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** Copyright (C) 2017 The Qt Company Ltd.
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** This file is part of the Qt Quick Templates 2 module of the Qt Toolkit.
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#include "qquickscrollindicator_p.h"
#include "qquickcontrol_p_p.h"
#include <QtQml/qqmlinfo.h>
#include <QtQuick/private/qquickflickable_p.h>
#include <QtQuick/private/qquickitemchangelistener_p.h>
\qmltype ScrollIndicator
\inherits Control
//! \instantiates QQuickScrollIndicator
\inqmlmodule QtQuick.Controls
\since 5.7
\ingroup qtquickcontrols2-indicators
\brief Vertical or horizontal non-interactive scroll indicator.
\image qtquickcontrols2-scrollindicator.gif
ScrollIndicator is a non-interactive indicator that indicates the current scroll
position. A scroll indicator can be either \l vertical or \l horizontal, and can
be attached to any \l Flickable, such as \l ListView and \l GridView.
Flickable {
// ...
ScrollIndicator.vertical: ScrollIndicator { }
\section1 Attaching ScrollIndicator to a Flickable
\note When ScrollIndicator is attached \l {ScrollIndicator::vertical}{vertically}
or \l {ScrollIndicator::horizontal}{horizontally} to a Flickable, its geometry and
the following properties are automatically set and updated as appropriate:
\li \l orientation
\li \l position
\li \l size
\li \l active
An attached ScrollIndicator re-parents itself to the target Flickable. A vertically
attached ScrollIndicator resizes itself to the height of the Flickable, and positions
itself to either side of it based on the \l {Control::mirrored}{layout direction}.
A horizontally attached ScrollIndicator resizes itself to the width of the Flickable,
and positions itself to the bottom. The automatic geometry management can be disabled
by specifying another parent for the attached ScrollIndicator. This can be useful, for
example, if the ScrollIndicator should be placed outside a clipping Flickable. This is
demonstrated by the following example:
Flickable {
id: flickable
clip: true
// ...
ScrollIndicator.vertical: ScrollIndicator {
parent: flickable.parent
anchors.left: flickable.right
anchors.bottom: flickable.bottom
\section1 Binding the Active State of Horizontal and Vertical Scroll Indicators
Horizontal and vertical scroll indicators do not share the \l active state with
each other by default. In order to keep both indicators visible whilst scrolling
to either direction, establish a two-way binding between the active states as
presented by the following example:
\snippet qtquickcontrols2-scrollindicator-active.qml 1
\section1 Non-attached Scroll Indicators
It is possible to create an instance of ScrollIndicator without using the
attached property API. This is useful when the behavior of the attached
scoll indicator is not sufficient or a \l Flickable is not in use. In the
following example, horizontal and vertical scroll indicators are used to
indicate how far the user has scrolled over the text (using \l MouseArea
instead of \l Flickable):
\snippet qtquickcontrols2-scrollindicator-non-attached.qml 1
\image qtquickcontrols2-scrollindicator-non-attached.png
\sa ScrollBar, {Customizing ScrollIndicator}, {Indicator Controls}
static const QQuickItemPrivate::ChangeTypes changeTypes = QQuickItemPrivate::Geometry | QQuickItemPrivate::Destroyed;
static const QQuickItemPrivate::ChangeTypes horizontalChangeTypes = changeTypes | QQuickItemPrivate::ImplicitHeight;
static const QQuickItemPrivate::ChangeTypes verticalChangeTypes = changeTypes | QQuickItemPrivate::ImplicitWidth;
class QQuickScrollIndicatorPrivate : public QQuickControlPrivate
struct VisualArea
VisualArea(qreal pos, qreal sz)
: position(pos), size(sz) { }
qreal position = 0;
