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** Copyright (C) 2016 The Qt Company Ltd.
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** This file is part of the QtSql module of the Qt Toolkit.
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#include "qsqltablemodel.h"
#include "qsqldriver.h"
#include "qsqlerror.h"
#include "qsqlfield.h"
#include "qsqlindex.h"
#include "qsqlquery.h"
#include "qsqlrecord.h"
#include "qsqlresult.h"
#include "qsqltablemodel_p.h"
#include <qdebug.h>
typedef QSqlTableModelSql Sql;
/*! \internal
Populates our record with values.
QSqlRecord QSqlTableModelPrivate::record(const QVector<QVariant> &values) const
QSqlRecord r = rec;
for (int i = 0; i < r.count() && i < values.count(); ++i)
return r;
int QSqlTableModelPrivate::nameToIndex(const QString &name) const
return rec.indexOf(strippedFieldName(name));
QString QSqlTableModelPrivate::strippedFieldName(const QString &name) const
QString fieldname = name;
if (db.driver()->isIdentifierEscaped(fieldname, QSqlDriver::FieldName))
fieldname = db.driver()->stripDelimiters(fieldname, QSqlDriver::FieldName);
return fieldname;
int QSqlTableModelPrivate::insertCount(int maxRow) const
int cnt = 0;
CacheMap::ConstIterator i = cache.constBegin();
const CacheMap::ConstIterator e = cache.constEnd();
for ( ; i != e && (maxRow < 0 || i.key() <= maxRow); ++i)
if (i.value().insert())
return cnt;
void QSqlTableModelPrivate::initRecordAndPrimaryIndex()
rec = db.record(tableName);
primaryIndex = db.primaryIndex(tableName);
void QSqlTableModelPrivate::clear()
sortColumn = -1;
sortOrder = Qt::AscendingOrder;
void QSqlTableModelPrivate::clearCache()
void QSqlTableModelPrivate::revertCachedRow(int row)
ModifiedRow r = cache.value(row);
switch (r.op()) {
case QSqlTableModelPrivate::None:
Q_ASSERT_X(false, "QSqlTableModelPrivate::revertCachedRow()", "Invalid entry in cache map");
case QSqlTableModelPrivate::Update:
case QSqlTableModelPrivate::Delete:
if (!r.submitted()) {
emit q->dataChanged(q->createIndex(row, 0),
q->createIndex(row, q->columnCount() - 1));
case QSqlTableModelPrivate::Insert: {
QMap<int, QSqlTableModelPrivate::ModifiedRow>::Iterator it = cache.find(row);
if (it == cache.end())
q->beginRemoveRows(QModelIndex(), row, row);
it = cache.erase(it);
while (it != cache.end()) {
int oldKey = it.key();
const QSqlTableModelPrivate::ModifiedRow oldValue = it.value();
it = cache.insert(oldKey - 1, oldValue);
break; }
bool QSqlTableModelPrivate::exec(const QString &stmt, bool prepStatement,
const QSqlRecord &rec, const QSqlRecord &whereValues)
if (stmt.isEmpty())
return false;
// lazy initialization of editQuery
if (editQuery.driver() != db.driver())
editQuery = QSqlQuery(db);
// workaround for In-Process databases - remove all read locks
// from the table to make sure the editQuery succeeds
if (db.driver()->hasFeature(QSqlDriver::SimpleLocking))
const_cast<QSqlResult *>(query.result())->detachFromResultSet();
if (prepStatement) {
if (editQuery.lastQuery() != stmt) {
if (!editQuery.prepare(stmt)) {
error = editQuery.lastError();
return false;
int i;
for (i = 0; i < rec.count(); ++i)
if (rec.isGenerated(i))
for (i = 0; i < whereValues.count(); ++i)
if (whereValues.isGenerated(i) && !whereValues.isNull(i))
if (!editQuery.exec()) {
error = editQuery.lastError();
return false;
} else {
if (!editQuery.exec(stmt)) {
error = editQuery.lastError();
return false;
return true;
\class QSqlTableModel
\brief The QSqlTableModel class provides an editable data model
for a single database table.
\ingroup database
\inmodule QtSql
QSqlTableModel is a high-level interface for reading and writing
database records from a single table. It is built on top of the
lower-level QSqlQuery and can be used to provide data to view
classes such as QTableView. For example:
\snippet sqldatabase/sqldatabase_snippet.cpp 24
We set the SQL table's name and the edit strategy, then we set up
the labels displayed in the view header. The edit strategy
dictates when the changes done by the user in the view are
actually applied to the database. The possible values are \l
OnFieldChange, \l OnRowChange, and \l OnManualSubmit.
