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** Copyright (C) 2017 The Qt Company Ltd.
** Contact:
** This file is part of the QtBluetooth module of the Qt Toolkit.
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#include "qlowenergycontroller.h"
#include "qlowenergycharacteristicdata.h"
#include "qlowenergyconnectionparameters.h"
#include "qlowenergydescriptordata.h"
#include "qlowenergyservicedata.h"
#include <QtBluetooth/QBluetoothLocalDevice>
#include <QtCore/QLoggingCategory>
#if QT_CONFIG(bluez) && !defined(QT_BLUEZ_NO_BTLE)
#include "bluez/bluez5_helper_p.h"
#include "qlowenergycontroller_bluezdbus_p.h"
#include "qlowenergycontroller_bluez_p.h"
#include "qlowenergycontroller_android_p.h"
#elif defined(QT_WINRT_BLUETOOTH)
#include "qtbluetoothglobal_p.h"
#include "qlowenergycontroller_winrt_p.h"
#if QT_CONFIG(winrt_btle_no_pairing)
#include "qlowenergycontroller_winrt_new_p.h"
#elif defined(QT_WIN_BLUETOOTH)
#include "qlowenergycontroller_win_p.h"
#elif defined(Q_OS_DARWIN)
#include "qlowenergycontroller_darwin_p.h"
#include "qlowenergycontroller_dummy_p.h"
#include <algorithm>
\class QLowEnergyController
\inmodule QtBluetooth
\brief The QLowEnergyController class provides access to Bluetooth
Low Energy Devices.
\since 5.4
QLowEnergyController acts as the entry point for Bluetooth Low Energy
Bluetooth Low Energy defines two types of devices; the peripheral and
the central. Each role performs a different task. The peripheral device
provides data which is utilized by central devices. An example might be a
humidity sensor which measures the moisture in a winter garden. A device
such as a mobile phone might read the sensor's value and display it to the user
in the greater context of all sensors in the same environment. In this case
the sensor is the peripheral device and the mobile phone acts as the
central device.
A controller in the central role is created via the \l createCentral() factory method.
Such an object essentially acts as a placeholder towards a remote Low Energy peripheral
device, enabling features such as service discovery and state tracking.
After having created a controller object in the central role, the first step is to establish
a connection via \l connectToDevice().
Once the connection has been established, the controller's \l state()
changes to \l QLowEnergyController::ConnectedState and the \l connected()
signal is emitted. It is important to mention that some platforms such as
a BlueZ based Linux cannot maintain two connected instances of
\l QLowEnergyController to the same remote device. In such cases the second
call to \l connectToDevice() may fail. This limitation may disappear at some
stage in the future. The \l disconnectFromDevice() function is used to break
the existing connection.
The second step after establishing the connection is to discover the services
offered by the remote peripheral device. This process is started via
\l discoverServices() and has finished once the \l discoveryFinished() signal
has been emitted. The discovered services can be enumerated via
\l services().
The last step is to create service objects. The \l createServiceObject()
function acts as factory for each service object and expects the service
UUID as parameter. The calling context should take ownership of the returned
\l QLowEnergyService instance.
Any \l QLowEnergyService, \l QLowEnergyCharacteristic or
\l QLowEnergyDescriptor instance which is later created from this controller's
connection becomes invalid as soon as the controller disconnects from the
remote Bluetooth Low Energy device.
A controller in the peripheral role is created via the \l createPeripheral() factory method.
Such an object acts as a peripheral device itself, enabling features such as advertising
services and allowing clients to get notified about changes to characteristic values.
After having created a controller object in the peripheral role, the first step is to
populate the set of GATT services offered to client devices via calls to \l addService().
Afterwards, one would call \l startAdvertising() to let the device broadcast some data
and, depending on the type of advertising being done, also listen for incoming connections
from GATT clients.
\sa QLowEnergyService, QLowEnergyCharacteristic, QLowEnergyDescriptor
\sa QLowEnergyAdvertisingParameters, QLowEnergyAdvertisingData
\enum QLowEnergyController::Error
Indicates all possible error conditions found during the controller's
\value NoError No error has occurred.
\value UnknownError An unknown error has occurred.
