blob: e2d3b98ff6b699db5b62ea1bcc74b91a5a42c5c9 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
** Copyright (C) 2016 The Qt Company Ltd.
** Contact:
** This file is part of the QtQml module of the Qt Toolkit.
** Commercial License Usage
** Licensees holding valid commercial Qt licenses may use this file in
** accordance with the commercial license agreement provided with the
** Software or, alternatively, in accordance with the terms contained in
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** GNU Lesser General Public License Usage
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** General Public License version 3 as published by the Free Software
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** GNU General Public License Usage
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** information to ensure the GNU General Public License requirements will
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#include "qv4qmlcontext_p.h"
#include <private/qqmlengine_p.h>
#include <private/qqmlcontext_p.h>
#include <private/qv4engine_p.h>
#include <private/qv4value_p.h>
#include <private/qv4objectproto_p.h>
#include <private/qv4mm_p.h>
#include <private/qv4function_p.h>
#include <private/qv4compileddata_p.h>
#include <private/qqmltypewrapper_p.h>
#include <private/qqmllistwrapper_p.h>
#include <private/qqmljavascriptexpression_p.h>
#include <private/qjsvalue_p.h>
#include <private/qv4qobjectwrapper_p.h>
#include <private/qv4module_p.h>
#include <private/qv4lookup_p.h>
#include <private/qv4identifiertable_p.h>
using namespace QV4;
void Heap::QQmlContextWrapper::init(QQmlContextData *context, QObject *scopeObject)
this->context = new QQmlContextDataRef(context);
void Heap::QQmlContextWrapper::destroy()
delete context;
static OptionalReturnedValue searchContextProperties(QV4::ExecutionEngine *v4, QQmlContextData *context, String *name,
bool *hasProperty, Value *base, QV4::Lookup *lookup,
QV4::Lookup *originalLookup, QQmlEnginePrivate *ep)
const QV4::IdentifierHash &properties = context->propertyNames();
if (properties.count() == 0)
return OptionalReturnedValue();
const int propertyIdx = properties.value(name);
if (propertyIdx == -1)
return OptionalReturnedValue();
if (propertyIdx < context->idValueCount) {
if (hasProperty)
*hasProperty = true;
if (lookup) {
lookup->qmlContextIdObjectLookup.objectId = propertyIdx;
lookup->qmlContextPropertyGetter = QQmlContextWrapper::lookupIdObject;
return OptionalReturnedValue(lookup->qmlContextPropertyGetter(lookup, v4, base));
} else if (originalLookup) {
originalLookup->qmlContextPropertyGetter = QQmlContextWrapper::lookupInParentContextHierarchy;
if (ep->propertyCapture)
return OptionalReturnedValue(QV4::QObjectWrapper::wrap(v4, context->idValues[propertyIdx]));
QQmlContextPrivate *cp = context->asQQmlContextPrivate();
if (ep->propertyCapture)
ep->propertyCapture->captureProperty(context->asQQmlContext(), -1, propertyIdx + cp->notifyIndex);
const QVariant &value = cp->;
if (hasProperty)
*hasProperty = true;
if (value.userType() == qMetaTypeId<QList<QObject*> >()) {
QQmlListProperty<QObject> prop(context->asQQmlContext(), (void*) qintptr(propertyIdx),
return OptionalReturnedValue(QmlListWrapper::create(v4, prop, qMetaTypeId<QQmlListProperty<QObject> >()));
return OptionalReturnedValue(v4->fromVariant(cp->;
ReturnedValue QQmlContextWrapper::getPropertyAndBase(const QQmlContextWrapper *resource, PropertyKey id, const Value *receiver, bool *hasProperty, Value *base, Lookup *lookup)
if (!id.isString())
return Object::virtualGet(resource, id, receiver, hasProperty);
QV4::ExecutionEngine *v4 = resource->engine();
QV4::Scope scope(v4);
if (v4->callingQmlContext() != *resource->d()->context) {
if (resource->d()->module) {
Scoped<Module> module(scope, resource->d()->module);
bool hasProp = false;
ScopedValue value(scope, module->get(id, receiver, &hasProp));
if (hasProp) {
if (hasProperty)
*hasProperty = hasProp;
return value->asReturnedValue();
return Object::virtualGet(resource, id, receiver, hasProperty);
bool hasProp = false;
ScopedValue result(scope, Object::virtualGet(resource, id, receiver, &hasProp));
if (hasProp) {
if (hasProperty)
*hasProperty = hasProp;
return result->asReturnedValue();
// It's possible we could delay the calculation of the "actual" context (in the case
// of sub contexts) until it is definitely needed.
