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** Copyright (C) 2016 The Qt Company Ltd.
** Contact:
** This file is part of the Qt Charts module of the Qt Toolkit.
** Commercial License Usage
** Licensees holding valid commercial Qt licenses may use this file in
** accordance with the commercial license agreement provided with the
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#include <QtCharts/QAbstractBarSeries>
#include <private/qabstractbarseries_p.h>
#include <QtCharts/QBarSet>
#include <private/qbarset_p.h>
#include <private/abstractdomain_p.h>
#include <private/chartdataset_p.h>
#include <private/charttheme_p.h>
#include <QtCharts/QValueAxis>
#include <QtCharts/QBarCategoryAxis>
#include <QtCharts/QBarLegendMarker>
#include <private/baranimation_p.h>
#include <private/abstractbarchartitem_p.h>
#include <private/qchart_p.h>
\class QAbstractBarSeries
\inmodule QtCharts
\brief The QAbstractBarSeries class is an abstract parent class for all bar series classes.
In bar charts, bars are defined as bar sets that contain one data value for each category.
The position of a bar is specified by the category and its height by the data value. Bar
series that contain multiple bar sets group together bars that belong to the same category.
The way the bars are displayed is determined by the subclass of this class chosen to create
the bar chart.
If a QValueAxis is used instead of QBarCategoryAxis for the main bar axis, the bars are
grouped around the index value of the category.
See the \l {BarChart Example} {bar chart example} to learn how to use the QBarSeries class
to create a simple bar chart.
\image examples_barchart.png
\sa QBarSet, QBarSeries, QStackedBarSeries, QPercentBarSeries
\sa QHorizontalBarSeries, QHorizontalStackedBarSeries, QHorizontalPercentBarSeries
\qmltype AbstractBarSeries
\instantiates QAbstractBarSeries
\inqmlmodule QtCharts
\inherits AbstractSeries
\brief An abstract parent type for all bar series types.
In bar charts, bars are defined as bar sets that contain one data value for each category.
The position of a bar is specified by the category and its height by the data value. Bar
series that contain multiple bar sets group together bars that belong to the same category.
The way the bars are displayed is determined by the type chosen to create the bar chart:
BarSeries, StackedBarSeries, PercentBarSeries, HorizontalBarSeries, HorizontalStackedBarSeries,
or HorizontalPercentBarSeries.
If a ValueAxis type is used instead of a BarCategoryAxis type for the main bar axis, the
bars are grouped around the index value of the category.
The following QML code snippet shows how to use the BarSeries and BarCategoryAxis type
to create a simple bar chart:
\snippet qmlchart/qml/qmlchart/View6.qml 1
\image examples_qmlchart6.png
\qmlproperty AbstractAxis AbstractBarSeries::axisX
The x-axis used for the series. If you leave both axisX and axisXTop undefined, a
BarCategoryAxis is created for the series.
\sa axisXTop
\qmlproperty AbstractAxis AbstractBarSeries::axisY
The y-axis used for the series. If you leave both axisY and axisYRight undefined, a
ValueAxis is created for the series.
\sa axisYRight
\qmlproperty AbstractAxis AbstractBarSeries::axisXTop
The x-axis used for the series, drawn on top of the chart view.
\note You can only provide either axisX or axisXTop, but not both.
\sa axisX
\qmlproperty AbstractAxis AbstractBarSeries::axisYRight
The y-axis used for the series, drawn to the right of the chart view.
\note You can only provide either axisY or axisYRight, but not both.
\sa axisY
\property QAbstractBarSeries::barWidth
\brief The width of the bars of the series.
The unit of width is the unit of the x-axis. The minimum width for bars is zero, and negative
values are treated as zero. Setting the width to zero means that the width of the bar on the
screen is one pixel regardless of the scale of the x-axis. Bars wider than zero are scaled
using the x-axis scale.
\note When used with QBarSeries, this value specifies the width of a group of bars instead of
that of a single bar.
\sa QBarSeries
\qmlproperty real AbstractBarSeries::barWidth
The unit of width is the unit of the x-axis. The minimum width for bars is zero, and negative
values are treated as zero. Setting the width to zero means that the width of the bar on the
screen is one pixel regardless of the scale of the x-axis. Bars wider than zero are scaled
using the x-axis scale.