QSqlTableModel can also be used to access a database
programmatically, without binding it to a view:
\snippet sqldatabase/sqldatabase.cpp 25
The code snippet above extracts the \c salary field from record 4 in
the result set of the query \c{SELECT * from employee}.
It is possible to set filters using setFilter(), or modify the
sort order using setSort(). At the end, you must call select() to
populate the model with data.
The \l{tablemodel} example illustrates how to use
QSqlTableModel as the data source for a QTableView.
QSqlTableModel provides no direct support for foreign keys. Use
the QSqlRelationalTableModel and QSqlRelationalDelegate if you
want to resolve foreign keys.
\sa QSqlRelationalTableModel, QSqlQuery, {Model/View Programming},
{Table Model Example}, {Cached Table Example}
\fn QSqlTableModel::beforeDelete(int row)
This signal is emitted by deleteRowFromTable() before the \a row
is deleted from the currently active database table.
\fn void QSqlTableModel::primeInsert(int row, QSqlRecord &record)
This signal is emitted by insertRows(), when an insertion is
initiated in the given \a row of the currently active database
table. The \a record parameter can be written to (since it is a
reference), for example to populate some fields with default
values and set the generated flags of the fields. Do not try to
edit the record via other means such as setData() or setRecord()
while handling this signal.
\fn QSqlTableModel::beforeInsert(QSqlRecord &record)
This signal is emitted by insertRowIntoTable() before a new row is
inserted into the currently active database table. The values that
are about to be inserted are stored in \a record and can be
modified before they will be inserted.
\fn QSqlTableModel::beforeUpdate(int row, QSqlRecord &record)
This signal is emitted by updateRowInTable() before the \a row is
updated in the currently active database table with the values
from \a record.
Note that only values that are marked as generated will be updated.
The generated flag can be set with \l QSqlRecord::setGenerated()
and checked with \l QSqlRecord::isGenerated().
\sa QSqlRecord::isGenerated()
Creates an empty QSqlTableModel and sets the parent to \a parent
and the database connection to \a db. If \a db is not valid, the
default database connection will be used.
The default edit strategy is \l OnRowChange.
QSqlTableModel::QSqlTableModel(QObject *parent, QSqlDatabase db)
: QSqlQueryModel(*new QSqlTableModelPrivate, parent)
d->db = db.isValid() ? db : QSqlDatabase::database();
/*! \internal
QSqlTableModel::QSqlTableModel(QSqlTableModelPrivate &dd, QObject *parent, QSqlDatabase db)
: QSqlQueryModel(dd, parent)
d->db = db.isValid() ? db : QSqlDatabase::database();
Destroys the object and frees any allocated resources.
Sets the database table on which the model operates to \a
tableName. Does not select data from the table, but fetches its
field information.
To populate the model with the table's data, call select().
Error information can be retrieved with \l lastError().
\sa select(), setFilter(), lastError()
void QSqlTableModel::setTable(const QString &tableName)
d->tableName = tableName;
if (d->rec.count() == 0)
d->error = QSqlError(QLatin1String("Unable to find table ") + d->tableName, QString(),
// Remember the auto index column if there is one now.
// The record that will be obtained from the query after select lacks this feature.
for (int c = 0; c < d->rec.count(); ++c) {
if (d->rec.field(c).isAutoValue()) {
d->autoColumn = d->rec.fieldName(c);
Returns the name of the currently selected table.
QString QSqlTableModel::tableName() const
Q_D(const QSqlTableModel);
return d->tableName;
Populates the model with data from the table that was set via setTable(), using the
specified filter and sort condition, and returns \c true if successful; otherwise
returns \c false.
\note Calling select() will revert any unsubmitted changes and remove any inserted columns.
\sa setTable(), setFilter(), selectStatement()
bool QSqlTableModel::select()
const QString query = selectStatement();
if (query.isEmpty())
return false;
QSqlQuery qu(query, d->db);
if (!qu.isActive() || lastError().isValid()) {
// something went wrong - revert to non-select state
return false;
return true;
\since 5.0
Refreshes \a row in the model with values from the database table row matching
on primary key values. Without a primary key, all column values must match. If
no matching row is found, the model will show an empty row.
Returns \c true if successful; otherwise returns \c false.