QQmlContextData *context = resource->getContext();
QQmlContextData *expressionContext = context;
if (!context) {
if (hasProperty)
*hasProperty = true;
return result->asReturnedValue();
// Search type (attached property/enum/imported scripts) names
// while (context) {
// Search context properties
// Search scope object
// Search context object
// context = context->parent
// }
QObject *scopeObject = resource->getScopeObject();
ScopedString name(scope, id.asStringOrSymbol());
const auto performGobalLookUp = [&result, v4, &name, hasProperty]() {
bool hasProp = false;
result = v4->globalObject->get(name, &hasProp);
if (hasProp) {
if (hasProperty)
*hasProperty = hasProp;
return true;
return false;
// If the scope object is a QAbstractDynamicMetaObject, then QMetaObject::indexOfProperty
// will call createProperty() on the QADMO and implicitly create the property. While that
// is questionable behavior, there are two use-cases that we support in the light of this:
// (1) The implicit creation of properties is necessary because it will also result in
// a recorded capture, which will allow a re-evaluation of bindings when the value
// is populated later. See QTBUG-35233 and the test-case in tst_qqmlpropertymap.
// (1) Looking up "console" in order to place a console.log() call for example must
// find the console instead of creating a new property. Therefore we prioritize the
// lookup in the global object here.
// Note: The scope object is only a QADMO for example when somebody registers a QQmlPropertyMap
// sub-class as QML type and then instantiates it in .qml.
if (scopeObject && QQmlPropertyCache::isDynamicMetaObject(scopeObject->metaObject())) {
// all bets are off, so don't try to optimize any lookups
lookup = nullptr;
if (performGobalLookUp())
return result->asReturnedValue();
if (context->imports && name->startsWithUpper()) {
// Search for attached properties, enums and imported scripts
QQmlTypeNameCache::Result r = context->imports->query(name, QQmlImport::AllowRecursion);
if (r.isValid()) {
if (hasProperty)
*hasProperty = true;
if (r.scriptIndex != -1) {
if (lookup) {
lookup->qmlContextScriptLookup.scriptIndex = r.scriptIndex;
lookup->qmlContextPropertyGetter = QQmlContextWrapper::lookupScript;
return lookup->qmlContextPropertyGetter(lookup, v4, base);
QV4::ScopedObject scripts(scope, context->importedScripts.valueRef());
if (scripts)
return scripts->get(r.scriptIndex);
return QV4::Encode::null();
} else if (r.type.isValid()) {
if (lookup) {
if (r.type.isSingleton()) {
QQmlEnginePrivate *e = QQmlEnginePrivate::get(v4->qmlEngine());
if (r.type.isQObjectSingleton() || r.type.isCompositeSingleton()) {
lookup->qmlContextSingletonLookup.singleton =
QQmlTypeWrapper::create(v4, nullptr, r.type)
} else {
QJSValue singleton = e->singletonInstance<QJSValue>(r.type);
QV4::ScopedObject o(scope, QJSValuePrivate::convertedToValue(v4, singleton));
lookup->qmlContextSingletonLookup.singleton = o->d();
lookup->qmlContextPropertyGetter = QQmlContextWrapper::lookupSingleton;
return lookup->qmlContextPropertyGetter(lookup, v4, base);
result = QQmlTypeWrapper::create(v4, scopeObject, r.type);
} else if (r.importNamespace) {
result = QQmlTypeWrapper::create(v4, scopeObject, context->imports, r.importNamespace);
if (lookup) {
lookup->qmlTypeLookup.qmlTypeWrapper = static_cast<Heap::Object*>(result->heapObject());
lookup->qmlContextPropertyGetter = QQmlContextWrapper::lookupType;