\value UnknownRemoteDeviceError The remote Bluetooth Low Energy device with the address passed to
the constructor of this class cannot be found.
\value NetworkError The attempt to read from or write to the
remote device failed.
\value InvalidBluetoothAdapterError The local Bluetooth device with the address passed to
the constructor of this class cannot be found or
there is no local Bluetooth device.
\value ConnectionError The attempt to connect to the remote device failed.
This value was introduced by Qt 5.5.
\value AdvertisingError The attempt to start advertising failed.
This value was introduced by Qt 5.7.
\value RemoteHostClosedError The remote device closed the connection.
This value was introduced by Qt 5.10.
\value AuthorizationError The local Bluetooth device closed the connection due to
insufficient authorization.
This value was introduced by Qt 5.14.
\enum QLowEnergyController::ControllerState
Indicates the state of the controller object.
\value UnconnectedState The controller is not connected to a remote device.
\value ConnectingState The controller is attempting to connect to a remote device.
\value ConnectedState The controller is connected to a remote device.
\value DiscoveringState The controller is retrieving the list of services offered
by the remote device.
\value DiscoveredState The controller has discovered all services offered by the
remote device.
\value ClosingState The controller is about to be disconnected from the remote device.
\value AdvertisingState The controller is currently advertising data.
This value was introduced by Qt 5.7.
\enum QLowEnergyController::RemoteAddressType
Indicates what type of Bluetooth address the remote device uses.
\value PublicAddress The remote device uses a public Bluetooth address.
\value RandomAddress A random address is a Bluetooth Low Energy security feature.
Peripherals using such addresses may frequently change their
Bluetooth address. This information is needed when trying to
connect to a peripheral.
\enum QLowEnergyController::Role
Indicates the role of the controller object.
\value CentralRole
The controller acts as a client interacting with a remote device which is in the peripheral
role. The controller can initiate connections, discover services and
read and write characteristics.
\value PeripheralRole
The controller can be used to advertise services and handle incoming
connections and client requests, acting as a GATT server. A remote device connected to
the controller is in the central role.
\sa QLowEnergyController::createCentral()
\sa QLowEnergyController::createPeripheral()
\since 5.7
\note The peripheral role is currently only supported on Linux. In addition, handling the
"Signed Write" ATT command on the server side requires BlueZ 5 and kernel version 3.7
or newer.
\fn void QLowEnergyController::connected()
This signal is emitted when the controller successfully connects to the remote
Low Energy device (if the controller is in the \l CentralRole) or if a remote Low Energy
device connected to the controller (if the controller is in the \l PeripheralRole).
On iOS and OS X this signal is not reliable if the controller is in the \l PeripheralRole
- the controller only guesses that some central connected to our peripheral as
soon as this central tries to write/read a characteristic/descriptor.
\fn void QLowEnergyController::disconnected()
This signal is emitted when the controller disconnects from the remote
Low Energy device or vice versa. On iOS and OS X this signal is unreliable
if the controller is in the \l PeripheralRole.
\fn void QLowEnergyController::stateChanged(ControllerState state)
This signal is emitted when the controller's state changes. The new
\a state can also be retrieved via \l state().
\sa state()
\fn void QLowEnergyController::error(QLowEnergyController::Error newError)
This signal is emitted when an error occurs.
The \a newError parameter describes the error that occurred.
\sa error(), errorString()
\fn void QLowEnergyController::serviceDiscovered(const QBluetoothUuid &newService)
This signal is emitted each time a new service is discovered. The
\a newService parameter contains the UUID of the found service.
This signal can only be emitted if the controller is in the \c CentralRole.
\sa discoverServices(), discoveryFinished()
\fn void QLowEnergyController::discoveryFinished()
This signal is emitted when the running service discovery finishes.
The signal is not emitted if the discovery process finishes with
an error.
This signal can only be emitted if the controller is in the \l CentralRole.
\sa discoverServices(), error()
\fn void QLowEnergyController::connectionUpdated(const QLowEnergyConnectionParameters &newParameters)
This signal is emitted when the connection parameters change. This can happen as a result
of calling \l requestConnectionUpdate() or due to other reasons, for instance because
the other side of the connection requested new parameters. The new values can be retrieved
from \a newParameters.
