blob: 584e66a7db178de23f1e203f63359a9a2301a8be [file] [log] [blame]
** Copyright (C) 2016 The Qt Company Ltd.
** Copyright (C) 2016 Intel Corporation.
** Contact:
** This file is part of the test suite of the Qt Toolkit.
** Commercial License Usage
** Licensees holding valid commercial Qt licenses may use this file in
** accordance with the commercial license agreement provided with the
** Software or, alternatively, in accordance with the terms contained in
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** GNU General Public License Usage
** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU
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** Foundation with exceptions as appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL3-EXCEPT
** included in the packaging of this file. Please review the following
** information to ensure the GNU General Public License requirements will
** be met:
#include <QtCore/QCoreApplication>
#include <QtCore/QtDebug>
#include <QtTest/QtTest>
#include <QtConcurrentRun>
#include <QFutureSynchronizer>
class tst_QDebug: public QObject
enum EnumType { EnumValue1 = 1, EnumValue2 = 2 };
enum FlagType { EnumFlag1 = 1, EnumFlag2 = 2 };
Q_DECLARE_FLAGS(Flags, FlagType)
private slots:
void assignment() const;
void warningWithoutDebug() const;
void criticalWithoutDebug() const;
void debugWithBool() const;
void debugSpaceHandling() const;
void debugNoQuotes() const;
void verbosity() const;
void stateSaver() const;
void veryLongWarningMessage() const;
void qDebugQChar() const;
void qDebugQString() const;
void qDebugQStringRef() const;
void qDebugQStringView() const;
void qDebugQLatin1String() const;
void qDebugQByteArray() const;
void qDebugQFlags() const;
void textStreamModifiers() const;
void resetFormat() const;
void defaultMessagehandler() const;
void threadSafety() const;
void tst_QDebug::assignment() const
QDebug debug1(QtDebugMsg);
QDebug debug2(QtWarningMsg);
QTest::ignoreMessage(QtDebugMsg, "foo");
QTest::ignoreMessage(QtWarningMsg, "bar 1 2");
debug1 << "foo";
debug2 << "bar";
debug1 = debug2;
debug1 << "1";
debug2 << "2";
static QtMsgType s_msgType;
static QString s_msg;
static QByteArray s_file;
static int s_line;
static QByteArray s_function;
static void myMessageHandler(QtMsgType type, const QMessageLogContext &context, const QString &msg)
s_msg = msg;
s_msgType = type;
s_file = context.file;
s_line = context.line;
s_function = context.function;
// Helper class to ensure that the testlib message handler gets
// restored at the end of each test function, even if the test
// fails or throws an exception.
class MessageHandlerSetter
MessageHandlerSetter(QtMessageHandler newMessageHandler)
: oldMessageHandler(qInstallMessageHandler(newMessageHandler))
{ }
QtMessageHandler oldMessageHandler;
/*! \internal
The qWarning() stream should be usable even if QT_NO_DEBUG is defined.
void tst_QDebug::warningWithoutDebug() const
QString file, function;
int line = 0;
MessageHandlerSetter mhs(myMessageHandler);
{ qWarning() << "A qWarning() message"; }
file = __FILE__; line = __LINE__ - 2; function = Q_FUNC_INFO;
QCOMPARE(s_msgType, QtWarningMsg);
QCOMPARE(s_msg, QString::fromLatin1("A qWarning() message"));
QCOMPARE(QString::fromLatin1(s_file), file);
QCOMPARE(s_line, line);
QCOMPARE(QString::fromLatin1(s_function), function);
/*! \internal
The qCritical() stream should be usable even if QT_NO_DEBUG is defined.
