blob: 59803302fa8a542c34f7c36352aa32c338e75881 [file] [log] [blame]
** Copyright (C) 2016 The Qt Company Ltd.
** Contact:
** This file is part of the QtScxml module of the Qt Toolkit.
** Commercial License Usage
** Licensees holding valid commercial Qt licenses may use this file in
** accordance with the commercial license agreement provided with the
** Software or, alternatively, in accordance with the terms contained in
** a written agreement between you and The Qt Company. For licensing terms
** and conditions see For further
** information use the contact form at
** GNU Lesser General Public License Usage
** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser
** General Public License version 3 as published by the Free Software
** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.LGPL3 included in the
** packaging of this file. Please review the following information to
** ensure the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 requirements
** will be met:
** GNU General Public License Usage
** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU
** General Public License version 2.0 or (at your option) the GNU General
** Public license version 3 or any later version approved by the KDE Free
** Qt Foundation. The licenses are as published by the Free Software
** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL2 and LICENSE.GPL3
** included in the packaging of this file. Please review the following
** information to ensure the GNU General Public License requirements will
** be met: and
// W A R N I N G
// -------------
// This file is not part of the Qt API. It exists purely as an
// implementation detail. This header file may change from version to
// version without notice, or even be removed.
// We mean it.
#include <QtScxml/qscxmlexecutablecontent.h>
#include <QtScxml/private/qscxmltabledata_p.h>
#include <QtScxml/private/qscxmlcompiler_p.h>
#include <QtCore/qtextstream.h>
#include <QtScxml/qscxmldatamodel.h>
#include <QtScxml/qscxmlstatemachine.h>
namespace QScxmlExecutableContent {
static inline bool operator<(const EvaluatorInfo &ei1, const EvaluatorInfo &ei2)
if (ei1.expr != ei2.expr)
return ei1.expr < ei2.expr;
return ei1.context < ei2.context;
static inline bool operator<(const AssignmentInfo &ai1, const AssignmentInfo &ai2)
if (ai1.dest != ai2.dest)
return ai1.dest < ai2.dest;
else if (ai1.expr != ai2.expr)
return ai1.expr < ai2.expr;
return ai1.context < ai2.context;
static inline bool operator<(const ForeachInfo &fi1, const ForeachInfo &fi2)
if (fi1.array != fi2.array) return fi1.array < fi2.array;
if (fi1.item != fi2.item) return fi1.item < fi2.item;
if (fi1.index != fi2.index) return fi1.index < fi2.index;
return fi1.context < fi2.context;
#if defined(Q_CC_MSVC) || defined(Q_CC_GNU)
#pragma pack(push, 4) // 4 == sizeof(qint32)
template <typename T>
struct Array
qint32 count;
// T[] data;
T *data() { return const_cast<T *>(const_data()); }
const T *const_data() const { return reinterpret_cast<const T *>(reinterpret_cast<const char *>(this) + sizeof(Array<T>)); }
const T &at(int pos) const { return *(const_data() + pos); }
int dataSize() const { return count * sizeof(T) / sizeof(qint32); }
int size() const { return sizeof(Array<T>) / sizeof(qint32) + dataSize(); }
struct Q_SCXML_EXPORT Instruction
enum InstructionType: qint32 {
Sequence = 1,
} instructionType;
struct Q_SCXML_EXPORT DoneData: Instruction
StringId location;
StringId contents;
EvaluatorId expr;
Array<ParameterInfo> params;
static InstructionType kind() { return Instruction::DoneData; }
struct Q_SCXML_EXPORT InstructionSequence: Instruction
qint32 entryCount; // the amount of qint32's that the instructions take up
// Instruction[] instructions;
static InstructionType kind() { return Instruction::Sequence; }
const InstructionId *instructions() const
return reinterpret_cast<const InstructionId *>(this)
+ sizeof(InstructionSequence) / sizeof(qint32);
int size() const { return sizeof(InstructionSequence) / sizeof(qint32) + entryCount; }
