blob: b0f8537c3317b487d707e423d75f1a80c7e8a382 [file] [log] [blame]
import QtQuick.tooling 1.2
// This file describes the plugin-supplied types contained in the library.
// It is used for QML tooling purposes only.
// This file was auto-generated by:
// 'qmlplugindump -defaultplatform -nonrelocatable -dependencies dependencies.json QtQuick.VirtualKeyboard 2.14'
Module {
dependencies: [
"Qt.labs.folderlistmodel 2.1",
"QtQuick 2.0",
"QtQuick.Layouts 1.0",
"QtQuick.Window 2.2"
Component {
name: "QAbstractItemModel"
prototype: "QObject"
Enum {
name: "LayoutChangeHint"
values: {
"NoLayoutChangeHint": 0,
"VerticalSortHint": 1,
"HorizontalSortHint": 2
Enum {
name: "CheckIndexOption"
values: {
"NoOption": 0,
"IndexIsValid": 1,
"DoNotUseParent": 2,
"ParentIsInvalid": 4
Signal {
name: "dataChanged"
Parameter { name: "topLeft"; type: "QModelIndex" }
Parameter { name: "bottomRight"; type: "QModelIndex" }
Parameter { name: "roles"; type: "QVector<int>" }
Signal {
name: "dataChanged"
Parameter { name: "topLeft"; type: "QModelIndex" }
Parameter { name: "bottomRight"; type: "QModelIndex" }
Signal {
name: "headerDataChanged"
Parameter { name: "orientation"; type: "Qt::Orientation" }
Parameter { name: "first"; type: "int" }
Parameter { name: "last"; type: "int" }
Signal {
name: "layoutChanged"
Parameter { name: "parents"; type: "QList<QPersistentModelIndex>" }
Parameter { name: "hint"; type: "QAbstractItemModel::LayoutChangeHint" }
Signal {
name: "layoutChanged"
Parameter { name: "parents"; type: "QList<QPersistentModelIndex>" }
Signal { name: "layoutChanged" }
Signal {
name: "layoutAboutToBeChanged"
Parameter { name: "parents"; type: "QList<QPersistentModelIndex>" }
Parameter { name: "hint"; type: "QAbstractItemModel::LayoutChangeHint" }
Signal {
name: "layoutAboutToBeChanged"
Parameter { name: "parents"; type: "QList<QPersistentModelIndex>" }
Signal { name: "layoutAboutToBeChanged" }
Signal {
name: "rowsAboutToBeInserted"
Parameter { name: "parent"; type: "QModelIndex" }
Parameter { name: "first"; type: "int" }
Parameter { name: "last"; type: "int" }
Signal {
name: "rowsInserted"
Parameter { name: "parent"; type: "QModelIndex" }
Parameter { name: "first"; type: "int" }
Parameter { name: "last"; type: "int" }
Signal {
name: "rowsAboutToBeRemoved"
Parameter { name: "parent"; type: "QModelIndex" }
Parameter { name: "first"; type: "int" }
Parameter { name: "last"; type: "int" }
Signal {
name: "rowsRemoved"
Parameter { name: "parent"; type: "QModelIndex" }
Parameter { name: "first"; type: "int" }
Parameter { name: "last"; type: "int" }
Signal {
name: "columnsAboutToBeInserted"
Parameter { name: "parent"; type: "QModelIndex" }
Parameter { name: "first"; type: "int" }
Parameter { name: "last"; type: "int" }
Signal {
name: "columnsInserted"
Parameter { name: "parent"; type: "QModelIndex" }
Parameter { name: "first"; type: "int" }
Parameter { name: "last"; type: "int" }
Signal {
name: "columnsAboutToBeRemoved"
Parameter { name: "parent"; type: "QModelIndex" }
Parameter { name: "first"; type: "int" }
Parameter { name: "last"; type: "int" }
Signal {
name: "columnsRemoved"
Parameter { name: "parent"; type: "QModelIndex" }
Parameter { name: "first"; type: "int" }
Parameter { name: "last"; type: "int" }