qreal size = 0;
VisualArea visualArea() const;
void visualAreaChange(const VisualArea &newVisualArea, const VisualArea &oldVisualArea);
void resizeContent() override;
qreal size = 0;
qreal minimumSize = 0;
qreal position = 0;
bool active = false;
Qt::Orientation orientation = Qt::Vertical;
QQuickScrollIndicatorPrivate::VisualArea QQuickScrollIndicatorPrivate::visualArea() const
qreal visualPos = position;
if (minimumSize > size)
visualPos = position / (1.0 - size) * (1.0 - minimumSize);
qreal visualSize = qBound<qreal>(0, qMax(size, minimumSize) + qMin<qreal>(0, visualPos), 1.0 - visualPos);
visualPos = qBound<qreal>(0, visualPos, 1.0 - visualSize);
return VisualArea(visualPos, visualSize);
void QQuickScrollIndicatorPrivate::visualAreaChange(const VisualArea &newVisualArea, const VisualArea &oldVisualArea)
if (!qFuzzyCompare(newVisualArea.size, oldVisualArea.size))
emit q->visualSizeChanged();
if (!qFuzzyCompare(newVisualArea.position, oldVisualArea.position))
emit q->visualPositionChanged();
void QQuickScrollIndicatorPrivate::resizeContent()
if (!contentItem)
// - negative overshoot (pos < 0): clamp the pos to 0, and deduct the overshoot from the size
// - positive overshoot (pos + size > 1): clamp the size to 1-pos
const VisualArea visual = visualArea();
if (orientation == Qt::Horizontal) {
contentItem->setPosition(QPointF(q->leftPadding() + visual.position * q->availableWidth(), q->topPadding()));
contentItem->setSize(QSizeF(q->availableWidth() * visual.size, q->availableHeight()));
} else {
contentItem->setPosition(QPointF(q->leftPadding(), q->topPadding() + visual.position * q->availableHeight()));
contentItem->setSize(QSizeF(q->availableWidth(), q->availableHeight() * visual.size));
QQuickScrollIndicator::QQuickScrollIndicator(QQuickItem *parent)
: QQuickControl(*(new QQuickScrollIndicatorPrivate), parent)
QQuickScrollIndicatorAttached *QQuickScrollIndicator::qmlAttachedProperties(QObject *object)
return new QQuickScrollIndicatorAttached(object);
\qmlproperty real QtQuick.Controls::ScrollIndicator::size
This property holds the size of the indicator, scaled to \c {0.0 - 1.0}.
\sa {Flickable::visibleArea.heightRatio}{Flickable::visibleArea}
This property is automatically set when the scroll indicator is
\l {Attaching ScrollIndicator to a Flickable}{attached to a flickable}.
\sa minimumSize, visualSize
qreal QQuickScrollIndicator::size() const
Q_D(const QQuickScrollIndicator);
return d->size;
void QQuickScrollIndicator::setSize(qreal size)
if (qFuzzyCompare(d->size, size))
auto oldVisualArea = d->visualArea();
d->size = size;
if (isComponentComplete())
emit sizeChanged();
d->visualAreaChange(d->visualArea(), oldVisualArea);
\qmlproperty real QtQuick.Controls::ScrollIndicator::position
This property holds the position of the indicator, scaled to \c {0.0 - 1.0}.
This property is automatically set when the scroll indicator is
\l {Attaching ScrollIndicator to a Flickable}{attached to a flickable}.
\sa {Flickable::visibleArea.yPosition}{Flickable::visibleArea}, visualPosition
qreal QQuickScrollIndicator::position() const
Q_D(const QQuickScrollIndicator);
return d->position;
void QQuickScrollIndicator::setPosition(qreal position)
if (qFuzzyCompare(d->position, position))
auto oldVisualArea = d->visualArea();
d->position = position;
if (isComponentComplete())
emit positionChanged();
d->visualAreaChange(d->visualArea(), oldVisualArea);
\qmlproperty bool QtQuick.Controls::ScrollIndicator::active
This property holds whether the indicator is active, that is, when the
attached Flickable is \l {Flickable::moving}{moving}.
It is possible to keep \l {Binding the Active State of Horizontal and Vertical Scroll Indicators}
{both horizontal and vertical indicators visible} while scrolling in either direction.
