blob: 0d3966a7e2e630b5ae5f8a67b47e6654935265b8 [file] [log] [blame]
linguist \
qdoc \
qtattributionsscanner \
qhelpcontentmodel \
qhelpenginecore \
qhelpgenerator \
qhelpindexmodel \
qhelpprojectdata \
cmake \
installed_cmake \
qtdiag \
installed_cmake.depends = cmake
# These tests don't make sense for cross-compiled builds
cross_compile:SUBDIRS -= linguist qdoc qtattributionsscanner windeployqt qhelpgenerator qtdiag
# Tests that might make sense, but currently use SRCDIR
cross_compile:SUBDIRS -= qhelpcontentmodel qhelpenginecore qhelpindexmodel qhelpprojectdata
# These tests need the QtHelp module
!qtHaveModule(help): SUBDIRS -= \
qhelpcontentmodel \
qhelpenginecore \
qhelpgenerator \
qhelpindexmodel \
qhelpprojectdata \
!qtConfig(process): SUBDIRS -= qtattributionsscanner linguist qtdiag windeployqt
!win32|winrt: SUBDIRS -= windeployqt