\note When used with the BarSeries type, this value specifies the width of a group of bars
instead of that of a single bar.
\property QAbstractBarSeries::count
\brief The number of bar sets in a bar series.
\qmlproperty int AbstractBarSeries::count
The number of bar sets in a bar series.
\property QAbstractBarSeries::labelsVisible
\brief The visibility of the labels in a bar series.
\qmlproperty bool AbstractBarSeries::labelsVisible
The visibility of the labels in a bar series.
\property QAbstractBarSeries::labelsFormat
\brief The format used for showing labels in a bar series.
QAbstractBarSeries supports the following format tag:
\li @value \li The value of the bar
For example, the following usage of the format tags would produce labels that show the value
followed by the unit (u):
series->setLabelsFormat("@value u");
By default, the labels show the value of the bar. For the percent bar series, \e % is added
after the value. The labels are shown on the plot area, if the bars are close to each other,
the labels may overlap.
\sa labelsVisible, labelsPosition, labelsPrecision
\qmlproperty string AbstractBarSeries::labelsFormat
The format used for showing labels in a bar series.
\sa QAbstractBarSeries::labelsFormat, labelsVisible, labelsPosition
\fn void QAbstractBarSeries::labelsFormatChanged(const QString &format)
This signal is emitted when the \a format of data value labels changes.
\enum QAbstractBarSeries::LabelsPosition
This enum value describes the position of the data value labels:
\value LabelsCenter Label is located in the center of the bar.
\value LabelsInsideEnd Label is located inside the bar at the top.
\value LabelsInsideBase Label is located inside the bar at the bottom.
\value LabelsOutsideEnd Label is located outside the bar at the top.
\property QAbstractBarSeries::labelsPosition
\brief The position of value labels.
\sa labelsVisible, labelsFormat
\qmlproperty enumeration AbstractBarSeries::labelsPosition
The position of the data value labels:
\value AbstractBarSeries.LabelsCenter
Label is located in the center of the bar.
\value AbstractBarSeries.LabelsInsideEnd
Label is located inside the bar at the top.
\value AbstractBarSeries.LabelsInsideBase
Label is located inside the bar at the bottom.
\value AbstractBarSeries.LabelsOutsideEnd
Label is located outside the bar at the top.
\sa labelsVisible, labelsFormat
\fn void QAbstractBarSeries::labelsPositionChanged(QAbstractBarSeries::LabelsPosition position)
This signal is emitted when the \a position of value labels changes.
\property QAbstractBarSeries::labelsAngle
\brief The angle of the value labels in degrees.
\qmlproperty real AbstractBarSeries::labelsAngle
The angle of the value labels in degrees.
\fn void QAbstractBarSeries::labelsAngleChanged(qreal angle)
This signal is emitted when the \a angle of the value labels changes.
\property QAbstractBarSeries::labelsPrecision
\brief The maximum amount of significant digits shown in value labels.
Default value is 6.
\qmlproperty real AbstractBarSeries::labelsPrecision
The maximum amount of significant digits shown in value labels.
Default value is 6.
\fn void QAbstractBarSeries::labelsPrecisionChanged(int precision)
This signal is emitted when the \a precision of the value labels changes.
\fn void QAbstractBarSeries::clicked(int index, QBarSet *barset)
This signal is emitted when the user clicks the bar specified by \a index
in the bar set specified by \a barset.
\qmlsignal AbstractBarSeries::clicked(int index, BarSet barset)
This signal is emitted when the user clicks the bar specified by \a index
in the bar set specified by \a barset.
The corresponding signal handler is \c onClicked.
\fn void QAbstractBarSeries::pressed(int index, QBarSet *barset)
This signal is emitted when the user clicks the bar specified by \a index
in the bar set specified by \a barset and holds down the mouse button.
\qmlsignal AbstractBarSeries::pressed(int index, BarSet barset)
This signal is emitted when the user clicks the bar specified by \a index
in the bar set specified by \a barset and holds down the mouse button.
The corresponding signal handler is \c onPressed.
\fn void QAbstractBarSeries::released(int index, QBarSet *barset)
This signal is emitted when the user releases the mouse press on the bar
specified by \a index in the bar set specified by \a barset.
\qmlsignal AbstractBarSeries::released(int index, BarSet barset)
This signal is emitted when the user releases the mouse press on the bar
specified by \a index in the bar set specified by \a barset.
