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// W A R N I N G
// -------------
// This file is not part of the Qt API. It exists purely as an
// implementation detail. This header file may change from version to
// version without notice, or even be removed.
// We mean it.
#include <private/qv4compileddata_p.h>
#include <private/qv4identifier_p.h>
#include <private/qqmlrefcount_p.h>
#include <private/qintrusivelist_p.h>
#include <private/qqmlpropertycachevector_p.h>
#include <private/qqmltype_p.h>
#include <private/qqmlnullablevalue_p.h>
#include <private/qqmlmetatype_p.h>
class QQmlScriptData;
class QQmlEnginePrivate;
struct InlineComponentData {
InlineComponentData() = default;
InlineComponentData(const CompositeMetaTypeIds &typeIds, int objectIndex, int nameIndex, int totalObjectCount, int totalBindingCount, int totalParserStatusCount)
: typeIds(typeIds)
, objectIndex(objectIndex)
, nameIndex(nameIndex)
, totalObjectCount(totalObjectCount)
, totalBindingCount(totalBindingCount)
, totalParserStatusCount(totalParserStatusCount) {}
CompositeMetaTypeIds typeIds;
int objectIndex = -1;
int nameIndex = -1;
int totalObjectCount = 0;
int totalBindingCount = 0;
int totalParserStatusCount = 0;
namespace QV4 {
// index is per-object binding index
typedef QVector<QQmlPropertyData*> BindingPropertyData;
class CompilationUnitMapper;
struct ResolvedTypeReference;
// map from name index
// While this could be a hash, a map is chosen here to provide a stable
// order, which is used to calculating a check-sum on dependent meta-objects.
struct ResolvedTypeReferenceMap: public QMap<int, ResolvedTypeReference*>
bool addToHash(QCryptographicHash *hash, QQmlEngine *engine) const;
class Q_QML_PRIVATE_EXPORT ExecutableCompilationUnit final: public CompiledData::CompilationUnit,
public QQmlRefCount
friend class QQmlRefPointer<ExecutableCompilationUnit>;
static QQmlRefPointer<ExecutableCompilationUnit> create(
CompiledData::CompilationUnit &&compilationUnit)
return QQmlRefPointer<ExecutableCompilationUnit>(
new ExecutableCompilationUnit(std::move(compilationUnit)),
static QQmlRefPointer<ExecutableCompilationUnit> create()
return QQmlRefPointer<ExecutableCompilationUnit>(
new ExecutableCompilationUnit,
QIntrusiveListNode nextCompilationUnit;
ExecutionEngine *engine = nullptr;
QQmlEnginePrivate *qmlEngine = nullptr; // only used in QML environment for composite types, not in plain QJSEngine case.
// url() and fileName() shall be used to load the actual QML/JS code or to show errors or
// warnings about that code. They include any potential URL interceptions and thus represent the
// "physical" location of the code.
// finalUrl() and finalUrlString() shall be used to resolve further URLs referred to in the code
// They are _not_ intercepted and thus represent the "logical" name for the code.
QUrl url() const { if (m_url.isNull) m_url = QUrl(fileName()); return m_url; }
QUrl finalUrl() const
if (m_finalUrl.isNull)
m_finalUrl = QUrl(finalUrlString());
return m_finalUrl;
QV4::Lookup *runtimeLookups = nullptr;
QVector<QV4::Function *> runtimeFunctions;
QVector<QV4::Heap::InternalClass *> runtimeBlocks;
mutable QVector<QV4::Heap::Object *> templateObjects;
mutable QQmlNullableValue<QUrl> m_url;
mutable QQmlNullableValue<QUrl> m_finalUrl;
// QML specific fields
QQmlPropertyCacheVector propertyCaches;
QQmlRefPointer<QQmlPropertyCache> rootPropertyCache() const { return*root object*/0); }
QQmlRefPointer<QQmlTypeNameCache> typeNameCache;
// index is object index. This allows fast access to the
// property data when initializing bindings, avoiding expensive
// lookups by string (property name).