return result->asReturnedValue();
// Fall through
QQmlEnginePrivate *ep = QQmlEnginePrivate::get(v4->qmlEngine());
Lookup * const originalLookup = lookup;
decltype(lookup->qmlContextPropertyGetter) contextGetterFunction = QQmlContextWrapper::lookupContextObjectProperty;
// minor optimization so we don't potentially try two property lookups on the same object
if (scopeObject == context->contextObject) {
scopeObject = nullptr;
contextGetterFunction = QQmlContextWrapper::lookupScopeObjectProperty;
while (context) {
if (auto property = searchContextProperties(v4, context, name, hasProperty, base, lookup, originalLookup, ep))
return *property;
// Search scope object
if (scopeObject) {
bool hasProp = false;
QQmlPropertyData *propertyData = nullptr;
QV4::ScopedValue result(scope, QV4::QObjectWrapper::getQmlProperty(v4, context, scopeObject,
name, QV4::QObjectWrapper::CheckRevision, &hasProp, &propertyData));
if (hasProp) {
if (hasProperty)
*hasProperty = true;
if (base)
*base = QV4::QObjectWrapper::wrap(v4, scopeObject);
if (lookup && propertyData) {
QQmlData *ddata = QQmlData::get(scopeObject, false);
if (ddata && ddata->propertyCache) {
ScopedValue val(scope, base ? *base : Value::fromReturnedValue(QV4::QObjectWrapper::wrap(v4, scopeObject)));
const QObjectWrapper *That = static_cast<const QObjectWrapper *>(val->objectValue());
lookup->qobjectLookup.ic = That->internalClass();
lookup->qobjectLookup.propertyCache = ddata->propertyCache;
lookup->qobjectLookup.propertyData = propertyData;
lookup->qmlContextPropertyGetter = QQmlContextWrapper::lookupScopeObjectProperty;
return result->asReturnedValue();
scopeObject = nullptr;
// Search context object
if (context->contextObject) {
bool hasProp = false;
QQmlPropertyData *propertyData = nullptr;
result = QV4::QObjectWrapper::getQmlProperty(v4, context, context->contextObject,
name, QV4::QObjectWrapper::CheckRevision, &hasProp, &propertyData);
if (hasProp) {
if (hasProperty)
*hasProperty = true;
if (base)
*base = QV4::QObjectWrapper::wrap(v4, context->contextObject);
if (propertyData) {
if (lookup) {
QQmlData *ddata = QQmlData::get(context->contextObject, false);
if (ddata && ddata->propertyCache) {
ScopedValue val(scope, base ? *base : Value::fromReturnedValue(QV4::QObjectWrapper::wrap(v4, context->contextObject)));
const QObjectWrapper *That = static_cast<const QObjectWrapper *>(val->objectValue());
lookup->qobjectLookup.ic = That->internalClass();
lookup->qobjectLookup.propertyCache = ddata->propertyCache;
lookup->qobjectLookup.propertyData = propertyData;
lookup->qmlContextPropertyGetter = contextGetterFunction;
} else if (originalLookup) {
originalLookup->qmlContextPropertyGetter = lookupInParentContextHierarchy;
return result->asReturnedValue();
context = context->parent;
// As the hierarchy of contexts is not stable, we can't do accelerated lookups beyond
// the immediate QML context (of the .qml file).
lookup = nullptr;
// Do a lookup in the global object here to avoid expressionContext->unresolvedNames becoming
// true if we access properties of the global object.
if (originalLookup) {
// Try a lookup in the global object. It's theoretically possible to first find a property
// in the global object and then later a context property with the same name is added, but that
// never really worked as we used to detect access to global properties at type compile time anyway.