void tst_QDebug::criticalWithoutDebug() const
QString file, function;
int line = 0;
MessageHandlerSetter mhs(myMessageHandler);
{ qCritical() << "A qCritical() message"; }
file = __FILE__; line = __LINE__ - 2; function = Q_FUNC_INFO;
QCOMPARE(s_msgType, QtCriticalMsg);
QCOMPARE(s_msg, QString::fromLatin1("A qCritical() message"));
QCOMPARE(QString::fromLatin1(s_file), file);
QCOMPARE(s_line, line);
QCOMPARE(QString::fromLatin1(s_function), function);
void tst_QDebug::debugWithBool() const
QString file, function;
int line = 0;
MessageHandlerSetter mhs(myMessageHandler);
{ qDebug() << false << true; }
file = __FILE__; line = __LINE__ - 2; function = Q_FUNC_INFO;
QCOMPARE(s_msgType, QtDebugMsg);
QCOMPARE(s_msg, QString::fromLatin1("false true"));
QCOMPARE(QString::fromLatin1(s_file), file);
QCOMPARE(s_line, line);
QCOMPARE(QString::fromLatin1(s_function), function);
class MyPoint
MyPoint(int val1, int val2)
: v1(val1), v2(val2) {}
int v1;
int v2;
QDebug operator<< (QDebug s, const MyPoint& point)
const QDebugStateSaver saver(s);
s.nospace() << "MyPoint(" << point.v1 << ", " << point.v2 << ")";
return s;
class MyLine
MyLine(const MyPoint& point1, const MyPoint& point2)
: p1(point1), p2(point2) {}
MyPoint p1;
MyPoint p2;
QDebug operator<< (QDebug s, const MyLine& line)
const QDebugStateSaver saver(s);
s << "MyLine(" << line.p1 << ", "<< line.p2;
if (s.verbosity() > 2)
s << ", Manhattan length=" << (qAbs(line.p2.v1 - line.p1.v1) + qAbs(line.p2.v2 - line.p1.v2));
s << ')';
return s;
void tst_QDebug::debugSpaceHandling() const
MessageHandlerSetter mhs(myMessageHandler);
QDebug d = qDebug();
d << " ";
d << "foo";
d << "key=" << "value";;
d << 1 << 2;
MyLine line(MyPoint(10, 11), MyPoint (12, 13));
d << line;
d << "bar";
// With the old implementation of MyPoint doing dbg.nospace() << ...; we ended up with
// MyLine(MyPoint(10, 11) , MyPoint(12, 13) )
QCOMPARE(s_msg, QString::fromLatin1(" foo key=value 1 2 MyLine(MyPoint(10, 11), MyPoint(12, 13)) bar"));
qDebug() << QPoint(21, 22) << QRect(23, 24, 25, 26) << QLine(27, 28, 29, 30);
QCOMPARE(s_msg, QString::fromLatin1("QPoint(21,22) QRect(23,24 25x26) QLine(QPoint(27,28),QPoint(29,30))"));
qDebug() << QPointF(21, 22) << QRectF(23, 24, 25, 26) << QLineF(27, 28, 29, 30);
QCOMPARE(s_msg, QString::fromLatin1("QPointF(21,22) QRectF(23,24 25x26) QLineF(QPointF(27,28),QPointF(29,30))"));
qDebug() << QMimeType() << QMimeDatabase().mimeTypeForName("application/pdf") << "foo";
QCOMPARE(s_msg, QString::fromLatin1("QMimeType(invalid) QMimeType(\"application/pdf\") foo"));
void tst_QDebug::debugNoQuotes() const
MessageHandlerSetter mhs(myMessageHandler);
QDebug d = qDebug();
d << QStringLiteral("Hello");
d << QStringLiteral("Hello");
d << QStringLiteral("Hello");
QCOMPARE(s_msg, QString::fromLatin1("\"Hello\" Hello \"Hello\""));
QDebug d = qDebug();
d << QChar('H');
d << QLatin1String("Hello");
d << QByteArray("Hello");
d << QChar('H');
d << QLatin1String("Hello");
d << QByteArray("Hello");
QCOMPARE(s_msg, QString::fromLatin1("'H' \"Hello\" \"Hello\" H Hello Hello"));
void tst_QDebug::verbosity() const
MyLine line(MyPoint(10, 11), MyPoint (12, 13));