Signal { name: "modelAboutToBeReset" }
Signal { name: "modelReset" }
Signal {
name: "rowsAboutToBeMoved"
Parameter { name: "sourceParent"; type: "QModelIndex" }
Parameter { name: "sourceStart"; type: "int" }
Parameter { name: "sourceEnd"; type: "int" }
Parameter { name: "destinationParent"; type: "QModelIndex" }
Parameter { name: "destinationRow"; type: "int" }
Signal {
name: "rowsMoved"
Parameter { name: "parent"; type: "QModelIndex" }
Parameter { name: "start"; type: "int" }
Parameter { name: "end"; type: "int" }
Parameter { name: "destination"; type: "QModelIndex" }
Parameter { name: "row"; type: "int" }
Signal {
name: "columnsAboutToBeMoved"
Parameter { name: "sourceParent"; type: "QModelIndex" }
Parameter { name: "sourceStart"; type: "int" }
Parameter { name: "sourceEnd"; type: "int" }
Parameter { name: "destinationParent"; type: "QModelIndex" }
Parameter { name: "destinationColumn"; type: "int" }
Signal {
name: "columnsMoved"
Parameter { name: "parent"; type: "QModelIndex" }
Parameter { name: "start"; type: "int" }
Parameter { name: "end"; type: "int" }
Parameter { name: "destination"; type: "QModelIndex" }
Parameter { name: "column"; type: "int" }
Method { name: "submit"; type: "bool" }
Method { name: "revert" }
Method {
name: "hasIndex"
type: "bool"
Parameter { name: "row"; type: "int" }
Parameter { name: "column"; type: "int" }
Parameter { name: "parent"; type: "QModelIndex" }
Method {
name: "hasIndex"
type: "bool"
Parameter { name: "row"; type: "int" }
Parameter { name: "column"; type: "int" }
Method {
name: "index"
type: "QModelIndex"
Parameter { name: "row"; type: "int" }
Parameter { name: "column"; type: "int" }
Parameter { name: "parent"; type: "QModelIndex" }
Method {
name: "index"
type: "QModelIndex"
Parameter { name: "row"; type: "int" }
Parameter { name: "column"; type: "int" }
Method {
name: "parent"
type: "QModelIndex"
Parameter { name: "child"; type: "QModelIndex" }
Method {
name: "sibling"
type: "QModelIndex"
Parameter { name: "row"; type: "int" }
Parameter { name: "column"; type: "int" }
Parameter { name: "idx"; type: "QModelIndex" }
Method {
name: "rowCount"
type: "int"
Parameter { name: "parent"; type: "QModelIndex" }
Method { name: "rowCount"; type: "int" }
Method {
name: "columnCount"
type: "int"
Parameter { name: "parent"; type: "QModelIndex" }
Method { name: "columnCount"; type: "int" }
Method {
name: "hasChildren"
type: "bool"
Parameter { name: "parent"; type: "QModelIndex" }
Method { name: "hasChildren"; type: "bool" }
Method {
name: "data"
type: "QVariant"
Parameter { name: "index"; type: "QModelIndex" }
Parameter { name: "role"; type: "int" }
Method {
name: "data"
type: "QVariant"
Parameter { name: "index"; type: "QModelIndex" }
Method {
name: "setData"
type: "bool"
Parameter { name: "index"; type: "QModelIndex" }
Parameter { name: "value"; type: "QVariant" }
Parameter { name: "role"; type: "int" }
Method {
name: "setData"
type: "bool"
Parameter { name: "index"; type: "QModelIndex" }
Parameter { name: "value"; type: "QVariant" }
Method {
name: "headerData"
type: "QVariant"
Parameter { name: "section"; type: "int" }
Parameter { name: "orientation"; type: "Qt::Orientation" }
Parameter { name: "role"; type: "int" }