\sa select()
bool QSqlTableModel::selectRow(int row)
if (row < 0 || row >= rowCount())
return false;
const int table_sort_col = d->sortColumn;
d->sortColumn = -1;
const QString table_filter = d->filter;
d->filter = d->db.driver()->sqlStatement(QSqlDriver::WhereStatement,
static const QString wh = Sql::where() + Sql::sp();
if (d->filter.startsWith(wh, Qt::CaseInsensitive))
d->filter.remove(0, wh.length());
QString stmt;
if (!d->filter.isEmpty())
stmt = selectStatement();
d->sortColumn = table_sort_col;
d->filter = table_filter;
if (stmt.isEmpty())
return false;
bool exists;
QSqlRecord newValues;
QSqlQuery q(d->db);
if (!q.exec(stmt))
return false;
exists =;
newValues = q.record();
bool needsAddingToCache = !exists || d->cache.contains(row);
if (!needsAddingToCache) {
const QSqlRecord curValues = record(row);
needsAddingToCache = curValues.count() != newValues.count();
if (!needsAddingToCache) {
// Look for changed values. Primary key fields are customarily first
// and probably change less often than other fields, so start at the end.
for (int f = curValues.count() - 1; f >= 0; --f) {
if (curValues.value(f) != newValues.value(f)) {
needsAddingToCache = true;
if (needsAddingToCache) {
d->cache[row].refresh(exists, newValues);
emit headerDataChanged(Qt::Vertical, row, row);
emit dataChanged(createIndex(row, 0), createIndex(row, columnCount() - 1));
return true;
QVariant QSqlTableModel::data(const QModelIndex &index, int role) const
Q_D(const QSqlTableModel);
if (!index.isValid() || (role != Qt::DisplayRole && role != Qt::EditRole))
return QVariant();
const auto it = d->cache.constFind(index.row());
if (it != d->cache.constEnd() && it->op() != QSqlTableModelPrivate::None)
return it->rec().value(index.column());
return QSqlQueryModel::data(index, role);
QVariant QSqlTableModel::headerData(int section, Qt::Orientation orientation, int role) const
Q_D(const QSqlTableModel);
if (orientation == Qt::Vertical && role == Qt::DisplayRole) {
const QSqlTableModelPrivate::Op op = d->cache.value(section).op();
if (op == QSqlTableModelPrivate::Insert)
return QLatin1String("*");
else if (op == QSqlTableModelPrivate::Delete)
return QLatin1String("!");
return QSqlQueryModel::headerData(section, orientation, role);
\since 5.0
Returns \c true if the model contains modified values that have not been
committed to the database, otherwise false.
bool QSqlTableModel::isDirty() const
Q_D(const QSqlTableModel);
QSqlTableModelPrivate::CacheMap::ConstIterator i = d->cache.constBegin();
const QSqlTableModelPrivate::CacheMap::ConstIterator e = d->cache.constEnd();
for (; i != e; ++i) {
if (!i.value().submitted())
return true;
return false;
Returns \c true if the value at the index \a index is dirty, otherwise false.
Dirty values are values that were modified in the model
but not yet written into the database.
If \a index is invalid or points to a non-existing row, false is returned.
bool QSqlTableModel::isDirty(const QModelIndex &index) const
Q_D(const QSqlTableModel);
if (!index.isValid())
return false;
const auto it = d->cache.constFind(index.row());
if (it == d->cache.constEnd())
return false;
const QSqlTableModelPrivate::ModifiedRow &row = *it;
if (row.submitted())
return false;
return row.op() == QSqlTableModelPrivate::Insert
|| row.op() == QSqlTableModelPrivate::Delete
|| (row.op() == QSqlTableModelPrivate::Update
&& row.rec().isGenerated(index.column()));
Sets the data for the item \a index for the role \a role to \a
For edit strategy OnFieldChange, an index may receive a change
only if no other index has a cached change. Changes are
submitted immediately. However, rows that have not yet been
inserted in the database may be freely changed and are not
submitted automatically. Submitted changes are not reverted upon
For OnRowChange, an index may receive a change only if no other
row has a cached change. Changes are not submitted automatically.
Returns \c true if \a value is equal to the current value. However,
the value will not be submitted to the database.
Returns \c true if the value could be set or false on error, for
example if \a index is out of bounds.
Returns \c false if the role is not Qt::EditRole. To set data
for roles other than EditRole, either use a custom proxy model
or subclass QSqlTableModel.