lookup = originalLookup;
result = lookup->resolveGlobalGetter(v4);
if (lookup->globalGetter != Lookup::globalGetterGeneric) {
if (hasProperty)
*hasProperty = true;
lookup->qmlContextGlobalLookup.getterTrampoline = lookup->globalGetter;
lookup->qmlContextPropertyGetter = QQmlContextWrapper::lookupInGlobalObject;
return result->asReturnedValue();
lookup->qmlContextPropertyGetter = QQmlContextWrapper::resolveQmlContextPropertyLookupGetter;
} else {
if (performGobalLookUp())
return result->asReturnedValue();
expressionContext->unresolvedNames = true;
return Encode::undefined();
ReturnedValue QQmlContextWrapper::virtualGet(const Managed *m, PropertyKey id, const Value *receiver, bool *hasProperty)
const QQmlContextWrapper *This = static_cast<const QQmlContextWrapper *>(m);
return getPropertyAndBase(This, id, receiver, hasProperty, /*base*/nullptr);
bool QQmlContextWrapper::virtualPut(Managed *m, PropertyKey id, const Value &value, Value *receiver)
if (id.isSymbol() || id.isArrayIndex())
return Object::virtualPut(m, id, value, receiver);
QQmlContextWrapper *resource = static_cast<QQmlContextWrapper *>(m);
ExecutionEngine *v4 = resource->engine();
QV4::Scope scope(v4);
if (scope.hasException())
return false;
QV4::Scoped<QQmlContextWrapper> wrapper(scope, resource);
auto member = wrapper->internalClass()->findValueOrSetter(id);
if (member.index < UINT_MAX)
return wrapper->putValue(member.index, member.attrs, value);
// It's possible we could delay the calculation of the "actual" context (in the case
// of sub contexts) until it is definitely needed.
QQmlContextData *context = wrapper->getContext();
QQmlContextData *expressionContext = context;
if (!context)
return false;
// See QV8ContextWrapper::Getter for resolution order
QObject *scopeObject = wrapper->getScopeObject();
ScopedString name(scope, id.asStringOrSymbol());
while (context) {
const QV4::IdentifierHash &properties = context->propertyNames();
// Search context properties
if (properties.count()) {
const int propertyIndex = properties.value(name);
if (propertyIndex != -1) {
if (propertyIndex < context->idValueCount) {
v4->throwError(QLatin1String("left-hand side of assignment operator is not an lvalue"));
return false;
return false;
// Search scope object
if (scopeObject &&
QV4::QObjectWrapper::setQmlProperty(v4, context, scopeObject, name, QV4::QObjectWrapper::CheckRevision, value))
return true;
scopeObject = nullptr;
// Search context object
if (context->contextObject &&
QV4::QObjectWrapper::setQmlProperty(v4, context, context->contextObject, name, QV4::QObjectWrapper::CheckRevision, value))
return true;
context = context->parent;
expressionContext->unresolvedNames = true;
QString error = QLatin1String("Invalid write to global property \"") + name->toQString() +
return false;
ReturnedValue QQmlContextWrapper::resolveQmlContextPropertyLookupGetter(Lookup *l, ExecutionEngine *engine, Value *base)
Scope scope(engine);
PropertyKey name =engine->identifierTable->asPropertyKey(engine->currentStackFrame->v4Function->compilationUnit->
// Special hack for bounded signal expressions, where the parameters of signals are injected
// into the handler expression through the locals of the call context. So for onClicked: { ... }
// the parameters of the clicked signal are injected and we must allow for them to be found here
// before any other property from the QML context.
for (Heap::ExecutionContext *ctx = engine->currentContext()->d(); ctx; ctx = ctx->outer) {
if (ctx->type == Heap::ExecutionContext::Type_CallContext) {
const uint index = ctx->internalClass->indexOfValueOrGetter(name);
if (index < std::numeric_limits<uint>::max())
return static_cast<Heap::CallContext *>(ctx)->locals[index].asReturnedValue();
// Skip only block contexts within the current call context.