The corresponding signal handler is \c onReleased.
\fn void QAbstractBarSeries::doubleClicked(int index, QBarSet *barset)
This signal is emitted when the user double-clicks the bar specified by \a index
in the bar set specified by \a barset.
\qmlsignal AbstractBarSeries::doubleClicked(int index, BarSet barset)
This signal is emitted when the user double-clicks the bar specified by \a index
in the bar set specified by \a barset.
The corresponding signal handler is \c onDoubleClicked.
\fn void QAbstractBarSeries::hovered(bool status, int index, QBarSet* barset)
This signal is emitted when a mouse is hovered over the bar specified by \a index in the
bar set specified by \a barset. When the mouse moves over the bar, \a status turns \c true,
and when the mouse moves away again, it turns \c false.
\qmlsignal AbstractBarSeries::hovered(bool status, int index, BarSet barset)
This signal is emitted when a mouse is hovered over the bar specified by \a index in the
bar set specified by \a barset. When the mouse moves over the bar, \a status turns \c true,
and when the mouse moves away again, it turns \c false.
The corresponding signal handler is \c onHovered.
\fn void QAbstractBarSeries::countChanged()
This signal is emitted when the number of bar sets is changed, for example by append() or
\fn void QAbstractBarSeries::labelsVisibleChanged()
This signal is emitted when the labels' visibility changes.
\sa isLabelsVisible(), setLabelsVisible()
\fn void QAbstractBarSeries::barsetsAdded(QList<QBarSet*> sets)
This signal is emitted when the bar sets specified by \a sets are added to the series.
\sa append(), insert()
\qmlsignal AbstractBarSeries::barsetsAdded()
This signal is emitted when bar sets are added to the series.
The corresponding signal handler is \c onBarsetsAdded.
\fn void QAbstractBarSeries::barsetsRemoved(QList<QBarSet*> sets)
This signal is emitted when the bar sets specified by \a sets are removed from the series.
\sa remove()
\qmlsignal AbstractBarSeries::barsetsRemoved()
This signal is emitted when bar sets are removed from the series.
The corresponding signal handler is \c onBarsetsRemoved.
\qmlmethod BarSet AbstractBarSeries::at(int index)
Returns the bar set at \a index. Returns null if the index is not valid.
\qmlmethod BarSet AbstractBarSeries::append(string label, VariantList values)
Adds a new bar set with \a label and \a values to the index. \a values is
a list of real values.
For example:
myBarSeries.append("set 1", [0, 0.2, 0.2, 0.5, 0.4, 1.5, 0.9]);
\qmlmethod BarSet AbstractBarSeries::insert(int index, string label, VariantList values)
Adds a new bar set with \a label and \a values to \a index. \a values can be a list
of real values or a list of XYPoint types.
If the index value is equal to or less than zero, the new bar set is prepended to the bar
series. If the index value is equal to or greater than the number of bar sets in the bar
series, the new bar set is appended to the bar series.
\sa append()
\qmlmethod bool AbstractBarSeries::remove(BarSet barset)
Removes the bar set specified by \a barset from the series. Returns \c true if successful,
\c false otherwise.
\qmlmethod AbstractBarSeries::clear()
Removes all bar sets from the series.
Removes the abstract bar series and the bar sets owned by it.
QAbstractBarSeries::QAbstractBarSeries(QAbstractBarSeriesPrivate &o, QObject *parent)
: QAbstractSeries(o, parent)
QObject::connect(this, SIGNAL(countChanged()), d, SIGNAL(countChanged()));
Sets the width of the bars of the series to \a width.
void QAbstractBarSeries::setBarWidth(qreal width)
Returns the width of the bars of the series.
\sa setBarWidth()
qreal QAbstractBarSeries::barWidth() const
Q_D(const QAbstractBarSeries);
return d->barWidth();
Adds a set of bars specified by \a set to the bar series and takes ownership of it. If the set
is null or it already belongs to the series, it will not be appended.
Returns \c true if appending succeeded.
bool QAbstractBarSeries::append(QBarSet *set)
bool success = d->append(set);
if (success) {
QList<QBarSet *> sets;
emit barsetsAdded(sets);
emit countChanged();
return success;
Removes the bar set specified by \a set from the series and permanently deletes it if
the removal succeeds. Returns \c true if the set was removed.
bool QAbstractBarSeries::remove(QBarSet *set)
bool success = d->remove(set);
if (success) {
QList<QBarSet *> sets;
emit barsetsRemoved(sets);
emit countChanged();
delete set;
set = 0;
return success;
Takes a single \a set from the series. Does not delete the bar set object.
