blob: 6d90bd18cec14c7337c322727ef092cd66549921 [file] [log] [blame]
project = QtScxml
description = Qt Scxml Reference Documentation
version = $QT_VERSION
# Install path for the examples. For Qt 5.6, the convention
# is to use the repository name as the install location
examplesinstallpath = scxml
exampledirs = ../../../examples/scxml
imagedirs = ../../../examples/doc/images
examples.fileextensions += "*.scxml"
qhp.QtScxml.subprojects = classes qmltypes examples
qhp.QtScxml.subprojects.classes.title = C++ Classes
qhp.QtScxml.subprojects.classes.indexTitle = Qt SCXML C++ Classes
qhp.QtScxml.subprojects.classes.selectors = class fake:headerfile
qhp.QtScxml.subprojects.classes.sortPages = true
qhp.QtScxml.subprojects.qmltypes.title = QML Types
qhp.QtScxml.subprojects.qmltypes.indexTitle = Qt SCXML QML Types
qhp.QtScxml.subprojects.qmltypes.selectors = qmlclass
qhp.QtScxml.subprojects.qmltypes.sortPages = true
qhp.QtScxml.subprojects.examples.title = Examples
qhp.QtScxml.subprojects.examples.indexTitle = Qt SCXML Examples
qhp.QtScxml.subprojects.examples.selectors = fake:example
qhp.projects = QtScxml
qhp.QtScxml.file = qtscxml.qhp
qhp.QtScxml.namespace = org.qt-project.qtscxml.$QT_VERSION_TAG
qhp.QtScxml.virtualFolder = qtscxml
qhp.QtScxml.indexTitle = Qt SCXML
qhp.QtScxml.indexRoot =
depends += qtcore qtdoc qmake qtquick qtwidgets
headerdirs = .. ../../imports/scxmlstatemachine
sourcedirs += .. \
../../imports/scxmlstatemachine \
../../../tools/qscxmlc/doc \
excludefiles += "../qscxmlexecutablecontent_p.h"
tagfile = qtscxml.tags
manifestmeta.highlighted.names = "QtScxml/Qt SCXML Calculator QML Example" \
"QtScxml/Qt SCXML Traffic Light QML Example (Dynamic)"
navigation.landingpage = "Qt SCXML"
navigation.cppclassespage = "Qt SCXML C++ Classes"
navigation.qmltypespage = "Qt SCXML QML Types"