Method {
name: "headerData"
type: "QVariant"
Parameter { name: "section"; type: "int" }
Parameter { name: "orientation"; type: "Qt::Orientation" }
Method {
name: "fetchMore"
Parameter { name: "parent"; type: "QModelIndex" }
Method {
name: "canFetchMore"
type: "bool"
Parameter { name: "parent"; type: "QModelIndex" }
Method {
name: "flags"
type: "Qt::ItemFlags"
Parameter { name: "index"; type: "QModelIndex" }
Method {
name: "match"
type: "QModelIndexList"
Parameter { name: "start"; type: "QModelIndex" }
Parameter { name: "role"; type: "int" }
Parameter { name: "value"; type: "QVariant" }
Parameter { name: "hits"; type: "int" }
Parameter { name: "flags"; type: "Qt::MatchFlags" }
Method {
name: "match"
type: "QModelIndexList"
Parameter { name: "start"; type: "QModelIndex" }
Parameter { name: "role"; type: "int" }
Parameter { name: "value"; type: "QVariant" }
Parameter { name: "hits"; type: "int" }
Method {
name: "match"
type: "QModelIndexList"
Parameter { name: "start"; type: "QModelIndex" }
Parameter { name: "role"; type: "int" }
Parameter { name: "value"; type: "QVariant" }
Component { name: "QAbstractListModel"; prototype: "QAbstractItemModel" }
Component {
name: "QVirtualKeyboardAbstractInputMethod"
prototype: "QObject"
exports: [
"QtQuick.VirtualKeyboard/AbstractInputMethod 1.0",
"QtQuick.VirtualKeyboard/AbstractInputMethod 2.0"
isCreatable: false
exportMetaObjectRevisions: [0, 0]
Signal {
name: "selectionListChanged"
Parameter { name: "type"; type: "QVirtualKeyboardSelectionListModel::Type" }
Signal {
name: "selectionListActiveItemChanged"
Parameter { name: "type"; type: "QVirtualKeyboardSelectionListModel::Type" }
Parameter { name: "index"; type: "int" }
Signal { name: "selectionListsChanged" }
Method { name: "reset" }
Method { name: "update" }
Component {
name: "QVirtualKeyboardInputContext"
prototype: "QObject"
exports: [
"QtQuick.VirtualKeyboard/InputContext 1.0",
"QtQuick.VirtualKeyboard/InputContext 2.0"
isCreatable: false
isSingleton: true
exportMetaObjectRevisions: [0, 0]
Property { name: "shift"; type: "bool"; isReadonly: true }
Property { name: "shiftActive"; revision: 4; type: "bool"; isReadonly: true }
Property { name: "capsLock"; type: "bool"; isReadonly: true }
Property { name: "capsLockActive"; revision: 4; type: "bool"; isReadonly: true }
Property { name: "uppercase"; type: "bool"; isReadonly: true }
Property { name: "anchorPosition"; type: "int"; isReadonly: true }
Property { name: "cursorPosition"; type: "int"; isReadonly: true }
Property { name: "inputMethodHints"; type: "Qt::InputMethodHints"; isReadonly: true }
Property { name: "preeditText"; type: "string" }
Property { name: "surroundingText"; type: "string"; isReadonly: true }
Property { name: "selectedText"; type: "string"; isReadonly: true }
Property { name: "anchorRectangle"; type: "QRectF"; isReadonly: true }
Property { name: "cursorRectangle"; type: "QRectF"; isReadonly: true }
Property { name: "animating"; type: "bool" }
Property { name: "locale"; type: "string"; isReadonly: true }
Property { name: "inputItem"; type: "QObject"; isReadonly: true; isPointer: true }
Property {
name: "inputEngine"
type: "QVirtualKeyboardInputEngine"
isReadonly: true
isPointer: true