QString output;
QDebug d(&output);
d << line << '\n';
const int oldVerbosity = d.verbosity();
QCOMPARE(d.verbosity(), 0);
QCOMPARE(d.verbosity(), 7);
const int newVerbosity = oldVerbosity + 2;
QCOMPARE(d.verbosity(), newVerbosity);
d << line << '\n';
d.setVerbosity(oldVerbosity );
QCOMPARE(d.verbosity(), oldVerbosity );
d << line;
const QStringList lines = output.split(QLatin1Char('\n'));
QCOMPARE(lines.size(), 3);
// Verbose should be longer
QVERIFY2( >, qPrintable(lines.join(QLatin1Char(','))));
// Switching back to brief produces same output
void tst_QDebug::stateSaver() const
MessageHandlerSetter mhs(myMessageHandler);
QDebug d = qDebug();
d << 42;
QDebugStateSaver saver(d);
d << 43;
d << 44;
QCOMPARE(s_msg, QString::fromLatin1("42 43 44"));
QDebug d = qDebug();
QDebugStateSaver saver(d);
d.nospace() << Qt::hex << Qt::right << qSetFieldWidth(3) << qSetPadChar('0') << 42;
d << 42;
QCOMPARE(s_msg, QString::fromLatin1("02a 42"));
QDebug d = qDebug();
QDebugStateSaver saver(d);
d.nospace().noquote() << QStringLiteral("Hello");
d << QStringLiteral("World");
QCOMPARE(s_msg, QString::fromLatin1("Hello \"World\""));
QDebug d = qDebug();
d.noquote().nospace() << QStringLiteral("Hello") << Qt::hex << 42;
QDebugStateSaver saver(d);
d << QStringLiteral("World") << 42;
d << QStringLiteral("!") << 42;
QCOMPARE(s_msg, QString::fromLatin1("Hello2a\"World\" 42!2a"));
void tst_QDebug::veryLongWarningMessage() const
QString file, function;
int line = 0;
MessageHandlerSetter mhs(myMessageHandler);
QString test;
QString part("0123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789\n");
for (int i = 0; i < 1000; ++i)
qWarning("Test output:\n%s\nend", qPrintable(test));
file = __FILE__; line = __LINE__ - 3; function = Q_FUNC_INFO;
QCOMPARE(s_msgType, QtWarningMsg);
QCOMPARE(s_msg, QString::fromLatin1("Test output:\n")+test+QString::fromLatin1("\nend"));
QCOMPARE(QString::fromLatin1(s_file), file);
QCOMPARE(s_line, line);
QCOMPARE(QString::fromLatin1(s_function), function);
void tst_QDebug::qDebugQChar() const
QString file, function;
int line = 0;
MessageHandlerSetter mhs(myMessageHandler);
QDebug d = qDebug();
d << QChar('f') << QChar(QLatin1Char('\xE4')); // f, ä
d.nospace().noquote() << QChar('o') << QChar('o') << QChar(QLatin1Char('\xC4')); // o, o, Ä
file = __FILE__; line = __LINE__ - 5; function = Q_FUNC_INFO;
QCOMPARE(s_msgType, QtDebugMsg);
QCOMPARE(s_msg, QString::fromLatin1("'f' '\\u00e4' oo\\u00c4"));
QCOMPARE(QString::fromLatin1(s_file), file);
QCOMPARE(s_line, line);
QCOMPARE(QString::fromLatin1(s_function), function);
void tst_QDebug::qDebugQString() const
/* Use a basic string. */
QString file, function;
int line = 0;
const QString in(QLatin1String("input"));
const QStringRef inRef(&in);
MessageHandlerSetter mhs(myMessageHandler);
{ qDebug() << inRef; }
file = __FILE__; line = __LINE__ - 2; function = Q_FUNC_INFO;
QCOMPARE(s_msgType, QtDebugMsg);
QCOMPARE(s_msg, QString::fromLatin1("\"input\""));
QCOMPARE(QString::fromLatin1(s_file), file);
QCOMPARE(s_line, line);
QCOMPARE(QString::fromLatin1(s_function), function);
/* simpler tests from now on */
MessageHandlerSetter mhs(myMessageHandler);
