blob: 5790bc74bc9028444efc44fb67b14a3c88e334ab [file] [log] [blame]
** Copyright (C) 2016 The Qt Company Ltd.
** Contact:
** This file is part of the Qt Virtual Keyboard module of the Qt Toolkit.
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import QtQuick 2.0
// Deliberately imported after QtQuick to avoid missing restoreMode property in Binding. Fix in Qt 6.
import QtQml 2.14
import QtQuick.VirtualKeyboard 2.3
PopupList {
id: wordCandidatePopupList
readonly property int preferredVisibleItems: {
if (!currentItem)
return 0
var maxHeight = flipVertical ? Qt.inputMethod.cursorRectangle.y : parent.height - Qt.inputMethod.cursorRectangle.height - Qt.inputMethod.cursorRectangle.y
var result = Math.min(count, maxVisibleItems)
while (result > 2 && result * currentItem.height > maxHeight)
return result
readonly property bool flipVertical: currentItem &&
Qt.inputMethod.cursorRectangle.y + (Qt.inputMethod.cursorRectangle.height / 2) > (parent.height / 2) &&
Qt.inputMethod.cursorRectangle.y + Qt.inputMethod.cursorRectangle.height + (currentItem.height * 2) > parent.height
height: currentItem ? currentItem.height * preferredVisibleItems + (spacing * preferredVisibleItems - 1) : 0
Binding {
target: wordCandidatePopupList
property: "x"
value: Math.round(Qt.inputMethod.cursorRectangle.x -
(wordCandidatePopupList.currentItem ?
(wordCandidatePopupList.currentItem.hasOwnProperty("cursorAnchor") ?
wordCandidatePopupList.currentItem.cursorAnchor : wordCandidatePopupList.currentItem.width) : 0))
when: wordCandidatePopupList.visible
restoreMode: Binding.RestoreBinding
Binding {
target: wordCandidatePopupList
property: "y"
value: Math.round(wordCandidatePopupList.flipVertical ? Qt.inputMethod.cursorRectangle.y - wordCandidatePopupList.height : Qt.inputMethod.cursorRectangle.y + Qt.inputMethod.cursorRectangle.height)
when: wordCandidatePopupList.visible
restoreMode: Binding.RestoreBinding
model: enabled ? InputContext.inputEngine.wordCandidateListModel : null
onContentWidthChanged: viewResizeTimer.restart()
Timer {
id: viewResizeTimer
interval: 0
repeat: false
onTriggered: wordCandidatePopupList.width = wordCandidatePopupList.contentWidth
Connections {
target: wordCandidatePopupList.model ? wordCandidatePopupList.model : null
onActiveItemChanged: wordCandidatePopupList.currentIndex = index
onItemSelected: if (wordCandidatePopupList.currentItem)