blob: 349f11c541bedfce2f5fa1e99dab5e9d7f6b17ab [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
** Copyright (C) 2017 Klaralvdalens Datakonsult AB (KDAB).
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** This file is part of the QtGui module of the Qt Toolkit.
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#include "qshadernodesloader_p.h"
#include <QtCore/qdebug.h>
#include <QtCore/qiodevice.h>
#include <QtCore/qjsonarray.h>
#include <QtCore/qjsondocument.h>
#include <QtCore/qjsonobject.h>
#include <QtCore/qmetaobject.h>
QShaderNodesLoader::QShaderNodesLoader() noexcept
: m_status(Null),
QShaderNodesLoader::Status QShaderNodesLoader::status() const noexcept
return m_status;
QHash<QString, QShaderNode> QShaderNodesLoader::nodes() const noexcept
return m_nodes;
QIODevice *QShaderNodesLoader::device() const noexcept
return m_device;
void QShaderNodesLoader::setDevice(QIODevice *device) noexcept
m_device = device;
m_status = !m_device ? Null
: (m_device->openMode() & QIODevice::ReadOnly) ? Waiting
: Error;
void QShaderNodesLoader::load()
if (m_status == Error)
auto error = QJsonParseError();
const QJsonDocument document = QJsonDocument::fromJson(m_device->readAll(), &error);
if (error.error != QJsonParseError::NoError) {
qWarning() << "Invalid JSON document:" << error.errorString();
m_status = Error;
if (document.isEmpty() || !document.isObject()) {
qWarning() << "Invalid JSON document, root should be an object";
m_status = Error;
const QJsonObject root = document.object();
void QShaderNodesLoader::load(const QJsonObject &prototypesObject)
bool hasError = false;
for (const QString &property : prototypesObject.keys()) {
const QJsonValue nodeValue = prototypesObject.value(property);
if (!nodeValue.isObject()) {
qWarning() << "Invalid node found";
hasError = true;
const QJsonObject nodeObject = nodeValue.toObject();
auto node = QShaderNode();
const QJsonValue inputsValue = nodeObject.value(QStringLiteral("inputs"));
if (inputsValue.isArray()) {
const QJsonArray inputsArray = inputsValue.toArray();
for (const QJsonValue &inputValue : inputsArray) {
if (!inputValue.isString()) {
qWarning() << "Non-string value in inputs";
hasError = true;
auto input = QShaderNodePort();
input.direction = QShaderNodePort::Input; = inputValue.toString();
const QJsonValue outputsValue = nodeObject.value(QStringLiteral("outputs"));
if (outputsValue.isArray()) {
const QJsonArray outputsArray = outputsValue.toArray();
for (const QJsonValue &outputValue : outputsArray) {
if (!outputValue.isString()) {
qWarning() << "Non-string value in outputs";
hasError = true;
auto output = QShaderNodePort();
output.direction = QShaderNodePort::Output; = outputValue.toString();
const QJsonValue parametersValue = nodeObject.value(QStringLiteral("parameters"));
if (parametersValue.isObject()) {
const QJsonObject parametersObject = parametersValue.toObject();
for (const QString &parameterName : parametersObject.keys()) {
const QJsonValue parameterValue = parametersObject.value(parameterName);
if (parameterValue.isObject()) {
const QJsonObject parameterObject = parameterValue.toObject();
const QString type = parameterObject.value(QStringLiteral("type")).toString();
const int typeId = QMetaType::type(type.toUtf8());
const QString value = parameterObject.value(QStringLiteral("value")).toString();
auto variant = QVariant(value);
if (QMetaType::typeFlags(typeId) & QMetaType::IsEnumeration) {
const QMetaObject *metaObject = QMetaType::metaObjectForType(typeId);
const char *className = metaObject->className();
const QByteArray enumName = type.mid(static_cast<int>(qstrlen(className)) + 2).toUtf8();
const QMetaEnum metaEnum = metaObject->enumerator(metaObject->indexOfEnumerator(enumName));
const int enumValue = metaEnum.keyToValue(value.toUtf8());
variant = QVariant(enumValue);