\note The series remains the barset's parent object. You must set the
parent object to take full ownership.
Returns \c true if the take operation succeeds.
bool QAbstractBarSeries::take(QBarSet *set)
bool success = d->remove(set);
if (success) {
QList<QBarSet *> sets;
emit barsetsRemoved(sets);
emit countChanged();
return success;
Adds a list of bar sets specified by \a sets to a bar series and takes ownership of the sets.
Returns \c true if all sets were appended successfully. If any of the sets is null or was
previously appended to the series, nothing is appended and this function returns \c false.
If any of the sets appears in the list more than once, nothing is appended and this function
returns \c false.
bool QAbstractBarSeries::append(QList<QBarSet *> sets)
bool success = d->append(sets);
if (success) {
foreach (QBarSet *set, sets)
emit barsetsAdded(sets);
emit countChanged();
return success;
Inserts a bar set specified by \a set to a series at the position specified by \a index
and takes ownership of the set. If the set is null or already belongs to the series, it will
not be appended. Returns \c true if inserting succeeds.
bool QAbstractBarSeries::insert(int index, QBarSet *set)
bool success = d->insert(index, set);
if (success) {
QList<QBarSet *> sets;
emit barsetsAdded(sets);
emit countChanged();
return success;
Removes all bar sets from the series and permanently deletes them.
void QAbstractBarSeries::clear()
QList<QBarSet *> sets = barSets();
bool success = d->remove(sets);
if (success) {
emit barsetsRemoved(sets);
emit countChanged();
foreach (QBarSet *set, sets)
delete set;
Returns the number of bar sets in a bar series.
int QAbstractBarSeries::count() const
Q_D(const QAbstractBarSeries);
return d->m_barSets.count();
Returns a list of bar sets in a bar series. Keeps the ownership of the bar sets.
QList<QBarSet *> QAbstractBarSeries::barSets() const
Q_D(const QAbstractBarSeries);
return d->m_barSets;
Sets the visibility of labels in a bar series to \a visible.
void QAbstractBarSeries::setLabelsVisible(bool visible)
if (d->m_labelsVisible != visible) {
emit labelsVisibleChanged();
Returns the visibility of labels.
bool QAbstractBarSeries::isLabelsVisible() const
Q_D(const QAbstractBarSeries);
return d->m_labelsVisible;
void QAbstractBarSeries::setLabelsFormat(const QString &format)
if (d->m_labelsFormat != format) {
d->m_labelsFormat = format;
emit labelsFormatChanged(format);
QString QAbstractBarSeries::labelsFormat() const
Q_D(const QAbstractBarSeries);
return d->m_labelsFormat;
void QAbstractBarSeries::setLabelsAngle(qreal angle)
if (d->m_labelsAngle != angle) {
d->m_labelsAngle = angle;
emit labelsAngleChanged(angle);
qreal QAbstractBarSeries::labelsAngle() const
Q_D(const QAbstractBarSeries);
return d->m_labelsAngle;
void QAbstractBarSeries::setLabelsPosition(QAbstractBarSeries::LabelsPosition position)
if (d->m_labelsPosition != position) {
d->m_labelsPosition = position;
emit labelsPositionChanged(position);
QAbstractBarSeries::LabelsPosition QAbstractBarSeries::labelsPosition() const
Q_D(const QAbstractBarSeries);
return d->m_labelsPosition;
void QAbstractBarSeries::setLabelsPrecision(int precision)
if (d->m_labelsPrecision != precision) {
d->m_labelsPrecision = precision;
emit labelsPrecisionChanged(precision);
int QAbstractBarSeries::labelsPrecision() const
Q_D(const QAbstractBarSeries);
return d->m_labelsPrecision;
QAbstractBarSeriesPrivate::QAbstractBarSeriesPrivate(QAbstractBarSeries *q) :
m_barWidth(0.5), // Default value is 50% of category width
int QAbstractBarSeriesPrivate::categoryCount() const
// No categories defined. return count of longest set.