QString string = "Hello";
qDebug() << string;
QCOMPARE(s_msg, QString("\"Hello\""));
qDebug().noquote().nospace() << string;
QCOMPARE(s_msg, string);
qDebug().noquote().nospace() << qSetFieldWidth(8) << string;
QCOMPARE(s_msg, " " + string);
string = "Sm\xc3\xb8rg\xc3\xa5sbord " // Latin script
"\xce\x91\xce\xb8\xce\xae\xce\xbd\xce\xb1 " // Greek script
"\xd0\x9c\xd0\xbe\xd1\x81\xd0\xba\xd0\xb2\xd0\xb0"; // Cyrillic script
qDebug().noquote().nospace() << string;
QCOMPARE(s_msg, string);
// This string only contains printable characters
qDebug() << string;
QCOMPARE(s_msg, '"' + string + '"');
string = "\n\t\\\"";
qDebug().noquote().nospace() << string;
QCOMPARE(s_msg, string);
// This string only contains characters that must be escaped
qDebug() << string;
QCOMPARE(s_msg, QString("\"\\n\\t\\\\\\\"\""));
// Unicode escapes, BMP
string = "\1" // U+0001: START OF HEADING (category Cc)
"\x7f" // U+007F: DELETE (category Cc)
"\xc2\xad" // U+00AD: SOFT HYPHEN (category Cf)
"\xef\xbb\xbf"; // U+FEFF: ZERO WIDTH NO-BREAK SPACE / BOM (category Cf)
qDebug() << string;
QCOMPARE(s_msg, QString("\"\\u0001\\u007F\\u00AD\\uFEFF\""));
// Unicode printable non-BMP
string = "\xf0\x90\x80\x80"; // U+10000: LINEAR B SYLLABLE B008 A (category Lo)
qDebug() << string;
QCOMPARE(s_msg, '"' + string + '"');
// non-BMP and non-printable
string = "\xf3\xa0\x80\x81 " // U+E0001: LANGUAGE TAG (category Cf)
"\xf4\x80\x80\x80"; // U+100000: Plane 16 Private Use (category Co)
qDebug() << string;
QCOMPARE(s_msg, QString("\"\\U000E0001 \\U00100000\""));
// broken surrogate pairs
ushort utf16[] = { 0xDC00, 0xD800, 'x', 0xD800, 0 };
string = QString::fromUtf16(utf16);
qDebug() << string;
QCOMPARE(s_msg, QString("\"\\uDC00\\uD800x\\uD800\""));
void tst_QDebug::qDebugQStringRef() const
/* Use a basic string. */
QString file, function;
int line = 0;
const QString in(QLatin1String("input"));
const QStringRef inRef(&in);
MessageHandlerSetter mhs(myMessageHandler);
{ qDebug() << inRef; }
file = __FILE__; line = __LINE__ - 2; function = Q_FUNC_INFO;
QCOMPARE(s_msgType, QtDebugMsg);
QCOMPARE(s_msg, QString::fromLatin1("\"input\""));
QCOMPARE(QString::fromLatin1(s_file), file);
QCOMPARE(s_line, line);
QCOMPARE(QString::fromLatin1(s_function), function);
/* Use a null QStringRef. */
QString file, function;
int line = 0;
const QStringRef inRef;
MessageHandlerSetter mhs(myMessageHandler);
{ qDebug() << inRef; }
file = __FILE__; line = __LINE__ - 2; function = Q_FUNC_INFO;
QCOMPARE(s_msgType, QtDebugMsg);
QCOMPARE(s_msg, QString::fromLatin1("\"\""));
QCOMPARE(QString::fromLatin1(s_file), file);
QCOMPARE(s_line, line);
QCOMPARE(QString::fromLatin1(s_function), function);
void tst_QDebug::qDebugQStringView() const
/* Use a basic string. */
QLatin1String file, function;
int line = 0;
const QStringView inView = u"input";
MessageHandlerSetter mhs(myMessageHandler);
{ qDebug() << inView; }
file = QLatin1String(__FILE__); line = __LINE__ - 2; function = QLatin1String(Q_FUNC_INFO);
QCOMPARE(s_msgType, QtDebugMsg);
QCOMPARE(s_msg, QLatin1String("\"input\""));
QCOMPARE(QLatin1String(s_file), file);
QCOMPARE(s_line, line);
