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** Copyright (C) 2016 The Qt Company Ltd.
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** This file is part of the test suite of the Qt Toolkit.
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#include <QtTest/QtTest>
#include <qhash.h>
#include <iterator>
#include <sstream>
#include <algorithm>
#include <unordered_set>
class tst_QHashFunctions : public QObject
enum {
// random value
RandomSeed = 1045982819
uint seed;
public slots:
void initTestCase();
void init();
private Q_SLOTS:
void consistent();
void qhash();
void qhash_of_empty_and_null_qstring();
void qhash_of_empty_and_null_qbytearray();
void fp_qhash_of_zero_is_seed();
void qthash_data();
void qthash();
void range();
void rangeCommutative();
void stdHash();
void setGlobalQHashSeed();
void tst_QHashFunctions::consistent()
// QString-like
const QString s = QStringLiteral("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvxyz").repeated(16);
QCOMPARE(qHash(s), qHash(QStringRef(&s)));
QCOMPARE(qHash(s), qHash(QStringView(s)));
void tst_QHashFunctions::initTestCase()
Q_STATIC_ASSERT(int(RandomSeed) > 0);
QTest::newRow("zero-seed") << 0U;
QTest::newRow("non-zero-seed") << uint(RandomSeed);
void tst_QHashFunctions::init()
QFETCH_GLOBAL(uint, seedValue);
seed = seedValue;
void tst_QHashFunctions::qhash()
QBitArray a1;
QBitArray a2;
QCOMPARE(qHash(a1, seed), seed);
a1.setBit(0, true);
a2.setBit(0, false);
uint h1 = qHash(a1, seed);
uint h2 = qHash(a2, seed);
QVERIFY(h1 != h2); // not guaranteed
a2.setBit(0, true);
QVERIFY(h1 == qHash(a2, seed));
a1.fill(true, 8);
h1 = qHash(a1, seed);
a2.fill(true, 7);
h2 = qHash(a2, seed);
QVERIFY(h1 == h2);
a2.setBit(0, false);
uint h3 = qHash(a2, seed);
QVERIFY(h2 != h3); // not guaranteed
a2.setBit(0, true);
QVERIFY(h2 == qHash(a2, seed));
a2.setBit(6, false);
uint h4 = qHash(a2, seed);
QVERIFY(h2 != h4); // not guaranteed
a2.setBit(6, true);
QVERIFY(h2 == qHash(a2, seed));
QVERIFY(h3 != h4); // not guaranteed
QPair<int, int> p12(1, 2);
QPair<int, int> p21(2, 1);
QVERIFY(qHash(p12, seed) == qHash(p12, seed));
QVERIFY(qHash(p21, seed) == qHash(p21, seed));
QVERIFY(qHash(p12, seed) != qHash(p21, seed)); // not guaranteed
QPair<int, int> pA(0x12345678, 0x12345678);
QPair<int, int> pB(0x12345675, 0x12345675);
QVERIFY(qHash(pA, seed) != qHash(pB, seed)); // not guaranteed
std::pair<int, int> p12(1, 2);
std::pair<int, int> p21(2, 1);
QVERIFY(qHash(p12, seed) == qHash(p12, seed));
QVERIFY(qHash(p21, seed) == qHash(p21, seed));
QVERIFY(qHash(p12, seed) != qHash(p21, seed)); // not guaranteed
std::pair<int, int> pA(0x12345678, 0x12345678);
std::pair<int, int> pB(0x12345675, 0x12345675);
QVERIFY(qHash(pA, seed) != qHash(pB, seed)); // not guaranteed
void tst_QHashFunctions::qhash_of_empty_and_null_qstring()
QString null, empty("");
QCOMPARE(null, empty);
QCOMPARE(qHash(null, seed), qHash(empty, seed));
QStringRef nullRef, emptyRef(&empty);
QCOMPARE(nullRef, emptyRef);
QCOMPARE(qHash(nullRef, seed), qHash(emptyRef, seed));
QStringView nullView, emptyView(empty);
QCOMPARE(nullView, emptyView);
QCOMPARE(qHash(nullView, seed), qHash(emptyView, seed));
void tst_QHashFunctions::qhash_of_empty_and_null_qbytearray()
QByteArray null, empty("");
QCOMPARE(null, empty);
QCOMPARE(qHash(null, seed), qHash(empty, seed));
void tst_QHashFunctions::fp_qhash_of_zero_is_seed()
QCOMPARE(qHash(-0.0f, seed), seed);
QCOMPARE(qHash( 0.0f, seed), seed);
QCOMPARE(qHash(-0.0 , seed), seed);
QCOMPARE(qHash( 0.0 , seed), seed);
#ifndef Q_OS_DARWIN
QCOMPARE(qHash(-0.0L, seed), seed);
QCOMPARE(qHash( 0.0L, seed), seed);
void tst_QHashFunctions::qthash_data()
QTest::newRow("null") << QString() << 0u;
