;
namespace {
#if 0
QSet<GraphObject*> getSubtreeItems(GraphObject *node)
QSet<GraphObject *> items;
if (!node)
return items;
std::function<void(GraphObject *, QSet<GraphObject *> &)> treeWalker;
treeWalker = [&treeWalker](GraphObject *obj, QSet<GraphObject *> &items) {
while (obj) {
treeWalker(obj->firstChild(), items);
obj = obj->nextSibling();
treeWalker(node->firstChild(), items);
return items;
void generateTimelineAnimation(Slide *slide, int startFrame, int endFrame, int duration,
bool isRunning, QTextStream &output, int tabLevel,
const QString &componentName)
QString looping = QStringLiteral("1");
QString pingPong = QStringLiteral("false");
if (slide->m_playMode == Slide::Looping) {
looping = QStringLiteral("-1");
} else if (slide->m_playMode == Slide::PingPong) {
looping = QStringLiteral("-1");
pingPong = QStringLiteral("true");
output << QSSGQmlUtilities::insertTabs(tabLevel) << QStringLiteral("TimelineAnimation {")
<< endl;
output << QSSGQmlUtilities::insertTabs(tabLevel + 1) << QStringLiteral("id: ")
<< QSSGQmlUtilities::sanitizeQmlId(slide->m_name + QStringLiteral("TimelineAnimation"))
<< endl;
output << QSSGQmlUtilities::insertTabs(tabLevel + 1) << QStringLiteral("duration: ")
<< duration << endl;
output << QSSGQmlUtilities::insertTabs(tabLevel + 1) << QStringLiteral("from: ")
<< startFrame << endl;
output << QSSGQmlUtilities::insertTabs(tabLevel + 1) << QStringLiteral("to: ")
<< endFrame << endl;
output << QSSGQmlUtilities::insertTabs(tabLevel + 1) << QStringLiteral("running: " )
<< (isRunning ? QStringLiteral("true") : QStringLiteral("false")) << endl;
output << QSSGQmlUtilities::insertTabs(tabLevel + 1) << QStringLiteral("loops: ")
<< looping << endl;
output << QSSGQmlUtilities::insertTabs(tabLevel + 1) << QStringLiteral("pingPong: ")
<< pingPong << endl;
if (slide->m_playMode == Slide::PlayThroughTo) {
// when the animation is done playing, change to the state defined by PlayThrough
// onFinished: item1.state = "firsthalf"
QString slideName;
if (slide->m_playThrough == Slide::Next) {
if (slide->nextSibling())
slideName = slide->nextSibling()->m_name;
} else if (slide->m_playThrough == Slide::Previous) {
if (slide->nextSibling())
slideName = slide->previousSibling()->m_name;
} else {
// value
if (slide->m_playThroughValue.type() == QVariant::String) {
slideName = slide->m_playThroughValue.toString();
} else {
int slideIndex = slide->m_playThroughValue.toInt();
Slide *newSlide = static_cast<Slide*>(slide->parent()->childAtIndex(slideIndex));
slideName = newSlide->m_name;
if (!slideName.isEmpty()) {
output << QSSGQmlUtilities::insertTabs(tabLevel + 1) << QStringLiteral("onFinished: ")
<< componentName << QStringLiteral(".state = \"") << slideName
<< QStringLiteral("\"") << endl;
output << QSSGQmlUtilities::insertTabs(tabLevel) << QStringLiteral("}");
QVector<AnimationTrack> combineAnimationTracks(const QVector<AnimationTrack> &master, const QVector<AnimationTrack> &slide) {
// We can't have animations that target the same object and property,
// so slides overwrite master animations
QVector<AnimationTrack> animations;
for (auto masterAnimation : master) {
bool skip = false;
for (auto slideAnimation : slide) {
if (masterAnimation.m_target == slideAnimation.m_target &&
masterAnimation.m_property == slideAnimation.m_property) {
skip = true;
if (!skip)
return animations;
void calculateStartAndEndFrames(Slide *currentSlide, UipPresentation *presentation,
ComponentNode *component, float fps, int &startFrame,
int &endFrame, int &duration) {
GraphObject *object = nullptr;
if (presentation) {
object = presentation->scene()->firstChild();
} else {
const auto &changeList = currentSlide->propertyChanges();
for (auto it = changeList.cbegin(), ite = changeList.cend(); it != ite; ++it) {
object = component->firstChild();
float startTime = std::numeric_limits<float>::max();
