blob: d1c894699425fd762f3f82e63e39bef27a4752eb [file] [log] [blame]
** Copyright (C) 2017 The Qt Company Ltd.
** Contact:
** This file is part of the QtWebEngine module of the Qt Toolkit.
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import QtQuick 2.2
import QtTest 1.0
import QtWebEngine 1.6
TestWebEngineView {
id: webEngineView
width: 400
height: 400
settings.screenCaptureEnabled: true
TestCase {
name: "GetUserMedia"
when: windowShown
function init_data() {
return [
tag: "device audio",
constraints: { audio: true },
feature: WebEngineView.MediaAudioCapture,
tag: "device video",
constraints: { video: true },
feature: WebEngineView.MediaVideoCapture,
tag: "device audio+video",
constraints: { audio: true, video: true },
feature: WebEngineView.MediaAudioVideoCapture,
tag: "desktop video",
constraints: {
video: {
mandatory: {
chromeMediaSource: "desktop"
feature: WebEngineView.DesktopVideoCapture,
tag: "desktop audio+video",
constraints: {
audio: {
mandatory: {
chromeMediaSource: "desktop"
video: {
mandatory: {
chromeMediaSource: "desktop"
feature: WebEngineView.DesktopAudioVideoCapture,
function test_getUserMedia(row) {
// 1. Rejecting request on QML side should reject promise on JS side.
tryVerify(function(){ return gotFeatureRequest(row.feature) })
tryVerify(function(){ return !jsPromiseFulfilled() && jsPromiseRejected() })
// 2. Accepting request on QML side should either fulfill or reject the
// Promise on JS side. Due to the potential lack of physical media devices
// deeper in the content layer we cannot guarantee that the promise will
// always be fulfilled, however in this case an error should be returned to
// JS instead of leaving the Promise in limbo.
tryVerify(function(){ return gotFeatureRequest(row.feature) })
tryVerify(function(){ return jsPromiseFulfilled() || jsPromiseRejected() });
// 3. Media feature permissions are not remembered.
tryVerify(function(){ return gotFeatureRequest(row.feature) })
tryVerify(function(){ return jsPromiseFulfilled() || jsPromiseRejected() });
// synchronous loading
signal loadFinished
SignalSpy {
id: spyOnLoadFinished
target: webEngineView
signalName: "loadFinished"
onLoadingChanged: {
if (loadRequest.status == WebEngineLoadRequest.LoadSucceededStatus) {
function loadSync(url) {
webEngineView.url = url
// synchronous permission requests
property variant requestedFeature
property variant requestedSecurityOrigin
onFeaturePermissionRequested: {
requestedFeature = feature
requestedSecurityOrigin = securityOrigin
function gotFeatureRequest(expectedFeature) {
return requestedFeature == expectedFeature
function acceptPendingRequest() {
webEngineView.grantFeaturePermission(requestedSecurityOrigin, requestedFeature, true)
requestedFeature = undefined
requestedSecurityOrigin = undefined
function rejectPendingRequest() {
webEngineView.grantFeaturePermission(requestedSecurityOrigin, requestedFeature, false)
requestedFeature = undefined
requestedSecurityOrigin = undefined
// synchronous JavaScript evaluation
signal runJavaScriptFinished(variant result)
SignalSpy {
id: spyOnRunJavaScriptFinished
target: webEngineView
signalName: "runJavaScriptFinished"
function runJavaScriptSync(code) {
runJavaScript(code, runJavaScriptFinished)
return spyOnRunJavaScriptFinished.signalArguments[0][0]
// JavaScript snippets
function jsGetUserMedia(constraints) {
"var promiseFulfilled = false;" +
"var promiseRejected = false;" +
"navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia(" + JSON.stringify(constraints) + ")" +
".then(stream => { promiseFulfilled = true})" +
".catch(err => { promiseRejected = true})")
function jsPromiseFulfilled() {
return runJavaScriptSync("promiseFulfilled")
function jsPromiseRejected() {
return runJavaScriptSync("promiseRejected")