QCOMPARE(QLatin1String(s_function), function);
/* Use a null QStringView. */
QString file, function;
int line = 0;
const QStringView inView;
MessageHandlerSetter mhs(myMessageHandler);
{ qDebug() << inView; }
file = __FILE__; line = __LINE__ - 2; function = Q_FUNC_INFO;
QCOMPARE(s_msgType, QtDebugMsg);
QCOMPARE(s_msg, QLatin1String("\"\""));
QCOMPARE(QLatin1String(s_file), file);
QCOMPARE(s_line, line);
QCOMPARE(QLatin1String(s_function), function);
void tst_QDebug::qDebugQLatin1String() const
QString file, function;
int line = 0;
MessageHandlerSetter mhs(myMessageHandler);
QDebug d = qDebug();
d << QLatin1String("foo") << QLatin1String("") << QLatin1String("barbaz", 3);
d.nospace().noquote() << QLatin1String("baz");
file = __FILE__; line = __LINE__ - 5; function = Q_FUNC_INFO;
QCOMPARE(s_msgType, QtDebugMsg);
QCOMPARE(s_msg, QString::fromLatin1("\"foo\" \"\" \"bar\" baz"));
QCOMPARE(QString::fromLatin1(s_file), file);
QCOMPARE(s_line, line);
QCOMPARE(QString::fromLatin1(s_function), function);
/* simpler tests from now on */
QLatin1String string("\"Hello\"");
qDebug() << string;
QCOMPARE(s_msg, QString("\"\\\"Hello\\\"\""));
qDebug().noquote().nospace() << string;
QCOMPARE(s_msg, QString(string));
qDebug().noquote().nospace() << qSetFieldWidth(8) << string;
QCOMPARE(s_msg, " " + QString(string));
string = QLatin1String("\nSm\xF8rg\xE5sbord\\");
qDebug().noquote().nospace() << string;
QCOMPARE(s_msg, QString(string));
qDebug() << string;
QCOMPARE(s_msg, QString("\"\\nSm\\u00F8rg\\u00E5sbord\\\\\""));
void tst_QDebug::qDebugQByteArray() const
QString file, function;
int line = 0;
MessageHandlerSetter mhs(myMessageHandler);
QDebug d = qDebug();
d << QByteArrayLiteral("foo") << QByteArrayLiteral("") << QByteArray("barbaz", 3);
d.nospace().noquote() << QByteArrayLiteral("baz");
file = __FILE__; line = __LINE__ - 5; function = Q_FUNC_INFO;
QCOMPARE(s_msgType, QtDebugMsg);
QCOMPARE(s_msg, QString::fromLatin1("\"foo\" \"\" \"bar\" baz"));
QCOMPARE(QString::fromLatin1(s_file), file);
QCOMPARE(s_line, line);
QCOMPARE(QString::fromLatin1(s_function), function);
/* simpler tests from now on */
QByteArray ba = "\"Hello\"";
qDebug() << ba;
QCOMPARE(s_msg, QString("\"\\\"Hello\\\"\""));
qDebug().noquote().nospace() << ba;
QCOMPARE(s_msg, QString::fromLatin1(ba));
qDebug().noquote().nospace() << qSetFieldWidth(8) << ba;
QCOMPARE(s_msg, " " + QString::fromLatin1(ba));
ba = "\nSm\xC3\xB8rg\xC3\xA5sbord\\";
qDebug().noquote().nospace() << ba;
QCOMPARE(s_msg, QString::fromUtf8(ba));
qDebug() << ba;
QCOMPARE(s_msg, QString("\"\\nSm\\xC3\\xB8rg\\xC3\\xA5sbord\\\\\""));
// ensure that it closes hex escape sequences correctly
qDebug() << QByteArray("\377FFFF");
QCOMPARE(s_msg, QString("\"\\xFF\"\"FFFF\""));
enum TestEnum {
Flag1 = 0x1,
Flag2 = 0x10
Q_DECLARE_FLAGS(TestFlags, TestEnum)
void tst_QDebug::qDebugQFlags() const
QString file, function;
int line = 0;
QFlags<TestEnum> flags(Flag1 | Flag2);
MessageHandlerSetter mhs(myMessageHandler);
{ qDebug() << flags; }
file = __FILE__; line = __LINE__ - 2; function = Q_FUNC_INFO;
QCOMPARE(s_msgType, QtDebugMsg);
QCOMPARE(s_msg, QString::fromLatin1("QFlags(0x1|0x10)"));