float endTime = std::numeric_limits<float>::min();
while (object) {
startTime = qMin(object->startTime(), startTime);
endTime = qMax(object->endTime(), endTime);
object = object->nextSibling();
startFrame = qRound(startTime * fps);
endFrame = qRound(endTime * fps);
duration = qRound((endTime - startTime) * 1000.f);
void UipImporter::generateAnimationTimeLine(QTextStream &output, int tabLevel, UipPresentation *presentation, ComponentNode *component)
// Either presentation or component should be valid
Slide *masterSlide;
QString componentName;
if (presentation) {
masterSlide = presentation->masterSlide();
componentName = presentation->name();
} else if (component) {
masterSlide = component->m_masterSlide;
componentName = component->qmlId();
} else {
qDebug("something went wrong");
// Generate a 1 Timeline and 1 TimelineAnimation for each slide
// Each combines the master slide and current slide
// For each slide, create a TimelineAnimation
auto slide = static_cast<Slide*>(masterSlide->firstChild());
while (slide) {
int startFrame = 0;
int endFrame = 0;
int duration = 0;
calculateStartAndEndFrames(slide, presentation, component, m_fps,
startFrame, endFrame, duration);
output << endl;
output << QSSGQmlUtilities::insertTabs(tabLevel) << QStringLiteral("Timeline {") << endl;
output << QSSGQmlUtilities::insertTabs(tabLevel + 1) << QStringLiteral("id: ")
<< QSSGQmlUtilities::sanitizeQmlId(slide->m_name + QStringLiteral("Timeline"))
<< endl;
output << QSSGQmlUtilities::insertTabs(tabLevel + 1) << QStringLiteral("startFrame: ")
<< startFrame << endl;
output << QSSGQmlUtilities::insertTabs(tabLevel + 1) << QStringLiteral("endFrame: ")
<< endFrame << endl;
output << QSSGQmlUtilities::insertTabs(tabLevel + 1) << QStringLiteral("currentFrame: ")
<< startFrame << endl;
output << QSSGQmlUtilities::insertTabs(tabLevel + 1) << QStringLiteral("enabled: false")
<< endl;
output << QSSGQmlUtilities::insertTabs(tabLevel + 1) << QStringLiteral("animations: [")
<< endl;
generateTimelineAnimation(slide, startFrame, endFrame, duration, false, output,
tabLevel + 2, componentName);
output << endl;
output << QSSGQmlUtilities::insertTabs(tabLevel + 1) << QStringLiteral("]") << endl;
// Keyframe groups for master + current slide
// Get a list off all animations for the master and first slide
const auto animations = combineAnimationTracks(masterSlide->animations(),
// Create a list of KeyframeGroups
KeyframeGroupGenerator generator(m_fps);
for (auto animation : animations)
generator.generateKeyframeGroups(output, tabLevel + 1);
output << QSSGQmlUtilities::insertTabs(tabLevel) << QStringLiteral("}") << endl;
slide = static_cast<Slide*>(slide->nextSibling());
void UipImporter::generateStatesFromSlides(Slide *masterSlide, QTextStream &output, int tabLevel)
output << endl;
output << QSSGQmlUtilities::insertTabs(tabLevel) << QStringLiteral("states: [") << endl;
auto slide = static_cast<Slide*>(masterSlide->firstChild());
bool isFirst = true;
QString firstStateName;
while (slide) {
if (isFirst) {
isFirst = false;
firstStateName = slide->m_name;
} else {
output << QStringLiteral(",") << endl;
output << QSSGQmlUtilities::insertTabs(tabLevel+1) << QStringLiteral("State {") << endl;
output << QSSGQmlUtilities::insertTabs(tabLevel+2) << QStringLiteral("name: \"") << slide->m_name << QStringLiteral("\"") << endl;
// Add property changes here
// First enable the Timeline for this state
output << QSSGQmlUtilities::insertTabs(tabLevel+2) << QStringLiteral("PropertyChanges {") << endl;
output << QSSGQmlUtilities::insertTabs(tabLevel+3) << QStringLiteral("target: ") << QSSGQmlUtilities::sanitizeQmlId(slide->m_name + QStringLiteral("Timeline")) << endl;
output << QSSGQmlUtilities::insertTabs(tabLevel+3) << QStringLiteral("enabled: true") << endl;