This property is automatically set when the scroll indicator is
\l {Attaching ScrollIndicator to a Flickable}{attached to a flickable}.
bool QQuickScrollIndicator::isActive() const
Q_D(const QQuickScrollIndicator);
return d->active;
void QQuickScrollIndicator::setActive(bool active)
if (d->active == active)
d->active = active;
emit activeChanged();
\qmlproperty enumeration QtQuick.Controls::ScrollIndicator::orientation
This property holds the orientation of the indicator.
Possible values:
\value Qt.Horizontal Horizontal
\value Qt.Vertical Vertical (default)
This property is automatically set when the scroll indicator is
\l {Attaching ScrollIndicator to a Flickable}{attached to a flickable}.
\sa horizontal, vertical
Qt::Orientation QQuickScrollIndicator::orientation() const
Q_D(const QQuickScrollIndicator);
return d->orientation;
void QQuickScrollIndicator::setOrientation(Qt::Orientation orientation)
if (d->orientation == orientation)
d->orientation = orientation;
if (isComponentComplete())
emit orientationChanged();
\since QtQuick.Controls 2.3 (Qt 5.10)
\qmlproperty bool QtQuick.Controls::ScrollIndicator::horizontal
This property holds whether the scroll indicator is horizontal.
\sa orientation
bool QQuickScrollIndicator::isHorizontal() const
Q_D(const QQuickScrollIndicator);
return d->orientation == Qt::Horizontal;
\since QtQuick.Controls 2.3 (Qt 5.10)
\qmlproperty bool QtQuick.Controls::ScrollIndicator::vertical
This property holds whether the scroll indicator is vertical.
\sa orientation
bool QQuickScrollIndicator::isVertical() const
Q_D(const QQuickScrollIndicator);
return d->orientation == Qt::Vertical;
\since QtQuick.Controls 2.4 (Qt 5.11)
\qmlproperty real QtQuick.Controls::ScrollIndicator::minimumSize
This property holds the minimum size of the indicator, scaled to \c {0.0 - 1.0}.
\sa size, visualSize, visualPosition
qreal QQuickScrollIndicator::minimumSize() const
Q_D(const QQuickScrollIndicator);
return d->minimumSize;
void QQuickScrollIndicator::setMinimumSize(qreal minimumSize)
if (qFuzzyCompare(d->minimumSize, minimumSize))
auto oldVisualArea = d->visualArea();
d->minimumSize = minimumSize;
if (isComponentComplete())
emit minimumSizeChanged();
d->visualAreaChange(d->visualArea(), oldVisualArea);
\since QtQuick.Controls 2.4 (Qt 5.11)
\qmlproperty real QtQuick.Controls::ScrollIndicator::visualSize
This property holds the effective visual size of the indicator,
which may be limited by the \l {minimumSize}{minimum size}.
\sa size, minimumSize
qreal QQuickScrollIndicator::visualSize() const
Q_D(const QQuickScrollIndicator);
return d->visualArea().size;
\since QtQuick.Controls 2.4 (Qt 5.11)
\qmlproperty real QtQuick.Controls::ScrollIndicator::visualPosition
This property holds the effective visual position of the indicator,
which may be limited by the \l {minimumSize}{minimum size}.
