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** Copyright (C) 2017 The Qt Company Ltd.
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#include "qquickplatformfiledialog_p.h"
#include <QtCore/qvector.h>
\qmltype FileDialog
\inherits Dialog
//! \instantiates QQuickPlatformFileDialog
\inqmlmodule Qt.labs.platform
\since 5.8
\brief A native file dialog.
The FileDialog type provides a QML API for native platform file dialogs.
\image qtlabsplatform-filedialog-gtk.png
To show a file dialog, construct an instance of FileDialog, set the
desired properties, and call \l {Dialog::}{open()}. The \l currentFile
or \l currentFiles properties can be used to determine the currently
selected file(s) in the dialog. The \l file and \l files properties
are updated only after the final selection has been made by accepting
the dialog.
MenuItem {
text: "Open..."
FileDialog {
id: fileDialog
currentFile: document.source
folder: StandardPaths.writableLocation(StandardPaths.DocumentsLocation)
MyDocument {
id: document
source: fileDialog.file
\section2 Availability
A native platform file dialog is currently available on the following platforms:
\li iOS
\li Linux (when running with the GTK+ platform theme)
\li macOS
\li Windows
\li WinRT
\input includes/widgets.qdocinc 1
\sa FolderDialog, StandardPaths
QQuickPlatformFileDialog::QQuickPlatformFileDialog(QObject *parent)
: QQuickPlatformDialog(QPlatformTheme::FileDialog, parent),
\qmlproperty enumeration Qt.labs.platform::FileDialog::fileMode
This property holds the mode of the dialog.
Available values:
\value FileDialog.OpenFile The dialog is used to select an existing file (default).
\value FileDialog.OpenFiles The dialog is used to select multiple existing files.
\value FileDialog.SaveFile The dialog is used to select any file. The file does not have to exist.
QQuickPlatformFileDialog::FileMode QQuickPlatformFileDialog::fileMode() const
return m_fileMode;
void QQuickPlatformFileDialog::setFileMode(FileMode mode)
if (mode == m_fileMode)
switch (mode) {
case OpenFile:
case OpenFiles:
case SaveFile:
m_fileMode = mode;
emit fileModeChanged();
\qmlproperty url Qt.labs.platform::FileDialog::file
This property holds the final accepted file.
Unlike the \l currentFile property, the \c file property is not updated
while the user is selecting files in the dialog, but only after the final
selection has been made. That is, when the user has clicked \uicontrol OK
to accept a file. Alternatively, the \l {Dialog::}{accepted()} signal
can be handled to get the final selection.
\sa currentFile, {Dialog::}{accepted()}
QUrl QQuickPlatformFileDialog::file() const
return addDefaultSuffix(m_files.value(0));
void QQuickPlatformFileDialog::setFile(const QUrl &file)
setFiles(QList<QUrl>() << file);
\qmlproperty list<url> Qt.labs.platform::FileDialog::files
This property holds the final accepted files.
Unlike the \l currentFiles property, the \c files property is not updated
while the user is selecting files in the dialog, but only after the final
selection has been made. That is, when the user has clicked \uicontrol OK
to accept files. Alternatively, the \l {Dialog::}{accepted()} signal
can be handled to get the final selection.
\sa currentFiles, {Dialog::}{accepted()}
QList<QUrl> QQuickPlatformFileDialog::files() const
return addDefaultSuffixes(m_files);
void QQuickPlatformFileDialog::setFiles(const QList<QUrl> &files)
if (m_files == files)
bool firstChanged = m_files.value(0) != files.value(0);
m_files = files;
if (firstChanged)
emit fileChanged();
emit filesChanged();
\qmlproperty url Qt.labs.platform::FileDialog::currentFile
This property holds the currently selected file in the dialog.
Unlike the \l file property, the \c currentFile property is updated
while the user is selecting files in the dialog, even before the final
selection has been made.
\sa file, currentFiles
QUrl QQuickPlatformFileDialog::currentFile() const
return currentFiles().value(0);
void QQuickPlatformFileDialog::setCurrentFile(const QUrl &file)
setCurrentFiles(QList<QUrl>() << file);
\qmlproperty list<url> Qt.labs.platform::FileDialog::currentFiles
This property holds the currently selected files in the dialog.