output << QSSGQmlUtilities::insertTabs(tabLevel+3) << QStringLiteral("currentFrame: 0") << endl;
output << QSSGQmlUtilities::insertTabs(tabLevel+2) << QStringLiteral("}") << endl;
output << QSSGQmlUtilities::insertTabs(tabLevel+2) << QStringLiteral("PropertyChanges {") << endl;
output << QSSGQmlUtilities::insertTabs(tabLevel+3) << QStringLiteral("target: ") << QSSGQmlUtilities::sanitizeQmlId(slide->m_name + QStringLiteral("TimelineAnimation")) << endl;
output << QSSGQmlUtilities::insertTabs(tabLevel+3) << QStringLiteral("running: true") << endl;
output << QSSGQmlUtilities::insertTabs(tabLevel+2) << QStringLiteral("}") << endl;
// Now all other properties changed by the slide
auto changeList = slide->propertyChanges();
for (auto it = changeList.cbegin(), ite = changeList.cend(); it != ite; ++it) {
// First see if there are any property changes we actually care about
QBuffer propertyChangesBuffer;;
QTextStream propertyChangesOutput(&propertyChangesBuffer);
// output each of the properties changed
it.key()->writeQmlProperties(*it.value(), propertyChangesOutput, tabLevel + 3);
if (! {
output << QSSGQmlUtilities::insertTabs(tabLevel+2) << QStringLiteral("PropertyChanges {") << endl;
output << QSSGQmlUtilities::insertTabs(tabLevel+3) << QStringLiteral("target: ") << it.key()->qmlId() << endl;
output <<;
output << QSSGQmlUtilities::insertTabs(tabLevel+2) << QStringLiteral("}") << endl;
output << QSSGQmlUtilities::insertTabs(tabLevel+1) << QStringLiteral("}");
slide = static_cast<Slide*>(slide->nextSibling());
output << endl;
output << QSSGQmlUtilities::insertTabs(tabLevel) << QStringLiteral("]") << endl;
// Set the initial state (works correctly even when empty)
output << QSSGQmlUtilities::insertTabs(tabLevel) << QStringLiteral("state: \"") << firstStateName << QStringLiteral("\"") << endl;
void UipImporter::generateComponent(GraphObject *component)
QDir componentPath = m_exportPath.absolutePath() + QDir::separator() + QStringLiteral("components");
QString componentName = QSSGQmlUtilities::qmlComponentName(component->qmlId());
QString targetFileName = componentPath.absolutePath() + QDir::separator() + componentName + QStringLiteral(".qml");
QFile componentFile(targetFileName);
if (! {
qWarning() << "Could not write to file: " << componentFile;
QTextStream output(&componentFile);
output << QStringLiteral("Node {") << endl;
component->writeQmlProperties(output, 1);
processNode(component->firstChild(), output, 1, false);
// Generate Animation Timeline
auto componentNode = static_cast<ComponentNode*>(component);
generateAnimationTimeLine(output, 1, nullptr, componentNode);
// Generate States from Slides
generateStatesFromSlides(componentNode->m_masterSlide, output, 1);
// Footer
component->writeQmlFooter(output, 0);
m_generatedFiles += targetFileName;
void UipImporter::writeHeader(QTextStream &output, bool isRootLevel)
output << "import QtQuick3D 1.12" << endl;
output << "import QtQuick 2.12" << endl;
output << "import QtQuick.Timeline 1.0" << endl;
QString relativePath = isRootLevel ? "./" : "../";
if (m_referencedMaterials.count() > 0)
output << "import \"" << relativePath << "materials\"" << endl;
if (m_aliasNodes.count() > 0)
output << "import \"" << relativePath << "aliases\"" << endl;
if (m_componentNodes.count() > 0 || m_qmlDirs.count() > 0)
output << "import \"" << relativePath << "components\"" << endl;
output << endl;
void UipImporter::generateApplicationComponent(const QString &initialPresentationComponent, const QSize &size)
// Create File
QString targetFileName = m_exportPath.absolutePath() + QDir::separator() + initialPresentationComponent + QStringLiteral("Window.qml");
QFile applicationComponentFile(targetFileName);
if (! {
qDebug() << "couldn't open " << targetFileName << " for writing";
QTextStream output(&applicationComponentFile);
// Header