\sa editStrategy(), data(), submit(), submitAll(), revertRow()
bool QSqlTableModel::setData(const QModelIndex &index, const QVariant &value, int role)
if (d->busyInsertingRows)
return false;
if (role != Qt::EditRole)
return QSqlQueryModel::setData(index, value, role);
if (!index.isValid() || index.column() >= d->rec.count() || index.row() >= rowCount())
return false;
if (!(flags(index) & Qt::ItemIsEditable))
return false;
const QVariant oldValue = QSqlTableModel::data(index, role);
if (value == oldValue
&& value.isNull() == oldValue.isNull()
&& d->cache.value(index.row()).op() != QSqlTableModelPrivate::Insert)
return true;
QSqlTableModelPrivate::ModifiedRow &row = d->cache[index.row()];
if (row.op() == QSqlTableModelPrivate::None)
row = QSqlTableModelPrivate::ModifiedRow(QSqlTableModelPrivate::Update,
row.setValue(index.column(), value);
emit dataChanged(index, index);
if (d->strategy == OnFieldChange && row.op() != QSqlTableModelPrivate::Insert)
return submit();
return true;
bool QSqlTableModel::clearItemData(const QModelIndex &index)
return setData(index, QVariant(), Qt::EditRole);
This function simply calls QSqlQueryModel::setQuery(\a query).
You should normally not call it on a QSqlTableModel. Instead, use
setTable(), setSort(), setFilter(), etc., to set up the query.
\sa selectStatement()
void QSqlTableModel::setQuery(const QSqlQuery &query)
Updates the given \a row in the currently active database table
with the specified \a values. Returns \c true if successful; otherwise
returns \c false.
This is a low-level method that operates directly on the database
and should not be called directly. Use setData() to update values.
The model will decide depending on its edit strategy when to modify
the database.
Note that only values that have the generated-flag set are updated.
The generated-flag can be set with QSqlRecord::setGenerated() and
tested with QSqlRecord::isGenerated().
\sa QSqlRecord::isGenerated(), setData()
bool QSqlTableModel::updateRowInTable(int row, const QSqlRecord &values)
QSqlRecord rec(values);
emit beforeUpdate(row, rec);
const QSqlRecord whereValues = primaryValues(row);
const bool prepStatement = d->db.driver()->hasFeature(QSqlDriver::PreparedQueries);
const QString stmt = d->db.driver()->sqlStatement(QSqlDriver::UpdateStatement, d->tableName,
rec, prepStatement);
const QString where = d->db.driver()->sqlStatement(QSqlDriver::WhereStatement, d->tableName,
whereValues, prepStatement);
if (stmt.isEmpty() || where.isEmpty() || row < 0 || row >= rowCount()) {
d->error = QSqlError(QLatin1String("No Fields to update"), QString(),
return false;
return d->exec(Sql::concat(stmt, where), prepStatement, rec, whereValues);
Inserts the values \a values into the currently active database table.
This is a low-level method that operates directly on the database
and should not be called directly. Use insertRow() and setData()
to insert values. The model will decide depending on its edit strategy
when to modify the database.
Returns \c true if the values could be inserted, otherwise false.
Error information can be retrieved with \l lastError().
\sa lastError(), insertRow(), insertRows()
bool QSqlTableModel::insertRowIntoTable(const QSqlRecord &values)
QSqlRecord rec = values;
emit beforeInsert(rec);
const bool prepStatement = d->db.driver()->hasFeature(QSqlDriver::PreparedQueries);
const QString stmt = d->db.driver()->sqlStatement(QSqlDriver::InsertStatement, d->tableName,
rec, prepStatement);
if (stmt.isEmpty()) {
d->error = QSqlError(QLatin1String("No Fields to update"), QString(),
return false;
return d->exec(stmt, prepStatement, rec, QSqlRecord() /* no where values */);
Deletes the given \a row from the currently active database table.
This is a low-level method that operates directly on the database
and should not be called directly. Use removeRow() or removeRows()
to delete values. The model will decide depending on its edit strategy
when to modify the database.
Returns \c true if the row was deleted; otherwise returns \c false.
\sa removeRow(), removeRows()
bool QSqlTableModel::deleteRowFromTable(int row)
emit beforeDelete(row);
const QSqlRecord whereValues = primaryValues(row);
const bool prepStatement = d->db.driver()->hasFeature(QSqlDriver::PreparedQueries);
const QString stmt = d->db.driver()->sqlStatement(QSqlDriver::DeleteStatement,
const QString where = d->db.driver()->sqlStatement(QSqlDriver::WhereStatement,
if (stmt.isEmpty() || where.isEmpty()) {
d->error = QSqlError(QLatin1String("Unable to delete row"), QString(),
return false;
return d->exec(Sql::concat(stmt, where), prepStatement, QSqlRecord() /* no new values */, whereValues);
Submits all pending changes and returns \c true on success.