Unlike the \l files property, the \c currentFiles property is updated
while the user is selecting files in the dialog, even before the final
selection has been made.
\sa files, currentFile
QList<QUrl> QQuickPlatformFileDialog::currentFiles() const
if (QPlatformFileDialogHelper *fileDialog = qobject_cast<QPlatformFileDialogHelper *>(handle()))
return fileDialog->selectedFiles();
return m_options->initiallySelectedFiles();
void QQuickPlatformFileDialog::setCurrentFiles(const QList<QUrl> &files)
if (QPlatformFileDialogHelper *fileDialog = qobject_cast<QPlatformFileDialogHelper *>(handle())) {
for (const QUrl &file : files)
\qmlproperty url Qt.labs.platform::FileDialog::folder
This property holds the folder where files are selected.
For selecting a folder, use FolderDialog instead.
\sa FolderDialog
QUrl QQuickPlatformFileDialog::folder() const
if (QPlatformFileDialogHelper *fileDialog = qobject_cast<QPlatformFileDialogHelper *>(handle()))
return fileDialog->directory();
return m_options->initialDirectory();
void QQuickPlatformFileDialog::setFolder(const QUrl &folder)
if (QPlatformFileDialogHelper *fileDialog = qobject_cast<QPlatformFileDialogHelper *>(handle()))
\qmlproperty flags Qt.labs.platform::FileDialog::options
This property holds the various options that affect the look and feel of the dialog.
By default, all options are disabled.
Options should be set before showing the dialog. Setting them while the dialog is
visible is not guaranteed to have an immediate effect on the dialog (depending on
the option and on the platform).
Available options:
\value FileDialog.DontResolveSymlinks Don't resolve symlinks in the file dialog. By default symlinks are resolved.
\value FileDialog.DontConfirmOverwrite Don't ask for confirmation if an existing file is selected. By default confirmation is requested.
\value FileDialog.ReadOnly Indicates that the dialog doesn't allow creating directories.
\value FileDialog.HideNameFilterDetails Indicates if the file name filter details are hidden or not.
QFileDialogOptions::FileDialogOptions QQuickPlatformFileDialog::options() const
return m_options->options();
void QQuickPlatformFileDialog::setOptions(QFileDialogOptions::FileDialogOptions options)
if (options == m_options->options())
emit optionsChanged();
void QQuickPlatformFileDialog::resetOptions()
\qmlproperty list<string> Qt.labs.platform::FileDialog::nameFilters
This property holds the filters that restrict the types of files that
can be selected.
FileDialog {
nameFilters: ["Text files (*.txt)", "HTML files (*.html *.htm)"]
\note \b{*.*} is not a portable filter, because the historical assumption
that the file extension determines the file type is not consistent on every
operating system. It is possible to have a file with no dot in its name (for
example, \c Makefile). In a native Windows file dialog, \b{*.*} will match
such files, while in other types of file dialogs it may not. So it is better
to use \b{*} if you mean to select any file.
\sa selectedNameFilter
QStringList QQuickPlatformFileDialog::nameFilters() const
return m_options->nameFilters();
void QQuickPlatformFileDialog::setNameFilters(const QStringList &filters)
if (filters == m_options->nameFilters())
if (m_selectedNameFilter) {
int index = m_selectedNameFilter->index();
if (index < 0 || index >= filters.count())
index = 0;
emit nameFiltersChanged();
void QQuickPlatformFileDialog::resetNameFilters()
\qmlpropertygroup Qt.labs.platform::FileDialog::selectedNameFilter
\qmlproperty int Qt.labs.platform::FileDialog::selectedNameFilter.index
\qmlproperty string
\qmlproperty list<string> Qt.labs.platform::FileDialog::selectedNameFilter.extensions
These properties hold the currently selected name filter.
\li Name
\li Description
\li \b index : int
\li This property determines which \l {nameFilters}{name filter} is selected.
The specified filter is selected when the dialog is opened. The value is
updated when the user selects another filter.