int count = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < m_barSets.count(); i++) {
if (>count() > count)
count =>count();
return count;
void QAbstractBarSeriesPrivate::setBarWidth(qreal width)
if (width < 0.0)
width = 0.0;
m_barWidth = width;
emit updatedLayout();
qreal QAbstractBarSeriesPrivate::barWidth() const
return m_barWidth;
QBarSet *QAbstractBarSeriesPrivate::barsetAt(int index)
void QAbstractBarSeriesPrivate::setVisible(bool visible)
m_visible = visible;
emit visibleChanged();
void QAbstractBarSeriesPrivate::setLabelsVisible(bool visible)
m_labelsVisible = visible;
emit labelsVisibleChanged(visible);
qreal QAbstractBarSeriesPrivate::min()
if (m_barSets.count() <= 0)
return 0;
qreal min = INT_MAX;
for (int i = 0; i < m_barSets.count(); i++) {
int categoryCount =>count();
for (int j = 0; j < categoryCount; j++) {
qreal temp =>at(j);
if (temp < min)
min = temp;
return min;
qreal QAbstractBarSeriesPrivate::max()
if (m_barSets.count() <= 0)
return 0;
qreal max = INT_MIN;
for (int i = 0; i < m_barSets.count(); i++) {
int categoryCount =>count();
for (int j = 0; j < categoryCount; j++) {
qreal temp =>at(j);
if (temp > max)
max = temp;
return max;
qreal QAbstractBarSeriesPrivate::valueAt(int set, int category)
if ((set < 0) || (set >= m_barSets.count()))
return 0; // No set, no value.
else if ((category < 0) || (category >=>count()))
return 0; // No category, no value.
qreal QAbstractBarSeriesPrivate::percentageAt(int set, int category)
if ((set < 0) || (set >= m_barSets.count()))
return 0; // No set, no value.
else if ((category < 0) || (category >=>count()))
return 0; // No category, no value.
qreal value =>at(category);
qreal sum = categorySum(category);
if (qFuzzyCompare(sum, 0))
return 0;
return value / sum;
qreal QAbstractBarSeriesPrivate::categorySum(int category)
qreal sum(0);
int count = m_barSets.count(); // Count sets
for (int set = 0; set < count; set++) {
if (category <>count())
sum +=>at(category);
return sum;
qreal QAbstractBarSeriesPrivate::absoluteCategorySum(int category)
qreal sum(0);
int count = m_barSets.count(); // Count sets
for (int set = 0; set < count; set++) {
if (category <>count())
sum += qAbs(>at(category));
return sum;
qreal QAbstractBarSeriesPrivate::maxCategorySum()
qreal max = INT_MIN;
int count = categoryCount();
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
qreal sum = categorySum(i);
if (sum > max)
max = sum;
return max;
qreal QAbstractBarSeriesPrivate::minX()
if (m_barSets.count() <= 0)
return 0;
qreal min = INT_MAX;
for (int i = 0; i < m_barSets.count(); i++) {
int categoryCount =>count();
for (int j = 0; j < categoryCount; j++) {
qreal temp =>>;
if (temp < min)
min = temp;
return min;
qreal QAbstractBarSeriesPrivate::maxX()
if (m_barSets.count() <= 0)
return 0;
qreal max = INT_MIN;
for (int i = 0; i < m_barSets.count(); i++) {
int categoryCount =>count();
for (int j = 0; j < categoryCount; j++) {
qreal temp =>>;
if (temp > max)
max = temp;
return max;
qreal QAbstractBarSeriesPrivate::categoryTop(int category)
// Returns top (sum of all positive values) of category.
