blob: babe4d140f18287f397f761bf7bba0d96688cabc [file] [log] [blame]
** Copyright (C) 2008-2012 NVIDIA Corporation.
** Copyright (C) 2019 The Qt Company Ltd.
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** This file is part of Qt Quick 3D.
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#include <QtQuick3DRender/private/qssgrenderconstantbuffer_p.h>
#include <QtQuick3DRender/private/qssgrendercontext_p.h>
#include <QtQuick3DRender/private/qssgrendershaderprogram_p.h>
#include <QtQuick3DUtils/private/qssgutils_p.h>
uint qHash(const QSSGRenderConstantBuffer::ParamHandle &h, uint seed) Q_DECL_NOTHROW
return (h.key) ? h.key : QT_PREPEND_NAMESPACE(qHash(, seed));
///< struct handling a constant buffer entry
class ConstantBufferParamEntry
QByteArray m_name; ///< parameter Name
QSSGRenderShaderDataType m_type; ///< parameter type
qint32 m_count; ///< one or array size
qint32 m_offset; ///< offset into the memory buffer
ConstantBufferParamEntry(const QByteArray &name, QSSGRenderShaderDataType type, qint32 count, qint32 offset)
: m_name(name), m_type(type), m_count(count), m_offset(offset)
QSSGRenderConstantBuffer::QSSGRenderConstantBuffer(const QSSGRef<QSSGRenderContext> &context,
const QByteArray &bufferName,
QSSGRenderBufferUsageType usageType,
QSSGByteView data)
: QSSGRenderDataBuffer(context, QSSGRenderBufferType::Constant, usageType, data)
, m_name(bufferName)
, m_currentOffset(0)
, m_currentSize(0)
, m_hwBufferInitialized(false)
, m_maxBlockSize(0)
m_backend->getRenderBackendValue(QSSGRenderBackend::QSSGRenderBackendQuery::MaxConstantBufferBlockSize, &m_maxBlockSize);
if (data.size()) {
Q_ASSERT(data.size() < m_maxBlockSize);
memcpy(m_shadowCopy.begin(), data.begin(), size_t(data.size()));
void QSSGRenderConstantBuffer::bind()
if (m_mapped) {
qCCritical(INVALID_OPERATION, "Attempting to Bind a locked buffer");
m_backend->bindBuffer(m_handle, m_type);
void QSSGRenderConstantBuffer::bindToShaderProgram(const QSSGRef<QSSGRenderShaderProgram> &inShader, quint32 blockIndex, quint32 binding)
if ((qint32)binding == -1) {
binding = m_context->nextConstantBufferUnit();
m_backend->programSetConstantBlock(inShader->handle(), blockIndex, binding);
m_backend->programSetConstantBuffer(binding, m_handle);
bool QSSGRenderConstantBuffer::setupBuffer(const QSSGRenderShaderProgram *program, qint32 index, qint32 bufSize, qint32 paramCount)
bool bSuccess = false;
if (!m_hwBufferInitialized) {
// allocate shadow buffer
QByteArray newShadowCopy;
quint8 *newMem = reinterpret_cast<quint8 *>(;
// allocate temp buffers to hold constant buffer information
qint32 *theIndices = nullptr;
QSSGRenderShaderDataType *theTypes = nullptr;
qint32 *theSizes = nullptr;
qint32 *theOffsets = nullptr;
theIndices = static_cast<qint32 *>(::malloc(size_t(paramCount) * sizeof(qint32)));
if (!theIndices)
goto fail;
theTypes = static_cast<QSSGRenderShaderDataType *>(::malloc(size_t(paramCount) * sizeof(QSSGRenderShaderDataType)));
if (!theTypes)
goto fail;
theSizes = static_cast<qint32 *>(::malloc(size_t(paramCount) * sizeof(qint32)));
if (!theSizes)
goto fail;
theOffsets = static_cast<qint32 *>(::malloc(size_t(paramCount) * sizeof(qint32)));
if (!theOffsets)
goto fail;
bSuccess = true;
// get indices for the individal constant buffer entries
m_backend->getConstantBufferParamIndices(program->handle(), index, theIndices);
// get constant buffer uniform information
m_backend->getConstantBufferParamInfoByIndices(program->handle(), paramCount, (quint32 *)theIndices, theTypes, theSizes, theOffsets);
// get the names of the uniforms
char nameBuf[512];
qint32 elementCount, binding;
QSSGRenderShaderDataType type;
for (int idx = 0; idx != paramCount; ++idx) {
m_backend->getConstantInfoByID(program->handle(), theIndices[idx], 512, &elementCount, &type, &binding, nameBuf);
// check if we already have this entry
const QByteArray theName = nameBuf;
ParamHandle h = ParamHandle::create(theName);
auto entry = m_constantBufferEntryMap.constFind(h);
if (entry != m_constantBufferEntryMap.cend()) {
ConstantBufferParamEntry *pParam = entry.value();
// copy content
if (m_shadowCopy.size())
memcpy(newMem + theOffsets[idx],
m_shadowCopy.constData() + entry.value()->m_offset,
entry.value()->m_count * uniformTypeSize(pParam->m_type));