\since 5.7
\sa requestConnectionUpdate()
void registerQLowEnergyControllerMetaType()
static bool initDone = false;
if (!initDone) {
initDone = true;
static QLowEnergyControllerPrivate *privateController(QLowEnergyController::Role role)
#if QT_CONFIG(bluez) && !defined(QT_BLUEZ_NO_BTLE)
// The new DBUS implementation only supports Central role for now
// For Peripheral role support see QTBUG-66909
if (role == QLowEnergyController::CentralRole
&& bluetoothdVersion() >= QVersionNumber(5, 42)) {
qCWarning(QT_BT) << "Using BlueZ LE DBus API";
return new QLowEnergyControllerPrivateBluezDBus();
} else {
qCWarning(QT_BT) << "Using BlueZ kernel ATT interface";
return new QLowEnergyControllerPrivateBluez();
return new QLowEnergyControllerPrivateAndroid();
#elif defined(QT_WINRT_BLUETOOTH)
#if QT_CONFIG(winrt_btle_no_pairing)
return createWinRTLowEnergyController();
qCDebug(QT_BT_WINRT) << "Using pre 15063 low energy controller";
return new QLowEnergyControllerPrivateWinRT();
#elif defined(QT_WIN_BLUETOOTH)
return new QLowEnergyControllerPrivateWin32();
#elif defined(Q_OS_DARWIN)
return new QLowEnergyControllerPrivateDarwin();
return new QLowEnergyControllerPrivateCommon();
Constructs a new instance of this class with \a parent.
The \a remoteDevice must contain the address of the
remote Bluetooth Low Energy device to which this object
should attempt to connect later on.
The controller uses the local default Bluetooth adapter for
the connection management.
const QBluetoothAddress &remoteDevice,
QObject *parent)
: QObject(parent)
// Note: a central created using this ctor is useless
// on Darwin - no way to use addresses when connecting.
d_ptr = privateController(CentralRole);
d->q_ptr = this;
d->role = CentralRole;
d->remoteDevice = remoteDevice;
d->localAdapter = QBluetoothLocalDevice().address();
d->addressType = QLowEnergyController::PublicAddress;
Constructs a new instance of this class with \a parent.
The \a remoteDeviceInfo must contain the details of the
remote Bluetooth Low Energy device to which this object
should attempt to connect later on.
The controller uses the local default Bluetooth adapter for
the connection management.
\since 5.5
const QBluetoothDeviceInfo &remoteDeviceInfo,
QObject *parent)
: QObject(parent)
d_ptr = privateController(CentralRole);
d->q_ptr = this;
d->role = CentralRole;
d->deviceUuid = remoteDeviceInfo.deviceUuid();
d->remoteDevice = remoteDeviceInfo.address();
d->localAdapter = QBluetoothLocalDevice().address();
d->addressType = QLowEnergyController::PublicAddress;
d->remoteName =;
Constructs a new instance of this class with \a parent.
The \a remoteDevice must contain the address of the
remote Bluetooth Low Energy device to which this object
should attempt to connect later on.
The connection is established via \a localDevice. If \a localDevice
is invalid, the local default device is automatically selected. If
\a localDevice specifies a local device that is not a local Bluetooth
adapter, \l error() is set to \l InvalidBluetoothAdapterError once
\l connectToDevice() is called.
const QBluetoothAddress &remoteDevice,
const QBluetoothAddress &localDevice,
QObject *parent)
: QObject(parent)
// Note: a central create using this ctor is useless on
// Darwin (CoreBluetooth does not work with addresses).
d_ptr = privateController(CentralRole);
d->q_ptr = this;
d->role = CentralRole;
d->remoteDevice = remoteDevice;
d->localAdapter = localDevice;
Returns a new object of this class that is in the \l CentralRole and has the
parent object \a parent.
The \a remoteDevice refers to the device that a connection will be established to later.
The controller uses the local default Bluetooth adapter for the connection management.
\sa QLowEnergyController::CentralRole
\since 5.7
QLowEnergyController *QLowEnergyController::createCentral(const QBluetoothDeviceInfo &remoteDevice,
QObject *parent)
return new QLowEnergyController(remoteDevice, parent);
Returns a new instance of this class with \a parent.