// Returns 0, if all values are negative
qreal top(0);
int count = m_barSets.count();
for (int set = 0; set < count; set++) {
if (category <>count()) {
qreal temp =>at(category);
if (temp > 0) {
top += temp;
return top;
qreal QAbstractBarSeriesPrivate::categoryBottom(int category)
// Returns bottom (sum of all negative values) of category
// Returns 0, if all values are positive
qreal bottom(0);
int count = m_barSets.count();
for (int set = 0; set < count; set++) {
if (category <>count()) {
qreal temp =>at(category);
if (temp < 0) {
bottom += temp;
return bottom;
qreal QAbstractBarSeriesPrivate::top()
// Returns top of all categories
qreal top(0);
int count = categoryCount();
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
qreal temp = categoryTop(i);
if (temp > top)
top = temp;
return top;
qreal QAbstractBarSeriesPrivate::bottom()
// Returns bottom of all categories
qreal bottom(0);
int count = categoryCount();
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
qreal temp = categoryBottom(i);
if (temp < bottom)
bottom = temp;
return bottom;
bool QAbstractBarSeriesPrivate::blockBarUpdate()
return m_blockBarUpdate;
qreal QAbstractBarSeriesPrivate::labelsAngle() const
return m_labelsAngle;
void QAbstractBarSeriesPrivate::initializeDomain()
qreal minX(domain()->minX());
qreal minY(domain()->minY());
qreal maxX(domain()->maxX());
qreal maxY(domain()->maxY());
qreal seriesMinX = this->minX();
qreal seriesMaxX = this->maxX();
qreal y = max();
minX = qMin(minX, seriesMinX - (qreal)0.5);
minY = qMin(minY, y);
maxX = qMax(maxX, seriesMaxX + (qreal)0.5);
maxY = qMax(maxY, y);
domain()->setRange(minX, maxX, minY, maxY);
QList<QLegendMarker*> QAbstractBarSeriesPrivate::createLegendMarkers(QLegend* legend)
QList<QLegendMarker*> markers;
foreach(QBarSet* set, q->barSets()) {
QBarLegendMarker* marker = new QBarLegendMarker(q,set,legend);
markers << marker;
return markers;
bool QAbstractBarSeriesPrivate::append(QBarSet *set)
if ((m_barSets.contains(set)) || (set == 0))
return false; // Fail if set is already in list or set is null.
QObject::connect(set->, &QBarSetPrivate::updatedBars,
this, &QAbstractBarSeriesPrivate::updatedBars);
QObject::connect(set->, &QBarSetPrivate::valueChanged,
this, &QAbstractBarSeriesPrivate::handleSetValueChange);
QObject::connect(set->, &QBarSetPrivate::valueAdded,
this, &QAbstractBarSeriesPrivate::handleSetValueAdd);
QObject::connect(set->, &QBarSetPrivate::valueRemoved,
this, &QAbstractBarSeriesPrivate::handleSetValueRemove);
emit restructuredBars(); // this notifies barchartitem
return true;
bool QAbstractBarSeriesPrivate::remove(QBarSet *set)
if (!m_barSets.contains(set))
return false; // Fail if set is not in list
QObject::disconnect(set->, &QBarSetPrivate::updatedBars,
this, &QAbstractBarSeriesPrivate::updatedBars);
QObject::disconnect(set->, &QBarSetPrivate::valueChanged,
this, &QAbstractBarSeriesPrivate::handleSetValueChange);
QObject::disconnect(set->, &QBarSetPrivate::valueAdded,
this, &QAbstractBarSeriesPrivate::handleSetValueAdd);
QObject::disconnect(set->, &QBarSetPrivate::valueRemoved,
this, &QAbstractBarSeriesPrivate::handleSetValueRemove);
emit restructuredBars(); // this notifies barchartitem
return true;
bool QAbstractBarSeriesPrivate::append(QList<QBarSet * > sets)
foreach (QBarSet *set, sets) {
if ((set == 0) || (m_barSets.contains(set)))
return false; // Fail if any of the sets is null or is already appended.
if (sets.count(set) != 1)
return false; // Also fail if same set is more than once in given list.
foreach (QBarSet *set, sets) {
QObject::connect(set->, &QBarSetPrivate::updatedBars,
this, &QAbstractBarSeriesPrivate::updatedBars);
QObject::connect(set->, &QBarSetPrivate::valueChanged,
this, &QAbstractBarSeriesPrivate::handleSetValueChange);
QObject::connect(set->, &QBarSetPrivate::valueAdded,
this, &QAbstractBarSeriesPrivate::handleSetValueAdd);
QObject::connect(set->, &QBarSetPrivate::valueRemoved,
this, &QAbstractBarSeriesPrivate::handleSetValueRemove);
emit restructuredBars(); // this notifies barchartitem
return true;
bool QAbstractBarSeriesPrivate::remove(QList<QBarSet * > sets)
if (sets.count() == 0)
return false;
foreach (QBarSet *set, sets) {
if ((set == 0) || (!m_barSets.contains(set)))
return false; // Fail if any of the sets is null or is not in series
if (sets.count(set) != 1)
return false; // Also fail if same set is more than once in given list.