struct Q_SCXML_EXPORT InstructionSequences: Instruction
qint32 sequenceCount;
qint32 entryCount; // the amount of qint32's that the sequences take up
// InstructionSequence[] sequences;
static InstructionType kind() { return Instruction::Sequences; }
const InstructionSequence *sequences() const {
return reinterpret_cast<const InstructionSequence *>(
reinterpret_cast<const InstructionId *>(this)
+ sizeof(InstructionSequences) / sizeof(qint32));
int size() const { return sizeof(InstructionSequences)/sizeof(qint32) + entryCount; }
const InstructionId *at(int pos) const
const InstructionId *seq = reinterpret_cast<const InstructionId *>(sequences());
while (pos--) {
seq += reinterpret_cast<const InstructionSequence *>(seq)->size();
return seq;
struct Q_SCXML_EXPORT Send: Instruction
StringId instructionLocation;
StringId event;
EvaluatorId eventexpr;
StringId type;
EvaluatorId typeexpr;
StringId target;
EvaluatorId targetexpr;
StringId id;
StringId idLocation;
StringId delay;
EvaluatorId delayexpr;
StringId content;
EvaluatorId contentexpr;
Array<StringId> namelist;
// Array<Param> params;
static InstructionType kind() { return Instruction::Send; }
int paramsOffset() const
return sizeof(Send) / sizeof(qint32) + namelist.dataSize();
int size() const
return paramsOffset() + params()->size();
const Array<ParameterInfo> *params() const {
return reinterpret_cast<const Array<ParameterInfo> *>(
reinterpret_cast<const InstructionId *>(this) + paramsOffset());
Array<ParameterInfo> *params() {
return reinterpret_cast<Array<ParameterInfo> *>(
reinterpret_cast<InstructionId *>(this) + paramsOffset());
static int calculateExtraSize(int paramCount, int nameCount) {
return 1 + paramCount * sizeof(ParameterInfo) / sizeof(qint32)
+ nameCount * sizeof(StringId) / sizeof(qint32);
struct Q_SCXML_EXPORT Raise: Instruction
StringId event;
static InstructionType kind() { return Instruction::Raise; }
int size() const { return sizeof(Raise) / sizeof(qint32); }
struct Q_SCXML_EXPORT Log: Instruction
StringId label;
EvaluatorId expr;
static InstructionType kind() { return Instruction::Log; }
int size() const { return sizeof(Log) / sizeof(qint32); }
struct Q_SCXML_EXPORT JavaScript: Instruction
EvaluatorId go;
static InstructionType kind() { return Instruction::JavaScript; }
int size() const { return sizeof(JavaScript) / sizeof(qint32); }
struct Q_SCXML_EXPORT Assign: Instruction
EvaluatorId expression;
static InstructionType kind() { return Instruction::Assign; }
int size() const { return sizeof(Assign) / sizeof(qint32); }
struct Q_SCXML_EXPORT Initialize: Instruction
EvaluatorId expression;
static InstructionType kind() { return Instruction::Initialize; }
int size() const { return sizeof(Initialize) / sizeof(qint32); }
struct Q_SCXML_EXPORT If: Instruction
Array<EvaluatorId> conditions;
// InstructionSequences blocks;
const InstructionSequences *blocks() const {
return reinterpret_cast<const InstructionSequences *>(
reinterpret_cast<const InstructionId *>(this) + sizeof(If) / sizeof(qint32)
+ conditions.dataSize());
static InstructionType kind() { return Instruction::If; }
int size() const
return sizeof(If) / sizeof(qint32) + blocks()->size() + conditions.dataSize();
struct Q_SCXML_EXPORT Foreach: Instruction
EvaluatorId doIt;
InstructionSequence block;
static InstructionType kind() { return Instruction::Foreach; }
int size() const { return sizeof(Foreach) / sizeof(qint32) + block.entryCount; }
const InstructionId *blockstart() const
return reinterpret_cast<const InstructionId *>(&block);
struct Q_SCXML_EXPORT Cancel: Instruction
StringId sendid;
EvaluatorId sendidexpr;
static InstructionType kind() { return Instruction::Cancel; }
int size() const { return sizeof(Cancel) / sizeof(qint32); }
struct StateTable {
int version;
int name;
enum: int {
InvalidDataModel = -1,
NullDataModel = 0,
EcmaScriptDataModel = 1,
CppDataModel = 2
} dataModel;
int childStates; // offset into offsets
int initialTransition;
int initialSetup;
enum: int { InvalidBinding = -1, EarlyBinding = 0, LateBinding = 1 } binding;