output << "import QtQuick 2.12" << endl;
output << "import QtQuick.Window 2.12" << endl;
output << endl;
// Window
output << "Window {" << endl;
output << QSSGQmlUtilities::insertTabs(1) << "width: " << size.width() << endl;
output << QSSGQmlUtilities::insertTabs(1) << "height: " << size.height() << endl;
output << QSSGQmlUtilities::insertTabs(1) << "title: " << "\"" << initialPresentationComponent << "\"" << endl;
output << QSSGQmlUtilities::insertTabs(1) << "visible: true" << endl;
output << endl;
// Component
output << QSSGQmlUtilities::insertTabs(1) << initialPresentationComponent << " {" << endl;
output << QSSGQmlUtilities::insertTabs(2) << "anchors.fill: parent" << endl;
output << QSSGQmlUtilities::insertTabs(1) << "}" << endl;
output << "}" << endl;
m_generatedFiles += targetFileName;
void UipImporter::generateQmlComponent(const QString componentName, const QString componentSource)
QDir componentPath = m_exportPath.absolutePath() + QDir::separator() + QStringLiteral("components");
// Basically creates an alias component to a QML one
QString qmlComponentName = QSSGQmlUtilities::qmlComponentName(componentName);
QString targetFileName = componentPath.absolutePath() + QDir::separator() + qmlComponentName + QStringLiteral(".qml");
QFile componentFile(targetFileName);
if (! {
qWarning() << "Could not write to file: " << componentFile;
QTextStream output(&componentFile);
output << "import QtQuick 2.12" << endl;
output << "import \"../qml\"" << endl << endl;
output << componentSource << QStringLiteral(" { }");
void UipImporter::processOptions(const QVariantMap &options)
// Setup import settings based given options
// You can either pass the whole options object, or just the "options" object
// so get the right scope.
QJsonObject optionsObject = QJsonObject::fromVariantMap(options);
if (optionsObject.contains(QStringLiteral("options")))
optionsObject = optionsObject.value(QStringLiteral("options")).toObject();
if (optionsObject.isEmpty())
// parse the options list for values
m_createProjectWrapper = checkBooleanOption(QStringLiteral("createProjectWrapper"),
m_createIndividualLayers = checkBooleanOption(QStringLiteral("createIndividualLayers"),
m_fps = float(getRealOption(QStringLiteral("framesPerSecond"), optionsObject));
bool UipImporter::checkBooleanOption(const QString &optionName, const QJsonObject &options)
if (!options.contains(optionName))
return false;
QJsonObject option = options.value(optionName).toObject();
return option.value(QStringLiteral("value")).toBool();
double UipImporter::getRealOption(const QString &optionName, const QJsonObject &options)
if (!options.contains(optionName))
return false;
QJsonObject option = options.value(optionName).toObject();
return option.value(QStringLiteral("value")).toDouble();
QString UipImporter::processUipPresentation(UipPresentation *presentation, const QString &ouputFilePath)
m_presentation = presentation;
// Apply the properties of the first slide before running generator
// Slide *firstSlide = static_cast<Slide*>(presentation->masterSlide()->firstChild());
// if (firstSlide)
// presentation->applySlidePropertyChanges(firstSlide);
QString errorString;
// create one component per layer
GraphObject *layer = presentation->scene()->lastChild();
QHash<QString, QBuffer *> layerComponentsMap;
while (layer) {
if (layer->type() == GraphObject::Layer) {
// Create qml component from .uip presentation
QString targetFile = ouputFilePath + QSSGQmlUtilities::qmlComponentName(presentation->name()) + QSSGQmlUtilities::qmlComponentName(layer->qmlId());
QBuffer *qmlBuffer = new QBuffer();
QTextStream output(qmlBuffer);
processNode(layer, output, 0, true, false);
layerComponentsMap.insert(targetFile, qmlBuffer);
} else if ( layer->type() == GraphObject::DefaultMaterial &&
layer->qmlId() == QStringLiteral("__Container")) {
