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#include "qquickplatformmenuitemgroup_p.h"
#include "qquickplatformmenuitem_p.h"
\qmltype MenuItemGroup
\inherits QtObject
//! \instantiates QQuickPlatformMenuItemGroup
\inqmlmodule Qt.labs.platform
\since 5.8
\brief A group for managing native menu items.
The MenuItemGroup groups native menu items together.
MenuItemGroup is exclusive by default. In an exclusive menu item
group, only one item can be checked at any time; checking another
item automatically unchecks the previously checked one. MenuItemGroup
can be configured as non-exclusive, which is particularly useful for
showing, hiding, enabling and disabling items together as a group.
The most straight-forward way to use MenuItemGroup is to assign
a list of items.
Menu {
id: verticalMenu
title: qsTr("Vertical")
MenuItemGroup {
id: verticalGroup
items: verticalMenu.items
MenuItem { text: qsTr("Top"); checkable: true }
MenuItem { text: qsTr("Center"); checked: true }
MenuItem { text: qsTr("Bottom"); checkable: true }
The same menu may sometimes contain items that should not be included
in the same exclusive group. Such cases are best handled using the
\l {MenuItem::group}{group} property.
Menu {
id: horizontalMenu
title: qsTr("Horizontal")
MenuItemGroup {
id: horizontalGroup
MenuItem {
checked: true
text: qsTr("Left")
group: horizontalGroup
MenuItem {
checkable: true
text: qsTr("Center")
group: horizontalGroup
MenuItem {
text: qsTr("Right")
checkable: true
group: horizontalGroup
MenuItem { separator: true }
MenuItem { text: qsTr("Justify"); checkable: true }
MenuItem { text: qsTr("Absolute"); checkable: true }
More advanced use cases can be handled using the addItem() and
removeItem() methods.
\sa MenuItem
\qmlsignal Qt.labs.platform::MenuItemGroup::triggered(MenuItem item)
This signal is emitted when an \a item in the group is triggered by the user.
\sa MenuItem::triggered()
\qmlsignal Qt.labs.platform::MenuItemGroup::hovered(MenuItem item)
This signal is emitted when an \a item in the group is hovered by the user.
\sa MenuItem::hovered()
QQuickPlatformMenuItemGroup::QQuickPlatformMenuItemGroup(QObject *parent)
: QObject(parent), m_enabled(true), m_visible(true), m_exclusive(true), m_checkedItem(nullptr)
\qmlproperty bool Qt.labs.platform::MenuItemGroup::enabled
This property holds whether the group is enabled. The default value is \c true.
The enabled state of the group affects the enabled state of each item in the group,
except that explicitly disabled items are not enabled even if the group is enabled.
bool QQuickPlatformMenuItemGroup::isEnabled() const
return m_enabled;
void QQuickPlatformMenuItemGroup::setEnabled(bool enabled)
if (m_enabled == enabled)
m_enabled = enabled;
emit enabledChanged();
for (QQuickPlatformMenuItem *item : qAsConst(m_items)) {
if (item->m_enabled) {
emit item->enabledChanged();
\qmlproperty bool Qt.labs.platform::MenuItemGroup::visible
This property holds whether the group is visible. The default value is \c true.
The visibility of the group affects the visibility of each item in the group,
except that explicitly hidden items are not visible even if the group is visible.
bool QQuickPlatformMenuItemGroup::isVisible() const
return m_visible;
void QQuickPlatformMenuItemGroup::setVisible(bool visible)
if (m_visible == visible)
m_visible = visible;
emit visibleChanged();
for (QQuickPlatformMenuItem *item : qAsConst(m_items)) {
if (item->m_visible) {
emit item->visibleChanged();
\qmlproperty bool Qt.labs.platform::MenuItemGroup::exclusive
This property holds whether the group is exclusive. The default value is \c true.
In an exclusive menu item group, only one item can be checked at any time;
checking another item automatically unchecks the previously checked one.
bool QQuickPlatformMenuItemGroup::isExclusive() const
return m_exclusive;
void QQuickPlatformMenuItemGroup::setExclusive(bool exclusive)
if (m_exclusive == exclusive)
m_exclusive = exclusive;
emit exclusiveChanged();
for (QQuickPlatformMenuItem *item : qAsConst(m_items))
\qmlproperty MenuItem Qt.labs.platform::MenuItemGroup::checkedItem
This property holds the currently checked item in the group, or \c null if no item is checked.