foreach (QBarSet *set, sets) {
QObject::disconnect(set->, &QBarSetPrivate::updatedBars,
this, &QAbstractBarSeriesPrivate::updatedBars);
QObject::disconnect(set->, &QBarSetPrivate::valueChanged,
this, &QAbstractBarSeriesPrivate::handleSetValueChange);
QObject::disconnect(set->, &QBarSetPrivate::valueAdded,
this, &QAbstractBarSeriesPrivate::handleSetValueAdd);
QObject::disconnect(set->, &QBarSetPrivate::valueRemoved,
this, &QAbstractBarSeriesPrivate::handleSetValueRemove);
emit restructuredBars(); // this notifies barchartitem
return true;
bool QAbstractBarSeriesPrivate::insert(int index, QBarSet *set)
if ((m_barSets.contains(set)) || (set == 0))
return false; // Fail if set is already in list or set is null.
m_barSets.insert(index, set);
QObject::connect(set->, &QBarSetPrivate::updatedBars,
this, &QAbstractBarSeriesPrivate::updatedBars);
QObject::connect(set->, &QBarSetPrivate::valueChanged,
this, &QAbstractBarSeriesPrivate::handleSetValueChange);
QObject::connect(set->, &QBarSetPrivate::valueAdded,
this, &QAbstractBarSeriesPrivate::handleSetValueAdd);
QObject::connect(set->, &QBarSetPrivate::valueRemoved,
this, &QAbstractBarSeriesPrivate::handleSetValueRemove);
emit restructuredBars(); // this notifies barchartitem
return true;
void QAbstractBarSeriesPrivate::initializeAxes()
foreach(QAbstractAxis* axis, m_axes) {
if (axis->type() == QAbstractAxis::AxisTypeBarCategory) {
switch (q->type()) {
case QAbstractSeries::SeriesTypeHorizontalBar:
case QAbstractSeries::SeriesTypeHorizontalPercentBar:
case QAbstractSeries::SeriesTypeHorizontalStackedBar:
if (axis->orientation() == Qt::Vertical)
populateCategories(qobject_cast<QBarCategoryAxis *>(axis));
case QAbstractSeries::SeriesTypeBar:
case QAbstractSeries::SeriesTypePercentBar:
case QAbstractSeries::SeriesTypeStackedBar:
case QAbstractSeries::SeriesTypeBoxPlot:
case QAbstractSeries::SeriesTypeCandlestick:
if (axis->orientation() == Qt::Horizontal)
populateCategories(qobject_cast<QBarCategoryAxis *>(axis));
qWarning() << "Unexpected series type";
// Make sure series animations are reset when axes change
AbstractBarChartItem *item = qobject_cast<AbstractBarChartItem *>(;
if (item)
QAbstractAxis::AxisType QAbstractBarSeriesPrivate::defaultAxisType(Qt::Orientation orientation) const
Q_Q(const QAbstractBarSeries);
switch (q->type()) {
case QAbstractSeries::SeriesTypeHorizontalBar:
case QAbstractSeries::SeriesTypeHorizontalPercentBar:
case QAbstractSeries::SeriesTypeHorizontalStackedBar:
if (orientation == Qt::Vertical)
return QAbstractAxis::AxisTypeBarCategory;
case QAbstractSeries::SeriesTypeBar:
case QAbstractSeries::SeriesTypePercentBar:
case QAbstractSeries::SeriesTypeStackedBar:
case QAbstractSeries::SeriesTypeBoxPlot:
case QAbstractSeries::SeriesTypeCandlestick:
if (orientation == Qt::Horizontal)
return QAbstractAxis::AxisTypeBarCategory;
qWarning() << "Unexpected series type";
return QAbstractAxis::AxisTypeValue;
void QAbstractBarSeriesPrivate::handleSetValueChange(int index)
QBarSetPrivate *priv = qobject_cast<QBarSetPrivate *>(sender());
if (priv)
emit setValueChanged(index, priv->q_ptr);
void QAbstractBarSeriesPrivate::handleSetValueAdd(int index, int count)
QBarSetPrivate *priv = qobject_cast<QBarSetPrivate *>(sender());
if (priv)
emit setValueAdded(index, count, priv->q_ptr);
void QAbstractBarSeriesPrivate::handleSetValueRemove(int index, int count)
QBarSetPrivate *priv = qobject_cast<QBarSetPrivate *>(sender());
if (priv)
emit setValueRemoved(index, count, priv->q_ptr);
void QAbstractBarSeriesPrivate::populateCategories(QBarCategoryAxis *axis)
QStringList categories;
if (axis->categories().isEmpty()) {
for (int i(1); i < categoryCount() + 1; i++)
categories << presenter()->numberToString(i);
QAbstractAxis* QAbstractBarSeriesPrivate::createDefaultAxis(Qt::Orientation orientation) const
if (defaultAxisType(orientation) == QAbstractAxis::AxisTypeBarCategory)
return new QBarCategoryAxis;
return new QValueAxis;
void QAbstractBarSeriesPrivate::initializeTheme(int index, ChartTheme* theme, bool forced)
m_blockBarUpdate = true; // Ensures that the bars are not updated before the theme is ready
const QList<QGradient> gradients = theme->seriesGradients();
// Since each bar series uses different number of colors, we need to account for other
// bar series in the chart that are also themed when choosing colors.
