blob: 35f6d3df50c7c3da2f52a480b15649f28c7b565a [file] [log] [blame]
TAP version 13
# tst_Blacklisted
ok 1 - initTestCase()
ok 2 - pass() # TODO
ok 3 - skip() # SKIP This test should SKIP
not ok 4 - fail() # TODO 'false' returned FALSE. (This test should BFAIL)
message: This test should BFAIL
wanted: true (false)
found: false (false)
expected: true (false)
actual: false (false)
at: tst_Blacklisted::fail() (qtbase/tests/auto/testlib/selftests/blacklisted/tst_blacklisted.cpp:63)
file: qtbase/tests/auto/testlib/selftests/blacklisted/tst_blacklisted.cpp
line: 63
not ok 4 - xfail() # TODO This test should BXFAIL then BPASS
# This test should BXFAIL then BPASS
at: tst_Blacklisted::xfail() (qtbase/tests/auto/testlib/selftests/blacklisted/tst_blacklisted.cpp:69)
file: qtbase/tests/auto/testlib/selftests/blacklisted/tst_blacklisted.cpp
line: 69
ok 5 - xfail() # TODO
ok 6 - xpass() # TODO 'true' returned TRUE unexpectedly. (This test should BXPASS)
# This is a warning that should not appear in silent test output
# This is an internal testlib warning that should not appear in silent test output
# This is a debug message that should not appear in silent test output
# This is a critical message that should not appear in silent test output
# This is an info message that should not appear in silent test output
# This is an internal testlib info message that should not appear in silent test output
# This is a fatal error message that should still appear in silent test output
not ok 7 - messages() # TODO Received a fatal error.
# Received a fatal error.
at: tst_Blacklisted::messages() (Unknown file:0)
file: Unknown file
line: 0
# tests 7
# pass 1
# fail 0