QVector<BindingPropertyData> bindingPropertyDataPerObject;
// mapping from component object index (CompiledData::Unit object index that points to component) to identifier hash of named objects
// this is initialized on-demand by QQmlContextData
QHash<int, IdentifierHash> namedObjectsPerComponentCache;
inline IdentifierHash namedObjectsPerComponent(int componentObjectIndex);
void finalizeCompositeType(QQmlEnginePrivate *qmlEngine, CompositeMetaTypeIds typeIdsForComponent);
int m_totalBindingsCount = 0; // Number of bindings used in this type
int m_totalParserStatusCount = 0; // Number of instantiated types that are QQmlParserStatus subclasses
int m_totalObjectCount = 0; // Number of objects explicitly instantiated
int icRoot = -1;
int totalBindingsCount() const;
int totalParserStatusCount() const;
int totalObjectCount() const;
QVector<QQmlRefPointer<QQmlScriptData>> dependentScripts;
ResolvedTypeReferenceMap resolvedTypes;
ResolvedTypeReference *resolvedType(int id) const { return resolvedTypes.value(id); }
bool verifyChecksum(const CompiledData::DependentTypesHasher &dependencyHasher) const;
CompositeMetaTypeIds typeIdsForComponent(int objectid = 0) const;
int metaTypeId = -1;
int listMetaTypeId = -1;
bool isRegisteredWithEngine = false;
QHash<int, InlineComponentData> inlineComponentData;
QScopedPointer<CompilationUnitMapper> backingFile;
// --- interface for QQmlPropertyCacheCreator
using CompiledObject = CompiledData::Object;
using CompiledFunction = CompiledData::Function;
int objectCount() const { return qmlData->nObjects; }
const CompiledObject *objectAt(int index) const
return qmlData->objectAt(index);
int importCount() const { return qmlData->nImports; }
const CompiledData::Import *importAt(int index) const
return qmlData->importAt(index);
Heap::Object *templateObjectAt(int index) const;
struct FunctionIterator
FunctionIterator(const CompiledData::Unit *unit, const CompiledObject *object, int index)
: unit(unit), object(object), index(index) {}
const CompiledData::Unit *unit;
const CompiledObject *object;
int index;
const CompiledFunction *operator->() const
return unit->functionAt(object->functionOffsetTable()[index]);
void operator++() { ++index; }
bool operator==(const FunctionIterator &rhs) const { return index == rhs.index; }
bool operator!=(const FunctionIterator &rhs) const { return index != rhs.index; }
FunctionIterator objectFunctionsBegin(const CompiledObject *object) const
return FunctionIterator(data, object, 0);
FunctionIterator objectFunctionsEnd(const CompiledObject *object) const
return FunctionIterator(data, object, object->nFunctions);
bool isESModule() const
return data->flags & CompiledData::Unit::IsESModule;
bool isSharedLibrary() const
return data->flags & CompiledData::Unit::IsSharedLibrary;
QStringList moduleRequests() const;
Heap::Module *instantiate(ExecutionEngine *engine);
const Value *resolveExport(QV4::String *exportName)
QVector<ResolveSetEntry> resolveSet;
return resolveExportRecursively(exportName, &resolveSet);
QStringList exportedNames() const
QStringList names;
QVector<const ExecutableCompilationUnit*> exportNameSet;
getExportedNamesRecursively(&names, &exportNameSet);
auto last = std::unique(names.begin(), names.end());
names.erase(last, names.end());
return names;
void evaluate();
void evaluateModuleRequests();
QV4::Function *linkToEngine(QV4::ExecutionEngine *engine);
void unlink();
void markObjects(MarkStack *markStack);