pParam->m_offset = theOffsets[idx];
Q_ASSERT(type == pParam->m_type);
Q_ASSERT(elementCount == pParam->m_count);
} else {
// create one
m_shadowCopy = newShadowCopy;
m_hwBufferInitialized = true;
if (theIndices)
if (theTypes)
if (theSizes)
if (theOffsets)
} else {
// some sanity checks
bSuccess = true;
bSuccess &= (m_shadowCopy.size() <= bufSize);
return bSuccess;
void QSSGRenderConstantBuffer::update()
// we only update the buffer if the buffer is already on hardware
// and if it is dirty
if (m_hwBufferInitialized && (m_rangeStart < m_rangeEnd)) {
if (m_rangeStart == 0 && m_rangeEnd >= quint32(m_shadowCopy.size())) {
m_backend->updateBuffer(m_handle, m_type, m_usageType, toByteView(m_shadowCopy));
} else {
Q_ASSERT(m_rangeStart < m_rangeEnd && m_rangeEnd <= quint32(m_shadowCopy.size()));
QSSGByteView(m_shadowCopy.constBegin() + m_rangeStart, m_rangeEnd - m_rangeStart));
m_rangeStart = std::numeric_limits<quint32>::max();
m_rangeEnd = 0;
void QSSGRenderConstantBuffer::addParam(const ParamHandle &handle, QSSGRenderShaderDataType type, qint32 count)
const auto it = m_constantBufferEntryMap.constFind(handle);
const auto end = m_constantBufferEntryMap.cend();
if (it != end) // no duplicated entries
ConstantBufferParamEntry *newEntry = new ConstantBufferParamEntry(, type, count, m_currentOffset);
m_constantBufferEntryMap.insert(handle, newEntry);
// compute new current buffer size and offset
qint32 constantSize = uniformTypeSize(type) * count;
m_currentSize += constantSize;
m_currentOffset += constantSize;
void QSSGRenderConstantBuffer::updateParam(const ParamHandle &handle, QSSGByteView value)
// allocate space if not done yet
// NOTE this gets reallocated once we get the real constant buffer size from a program
if (!m_shadowCopy.size())
const auto entry = m_constantBufferEntryMap.constFind(handle);
if (entry != m_constantBufferEntryMap.cend()) {
const qint32 size = entry.value()->m_count * uniformTypeSize(entry.value()->m_type);
Q_ASSERT(size == value.size());
if (!memcmp(m_shadowCopy.constBegin() + entry.value()->m_offset, value.begin(), size_t(size)))
memcpy(m_shadowCopy.begin() + entry.value()->m_offset, value.begin(), size_t(size));
setDirty(entry.value()->m_offset, size);
void QSSGRenderConstantBuffer::updateRaw(quint32 offset, QSSGByteView data)
// allocate space if yet done
if (!m_shadowCopy.size()) {
Q_ASSERT(offset == 0);
Q_ASSERT((offset + data.size()) < (quint32)m_maxBlockSize);
// we do not initialize anything when this is used
m_hwBufferInitialized = true;
// we do not allow resize once allocated
if ((offset + data.size()) > quint32(m_shadowCopy.size()))
// copy data
if (!memcmp(m_shadowCopy.constBegin() + offset, data.begin(), data.size())) {
memcpy(m_shadowCopy.begin() + offset, data.begin(), data.size());
setDirty(offset, data.size());
ConstantBufferParamEntry *QSSGRenderConstantBuffer::createParamEntry(const QByteArray &name,
QSSGRenderShaderDataType type,
qint32 count,
qint32 offset)
ConstantBufferParamEntry *newEntry = new ConstantBufferParamEntry(name, type, count, offset);
return newEntry;
qint32 QSSGRenderConstantBuffer::uniformTypeSize(QSSGRenderShaderDataType type)
switch (type) {
case QSSGRenderShaderDataType::Float:
return sizeof(float);
case QSSGRenderShaderDataType::Integer:
return sizeof(qint32);
case QSSGRenderShaderDataType::IntegerVec2:
return sizeof(qint32) * 2;
case QSSGRenderShaderDataType::IntegerVec3:
return sizeof(qint32) * 3;
case QSSGRenderShaderDataType::IntegerVec4:
return sizeof(qint32) * 4;
case QSSGRenderShaderDataType::UnsignedInteger:
return sizeof(quint32);
case QSSGRenderShaderDataType::UnsignedIntegerVec2:
return sizeof(quint32) * 2;
case QSSGRenderShaderDataType::UnsignedIntegerVec3:
return sizeof(quint32) * 3;
case QSSGRenderShaderDataType::UnsignedIntegerVec4:
return sizeof(quint32) * 4;
case QSSGRenderShaderDataType::Vec2:
return sizeof(float) * 2;
case QSSGRenderShaderDataType::Vec3:
return sizeof(float) * 3;
case QSSGRenderShaderDataType::Vec4:
return sizeof(float) * 4;
case QSSGRenderShaderDataType::Matrix3x3:
return sizeof(float) * 9;
case QSSGRenderShaderDataType::Matrix4x4:
return sizeof(float) * 16;
Q_ASSERT_X(0, "Unhandled type", "QSSGRenderConstantBuffer::getUniformTypeSize");
return 0;