// Other contexts need a regular QML property lookup. See below.
if (ctx->type != Heap::ExecutionContext::Type_BlockContext)
bool hasProperty = false;
ScopedValue result(scope);
Scoped<QmlContext> callingQmlContext(scope, engine->qmlContext());
if (callingQmlContext) {
Scoped<QQmlContextWrapper> qmlContextWrapper(scope, callingQmlContext->d()->qml());
result = QQmlContextWrapper::getPropertyAndBase(qmlContextWrapper, name, /*receiver*/nullptr, &hasProperty,
base, l);
} else {
// Code path typical to worker scripts, compiled with lookups but no qml context.
result = l->resolveGlobalGetter(engine);
if (l->globalGetter != Lookup::globalGetterGeneric) {
hasProperty = true;
l->qmlContextGlobalLookup.getterTrampoline = l->globalGetter;
l->qmlContextPropertyGetter = QQmlContextWrapper::lookupInGlobalObject;
if (!hasProperty)
return engine->throwReferenceError(name.toQString());
return result->asReturnedValue();
ReturnedValue QQmlContextWrapper::lookupScript(Lookup *l, ExecutionEngine *engine, Value *base)
Scope scope(engine);
Scoped<QmlContext> qmlContext(scope, engine->qmlContext());
if (!qmlContext)
return QV4::Encode::null();
QQmlContextData *context = qmlContext->qmlContext();
if (!context)
return QV4::Encode::null();
QV4::ScopedObject scripts(scope, context->importedScripts.valueRef());
if (!scripts)
return QV4::Encode::null();
return scripts->get(l->qmlContextScriptLookup.scriptIndex);
ReturnedValue QQmlContextWrapper::lookupSingleton(Lookup *l, ExecutionEngine *engine, Value *base)
return Value::fromHeapObject(l->qmlContextSingletonLookup.singleton).asReturnedValue();
ReturnedValue QQmlContextWrapper::lookupIdObject(Lookup *l, ExecutionEngine *engine, Value *base)
Scope scope(engine);
Scoped<QmlContext> qmlContext(scope, engine->qmlContext());
if (!qmlContext)
return QV4::Encode::null();
QQmlContextData *context = qmlContext->qmlContext();
if (!context)
return QV4::Encode::null();
QQmlEnginePrivate *qmlEngine = QQmlEnginePrivate::get(engine->qmlEngine());
const int objectId = l->qmlContextIdObjectLookup.objectId;
if (qmlEngine->propertyCapture)
return QV4::QObjectWrapper::wrap(engine, context->idValues[objectId]);
ReturnedValue QQmlContextWrapper::lookupScopeObjectProperty(Lookup *l, ExecutionEngine *engine, Value *base)
Scope scope(engine);
Scoped<QmlContext> qmlContext(scope, engine->qmlContext());
if (!qmlContext)
return QV4::Encode::undefined();
QObject *scopeObject = qmlContext->qmlScope();
if (!scopeObject)
return QV4::Encode::undefined();
if (QQmlData::wasDeleted(scopeObject))
return QV4::Encode::undefined();
const auto revertLookup = [l, engine, base]() {
l->qobjectLookup.propertyCache = nullptr;
l->qmlContextPropertyGetter = QQmlContextWrapper::resolveQmlContextPropertyLookupGetter;
return QQmlContextWrapper::resolveQmlContextPropertyLookupGetter(l, engine, base);
ScopedValue obj(scope, QV4::QObjectWrapper::wrap(engine, scopeObject));
if (base)
*base = obj;
return QObjectWrapper::lookupGetterImpl(l, engine, obj, /*useOriginalProperty*/ true, revertLookup);
ReturnedValue QQmlContextWrapper::lookupContextObjectProperty(Lookup *l, ExecutionEngine *engine, Value *base)
Scope scope(engine);
Scoped<QmlContext> qmlContext(scope, engine->qmlContext());
if (!qmlContext)
return QV4::Encode::undefined();
QQmlContextData *context = qmlContext->qmlContext();
if (!context)
return QV4::Encode::undefined();
QObject *contextObject = context->contextObject;
if (!contextObject)
return QV4::Encode::undefined();
if (QQmlData::wasDeleted(contextObject))
return QV4::Encode::undefined();
const auto revertLookup = [l, engine, base]() {
l->qobjectLookup.propertyCache = nullptr;
l->qmlContextPropertyGetter = QQmlContextWrapper::resolveQmlContextPropertyLookupGetter;
return QQmlContextWrapper::resolveQmlContextPropertyLookupGetter(l, engine, base);
ScopedValue obj(scope, QV4::QObjectWrapper::wrap(engine, contextObject));
if (base)
*base = obj;
return QObjectWrapper::lookupGetterImpl(l, engine, obj, /*useOriginalProperty*/ true, revertLookup);
ReturnedValue QQmlContextWrapper::lookupInGlobalObject(Lookup *l, ExecutionEngine *engine, Value *base)
ReturnedValue result = l->qmlContextGlobalLookup.getterTrampoline(l, engine);
// In the unlikely event of mutation of the global object, update the trampoline.