Property { name: "selectionControlVisible"; type: "bool"; isReadonly: true }
Property { name: "anchorRectIntersectsClipRect"; type: "bool"; isReadonly: true }
Property { name: "cursorRectIntersectsClipRect"; type: "bool"; isReadonly: true }
Property {
name: "priv"
type: "QVirtualKeyboardInputContextPrivate"
isReadonly: true
isPointer: true
Method {
name: "sendKeyClick"
Parameter { name: "key"; type: "int" }
Parameter { name: "text"; type: "string" }
Parameter { name: "modifiers"; type: "int" }
Method {
name: "sendKeyClick"
Parameter { name: "key"; type: "int" }
Parameter { name: "text"; type: "string" }
Method { name: "commit" }
Method {
name: "commit"
Parameter { name: "text"; type: "string" }
Parameter { name: "replaceFrom"; type: "int" }
Parameter { name: "replaceLength"; type: "int" }
Method {
name: "commit"
Parameter { name: "text"; type: "string" }
Parameter { name: "replaceFrom"; type: "int" }
Method {
name: "commit"
Parameter { name: "text"; type: "string" }
Method { name: "clear" }
Method {
name: "setSelectionOnFocusObject"
Parameter { name: "anchorPos"; type: "QPointF" }
Parameter { name: "cursorPos"; type: "QPointF" }
Component {
name: "QVirtualKeyboardInputContextPrivate"
prototype: "QObject"
exports: ["QtQuick.VirtualKeyboard/InputContextPrivate 1.0"]
isCreatable: false
exportMetaObjectRevisions: [0]
Enum {
name: "State"
values: {
"Reselect": 1,
"InputMethodEvent": 2,
"KeyEvent": 4,
"InputMethodClick": 8,
"SyncShadowInput": 16
Property { name: "focus"; type: "bool" }
Property { name: "keyboardRectangle"; type: "QRectF" }
Property { name: "previewRectangle"; type: "QRectF" }
Property { name: "previewVisible"; type: "bool" }
Property { name: "locale"; type: "string" }
Property { name: "inputItem"; type: "QObject"; isReadonly: true; isPointer: true }
Property {
name: "shiftHandler"
type: "QtVirtualKeyboard::ShiftHandler"
isReadonly: true
isPointer: true
Property {
name: "shadow"
type: "QtVirtualKeyboard::ShadowInputContext"
isReadonly: true
isPointer: true
Property { name: "inputMethods"; type: "QStringList"; isReadonly: true }
Signal {
name: "navigationKeyPressed"
Parameter { name: "key"; type: "int" }
Parameter { name: "isAutoRepeat"; type: "bool" }
Signal {
name: "navigationKeyReleased"
Parameter { name: "key"; type: "int" }
Parameter { name: "isAutoRepeat"; type: "bool" }
Method { name: "hideInputPanel" }
Method {
name: "updateAvailableLocales"
Parameter { name: "availableLocales"; type: "QStringList" }
Method {
name: "forceCursorPosition"
Parameter { name: "anchorPosition"; type: "int" }
Parameter { name: "cursorPosition"; type: "int" }
Method {
name: "fileExists"
type: "bool"
Parameter { name: "fileUrl"; type: "QUrl" }
Method {
name: "hasEnterKeyAction"
type: "bool"
Parameter { name: "item"; type: "QObject"; isPointer: true }
Component {
name: "QVirtualKeyboardInputEngine"
prototype: "QObject"
exports: [
"QtQuick.VirtualKeyboard/InputEngine 1.0",
"QtQuick.VirtualKeyboard/InputEngine 2.0"
isCreatable: false
exportMetaObjectRevisions: [0, 0]
Enum {
name: "TextCase"
values: {
"Lower": 0,
"Upper": 1
Enum {
name: "InputMode"
values: {
"Latin": 0,
"Numeric": 1,
"Dialable": 2,
"Pinyin": 3,
"Cangjie": 4,
"Zhuyin": 5,
"Hangul": 6,
"Hiragana": 7,
"Katakana": 8,