QCOMPARE(QString::fromLatin1(s_file), file);
QCOMPARE(s_line, line);
QCOMPARE(QString::fromLatin1(s_function), function);
// Test the output of QFlags with an enum not declared with Q_DECLARE_FLAGS and Q_FLAGS
QFlags<EnumType> flags2(EnumValue2);
qDebug() << flags2;
QCOMPARE(s_msg, QString::fromLatin1("QFlags<tst_QDebug::EnumType>(EnumValue2)"));
// A now for one that was fully declared
tst_QDebug::Flags flags3(EnumFlag1);
qDebug() << flags3;
QCOMPARE(s_msg, QString::fromLatin1("QFlags<tst_QDebug::FlagType>(EnumFlag1)"));
void tst_QDebug::textStreamModifiers() const
QString file, function;
int line = 0;
MessageHandlerSetter mhs(myMessageHandler);
{ qDebug() << Qt::hex << short(0xf) << int(0xf) << unsigned(0xf) << long(0xf) << qint64(0xf) << quint64(0xf); }
file = __FILE__; line = __LINE__ - 2; function = Q_FUNC_INFO;
QCOMPARE(s_msgType, QtDebugMsg);
QCOMPARE(s_msg, QString::fromLatin1("f f f f f f"));
QCOMPARE(QString::fromLatin1(s_file), file);
QCOMPARE(s_line, line);
QCOMPARE(QString::fromLatin1(s_function), function);
void tst_QDebug::resetFormat() const
QString file, function;
int line = 0;
MessageHandlerSetter mhs(myMessageHandler);
QDebug d = qDebug();
d.nospace().noquote() << Qt::hex << int(0xf);
d.resetFormat() << int(0xf) << QStringLiteral("foo");
file = __FILE__; line = __LINE__ - 5; function = Q_FUNC_INFO;
QCOMPARE(s_msgType, QtDebugMsg);
QCOMPARE(s_msg, QString::fromLatin1("f15 \"foo\""));
QCOMPARE(QString::fromLatin1(s_file), file);
QCOMPARE(s_line, line);
QCOMPARE(QString::fromLatin1(s_function), function);
void tst_QDebug::defaultMessagehandler() const
MessageHandlerSetter mhs(0); // set 0, should set default handler
QtMessageHandler defaultMessageHandler1 = qInstallMessageHandler((QtMessageHandler)0); // set 0, should set and return default handler
QtMessageHandler defaultMessageHandler2 = qInstallMessageHandler(myMessageHandler); // set myMessageHandler and return default handler
bool same = (*defaultMessageHandler1 == *defaultMessageHandler2);
QtMessageHandler messageHandler = qInstallMessageHandler((QtMessageHandler)0); // set 0, should set default and return myMessageHandler
same = (*messageHandler == *myMessageHandler);
QMutex s_mutex;
QStringList s_messages;
QSemaphore s_sema;
static void threadSafeMessageHandler(QtMsgType type, const QMessageLogContext &context, const QString &msg)
QMutexLocker lock(&s_mutex);
static void doDebug() // called in each thread
qDebug() << "doDebug";
void tst_QDebug::threadSafety() const
MessageHandlerSetter mhs(threadSafeMessageHandler);
const int numThreads = 10;
QFutureSynchronizer<void> sync;
for (int i = 0; i < numThreads; ++i) {
QMutexLocker lock(&s_mutex);
QCOMPARE(s_messages.count(), numThreads);
for (int i = 0; i < numThreads; ++i) {
QCOMPARE(, QStringLiteral("doDebug"));
// Should compile: instentiation of unrelated operator<< should not cause cause compilation
// error in QDebug operators (QTBUG-47375)
class TestClassA {};
class TestClassB {};
template <typename T>
TestClassA& operator<< (TestClassA& s, T&) { return s; };
template<> TestClassA& operator<< <TestClassB>(TestClassA& s, TestClassB& l);
#include "tst_qdebug.moc"