\li [read-only] \b name : string
\li This property holds the name of the selected filter. In the
example below, the name of the first filter is \c {"Text files"}
and the second is \c {"HTML files"}.
\li [read-only] \b extensions : list<string>
\li This property holds the list of extensions of the selected filter.
In the example below, the list of extensions of the first filter is
\c {["txt"]} and the second is \c {["html", "htm"]}.
FileDialog {
id: fileDialog
selectedNameFilter.index: 1
nameFilters: ["Text files (*.txt)", "HTML files (*.html *.htm)"]
MyDocument {
id: document
fileType: fileDialog.selectedNameFilter.extensions[0]
\sa nameFilters
QQuickPlatformFileNameFilter *QQuickPlatformFileDialog::selectedNameFilter() const
if (!m_selectedNameFilter) {
QQuickPlatformFileDialog *that = const_cast<QQuickPlatformFileDialog *>(this);
m_selectedNameFilter = new QQuickPlatformFileNameFilter(that);
return m_selectedNameFilter;
\qmlproperty string Qt.labs.platform::FileDialog::defaultSuffix
This property holds a suffix that is added to selected files that have
no suffix specified. The suffix is typically used to indicate the file
type (e.g. "txt" indicates a text file).
If the first character is a dot ('.'), it is removed.
QString QQuickPlatformFileDialog::defaultSuffix() const
return m_options->defaultSuffix();
void QQuickPlatformFileDialog::setDefaultSuffix(const QString &suffix)
if (suffix == m_options->defaultSuffix())
emit defaultSuffixChanged();
void QQuickPlatformFileDialog::resetDefaultSuffix()
\qmlproperty string Qt.labs.platform::FileDialog::acceptLabel
This property holds the label text shown on the button that accepts the dialog.
When set to an empty string, the default label of the underlying platform is used.
The default label is typically \uicontrol Open or \uicontrol Save depending on which
\l fileMode the dialog is used in.
The default value is an empty string.
\sa rejectLabel
QString QQuickPlatformFileDialog::acceptLabel() const
return m_options->labelText(QFileDialogOptions::Accept);
void QQuickPlatformFileDialog::setAcceptLabel(const QString &label)
if (label == m_options->labelText(QFileDialogOptions::Accept))
m_options->setLabelText(QFileDialogOptions::Accept, label);
emit acceptLabelChanged();
void QQuickPlatformFileDialog::resetAcceptLabel()
\qmlproperty string Qt.labs.platform::FileDialog::rejectLabel
This property holds the label text shown on the button that rejects the dialog.
When set to an empty string, the default label of the underlying platform is used.
The default label is typically \uicontrol Cancel.
The default value is an empty string.
\sa acceptLabel
QString QQuickPlatformFileDialog::rejectLabel() const
return m_options->labelText(QFileDialogOptions::Reject);
void QQuickPlatformFileDialog::setRejectLabel(const QString &label)
if (label == m_options->labelText(QFileDialogOptions::Reject))
m_options->setLabelText(QFileDialogOptions::Reject, label);
emit rejectLabelChanged();
void QQuickPlatformFileDialog::resetRejectLabel()
bool QQuickPlatformFileDialog::useNativeDialog() const
return QQuickPlatformDialog::useNativeDialog()
&& !m_options->testOption(QFileDialogOptions::DontUseNativeDialog);
void QQuickPlatformFileDialog::onCreate(QPlatformDialogHelper *dialog)
if (QPlatformFileDialogHelper *fileDialog = qobject_cast<QPlatformFileDialogHelper *>(dialog)) {
// TODO: emit currentFileChanged only when the first entry in currentFiles changes
connect(fileDialog, &QPlatformFileDialogHelper::currentChanged, this, &QQuickPlatformFileDialog::currentFileChanged);
connect(fileDialog, &QPlatformFileDialogHelper::currentChanged, this, &QQuickPlatformFileDialog::currentFilesChanged);
connect(fileDialog, &QPlatformFileDialogHelper::directoryEntered, this, &QQuickPlatformFileDialog::folderChanged);
