blob: 606cea3317448772fc6694cfaac2ceecfd6ab797 [file] [log] [blame]
** Copyright (C) 2017 The Qt Company Ltd.
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** This file is part of the test suite of the Qt Toolkit.
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#include <QtTest/qtest.h>
#include <QtTest/qsignalspy.h>
#include <QtQml/qqmlengine.h>
#include <QtQml/qqmlcomponent.h>
class tst_revisions : public QObject
private slots:
void revisions_data();
void revisions();
void window_data();
void window();
void tst_revisions::revisions_data()
// Qt 5.7: 2.0, Qt 5.8: 2.1, Qt 5.9: 2.2...
for (int i = 0; i <= QT_VERSION_MINOR - 7; ++i)
QTest::newRow(qPrintable(QString("2.%1").arg(i))) << i;
void tst_revisions::revisions()
QFETCH(int, revision);
QQmlEngine engine;
QQmlComponent component(&engine);
component.setData(QString("import QtQuick 2.0; \
import QtQuick.Templates 2.%1 as T; \
import QtQuick.Controls 2.%1; \
import QtQuick.Controls.impl 2.%1; \
import QtQuick.Controls.Material 2.%1; \
import QtQuick.Controls.Material.impl 2.%1; \
import QtQuick.Controls.Universal 2.%1; \
import QtQuick.Controls.Universal.impl 2.%1; \
Control { }").arg(revision).toUtf8(), QUrl());
QScopedPointer<QObject> object(component.create());
QVERIFY2(!object.isNull(), qPrintable(component.errorString()));
void tst_revisions::window_data()
// Qt 5.7: 2.0, Qt 5.8: 2.1
for (int i = 0; i <= 1; ++i)
QTest::newRow(qPrintable(QString("screen:2.%1").arg(i))) << i << "screen: null" << QString(":1 \"ApplicationWindow.screen\" is not available in QtQuick.Templates 2.%1").arg(i);
// Qt 5.9: 2.2, Qt 5.10: 2.3...
for (int i = 2; i <= QT_VERSION_MINOR - 7; ++i)
QTest::newRow(qPrintable(QString("screen:2.%1").arg(i))) << i << "screen: null" << "";
void tst_revisions::window()
QFETCH(int, revision);
QFETCH(QString, qml);
QFETCH(QString, error);
QQmlEngine engine;
QQmlComponent component(&engine);
component.setData(QString("import QtQuick.Templates 2.%1; ApplicationWindow { %2 }").arg(revision).arg(qml).toUtf8(), QUrl());
QScopedPointer<QObject> window(component.create());
QCOMPARE(window.isNull(), !error.isEmpty());
#include "tst_revisions.moc"