int maxServiceId;
int stateOffset, stateCount;
int transitionOffset, transitionCount;
int arrayOffset, arraySize;
enum { terminator = 0xc0ff33 };
enum { InvalidIndex = -1 };
struct State {
int name;
int parent;
enum: int {
Invalid = -1,
Normal = 0,
Parallel = 1,
Final = 2,
ShallowHistory = 3,
DeepHistory = 4
} type;
int initialTransition;
int initInstructions;
int entryInstructions;
int exitInstructions;
int doneData;
int childStates; // offset into arrays
int transitions; // offset into arrays
int serviceFactoryIds; // offset into arrays
: name(InvalidIndex)
, parent(InvalidIndex)
, type(Invalid)
, initialTransition(InvalidIndex)
, initInstructions(InvalidIndex)
, entryInstructions(InvalidIndex)
, exitInstructions(InvalidIndex)
, doneData(InvalidIndex)
, childStates(InvalidIndex)
, transitions(InvalidIndex)
, serviceFactoryIds(InvalidIndex)
bool isAtomic() const
{ return childStates == InvalidIndex; }
bool isCompound() const
{ return type == Normal && childStates != InvalidIndex; }
bool parentIsScxmlElement() const
{ return parent == InvalidIndex; }
bool isHistoryState() const
{ return type == ShallowHistory || type == DeepHistory; }
bool isParallel() const
{ return type == Parallel; }
struct Transition {
int events; // offset into offsets
int condition;
enum: int {
Invalid = -1,
Internal = 0,
External = 1,
Synthetic = 2
} type;
int source;
int targets; // offset into offsets
int transitionInstructions;
: events(InvalidIndex)
, condition(InvalidIndex)
, type(Invalid)
, source(InvalidIndex)
, targets(InvalidIndex)
, transitionInstructions(InvalidIndex)
struct Array {
Array(const int *start): start(start) {}
int size() const { return *start; }
bool isValid() const { return start != nullptr; }
int operator[](int idx) const {
Q_ASSERT(idx >= 0);
Q_ASSERT(idx < size());
return *(start + idx + 1);
struct const_iterator: public std::iterator<std::forward_iterator_tag, int, ptrdiff_t,
const int *, const int &>
const_iterator(const Array &a, int pos): a(a), pos(pos) {}
const_iterator &operator++() {
if (pos < a.size()) ++pos;
return *this;
bool operator==(const const_iterator &other) const
{ return &other.a == &a && other.pos == pos; }
bool operator!=(const StateTable::Array::const_iterator &other)
{ return !this->operator==(other); }
int operator*() const {
if (pos < a.size())
return a[pos];
return -1;
const Array &a;
int pos;
const_iterator begin() const
{ return const_iterator(*this, 0); }
const_iterator end() const
{ return const_iterator(*this, size()); }
const int *start;
: version(InvalidIndex)
, name(InvalidIndex)
, dataModel(InvalidDataModel)
, childStates(InvalidIndex)
, initialTransition(InvalidIndex)
, initialSetup(InvalidIndex)
, binding(InvalidBinding)
, maxServiceId(InvalidIndex)
, stateOffset(InvalidIndex), stateCount(InvalidIndex)
, transitionOffset(InvalidIndex), transitionCount(InvalidIndex)
, arrayOffset(InvalidIndex), arraySize(InvalidIndex)
const State &state(int idx) const
Q_ASSERT(idx >= 0);
Q_ASSERT(idx < stateCount);
return reinterpret_cast<const State *>(
reinterpret_cast<const int *>(this) + stateOffset)[idx];
const Transition &transition(int idx) const
Q_ASSERT(idx >= 0);
Q_ASSERT(idx < transitionCount);
return reinterpret_cast<const Transition *>(
reinterpret_cast<const int *>(this) + transitionOffset)[idx];
const Array array(int idx) const
Q_ASSERT(idx < arraySize);
if (idx >= 0) {
const int *start = reinterpret_cast<const int *>(this) + arrayOffset + idx;
Q_ASSERT(*start + idx < arraySize);
return Array(start);
} else {
return Array(nullptr);
#if defined(Q_CC_MSVC) || defined(Q_CC_GNU)
#pragma pack(pop)
} // QScxmlExecutableContent namespace
class QScxmlExecutionEngine
QScxmlExecutionEngine(QScxmlStateMachine *stateMachine);
bool execute(QScxmlExecutableContent::ContainerId ip, const QVariant &extraData = QVariant());
const QScxmlExecutableContent::InstructionId *step(
const QScxmlExecutableContent::InstructionId *ip, bool *ok);
QScxmlStateMachine *stateMachine;
QVariant extraData;