void QQuickPlatformFileDialog::onShow(QPlatformDialogHelper *dialog)
if (QPlatformFileDialogHelper *fileDialog = qobject_cast<QPlatformFileDialogHelper *>(dialog)) {
fileDialog->setOptions(m_options); // setOptions only assigns a member and isn't virtual
if (m_firstShow && m_options->initialDirectory().isValid())
if (m_selectedNameFilter) {
const int index = m_selectedNameFilter->index();
const QString filter = m_options->nameFilters().value(index);
connect(fileDialog, &QPlatformFileDialogHelper::filterSelected, m_selectedNameFilter, &QQuickPlatformFileNameFilter::update);
if (m_firstShow)
m_firstShow = false;
void QQuickPlatformFileDialog::onHide(QPlatformDialogHelper *dialog)
if (QPlatformFileDialogHelper *fileDialog = qobject_cast<QPlatformFileDialogHelper *>(dialog)) {
if (m_selectedNameFilter)
disconnect(fileDialog, &QPlatformFileDialogHelper::filterSelected, m_selectedNameFilter, &QQuickPlatformFileNameFilter::update);
void QQuickPlatformFileDialog::accept()
if (QPlatformFileDialogHelper *fileDialog = qobject_cast<QPlatformFileDialogHelper *>(handle()))
QUrl QQuickPlatformFileDialog::addDefaultSuffix(const QUrl &file) const
QUrl url = file;
const QString path = url.path();
const QString suffix = m_options->defaultSuffix();
if (!suffix.isEmpty() && !path.endsWith(QLatin1Char('/')) && path.lastIndexOf(QLatin1Char('.')) == -1)
url.setPath(path + QLatin1Char('.') + suffix);
return url;
QList<QUrl> QQuickPlatformFileDialog::addDefaultSuffixes(const QList<QUrl> &files) const
QList<QUrl> urls;
for (const QUrl &file : files)
urls += addDefaultSuffix(file);
return urls;
QQuickPlatformFileNameFilter::QQuickPlatformFileNameFilter(QObject *parent)
: QObject(parent), m_index(-1)
int QQuickPlatformFileNameFilter::index() const
return m_index;
void QQuickPlatformFileNameFilter::setIndex(int index)
if (m_index == index)
m_index = index;
emit indexChanged(index);
QString QQuickPlatformFileNameFilter::name() const
return m_name;
QStringList QQuickPlatformFileNameFilter::extensions() const
return m_extensions;
QSharedPointer<QFileDialogOptions> QQuickPlatformFileNameFilter::options() const
return m_options;
void QQuickPlatformFileNameFilter::setOptions(const QSharedPointer<QFileDialogOptions> &options)
m_options = options;
static QString extractName(const QString &filter)
return filter.left(filter.indexOf(QLatin1Char('(')) - 1);
static QString extractExtension(const QString &filter)
return filter.mid(filter.indexOf(QLatin1Char('.')) + 1);
static QStringList extractExtensions(const QString &filter)
QStringList extensions;
const int from = filter.indexOf(QLatin1Char('('));
const int to = filter.lastIndexOf(QLatin1Char(')')) - 1;
if (from >= 0 && from < to) {
const QStringRef ref = filter.midRef(from + 1, to - from);
const QVector<QStringRef> exts = ref.split(QLatin1Char(' '), QString::SkipEmptyParts);
for (const QStringRef &ref : exts)
extensions += extractExtension(ref.toString());
return extensions;
void QQuickPlatformFileNameFilter::update(const QString &filter)
const QStringList filters = nameFilters();
const int oldIndex = m_index;
const QString oldName = m_name;
const QStringList oldExtensions = m_extensions;
m_index = filters.indexOf(filter);
m_name = extractName(filter);
m_extensions = extractExtensions(filter);
if (oldIndex != m_index)
emit indexChanged(m_index);
if (oldName != m_name)
emit nameChanged(m_name);
if (oldExtensions != m_extensions)
emit extensionsChanged(m_extensions);
QStringList QQuickPlatformFileNameFilter::nameFilters() const
return m_options ? m_options->nameFilters() : QStringList();
QString QQuickPlatformFileNameFilter::nameFilter(int index) const
return m_options ? m_options->nameFilters().value(index) : QString();