Returns \c false on error, detailed error information can be
obtained with lastError().
In OnManualSubmit, on success the model will be repopulated.
Any views presenting it will lose their selections.
Note: In OnManualSubmit mode, already submitted changes won't
be cleared from the cache when submitAll() fails. This allows
transactions to be rolled back and resubmitted without
losing data.
\sa revertAll(), lastError()
bool QSqlTableModel::submitAll()
bool success = true;
const auto cachedKeys = d->cache.keys();
for (int row : cachedKeys) {
// be sure cache *still* contains the row since overridden selectRow() could have called select()
QSqlTableModelPrivate::CacheMap::iterator it = d->cache.find(row);
if (it == d->cache.end())
QSqlTableModelPrivate::ModifiedRow &mrow = it.value();
if (mrow.submitted())
switch (mrow.op()) {
case QSqlTableModelPrivate::Insert:
success = insertRowIntoTable(mrow.rec());
case QSqlTableModelPrivate::Update:
success = updateRowInTable(row, mrow.rec());
case QSqlTableModelPrivate::Delete:
success = deleteRowFromTable(row);
case QSqlTableModelPrivate::None:
Q_ASSERT_X(false, "QSqlTableModel::submitAll()", "Invalid cache operation");
if (success) {
if (d->strategy != OnManualSubmit && mrow.op() == QSqlTableModelPrivate::Insert) {
int c = mrow.rec().indexOf(d->autoColumn);
if (c != -1 && !mrow.rec().isGenerated(c))
mrow.setValue(c, d->editQuery.lastInsertId());
if (d->strategy != OnManualSubmit)
success = selectRow(row);
if (!success)
if (success) {
if (d->strategy == OnManualSubmit)
success = select();
return success;
This reimplemented slot is called by the item delegates when the
user stopped editing the current row.
Submits the currently edited row if the model's strategy is set
to OnRowChange or OnFieldChange. Does nothing for the OnManualSubmit
Use submitAll() to submit all pending changes for the
OnManualSubmit strategy.
Returns \c true on success; otherwise returns \c false. Use lastError()
to query detailed error information.
Does not automatically repopulate the model. Submitted rows are
refreshed from the database on success.
\sa revert(), revertRow(), submitAll(), revertAll(), lastError()
bool QSqlTableModel::submit()
if (d->strategy == OnRowChange || d->strategy == OnFieldChange)
return submitAll();
return true;
This reimplemented slot is called by the item delegates when the
user canceled editing the current row.
Reverts the changes if the model's strategy is set to
OnRowChange or OnFieldChange. Does nothing for the OnManualSubmit
Use revertAll() to revert all pending changes for the
OnManualSubmit strategy or revertRow() to revert a specific row.
\sa submit(), submitAll(), revertRow(), revertAll()
void QSqlTableModel::revert()
if (d->strategy == OnRowChange || d->strategy == OnFieldChange)
\enum QSqlTableModel::EditStrategy
This enum type describes which strategy to choose when editing values in the database.
\value OnFieldChange All changes to the model will be applied immediately to the database.
\value OnRowChange Changes to a row will be applied when the user selects a different row.
\value OnManualSubmit All changes will be cached in the model until either submitAll()
or revertAll() is called.
Note: To prevent inserting only partly initialized rows into the database,
\c OnFieldChange will behave like \c OnRowChange for newly inserted rows.
\sa setEditStrategy()
Sets the strategy for editing values in the database to \a
This will revert any pending changes.
\sa editStrategy(), revertAll()
void QSqlTableModel::setEditStrategy(EditStrategy strategy)
d->strategy = strategy;
Returns the current edit strategy.
\sa setEditStrategy()
QSqlTableModel::EditStrategy QSqlTableModel::editStrategy() const
Q_D(const QSqlTableModel);
return d->strategy;
Reverts all pending changes.
\sa revert(), revertRow(), submitAll()
void QSqlTableModel::revertAll()
const QList<int> rows(d->cache.keys());
for (int i = rows.size() - 1; i >= 0; --i)
Reverts all changes for the specified \a row.
\sa revert(), revertAll(), submit(), submitAll()
void QSqlTableModel::revertRow(int row)
if (row < 0)
Returns the primary key for the current table, or an empty
QSqlIndex if the table is not set or has no primary key.
\sa setTable(), setPrimaryKey(), QSqlDatabase::primaryIndex()
QSqlIndex QSqlTableModel::primaryKey() const
Q_D(const QSqlTableModel);
return d->primaryIndex;
Protected method that allows subclasses to set the primary key to
\a key.