if (l->qmlContextPropertyGetter != lookupInGlobalObject) {
l->qmlContextGlobalLookup.getterTrampoline = l->globalGetter;
l->qmlContextPropertyGetter = QQmlContextWrapper::lookupInGlobalObject;
return result;
ReturnedValue QQmlContextWrapper::lookupInParentContextHierarchy(Lookup *l, ExecutionEngine *engine, Value *base)
Scope scope(engine);
Scoped<QmlContext> qmlContext(scope, engine->qmlContext());
if (!qmlContext)
return QV4::Encode::undefined();
QQmlContextData *context = qmlContext->qmlContext();
if (!context)
return QV4::Encode::undefined();
QQmlContextData *expressionContext = context;
QQmlEnginePrivate *ep = QQmlEnginePrivate::get(engine->qmlEngine());
PropertyKey id =engine->identifierTable->asPropertyKey(engine->currentStackFrame->v4Function->compilationUnit->
ScopedString name(scope, id.asStringOrSymbol());
ScopedValue result(scope);
for (context = context->parent; context; context = context->parent) {
if (auto property = searchContextProperties(engine, context, name, nullptr, base, nullptr, nullptr, ep))
return *property;
// Search context object
if (context->contextObject) {
bool hasProp = false;
result = QV4::QObjectWrapper::getQmlProperty(engine, context, context->contextObject,
name, QV4::QObjectWrapper::CheckRevision, &hasProp);
if (hasProp) {
if (base)
*base = QV4::QObjectWrapper::wrap(engine, context->contextObject);
return result->asReturnedValue();
bool hasProp = false;
result = engine->globalObject->get(name, &hasProp);
if (hasProp)
return result->asReturnedValue();
expressionContext->unresolvedNames = true;
return Encode::undefined();
ReturnedValue QQmlContextWrapper::lookupType(Lookup *l, ExecutionEngine *engine, Value *base)
Scope scope(engine);
Scoped<QmlContext> qmlContext(scope, engine->qmlContext());
if (!qmlContext)
return QV4::Encode::undefined();
QObject *scopeObject = qmlContext->qmlScope();
if (scopeObject && QQmlData::wasDeleted(scopeObject))
return QV4::Encode::undefined();
Heap::Object *heapObject = l->qmlTypeLookup.qmlTypeWrapper;
if (static_cast<Heap::QQmlTypeWrapper *>(heapObject)->object != scopeObject) {
l->qmlTypeLookup.qmlTypeWrapper = nullptr;
l->qmlContextPropertyGetter = QQmlContextWrapper::resolveQmlContextPropertyLookupGetter;
return QQmlContextWrapper::resolveQmlContextPropertyLookupGetter(l, engine, base);
return Value::fromHeapObject(heapObject).asReturnedValue();
void Heap::QmlContext::init(QV4::ExecutionContext *outerContext, QV4::QQmlContextWrapper *qml)
outer.set(internalClass->engine, outerContext->d());
this->activation.set(internalClass->engine, qml->d());
Heap::QmlContext *QmlContext::create(ExecutionContext *parent, QQmlContextData *context, QObject *scopeObject)
Scope scope(parent);
Scoped<QQmlContextWrapper> qml(scope, scope.engine->memoryManager->allocate<QQmlContextWrapper>(context, scopeObject));
Heap::QmlContext *c = scope.engine->memoryManager->alloc<QmlContext>(parent, qml);
Q_ASSERT(c->vtable() == staticVTable());
return c;