"FullwidthLatin": 9,
"Greek": 10,
"Cyrillic": 11,
"Arabic": 12,
"Hebrew": 13,
"ChineseHandwriting": 14,
"JapaneseHandwriting": 15,
"KoreanHandwriting": 16,
"Thai": 17
Enum {
name: "PatternRecognitionMode"
values: {
"None": 0,
"PatternRecognitionDisabled": 0,
"Handwriting": 1,
"HandwritingRecoginition": 1
Enum {
name: "ReselectFlag"
values: {
"WordBeforeCursor": 1,
"WordAfterCursor": 2,
"WordAtCursor": 3
Property { name: "activeKey"; type: "Qt::Key"; isReadonly: true }
Property { name: "previousKey"; type: "Qt::Key"; isReadonly: true }
Property { name: "inputMethod"; type: "QVirtualKeyboardAbstractInputMethod"; isPointer: true }
Property { name: "inputModes"; type: "QList<int>"; isReadonly: true }
Property { name: "inputMode"; type: "InputMode" }
Property { name: "patternRecognitionModes"; type: "QList<int>"; isReadonly: true }
Property {
name: "wordCandidateListModel"
type: "QVirtualKeyboardSelectionListModel"
isReadonly: true
isPointer: true
Property { name: "wordCandidateListVisibleHint"; type: "bool"; isReadonly: true }
Signal {
name: "virtualKeyClicked"
Parameter { name: "key"; type: "Qt::Key" }
Parameter { name: "text"; type: "string" }
Parameter { name: "modifiers"; type: "Qt::KeyboardModifiers" }
Parameter { name: "isAutoRepeat"; type: "bool" }
Signal {
name: "activeKeyChanged"
Parameter { name: "key"; type: "Qt::Key" }
Signal {
name: "previousKeyChanged"
Parameter { name: "key"; type: "Qt::Key" }
Signal { name: "inputMethodReset" }
Signal { name: "inputMethodUpdate" }
Method {
name: "virtualKeyPress"
type: "bool"
Parameter { name: "key"; type: "Qt::Key" }
Parameter { name: "text"; type: "string" }
Parameter { name: "modifiers"; type: "Qt::KeyboardModifiers" }
Parameter { name: "repeat"; type: "bool" }
Method { name: "virtualKeyCancel" }
Method {
name: "virtualKeyRelease"
type: "bool"
Parameter { name: "key"; type: "Qt::Key" }
Parameter { name: "text"; type: "string" }
Parameter { name: "modifiers"; type: "Qt::KeyboardModifiers" }
Method {
name: "virtualKeyClick"
type: "bool"
Parameter { name: "key"; type: "Qt::Key" }
Parameter { name: "text"; type: "string" }
Parameter { name: "modifiers"; type: "Qt::KeyboardModifiers" }
Method {
name: "traceBegin"
type: "QVirtualKeyboardTrace*"
Parameter { name: "traceId"; type: "int" }
Parameter { name: "patternRecognitionMode"; type: "PatternRecognitionMode" }
Parameter { name: "traceCaptureDeviceInfo"; type: "QVariantMap" }
Parameter { name: "traceScreenInfo"; type: "QVariantMap" }
Method {
name: "traceEnd"
type: "bool"
Parameter { name: "trace"; type: "QVirtualKeyboardTrace"; isPointer: true }
Method {
name: "reselect"
type: "bool"
Parameter { name: "cursorPosition"; type: "int" }
Parameter { name: "reselectFlags"; type: "ReselectFlags" }
Component {
name: "QVirtualKeyboardSelectionListModel"
prototype: "QAbstractListModel"
exports: [
"QtQuick.VirtualKeyboard/SelectionListModel 1.0",
"QtQuick.VirtualKeyboard/SelectionListModel 2.0"
isCreatable: false
exportMetaObjectRevisions: [0, 0]
Enum {
name: "Type"
values: {
"WordCandidateList": 0
Enum {
name: "Role"
values: {
"Display": 0,
"DisplayRole": 0,
"WordCompletionLength": 257,
"WordCompletionLengthRole": 257,
"Dictionary": 258,
"CanRemoveSuggestion": 259
Enum {