// UIP version > 5 which tries to be clever with reference materials
// Instead of parsing these items as normal, instead we iterate the
// materials container and generate new Components for each one and output them
// to the "materials" folder
GraphObject *object = layer->firstChild();
while (object) {
object = object->nextSibling();
layer = layer->previousSibling();
// create aliases folder
if (m_referencedMaterials.count() > 0) {
if (m_aliasNodes.count() > 0) {
if(m_componentNodes.count() > 0) {
// Generate Alias, Components, and ReferenceMaterials (2nd pass)
// Use iterators because generateComponent can contain additional nested components
QVector<ComponentNode *>::iterator componentIterator;
for (componentIterator = m_componentNodes.begin(); componentIterator != m_componentNodes.end(); ++componentIterator)
for (auto material : m_referencedMaterials) {
QString id = material->m_referencedMaterial_unresolved;
if (id.startsWith("#"))
id.remove(0, 1);
auto obj = presentation->object(UniqueIdMapper::instance()->queryId(id.toUtf8()));
if (!obj) {
qWarning("Couldn't find object with id: %s", qPrintable(id));
for (auto alias : m_aliasNodes) {
QString id = alias->m_referencedNode_unresolved;
if (id.startsWith("#"))
id.remove(0, 1);
// Generate actual files from the buffers we created
if (m_createIndividualLayers) {
// Create a file for each component buffer
for (auto targetName : layerComponentsMap.keys()) {
QString targetFileName = targetName + QStringLiteral(".qml");
QFile targetFile(targetFileName);
if (! {
errorString += QString("Could not write to file: ") + targetFileName;
} else {
QTextStream output(&targetFile);
writeHeader(output, true);
QBuffer *componentBuffer = layerComponentsMap.value(targetName);
output << componentBuffer->readAll();
m_generatedFiles += targetFileName;
QString outputFileName = ouputFilePath
+ QSSGQmlUtilities::qmlComponentName(presentation->name()) + QStringLiteral(".qml");
QFile outputFile(outputFileName);
if (! {
errorString += QString(QStringLiteral("Could not write to file: ") + outputFileName);
} else {
QTextStream output(&outputFile);
// Write header
writeHeader(output, true);
// Window header
if (m_presentation->scene()->m_useClearColor)
output << QStringLiteral("Rectangle {") << endl;
output << QStringLiteral("Item {") << endl;
output << QSSGQmlUtilities::insertTabs(1) << QStringLiteral("id: ")
<< QSSGQmlUtilities::sanitizeQmlId(m_presentation->name()) << endl;
output << QSSGQmlUtilities::insertTabs(1) << QStringLiteral("width: ")
<< m_presentation->presentationWidth()<< endl;
output << QSSGQmlUtilities::insertTabs(1) << QStringLiteral("height: ")
<< m_presentation->presentationHeight() << endl;
if (m_presentation->scene()->m_useClearColor) {
output << QSSGQmlUtilities::insertTabs(1) << QStringLiteral("color: ")
<< QSSGQmlUtilities::colorToQml(m_presentation->scene()->m_clearColor) << endl;
// For each component buffer paste in each line with tablevel +1
if (m_createIndividualLayers) {
const auto layerFiles = layerComponentsMap.keys();
output << endl;
for (const auto &layerFile : layerFiles) {
output << QSSGQmlUtilities::insertTabs(1)
<< QFileInfo(layerFile).baseName() << QStringLiteral(" {}") << endl << endl;
} else {
for (auto buffer : layerComponentsMap) {
while (!buffer->atEnd()) {
QByteArray line = buffer->readLine();
output << QSSGQmlUtilities::insertTabs(1) << line;
// Do States and AnimationTimelines here (same for all layers of the presentation)
// Generate Animation Timeline
generateAnimationTimeLine(output, 1, m_presentation, nullptr);
// Generate States from Slides
generateStatesFromSlides(m_presentation->masterSlide(), output, 1);
// Window footer
output << QStringLiteral("}") << endl;
m_generatedFiles += outputFileName;
// Cleanup
for (auto buffer : layerComponentsMap.values())
delete buffer;
return errorString;