blob: 094d4d8ed4912065f4258cdb9d3f8bb6793f56f6 [file] [log] [blame]
# This adds the qwebchannel js library to an example, creating a self-contained bundle
jslib = $$PWD/shared/qwebchannel.js
# This installs all assets including qwebchannel.js, regardless of the source.
exampleassets.files += $$jslib
INSTALLS += exampleassets
# This code ensures that all assets are present in the build directory.
!equals(_PRO_FILE_PWD_, $$OUT_PWD) {
# Shadow build, copy all example assets.
assetcopy.files += $$exampleassets.files
} else {
# Just copy jslib - other assets are already in place.
assetcopy.files = $$jslib
assetcopy.path = $$OUT_PWD
COPIES += assetcopy