The \a remoteDevice must contain the address of the remote Bluetooth Low
Energy device to which this object should attempt to connect later on.
The connection is established via \a localDevice. If \a localDevice is invalid,
the local default device is automatically selected. If \a localDevice specifies
a local device that is not a local Bluetooth adapter, \l error() is set to
\l InvalidBluetoothAdapterError once \l connectToDevice() is called.
Note that specifying the local device to be used for the connection is only
possible when using BlueZ. All other platforms do not support this feature.
\since 5.14
QLowEnergyController *QLowEnergyController::createCentral(const QBluetoothAddress &remoteDevice,
const QBluetoothAddress &localDevice,
QObject *parent)
return new QLowEnergyController(remoteDevice, localDevice, parent);
Returns a new object of this class that is in the \l PeripheralRole and has the
parent object \a parent.
Typically, the next step is to call \l startAdvertising() on the returned object.
The controller uses the local default Bluetooth adapter for the connection management.
\sa QLowEnergyController::PeripheralRole
\since 5.7
QLowEnergyController *QLowEnergyController::createPeripheral(QObject *parent)
return new QLowEnergyController(parent);
QLowEnergyController::QLowEnergyController(QObject *parent)
: QObject(parent)
d_ptr = privateController(PeripheralRole);
d->q_ptr = this;
d->role = PeripheralRole;
d->localAdapter = QBluetoothLocalDevice().address();
Destroys the QLowEnergyController instance.
disconnectFromDevice(); //in case we were connected
delete d_ptr;
Returns the address of the local Bluetooth adapter being used for the
If this class instance was requested to use the default adapter
but there was no default adapter when creating this
class instance, the returned \l QBluetoothAddress will be null.
\sa QBluetoothAddress::isNull()
QBluetoothAddress QLowEnergyController::localAddress() const
return d_ptr->localAdapter;
Returns the address of the remote Bluetooth Low Energy device.
For a controller in the \l CentralRole, this value will always be the one passed in when
the controller object was created. For a controller in the \l PeripheralRole, this value
is the address of the currently connected client device. In particular, this address will
be invalid if the controller is not currently in the \l ConnectedState.
QBluetoothAddress QLowEnergyController::remoteAddress() const
return d_ptr->remoteDevice;
Returns the unique identifier of the remote Bluetooth Low Energy device.
On macOS/iOS/tvOS CoreBluetooth does not expose/accept hardware addresses for
LE devices; instead developers are supposed to use unique 128-bit UUIDs, generated
by CoreBluetooth. These UUIDS will stay constant for the same central <-> peripheral
pair and we use them when connecting to a remote device. For a controller in the
\l CentralRole, this value will always be the one passed in when the controller
object was created. For a controller in the \l PeripheralRole, this value is invalid.
\since 5.8
QBluetoothUuid QLowEnergyController::remoteDeviceUuid() const
return d_ptr->deviceUuid;
Returns the name of the remote Bluetooth Low Energy device, if the controller is in the
\l CentralRole. Otherwise the result is unspecified.
\since 5.5
QString QLowEnergyController::remoteName() const
return d_ptr->remoteName;
Returns the current state of the controller.
\sa stateChanged()
QLowEnergyController::ControllerState QLowEnergyController::state() const
return d_ptr->state;
Returns the type of \l remoteAddress(). By default, this value is initialized
to \l PublicAddress.
\sa setRemoteAddressType()
QLowEnergyController::RemoteAddressType QLowEnergyController::remoteAddressType() const
return d_ptr->addressType;
Sets the remote address \a type. The type is required to connect
to the remote Bluetooth Low Energy device.
This attribute is only required to be set on Linux/BlueZ systems with older
Linux kernels (v3.3 or lower), or if CAP_NET_ADMIN is not set for the executable.
The default value of the attribute is \l RandomAddress.