} else {
node.setParameter(parameterName, variant);
} else {
node.setParameter(parameterName, parameterValue.toVariant());
const QJsonValue rulesValue = nodeObject.value(QStringLiteral("rules"));
if (rulesValue.isArray()) {
const QJsonArray rulesArray = rulesValue.toArray();
for (const QJsonValue &ruleValue : rulesArray) {
if (!ruleValue.isObject()) {
qWarning() << "Rules should be objects";
hasError = true;
const QJsonObject ruleObject = ruleValue.toObject();
const QJsonValue formatValue = ruleObject.value(QStringLiteral("format"));
if (!formatValue.isObject()) {
qWarning() << "Format is mandatory in rules and should be an object";
hasError = true;
const QJsonObject formatObject = formatValue.toObject();
auto format = QShaderFormat();
const QJsonValue apiValue = formatObject.value(QStringLiteral("api"));
if (!apiValue.isString()) {
qWarning() << "Format API must be a string";
hasError = true;
const QString api = apiValue.toString();
format.setApi(api == QStringLiteral("OpenGLES") ? QShaderFormat::OpenGLES
: api == QStringLiteral("OpenGLNoProfile") ? QShaderFormat::OpenGLNoProfile
: api == QStringLiteral("OpenGLCoreProfile") ? QShaderFormat::OpenGLCoreProfile
: api == QStringLiteral("OpenGLCompatibilityProfile") ? QShaderFormat::OpenGLCompatibilityProfile
: api == QStringLiteral("VulkanFlavoredGLSL") ? QShaderFormat::VulkanFlavoredGLSL
: QShaderFormat::NoApi);
if (format.api() == QShaderFormat::NoApi) {
qWarning() << "Format API must be one of: OpenGLES, OpenGLNoProfile, OpenGLCoreProfile or OpenGLCompatibilityProfile, VulkanFlavoredGLSL";
hasError = true;
const QJsonValue majorValue = formatObject.value(QStringLiteral("major"));
const QJsonValue minorValue = formatObject.value(QStringLiteral("minor"));
if (!majorValue.isDouble() || !minorValue.isDouble()) {
qWarning() << "Format major and minor version must be values";
hasError = true;
format.setVersion(QVersionNumber(majorValue.toInt(), minorValue.toInt()));
const QJsonValue extensionsValue = formatObject.value(QStringLiteral("extensions"));
const QJsonArray extensionsArray = extensionsValue.toArray();
auto extensions = QStringList();
std::transform(extensionsArray.constBegin(), extensionsArray.constEnd(),
[] (const QJsonValue &extensionValue) { return extensionValue.toString(); });
const QString vendor = formatObject.value(QStringLiteral("vendor")).toString();
const QJsonValue substitutionValue = ruleObject.value(QStringLiteral("substitution"));
if (!substitutionValue.isString()) {
qWarning() << "Substitution needs to be a string";
hasError = true;
// We default out to a Fragment ShaderType if nothing is specified
// as that was the initial behavior we introduced
const QString shaderType = formatObject.value(QStringLiteral("shaderType")).toString();
format.setShaderType(shaderType == QStringLiteral("Fragment") ? QShaderFormat::Fragment
: shaderType == QStringLiteral("Vertex") ? QShaderFormat::Vertex
: shaderType == QStringLiteral("TessellationControl") ? QShaderFormat::TessellationControl
: shaderType == QStringLiteral("TessellationEvaluation") ? QShaderFormat::TessellationEvaluation
: shaderType == QStringLiteral("Geometry") ? QShaderFormat::Geometry
: shaderType == QStringLiteral("Compute") ? QShaderFormat::Compute
: QShaderFormat::Fragment);
const QByteArray substitution = substitutionValue.toString().toUtf8();
const QJsonValue snippetsValue = ruleObject.value(QStringLiteral("headerSnippets"));
const QJsonArray snippetsArray = snippetsValue.toArray();
auto snippets = QByteArrayList();
std::transform(snippetsArray.constBegin(), snippetsArray.constEnd(),
[] (const QJsonValue &snippetValue) { return snippetValue.toString().toUtf8(); });
node.addRule(format, QShaderNode::Rule(substitution, snippets));
m_nodes.insert(property, node);
if (hasError) {
m_status = Error;
} else {
m_status = Ready;