QTest::newRow("empty") << QStringLiteral("") << 0u;
QTest::newRow("abcdef") << QStringLiteral("abcdef") << 108567222u;
QTest::newRow("tqbfjotld") << QStringLiteral("The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog") << 140865879u;
QTest::newRow("42") << QStringLiteral("42") << 882u;
void tst_QHashFunctions::qthash()
QFETCH(QString, key);
const uint result = qt_hash(key);
QTEST(result, "hash");
namespace SomeNamespace {
struct Hashable { int i; };
inline uint qHash(Hashable h, uint seed = 0)
{ return QT_PREPEND_NAMESPACE(qHash)(h.i, seed); }
void tst_QHashFunctions::range()
static const int ints[] = {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5};
static const size_t numInts = sizeof ints / sizeof *ints;
// empty range just gives the seed:
QCOMPARE(qHashRange(ints, ints, seed), seed);
// verify that order matters (test not guaranteed):
QVERIFY(qHashRange(ints, ints + numInts, seed) !=
qHashRange(std::reverse_iterator<const int*>(ints + numInts), std::reverse_iterator<const int*>(ints), seed));
// verify that the input iterator category suffices:
std::stringstream sstream;
Q_STATIC_ASSERT((std::is_same<std::input_iterator_tag, std::istream_iterator<int>::iterator_category>::value));
std::copy(ints, ints + numInts, std::ostream_iterator<int>(sstream, " "));
std::istream_iterator<int> it(sstream), end;
QCOMPARE(qHashRange(ints, ints + numInts, seed), qHashRange(it, end, seed));
SomeNamespace::Hashable hashables[] = {{0}, {1}, {2}, {3}, {4}, {5}};
static const size_t numHashables = sizeof hashables / sizeof *hashables;
// compile check: is qHash() found using ADL?
(void)qHashRange(hashables, hashables + numHashables, seed);
void tst_QHashFunctions::rangeCommutative()
int ints[] = {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5};
static const size_t numInts = sizeof ints / sizeof *ints;
// empty range just gives the seed:
QCOMPARE(qHashRangeCommutative(ints, ints, seed), seed);
// verify that order doesn't matter (test not guaranteed):
QCOMPARE(qHashRangeCommutative(ints, ints + numInts, seed),
qHashRangeCommutative(std::reverse_iterator<int*>(ints + numInts), std::reverse_iterator<int*>(ints), seed));
// verify that the input iterator category suffices:
std::stringstream sstream;
std::copy(ints, ints + numInts, std::ostream_iterator<int>(sstream, " "));
std::istream_iterator<int> it(sstream), end;
QCOMPARE(qHashRangeCommutative(ints, ints + numInts, seed), qHashRangeCommutative(it, end, seed));
SomeNamespace::Hashable hashables[] = {{0}, {1}, {2}, {3}, {4}, {5}};
static const size_t numHashables = sizeof hashables / sizeof *hashables;
// compile check: is qHash() found using ADL?
(void)qHashRangeCommutative(hashables, hashables + numHashables, seed);
void tst_QHashFunctions::stdHash()
std::unordered_set<QString> s = {QStringLiteral("Hello"), QStringLiteral("World")};
QCOMPARE(s.size(), 2UL);
QCOMPARE(s.size(), 2UL);
std::unordered_set<QStringView> s = {QStringLiteral("Hello"), QStringLiteral("World")};
QCOMPARE(s.size(), 2UL);
QCOMPARE(s.size(), 2UL);
std::unordered_set<QLatin1String> s = {QLatin1String("Hello"), QLatin1String("World")};
QCOMPARE(s.size(), 2UL);
QCOMPARE(s.size(), 2UL);
std::unordered_set<QByteArray> s = {QByteArrayLiteral("Hello"), QByteArrayLiteral("World")};
QCOMPARE(s.size(), 2UL);
QCOMPARE(s.size(), 2UL);
void tst_QHashFunctions::setGlobalQHashSeed()
// Setter works as advertised
QCOMPARE(qGlobalQHashSeed(), 0);
// Creating a new QHash doesn't reset the seed
QHash<QString, int> someHash;
someHash.insert("foo", 42);
QCOMPARE(qGlobalQHashSeed(), 0);
// Reset works as advertised
QVERIFY(qGlobalQHashSeed() > 0);
#include "tst_qhashfunctions.moc"