name: "DictionaryType"
values: {
"Default": 0,
"User": 1
Property { name: "count"; type: "int"; isReadonly: true }
Signal {
name: "activeItemChanged"
Parameter { name: "index"; type: "int" }
Signal {
name: "itemSelected"
Parameter { name: "index"; type: "int" }
Method {
name: "selectItem"
Parameter { name: "index"; type: "int" }
Method {
name: "removeItem"
Parameter { name: "index"; type: "int" }
Method {
name: "dataAt"
type: "QVariant"
Parameter { name: "index"; type: "int" }
Parameter { name: "role"; type: "Role" }
Method {
name: "dataAt"
type: "QVariant"
Parameter { name: "index"; type: "int" }
Component {
name: "QVirtualKeyboardTrace"
prototype: "QObject"
exports: [
"QtQuick.VirtualKeyboard/Trace 2.0",
"QtQuick.VirtualKeyboard/Trace 2.4"
exportMetaObjectRevisions: [0, 0]
Property { name: "traceId"; type: "int" }
Property { name: "channels"; type: "QStringList" }
Property { name: "length"; type: "int"; isReadonly: true }
Property { name: "final"; type: "bool" }
Property { name: "canceled"; type: "bool" }
Property { name: "opacity"; type: "double" }
Signal {
name: "traceIdChanged"
Parameter { name: "traceId"; type: "int" }
Signal {
name: "lengthChanged"
Parameter { name: "length"; type: "int" }
Signal {
name: "finalChanged"
Parameter { name: "isFinal"; type: "bool" }
Signal {
name: "canceledChanged"
Parameter { name: "isCanceled"; type: "bool" }
Signal {
name: "opacityChanged"
Parameter { name: "opacity"; type: "double" }
Method {
name: "points"
type: "QVariantList"
Parameter { name: "pos"; type: "int" }
Parameter { name: "count"; type: "int" }
Method {
name: "points"
type: "QVariantList"
Parameter { name: "pos"; type: "int" }
Method { name: "points"; type: "QVariantList" }
Method {
name: "addPoint"
type: "int"
Parameter { name: "point"; type: "QPointF" }
Method {
name: "setChannelData"
Parameter { name: "channel"; type: "string" }
Parameter { name: "index"; type: "int" }
Parameter { name: "data"; type: "QVariant" }
Method {
name: "channelData"
type: "QVariantList"
Parameter { name: "channel"; type: "string" }
Parameter { name: "pos"; type: "int" }
Parameter { name: "count"; type: "int" }
Method {
name: "channelData"
type: "QVariantList"
Parameter { name: "channel"; type: "string" }
Parameter { name: "pos"; type: "int" }
Method {
name: "channelData"
type: "QVariantList"
Parameter { name: "channel"; type: "string" }
Component {
name: "QtVirtualKeyboard::EnterKeyAction"
prototype: "QObject"
exports: [
"QtQuick.VirtualKeyboard/EnterKeyAction 1.0",
"QtQuick.VirtualKeyboard/EnterKeyAction 2.0"
exportMetaObjectRevisions: [0, 0]
attachedType: "QtVirtualKeyboard::EnterKeyActionAttachedType"
Enum {
name: "Id"
values: {
"None": 0,
"Go": 1,
"Search": 2,
"Send": 3,
"Next": 4,
"Done": 5
Component {
name: "QtVirtualKeyboard::EnterKeyActionAttachedType"
prototype: "QObject"
Property { name: "actionId"; type: "int" }
Property { name: "label"; type: "string" }
Property { name: "enabled"; type: "bool" }
Component {
name: "QtVirtualKeyboard::HangulInputMethod"
prototype: "QVirtualKeyboardAbstractInputMethod"
exports: [
"QtQuick.VirtualKeyboard.Plugins/HangulInputMethod 1.3",
"QtQuick.VirtualKeyboard.Plugins/HangulInputMethod 2.0"
exportMetaObjectRevisions: [0, 0]
Component {