// First series count is used to determine the color stepping to keep old applications
// with single bar series with a lot of sets colored as they always have been.
int actualIndex = 0;
int firstSeriesSetCount = m_barSets.count();
if (!m_item.isNull()) {
auto seriesMap = m_item->themeManager()->seriesMap();
int lowestSeries = index;
for (auto it = seriesMap.cbegin(), end = seriesMap.cend(); it != end; ++it) {
if (it.value() != index) {
auto barSeries = qobject_cast<QAbstractBarSeries *>(it.key());
if (barSeries) {
actualIndex += barSeries->count();
if (it.value() < lowestSeries) {
firstSeriesSetCount = qMax(barSeries->count(), gradients.count());
lowestSeries = it.value();
qreal takeAtPos = 0.5;
qreal step = 0.2;
if (firstSeriesSetCount > 1) {
step = 1.0 / qreal(firstSeriesSetCount);
if (firstSeriesSetCount % gradients.count())
step *= gradients.count();
step *= (gradients.count() - 1);
if (index > 0) {
// Take necessary amount of initial steps
int initialStepper = actualIndex;
while (initialStepper > gradients.count()) {
initialStepper -= gradients.count();
takeAtPos += step;
if (takeAtPos == 1.0)
takeAtPos += step;
takeAtPos -= int(takeAtPos);
for (int i(0); i < m_barSets.count(); i++) {
int colorIndex = (actualIndex + i) % gradients.count();
if ((actualIndex + i) > 0 && (actualIndex + i) % gradients.count() == 0) {
// There is no dedicated base color for each sets, generate more colors
takeAtPos += step;
if (takeAtPos == 1.0)
takeAtPos += step;
takeAtPos -= (int) takeAtPos;
if (forced || QChartPrivate::defaultBrush() ==>d_ptr->m_brush)>setBrush(ChartThemeManager::colorAt(, takeAtPos));
// Pick label color from the opposite end of the gradient.
// 0.3 as a boundary seems to work well.
if (forced || QChartPrivate::defaultBrush() ==>d_ptr->m_labelBrush) {
if (takeAtPos < 0.3)>setLabelBrush(ChartThemeManager::colorAt( % gradients.size()), 1));
else>setLabelBrush(ChartThemeManager::colorAt( % gradients.size()), 0));
if (forced || QChartPrivate::defaultPen() ==>d_ptr->m_pen) {
QColor c = ChartThemeManager::colorAt( % gradients.size()), 0.0);>setPen(c);
m_blockBarUpdate = false;
emit updatedBars();
void QAbstractBarSeriesPrivate::initializeAnimations(QChart::AnimationOptions options, int duration,
QEasingCurve &curve)
AbstractBarChartItem *bar = static_cast<AbstractBarChartItem *>(;
if (bar->animation())
if (options.testFlag(QChart::SeriesAnimations))
bar->setAnimation(new BarAnimation(bar, duration, curve));
QAbstractSeriesPrivate::initializeAnimations(options, duration, curve);
#include "moc_qabstractbarseries.cpp"
#include "moc_qabstractbarseries_p.cpp"