\note All other platforms handle this flag transparently and therefore applications
can ignore it entirely. On Linux, the address type flag is not directly exposed
by BlueZ although some use cases do require this information. The only way to detect
the flag is via the Linux kernel's Bluetooth Management API (kernel
version 3.4+ required). This API requires CAP_NET_ADMIN capabilities though. If the
local QtBluetooth process has this capability set QtBluetooth will use the API. This
assumes that \l QBluetoothDeviceDiscoveryAgent was used prior to calling
\l QLowEnergyController::connectToDevice().
void QLowEnergyController::setRemoteAddressType(
QLowEnergyController::RemoteAddressType type)
d_ptr->addressType = type;
Connects to the remote Bluetooth Low Energy device.
This function does nothing if the controller's \l state()
is not equal to \l UnconnectedState. The \l connected() signal is emitted
once the connection is successfully established.
On Linux/BlueZ systems, it is not possible to connect to the same
remote device using two instances of this class. The second call
to this function may fail with an error. This limitation may
be removed in future releases.
\sa disconnectFromDevice()
void QLowEnergyController::connectToDevice()
if (role() != CentralRole) {
qCWarning(QT_BT) << "Connection can only be established while in central role";
if (!d->isValidLocalAdapter()) {
if (state() != QLowEnergyController::UnconnectedState)
Disconnects from the remote device.
Any \l QLowEnergyService, \l QLowEnergyCharacteristic or \l QLowEnergyDescriptor
instance that resulted from the current connection is automatically invalidated.
Once any of those objects become invalid they remain invalid even if this
controller object reconnects.
This function does nothing if the controller is in the \l UnconnectedState.
If the controller is in the peripheral role, it stops advertising and removes
all services which have previously been added via \l addService().
To reuse the QLowEnergyController instance the application must re-add services
and restart the advertising mode by calling \l startAdvertising().
\sa connectToDevice()
void QLowEnergyController::disconnectFromDevice()
if (state() == QLowEnergyController::UnconnectedState)
Initiates the service discovery process.
The discovery progress is indicated via the \l serviceDiscovered() signal.
The \l discoveryFinished() signal is emitted when the process has finished.
If the controller instance is not connected or the controller has performed
the service discovery already this function will do nothing.
\note Some platforms internally cache the service list of a device
which was discovered in the past. This can be problematic if the remote device
changed its list of services or their inclusion tree. If this behavior is a
problem, the best workaround is to temporarily turn Bluetooth off. This
causes a reset of the cache data. Currently Android exhibits such a
cache behavior.
void QLowEnergyController::discoverServices()
if (d->role != CentralRole) {
qCWarning(QT_BT) << "Cannot discover services in peripheral role";
if (d->state != QLowEnergyController::ConnectedState)
Returns the list of services offered by the remote device, if the controller is in
the \l CentralRole. Otherwise, the result is unspecified.
The list contains all primary and secondary services.
\sa createServiceObject()
QList<QBluetoothUuid> QLowEnergyController::services() const
return d_ptr->serviceList.keys();
Creates an instance of the service represented by \a serviceUuid.
The \a serviceUuid parameter must have been obtained via
\l services().
The caller takes ownership of the returned pointer and may pass
a \a parent parameter as default owner.
This function returns a null pointer if no service with
\a serviceUuid can be found on the remote device or the controller
is disconnected.
This function can return instances for secondary services
too. The include relationships between services can be expressed
via \l QLowEnergyService::includedServices().
If this function is called multiple times using the same service UUID,
the returned \l QLowEnergyService instances share their internal
data. Therefore if one of the instances initiates the discovery
of the service details, the other instances automatically
transition into the discovery state too.
\sa services()
QLowEnergyService *QLowEnergyController::createServiceObject(
const QBluetoothUuid &serviceUuid, QObject *parent)
QLowEnergyService *service = nullptr;
ServiceDataMap::const_iterator it = d->serviceList.constFind(serviceUuid);
if (it != d->serviceList.constEnd()) {
const QSharedPointer<QLowEnergyServicePrivate> &serviceData = it.value();
service = new QLowEnergyService(serviceData, parent);
return service;
Starts advertising the data given in \a advertisingData and \a scanResponseData, using
the parameters set in \a parameters. The controller has to be in the \l PeripheralRole.
If \a parameters indicates that the advertisement should be connectable, then this function
also starts listening for incoming client connections.