bool loadFromDisk(const QUrl &url, const QDateTime &sourceTimeStamp, QString *errorString);
static QString localCacheFilePath(const QUrl &url);
bool saveToDisk(const QUrl &unitUrl, QString *errorString);
QString bindingValueAsString(const CompiledData::Binding *binding) const;
QString bindingValueAsScriptString(const CompiledData::Binding *binding) const;
double bindingValueAsNumber(const CompiledData::Binding *binding) const
if (binding->type != CompiledData::Binding::Type_Number)
return 0.0;
return constants[binding->value.constantValueIndex].doubleValue();
static bool verifyHeader(const CompiledData::Unit *unit, QDateTime expectedSourceTimeStamp,
QString *errorString);
quint32 totalStringCount() const
{ return data->stringTableSize; }
struct ResolveSetEntry
ResolveSetEntry() {}
ResolveSetEntry(ExecutableCompilationUnit *module, QV4::String *exportName)
: module(module), exportName(exportName) {}
ExecutableCompilationUnit *module = nullptr;
QV4::String *exportName = nullptr;
ExecutableCompilationUnit(CompiledData::CompilationUnit &&compilationUnit);
const Value *resolveExportRecursively(QV4::String *exportName,
QVector<ResolveSetEntry> *resolveSet);
QUrl urlAt(int index) const { return QUrl(stringAt(index)); }
Q_NEVER_INLINE IdentifierHash createNamedObjectsPerComponent(int componentObjectIndex);
const CompiledData::ExportEntry *lookupNameInExportTable(
const CompiledData::ExportEntry *firstExportEntry, int tableSize,
QV4::String *name) const;
void getExportedNamesRecursively(
QStringList *names, QVector<const ExecutableCompilationUnit *> *exportNameSet,
bool includeDefaultExport = true) const;
struct ResolvedTypeReference
: m_compilationUnit(nullptr)
, m_stronglyReferencesCompilationUnit(true)
, majorVersion(0)
, minorVersion(0)
, isFullyDynamicType(false)
if (m_stronglyReferencesCompilationUnit && m_compilationUnit)
QQmlRefPointer<QV4::ExecutableCompilationUnit> compilationUnit() { return m_compilationUnit; }
void setCompilationUnit(QQmlRefPointer<QV4::ExecutableCompilationUnit> unit)
if (m_compilationUnit ==
if (m_stronglyReferencesCompilationUnit) {
if (m_compilationUnit)
m_compilationUnit = unit.take();
} else {
m_compilationUnit =;
bool referencesCompilationUnit() const { return m_stronglyReferencesCompilationUnit; }
void setReferencesCompilationUnit(bool doReference)
if (doReference == m_stronglyReferencesCompilationUnit)
m_stronglyReferencesCompilationUnit = doReference;
if (!m_compilationUnit)
if (doReference) {
} else if (m_compilationUnit->count() == 1) {
m_compilationUnit = nullptr;
} else {
QQmlRefPointer<QQmlPropertyCache> propertyCache() const;
QQmlRefPointer<QQmlPropertyCache> createPropertyCache(QQmlEngine *);
bool addToHash(QCryptographicHash *hash, QQmlEngine *engine);
void doDynamicTypeCheck();
QQmlType type;
QQmlRefPointer<QQmlPropertyCache> typePropertyCache;
QV4::ExecutableCompilationUnit *m_compilationUnit;
bool m_stronglyReferencesCompilationUnit;
int majorVersion;
int minorVersion;
// Types such as QQmlPropertyMap can add properties dynamically at run-time and
// therefore cannot have a property cache installed when instantiated.
bool isFullyDynamicType;
IdentifierHash ExecutableCompilationUnit::namedObjectsPerComponent(int componentObjectIndex)
auto it = namedObjectsPerComponentCache.find(componentObjectIndex);
if (Q_UNLIKELY(it == namedObjectsPerComponentCache.end()))
return createNamedObjectsPerComponent(componentObjectIndex);
return *it;
} // namespace QV4