Normally, the primary index is set automatically whenever you
call setTable().
\sa primaryKey(), QSqlDatabase::primaryIndex()
void QSqlTableModel::setPrimaryKey(const QSqlIndex &key)
d->primaryIndex = key;
Returns the model's database connection.
QSqlDatabase QSqlTableModel::database() const
Q_D(const QSqlTableModel);
return d->db;
Sorts the data by \a column with the sort order \a order.
This will immediately select data, use setSort()
to set a sort order without populating the model with data.
\sa setSort(), select(), orderByClause()
void QSqlTableModel::sort(int column, Qt::SortOrder order)
setSort(column, order);
Sets the sort order for \a column to \a order. This does not
affect the current data, to refresh the data using the new
sort order, call select().
\sa select(), orderByClause()
void QSqlTableModel::setSort(int column, Qt::SortOrder order)
d->sortColumn = column;
d->sortOrder = order;
Returns an SQL \c{ORDER BY} clause based on the currently set
sort order.
\sa setSort(), selectStatement()
QString QSqlTableModel::orderByClause() const
Q_D(const QSqlTableModel);
QSqlField f = d->rec.field(d->sortColumn);
if (!f.isValid())
return QString();
//we can safely escape the field because it would have been obtained from the database
//and have the correct case
QString field = d->tableName + QLatin1Char('.')
+ d->db.driver()->escapeIdentifier(, QSqlDriver::FieldName);
field = d->sortOrder == Qt::AscendingOrder ? Sql::asc(field) : Sql::desc(field);
return Sql::orderBy(field);
Returns the index of the field \a fieldName, or -1 if no corresponding field
exists in the model.
int QSqlTableModel::fieldIndex(const QString &fieldName) const
Q_D(const QSqlTableModel);
return d->rec.indexOf(fieldName);
Returns the SQL \c SELECT statement used internally to populate
the model. The statement includes the filter and the \c{ORDER BY}
\sa filter(), orderByClause()
QString QSqlTableModel::selectStatement() const
Q_D(const QSqlTableModel);
if (d->tableName.isEmpty()) {
d->error = QSqlError(QLatin1String("No table name given"), QString(),
return QString();
if (d->rec.isEmpty()) {
d->error = QSqlError(QLatin1String("Unable to find table ") + d->tableName, QString(),
return QString();
const QString stmt = d->db.driver()->sqlStatement(QSqlDriver::SelectStatement,
if (stmt.isEmpty()) {
d->error = QSqlError(QLatin1String("Unable to select fields from table ") + d->tableName,
QString(), QSqlError::StatementError);
return stmt;
return Sql::concat(Sql::concat(stmt, Sql::where(d->filter)), orderByClause());
Removes \a count columns from the \a parent model, starting at
index \a column.
Returns if the columns were successfully removed; otherwise
returns \c false.
\sa removeRows()
bool QSqlTableModel::removeColumns(int column, int count, const QModelIndex &parent)
if (parent.isValid() || column < 0 || column + count > d->rec.count())
return false;
for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i)
if (d->query.isActive())
return select();
return true;
Removes \a count rows starting at \a row. Since this model
does not support hierarchical structures, \a parent must be
an invalid model index.
When the edit strategy is OnManualSubmit, deletion of rows from
the database is delayed until submitAll() is called.
For OnFieldChange and OnRowChange, only one row may be deleted
at a time and only if no other row has a cached change. Deletions
are submitted immediately to the database. The model retains a
blank row for successfully deleted row until refreshed with select().
After failed deletion, the operation is not reverted in the model.
The application may resubmit or revert.
Inserted but not yet successfully submitted rows in the range to be
removed are immediately removed from the model.
Before a row is deleted from the database, the beforeDelete()
signal is emitted.
If row < 0 or row + count > rowCount(), no action is taken and
false is returned. Returns \c true if all rows could be removed;
otherwise returns \c false. Detailed database error information
can be retrieved using lastError().