name: "QtVirtualKeyboard::InputMethod"
prototype: "QVirtualKeyboardAbstractInputMethod"
exports: [
"QtQuick.VirtualKeyboard/InputMethod 1.0",
"QtQuick.VirtualKeyboard/InputMethod 2.0"
exportMetaObjectRevisions: [0, 0]
Property {
name: "inputContext"
type: "QVirtualKeyboardInputContext"
isReadonly: true
isPointer: true
Property {
name: "inputEngine"
type: "QVirtualKeyboardInputEngine"
isReadonly: true
isPointer: true
Component {
name: "QtVirtualKeyboard::OpenWnnInputMethod"
prototype: "QVirtualKeyboardAbstractInputMethod"
exports: [
"QtQuick.VirtualKeyboard.Plugins/JapaneseInputMethod 1.3",
"QtQuick.VirtualKeyboard.Plugins/JapaneseInputMethod 2.0"
exportMetaObjectRevisions: [0, 0]
Component {
name: "QtVirtualKeyboard::PinyinInputMethod"
prototype: "QVirtualKeyboardAbstractInputMethod"
exports: [
"QtQuick.VirtualKeyboard.Plugins/PinyinInputMethod 1.1",
"QtQuick.VirtualKeyboard.Plugins/PinyinInputMethod 2.0"
exportMetaObjectRevisions: [0, 0]
Component {
name: "QtVirtualKeyboard::PlainInputMethod"
prototype: "QVirtualKeyboardAbstractInputMethod"
exports: [
"QtQuick.VirtualKeyboard.Plugins/PlainInputMethod 1.0",
"QtQuick.VirtualKeyboard.Plugins/PlainInputMethod 2.0",
"QtQuick.VirtualKeyboard.Plugins/PlainInputMethod 2.3"
exportMetaObjectRevisions: [0, 0, 0]
Component {
name: "QtVirtualKeyboard::ShadowInputContext"
prototype: "QObject"
exports: ["QtQuick.VirtualKeyboard/ShadowInputContext 2.2"]
isCreatable: false
exportMetaObjectRevisions: [0]
Property { name: "inputItem"; type: "QObject"; isPointer: true }
Property { name: "anchorRectangle"; type: "QRectF"; isReadonly: true }
Property { name: "cursorRectangle"; type: "QRectF"; isReadonly: true }
Property { name: "anchorRectIntersectsClipRect"; type: "bool"; isReadonly: true }
Property { name: "cursorRectIntersectsClipRect"; type: "bool"; isReadonly: true }
Property { name: "selectionControlVisible"; type: "bool"; isReadonly: true }
Method {
name: "setSelectionOnFocusObject"
Parameter { name: "anchorPos"; type: "QPointF" }
Parameter { name: "cursorPos"; type: "QPointF" }
Method { name: "updateSelectionProperties" }
Component {
name: "QtVirtualKeyboard::ShiftHandler"
prototype: "QObject"
exports: [
"QtQuick.VirtualKeyboard/ShiftHandler 1.0",
"QtQuick.VirtualKeyboard/ShiftHandler 2.0"
isCreatable: false
exportMetaObjectRevisions: [0, 0]
Property { name: "sentenceEndingCharacters"; type: "string" }
Property { name: "autoCapitalizationEnabled"; type: "bool"; isReadonly: true }
Property { name: "toggleShiftEnabled"; type: "bool"; isReadonly: true }
Property { name: "shiftActive"; type: "bool" }
Property { name: "capsLockActive"; type: "bool" }
Property { name: "uppercase"; type: "bool"; isReadonly: true }
Method { name: "toggleShift" }
Method { name: "clearToggleShiftTimer" }
Component {
name: "QtVirtualKeyboard::TCInputMethod"
prototype: "QVirtualKeyboardAbstractInputMethod"
exports: ["QtQuick.VirtualKeyboard.Plugins/TCInputMethod 2.0"]
exportMetaObjectRevisions: [0]
Property { name: "simplified"; type: "bool" }
Component {
name: "QtVirtualKeyboard::ThaiInputMethod"
prototype: "QVirtualKeyboardAbstractInputMethod"
exports: ["QtQuick.VirtualKeyboard.Plugins/ThaiInputMethod 2.3"]
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