\sa position, minimumSize
qreal QQuickScrollIndicator::visualPosition() const
Q_D(const QQuickScrollIndicator);
return d->visualArea().position;
class QQuickScrollIndicatorAttachedPrivate : public QObjectPrivate, public QQuickItemChangeListener
void activateHorizontal();
void activateVertical();
void layoutHorizontal(bool move = true);
void layoutVertical(bool move = true);
void itemGeometryChanged(QQuickItem *item, QQuickGeometryChange change, const QRectF &diff) override;
void itemImplicitWidthChanged(QQuickItem *item) override;
void itemImplicitHeightChanged(QQuickItem *item) override;
void itemDestroyed(QQuickItem *item) override;
QQuickFlickable *flickable = nullptr;
QQuickScrollIndicator *horizontal = nullptr;
QQuickScrollIndicator *vertical = nullptr;
void QQuickScrollIndicatorAttachedPrivate::activateHorizontal()
void QQuickScrollIndicatorAttachedPrivate::activateVertical()
void QQuickScrollIndicatorAttachedPrivate::layoutHorizontal(bool move)
Q_ASSERT(horizontal && flickable);
if (horizontal->parentItem() != flickable)
if (move)
horizontal->setY(flickable->height() - horizontal->height());
void QQuickScrollIndicatorAttachedPrivate::layoutVertical(bool move)
Q_ASSERT(vertical && flickable);
if (vertical->parentItem() != flickable)
if (move && !QQuickItemPrivate::get(vertical)->isMirrored())
vertical->setX(flickable->width() - vertical->width());
void QQuickScrollIndicatorAttachedPrivate::itemGeometryChanged(QQuickItem *item, QQuickGeometryChange change, const QRectF &diff)
if (horizontal && horizontal->height() > 0) {
#ifdef QT_QUICK_NEW_GEOMETRY_CHANGED_HANDLING // TODO: correct/rename diff to oldGeometry
bool move = qFuzzyIsNull(horizontal->y()) || qFuzzyCompare(horizontal->y(), diff.height() - horizontal->height());
bool move = qFuzzyIsNull(horizontal->y()) || qFuzzyCompare(horizontal->y(), item->height() - diff.height() - horizontal->height());
if (vertical && vertical->width() > 0) {
#ifdef QT_QUICK_NEW_GEOMETRY_CHANGED_HANDLING // TODO: correct/rename diff to oldGeometry
bool move = qFuzzyIsNull(vertical->x()) || qFuzzyCompare(vertical->x(), diff.width() - vertical->width());
bool move = qFuzzyIsNull(vertical->x()) || qFuzzyCompare(vertical->x(), item->width() - diff.width() - vertical->width());
void QQuickScrollIndicatorAttachedPrivate::itemImplicitWidthChanged(QQuickItem *item)
if (item == vertical)
void QQuickScrollIndicatorAttachedPrivate::itemImplicitHeightChanged(QQuickItem *item)
if (item == horizontal)
void QQuickScrollIndicatorAttachedPrivate::itemDestroyed(QQuickItem *item)
if (item == horizontal)
horizontal = nullptr;
if (item == vertical)
vertical = nullptr;
QQuickScrollIndicatorAttached::QQuickScrollIndicatorAttached(QObject *parent)
: QObject(*(new QQuickScrollIndicatorAttachedPrivate), parent)
d->flickable = qobject_cast<QQuickFlickable *>(parent);
if (d->flickable)
QQuickItemPrivate::get(d->flickable)->updateOrAddGeometryChangeListener(d, QQuickGeometryChange::Size);
else if (parent)
qmlWarning(parent) << "ScrollIndicator must be attached to a Flickable";
if (d->flickable) {
if (d->horizontal)
QQuickItemPrivate::get(d->horizontal)->removeItemChangeListener(d, horizontalChangeTypes);
if (d->vertical)
// NOTE: Use removeItemChangeListener(Geometry) instead of updateOrRemoveGeometryChangeListener(Size).
// The latter doesn't remove the listener but only resets its types. Thus, it leaves behind a dangling
// pointer on destruction.
QQuickItemPrivate::get(d->flickable)->removeItemChangeListener(d, QQuickItemPrivate::Geometry);
\qmlattachedproperty ScrollIndicator QtQuick.Controls::ScrollIndicator::horizontal
This property attaches a horizontal scroll indicator to a \l Flickable.