\sa removeColumns(), insertRows()
bool QSqlTableModel::removeRows(int row, int count, const QModelIndex &parent)
if (parent.isValid() || row < 0 || count <= 0)
return false;
else if (row + count > rowCount())
return false;
else if (!count)
return true;
if (d->strategy != OnManualSubmit)
if (count > 1 || (d->cache.value(row).submitted() && isDirty()))
return false;
// Iterate backwards so we don't have to worry about removed rows causing
// higher cache entries to shift downwards.
for (int idx = row + count - 1; idx >= row; --idx) {
QSqlTableModelPrivate::ModifiedRow& mrow = d->cache[idx];
if (mrow.op() == QSqlTableModelPrivate::Insert) {
} else {
if (mrow.op() == QSqlTableModelPrivate::None)
mrow = QSqlTableModelPrivate::ModifiedRow(QSqlTableModelPrivate::Delete,
if (d->strategy == OnManualSubmit)
emit headerDataChanged(Qt::Vertical, idx, idx);
if (d->strategy != OnManualSubmit)
return submit();
return true;
Inserts \a count empty rows at position \a row. Note that \a
parent must be invalid, since this model does not support
parent-child relations.
For edit strategies OnFieldChange and OnRowChange, only one row
may be inserted at a time and the model may not contain other
cached changes.
The primeInsert() signal will be emitted for each new row.
Connect to it if you want to initialize the new row with default
Does not submit rows, regardless of edit strategy.
Returns \c false if the parameters are out of bounds or the row cannot be
inserted; otherwise returns \c true.
\sa primeInsert(), insertRecord()
bool QSqlTableModel::insertRows(int row, int count, const QModelIndex &parent)
if (row < 0 || count <= 0 || row > rowCount() || parent.isValid())
return false;
if (d->strategy != OnManualSubmit)
if (count != 1 || isDirty())
return false;
d->busyInsertingRows = true;
beginInsertRows(parent, row, row + count - 1);
if (d->strategy != OnManualSubmit)
if (!d->cache.isEmpty()) {
QMap<int, QSqlTableModelPrivate::ModifiedRow>::Iterator it = d->cache.end();
while (it != d->cache.begin() && (--it).key() >= row) {
int oldKey = it.key();
const QSqlTableModelPrivate::ModifiedRow oldValue = it.value();
it = d->cache.insert(oldKey + count, oldValue);
for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
d->cache[row + i] = QSqlTableModelPrivate::ModifiedRow(QSqlTableModelPrivate::Insert,
emit primeInsert(row + i, d->cache[row + i].recRef());
d->busyInsertingRows = false;
return true;
Inserts the \a record at position \a row. If \a row is negative,
the record will be appended to the end. Calls insertRows() and
setRecord() internally.
Returns \c true if the record could be inserted, otherwise false.
Changes are submitted immediately for OnFieldChange and
OnRowChange. Failure does not leave a new row in the model.
\sa insertRows(), removeRows(), setRecord()
bool QSqlTableModel::insertRecord(int row, const QSqlRecord &record)
if (row < 0)
row = rowCount();
if (!insertRow(row, QModelIndex()))
return false;
if (!setRecord(row, record)) {
return false;
return true;
/*! \reimp
int QSqlTableModel::rowCount(const QModelIndex &parent) const
Q_D(const QSqlTableModel);
if (parent.isValid())
return 0;
return QSqlQueryModel::rowCount() + d->insertCount();
Returns the index of the value in the database result set for the
given \a item in the model.
The return value is identical to \a item if no columns or rows
have been inserted, removed, or moved around.
Returns an invalid model index if \a item is out of bounds or if
\a item does not point to a value in the result set.
\sa QSqlQueryModel::indexInQuery()
QModelIndex QSqlTableModel::indexInQuery(const QModelIndex &item) const
Q_D(const QSqlTableModel);
const auto it = d->cache.constFind(item.row());
if (it != d->cache.constEnd() && it->insert())
return QModelIndex();
const int rowOffset = d->insertCount(item.row());
return QSqlQueryModel::indexInQuery(createIndex(item.row() - rowOffset, item.column(), item.internalPointer()));
Returns the currently set filter.
\sa setFilter(), select()
QString QSqlTableModel::filter() const
Q_D(const QSqlTableModel);
return d->filter;
Sets the current filter to \a filter.
The filter is a SQL \c WHERE clause without the keyword \c WHERE
(for example, \c{name='Josephine')}.
If the model is already populated with data from a database,
the model re-selects it with the new filter. Otherwise, the filter
will be applied the next time select() is called.