QQuickPlatformMenuItem *QQuickPlatformMenuItemGroup::checkedItem() const
return m_checkedItem;
void QQuickPlatformMenuItemGroup::setCheckedItem(QQuickPlatformMenuItem *item)
if (m_checkedItem == item)
if (m_checkedItem)
m_checkedItem = item;
emit checkedItemChanged();
if (item)
\qmlproperty list<MenuItem> Qt.labs.platform::MenuItemGroup::items
This property holds the list of items in the group.
QQmlListProperty<QQuickPlatformMenuItem> QQuickPlatformMenuItemGroup::items()
return QQmlListProperty<QQuickPlatformMenuItem>(this, nullptr, items_append, items_count, items_at, items_clear);
\qmlmethod void Qt.labs.platform::MenuItemGroup::addItem(MenuItem item)
Adds an \a item to the group.
void QQuickPlatformMenuItemGroup::addItem(QQuickPlatformMenuItem *item)
if (!item || m_items.contains(item))
connect(item, &QQuickPlatformMenuItem::checkedChanged, this, &QQuickPlatformMenuItemGroup::updateCurrent);
connect(item, &QQuickPlatformMenuItem::triggered, this, &QQuickPlatformMenuItemGroup::activateItem);
connect(item, &QQuickPlatformMenuItem::hovered, this, &QQuickPlatformMenuItemGroup::hoverItem);
if (m_exclusive && item->isChecked())
emit itemsChanged();
\qmlmethod void Qt.labs.platform::MenuItemGroup::removeItem(MenuItem item)
Removes an \a item from the group.
void QQuickPlatformMenuItemGroup::removeItem(QQuickPlatformMenuItem *item)
if (!item || !m_items.contains(item))
disconnect(item, &QQuickPlatformMenuItem::checkedChanged, this, &QQuickPlatformMenuItemGroup::updateCurrent);
disconnect(item, &QQuickPlatformMenuItem::triggered, this, &QQuickPlatformMenuItemGroup::activateItem);
disconnect(item, &QQuickPlatformMenuItem::hovered, this, &QQuickPlatformMenuItemGroup::hoverItem);
if (m_checkedItem == item)
emit itemsChanged();
\qmlmethod void Qt.labs.platform::MenuItemGroup::clear()
Removes all items from the group.
void QQuickPlatformMenuItemGroup::clear()
if (m_items.isEmpty())
for (QQuickPlatformMenuItem *item : qAsConst(m_items)) {
disconnect(item, &QQuickPlatformMenuItem::checkedChanged, this, &QQuickPlatformMenuItemGroup::updateCurrent);
disconnect(item, &QQuickPlatformMenuItem::triggered, this, &QQuickPlatformMenuItemGroup::activateItem);
disconnect(item, &QQuickPlatformMenuItem::hovered, this, &QQuickPlatformMenuItemGroup::hoverItem);
emit itemsChanged();
QQuickPlatformMenuItem *QQuickPlatformMenuItemGroup::findCurrent() const
for (QQuickPlatformMenuItem *item : m_items) {
if (item->isChecked())
return item;
return nullptr;
void QQuickPlatformMenuItemGroup::updateCurrent()
if (!m_exclusive)
QQuickPlatformMenuItem *item = qobject_cast<QQuickPlatformMenuItem*>(sender());
if (item && item->isChecked())
void QQuickPlatformMenuItemGroup::activateItem()
QQuickPlatformMenuItem *item = qobject_cast<QQuickPlatformMenuItem*>(sender());
if (item)
emit triggered(item);
void QQuickPlatformMenuItemGroup::hoverItem()
QQuickPlatformMenuItem *item = qobject_cast<QQuickPlatformMenuItem*>(sender());
if (item)
emit hovered(item);
void QQuickPlatformMenuItemGroup::items_append(QQmlListProperty<QQuickPlatformMenuItem> *prop, QQuickPlatformMenuItem *item)
QQuickPlatformMenuItemGroup *group = static_cast<QQuickPlatformMenuItemGroup *>(prop->object);
int QQuickPlatformMenuItemGroup::items_count(QQmlListProperty<QQuickPlatformMenuItem> *prop)
QQuickPlatformMenuItemGroup *group = static_cast<QQuickPlatformMenuItemGroup *>(prop->object);
return group->m_items.count();
QQuickPlatformMenuItem *QQuickPlatformMenuItemGroup::items_at(QQmlListProperty<QQuickPlatformMenuItem> *prop, int index)
QQuickPlatformMenuItemGroup *group = static_cast<QQuickPlatformMenuItemGroup *>(prop->object);
return group->m_items.value(index);
void QQuickPlatformMenuItemGroup::items_clear(QQmlListProperty<QQuickPlatformMenuItem> *prop)
QQuickPlatformMenuItemGroup *group = static_cast<QQuickPlatformMenuItemGroup *>(prop->object);