Providing \a scanResponseData is not required, as it is not applicable for certain
configurations of \c parameters. \a advertisingData and \a scanResponseData are limited
to 31 byte user data. If, for example, several 128bit uuids are added to \a advertisingData,
the advertised packets may not contain all uuids. The existing limit may have caused the truncation
of uuids. In such cases \a scanResponseData may be used for additional information.
If this object is currently not in the \l UnconnectedState, nothing happens.
\note Advertising will stop automatically once a client connects to the local device.
\since 5.7
\sa stopAdvertising()
void QLowEnergyController::startAdvertising(const QLowEnergyAdvertisingParameters &parameters,
const QLowEnergyAdvertisingData &advertisingData,
const QLowEnergyAdvertisingData &scanResponseData)
if (role() != PeripheralRole) {
qCWarning(QT_BT) << "Cannot start advertising in central role" << state();
if (state() != UnconnectedState) {
qCWarning(QT_BT) << "Cannot start advertising in state" << state();
d->startAdvertising(parameters, advertisingData, scanResponseData);
Stops advertising, if this object is currently in the advertising state.
The controller has to be in the \l PeripheralRole for this function to work.
It does not invalidate services which have previously been added via \l addService().
\since 5.7
\sa startAdvertising()
void QLowEnergyController::stopAdvertising()
if (state() != AdvertisingState) {
qCDebug(QT_BT) << "stopAdvertising called in state" << state();
Constructs and returns a \l QLowEnergyService object with \a parent from \a service.
The controller must be in the \l PeripheralRole and in the \l UnconnectedState. The \a service
object must be valid.
\note Once the peripheral instance is disconnected from the remote central device or
if \l disconnectFromDevice() is manually called, every service definition that was
previously added via this function is removed from the peripheral. Therefore this function
must be called again before re-advertising this peripheral controller instance. The described
behavior is connection specific and therefore not dependent on whether \l stopAdvertising()
was called.
\since 5.7
\sa stopAdvertising(), disconnectFromDevice(), QLowEnergyServiceData::addIncludedService
QLowEnergyService *QLowEnergyController::addService(const QLowEnergyServiceData &service,
QObject *parent)
if (role() != PeripheralRole) {
qCWarning(QT_BT) << "Services can only be added in the peripheral role";
return nullptr;
if (state() != UnconnectedState) {
qCWarning(QT_BT) << "Services can only be added in unconnected state";
return nullptr;
if (!service.isValid()) {
qCWarning(QT_BT) << "Not adding invalid service";
return nullptr;
QLowEnergyService *newService = d->addServiceHelper(service);
if (newService)
return newService;
Requests the controller to update the connection according to \a parameters.
If the request is successful, the \l connectionUpdated() signal will be emitted
with the actual new parameters. See the \l QLowEnergyConnectionParameters class for more
information on connection parameters.
Android only indirectly permits the adjustment of this parameter set.
The connection parameters are separated into three categories (high, low & balanced priority).
Each category implies a pre-configured set of values for
\l QLowEnergyConnectionParameters::minimumInterval(),
\l QLowEnergyConnectionParameters::maximumInterval() and
\l QLowEnergyConnectionParameters::latency(). Although the connection request is an asynchronous
operation, Android does not provide a callback stating the result of the request. This is
an acknowledged Android bug. Due to this bug Android does not emit the \l connectionUpdated()
\note Currently, this functionality is only implemented on Linux and Android.
\sa connectionUpdated()
\since 5.7
void QLowEnergyController::requestConnectionUpdate(const QLowEnergyConnectionParameters &parameters)
switch (state()) {
case ConnectedState:
case DiscoveredState:
case DiscoveringState:
qCWarning(QT_BT) << "Connection update request only possible in connected state";
Returns the last occurred error or \l NoError.
QLowEnergyController::Error QLowEnergyController::error() const
return d_ptr->error;
Returns a textual representation of the last occurred error.
The string is translated.
QString QLowEnergyController::errorString() const
return d_ptr->errorString;
Returns the role that this controller object is in.
The role is determined when constructing a QLowEnergyController instance
using \l createCentral() or \l createPeripheral().
\since 5.7
QLowEnergyController::Role QLowEnergyController::role() const
return d_ptr->role;