Flickable {
contentWidth: 2000
ScrollIndicator.horizontal: ScrollIndicator { }
\sa {Attaching ScrollIndicator to a Flickable}
QQuickScrollIndicator *QQuickScrollIndicatorAttached::horizontal() const
Q_D(const QQuickScrollIndicatorAttached);
return d->horizontal;
void QQuickScrollIndicatorAttached::setHorizontal(QQuickScrollIndicator *horizontal)
if (d->horizontal == horizontal)
if (d->horizontal && d->flickable) {
QQuickItemPrivate::get(d->horizontal)->removeItemChangeListener(d, horizontalChangeTypes);
QObjectPrivate::disconnect(d->flickable, &QQuickFlickable::movingHorizontallyChanged, d, &QQuickScrollIndicatorAttachedPrivate::activateHorizontal);
// TODO: export QQuickFlickableVisibleArea
QObject *area = d->flickable->property("visibleArea").value<QObject *>();
disconnect(area, SIGNAL(widthRatioChanged(qreal)), d->horizontal, SLOT(setSize(qreal)));
disconnect(area, SIGNAL(xPositionChanged(qreal)), d->horizontal, SLOT(setPosition(qreal)));
d->horizontal = horizontal;
if (horizontal && d->flickable) {
if (!horizontal->parentItem())
QQuickItemPrivate::get(horizontal)->addItemChangeListener(d, horizontalChangeTypes);
QObjectPrivate::connect(d->flickable, &QQuickFlickable::movingHorizontallyChanged, d, &QQuickScrollIndicatorAttachedPrivate::activateHorizontal);
// TODO: export QQuickFlickableVisibleArea
QObject *area = d->flickable->property("visibleArea").value<QObject *>();
connect(area, SIGNAL(widthRatioChanged(qreal)), horizontal, SLOT(setSize(qreal)));
connect(area, SIGNAL(xPositionChanged(qreal)), horizontal, SLOT(setPosition(qreal)));
emit horizontalChanged();
\qmlattachedproperty ScrollIndicator QtQuick.Controls::ScrollIndicator::vertical
This property attaches a vertical scroll indicator to a \l Flickable.
Flickable {
contentHeight: 2000
ScrollIndicator.vertical: ScrollIndicator { }
\sa {Attaching ScrollIndicator to a Flickable}
QQuickScrollIndicator *QQuickScrollIndicatorAttached::vertical() const
Q_D(const QQuickScrollIndicatorAttached);
return d->vertical;
void QQuickScrollIndicatorAttached::setVertical(QQuickScrollIndicator *vertical)
if (d->vertical == vertical)
if (d->vertical && d->flickable) {
QQuickItemPrivate::get(d->vertical)->removeItemChangeListener(d, verticalChangeTypes);
QObjectPrivate::disconnect(d->flickable, &QQuickFlickable::movingVerticallyChanged, d, &QQuickScrollIndicatorAttachedPrivate::activateVertical);
// TODO: export QQuickFlickableVisibleArea
QObject *area = d->flickable->property("visibleArea").value<QObject *>();
disconnect(area, SIGNAL(heightRatioChanged(qreal)), d->vertical, SLOT(setSize(qreal)));
disconnect(area, SIGNAL(yPositionChanged(qreal)), d->vertical, SLOT(setPosition(qreal)));
d->vertical = vertical;
if (vertical && d->flickable) {
if (!vertical->parentItem())
QQuickItemPrivate::get(vertical)->addItemChangeListener(d, verticalChangeTypes);
QObjectPrivate::connect(d->flickable, &QQuickFlickable::movingVerticallyChanged, d, &QQuickScrollIndicatorAttachedPrivate::activateVertical);
// TODO: export QQuickFlickableVisibleArea
QObject *area = d->flickable->property("visibleArea").value<QObject *>();
connect(area, SIGNAL(heightRatioChanged(qreal)), vertical, SLOT(setSize(qreal)));
connect(area, SIGNAL(yPositionChanged(qreal)), vertical, SLOT(setPosition(qreal)));
emit verticalChanged();
#if QT_CONFIG(quicktemplates2_multitouch)
void QQuickScrollIndicator::touchEvent(QTouchEvent *event)
event->ignore(); // QTBUG-61785
#if QT_CONFIG(accessibility)
QAccessible::Role QQuickScrollIndicator::accessibleRole() const
return QAccessible::Indicator;