\sa filter(), select(), selectStatement(), orderByClause()
void QSqlTableModel::setFilter(const QString &filter)
d->filter = filter;
if (d->query.isActive())
/*! \reimp
void QSqlTableModel::clear()
/*! \reimp
Qt::ItemFlags QSqlTableModel::flags(const QModelIndex &index) const
Q_D(const QSqlTableModel);
if (index.internalPointer() || index.column() < 0 || index.column() >= d->rec.count()
|| index.row() < 0)
return { };
bool editable = true;
if (d->rec.field(index.column()).isReadOnly()) {
editable = false;
else {
const QSqlTableModelPrivate::ModifiedRow mrow = d->cache.value(index.row());
if (mrow.op() == QSqlTableModelPrivate::Delete) {
editable = false;
else if (d->strategy == OnFieldChange) {
if (mrow.op() != QSqlTableModelPrivate::Insert)
if (!isDirty(index) && isDirty())
editable = false;
else if (d->strategy == OnRowChange) {
if (mrow.submitted() && isDirty())
editable = false;
if (!editable)
return QSqlQueryModel::flags(index);
return QSqlQueryModel::flags(index) | Qt::ItemIsEditable;
This is an overloaded function.
It returns an empty record, having only the field names. This function can be used to
retrieve the field names of a record.
\sa QSqlRecord::isEmpty()
QSqlRecord QSqlTableModel::record() const
return QSqlQueryModel::record();
\since 5.0
Returns the record at \a row in the model.
If \a row is the index of a valid row, the record
will be populated with values from that row.
If the model is not initialized, an empty record will be
\sa QSqlRecord::isEmpty()
QSqlRecord QSqlTableModel::record(int row) const
Q_D(const QSqlTableModel);
// the query gets the values from virtual data()
QSqlRecord rec = QSqlQueryModel::record(row);
// get generated flags from the cache
const QSqlTableModelPrivate::ModifiedRow mrow = d->cache.value(row);
if (mrow.op() != QSqlTableModelPrivate::None) {
const QSqlRecord &crec = mrow.rec();
for (int i = 0, cnt = rec.count(); i < cnt; ++i)
rec.setGenerated(i, crec.isGenerated(i));
return rec;
Applies \a values to the \a row in the model. The source and
target fields are mapped by field name, not by position in
the record.
Note that the generated flags in \a values are preserved to
determine whether the corresponding fields are used when changes
are submitted to the database. By default, it is set to \c true
for all fields in a QSqlRecord. You must set the flag to \c false
using \l{QSqlRecord::}{setGenerated}(false) for any value in
\a values, to save changes back to the database.
For edit strategies OnFieldChange and OnRowChange, a row may
receive a change only if no other row has a cached change.
Changes are submitted immediately. Submitted changes are not
reverted upon failure.
Returns \c true if all the values could be set; otherwise returns
\sa record(), editStrategy()
bool QSqlTableModel::setRecord(int row, const QSqlRecord &values)
Q_ASSERT_X(row >= 0, "QSqlTableModel::setRecord()", "Cannot set a record to a row less than 0");
if (d->busyInsertingRows)
return false;
if (row >= rowCount())
return false;
if (d->cache.value(row).op() == QSqlTableModelPrivate::Delete)
return false;
if (d->strategy != OnManualSubmit && d->cache.value(row).submitted() && isDirty())
return false;
// Check field names and remember mapping
typedef QMap<int, int> Map;
Map map;
for (int i = 0; i < values.count(); ++i) {
int idx = d->nameToIndex(values.fieldName(i));
if (idx == -1)
return false;
map[i] = idx;
QSqlTableModelPrivate::ModifiedRow &mrow = d->cache[row];
if (mrow.op() == QSqlTableModelPrivate::None)
mrow = QSqlTableModelPrivate::ModifiedRow(QSqlTableModelPrivate::Update,
Map::const_iterator i = map.constBegin();
const Map::const_iterator e = map.constEnd();
for ( ; i != e; ++i) {
// have to use virtual setData() here rather than mrow.setValue()
EditStrategy strategy = d->strategy;
d->strategy = OnManualSubmit;
QModelIndex cIndex = createIndex(row, i.value());
setData(cIndex, values.value(i.key()));
d->strategy = strategy;
// setData() sets generated to TRUE, but source record should prevail.
if (!values.isGenerated(i.key()))
mrow.recRef().setGenerated(i.value(), false);
if (d->strategy != OnManualSubmit)
return submit();
return true;
\since 5.1
Returns a record containing the fields represented in the primary key set to the values
at \a row. If no primary key is defined, the returned record will contain all fields.
\sa primaryKey()
QSqlRecord QSqlTableModel::primaryValues(int row) const
Q_D(const QSqlTableModel);
const QSqlRecord &pIndex = d->primaryIndex.isEmpty() ? d->rec : d->primaryIndex;
QSqlTableModelPrivate::ModifiedRow mr = d->cache.value(row);
if (mr.op() != QSqlTableModelPrivate::None)
return mr.primaryValues(pIndex);
return QSqlQueryModel::record(row).keyValues(pIndex);