blob: 2add1222ead572425ced910da03e80e5e0d27925 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
** Copyright (C) 2016 The Qt Company Ltd.
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** This file is part of the QtQml module of the Qt Toolkit.
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** GNU General Public License Usage
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#include "qv4script_p.h"
#include <private/qv4mm_p.h>
#include "qv4functionobject_p.h"
#include "qv4function_p.h"
#include "qv4context_p.h"
#include "qv4debugging_p.h"
#include "qv4profiling_p.h"
#include "qv4scopedvalue_p.h"
#include "qv4jscall_p.h"
#include <private/qqmljsengine_p.h>
#include <private/qqmljslexer_p.h>
#include <private/qqmljsparser_p.h>
#include <private/qqmljsast_p.h>
#include <private/qqmlengine_p.h>
#include <private/qqmlsourcecoordinate_p.h>
#include <private/qv4profiling_p.h>
#include <qv4runtimecodegen_p.h>
#include <QtCore/QDebug>
#include <QtCore/QString>
#include <QScopedValueRollback>
using namespace QV4;
using namespace QQmlJS;
Script::Script(ExecutionEngine *v4, QmlContext *qml, const QQmlRefPointer<ExecutableCompilationUnit> &compilationUnit)
: line(1), column(0), context(v4->rootContext()), strictMode(false), inheritContext(true), parsed(false)
, compilationUnit(compilationUnit), vmFunction(nullptr), parseAsBinding(true)
if (qml)
qmlContext.set(v4, *qml);
parsed = true;
vmFunction = compilationUnit ? compilationUnit->linkToEngine(v4) : nullptr;
void Script::parse()
if (parsed)
using namespace QV4::Compiler;
parsed = true;
ExecutionEngine *v4 = context->engine();
Scope valueScope(v4);
Module module(v4->debugger() != nullptr);
if (sourceCode.startsWith(QLatin1String("function("))) {
static const int snippetLength = 70;
qWarning() << "Warning: Using function expressions as statements in scripts is not compliant with the ECMAScript specification:\n"
<< (sourceCode.leftRef(snippetLength) + QLatin1String("..."))
<< "\nThis will throw a syntax error in Qt 5.12. If you want a function expression, surround it by parentheses.";
Engine ee, *engine = &ee;
Lexer lexer(engine);
lexer.setCode(sourceCode, line, parseAsBinding);
Parser parser(engine);
const bool parsed = parser.parseProgram();
const auto diagnosticMessages = parser.diagnosticMessages();
for (const DiagnosticMessage &m : diagnosticMessages) {
if (m.isError()) {
valueScope.engine->throwSyntaxError(m.message, sourceFile, m.loc.startLine, m.loc.startColumn);
} else {
qWarning() << sourceFile << ':' << m.loc.startLine << ':' << m.loc.startColumn
<< ": warning: " << m.message;
if (parsed) {
using namespace AST;
Program *program = AST::cast<Program *>(parser.rootNode());
if (!program) {
// if parsing was successful, and we have no program, then
// we're done...:
QV4::Compiler::JSUnitGenerator jsGenerator(&module);
RuntimeCodegen cg(v4, &jsGenerator, strictMode);
if (inheritContext)
cg.generateFromProgram(sourceFile, sourceFile, sourceCode, program, &module, contextType);
if (v4->hasException)
compilationUnit = QV4::ExecutableCompilationUnit::create(cg.generateCompilationUnit());
vmFunction = compilationUnit->linkToEngine(v4);
if (!vmFunction) {
// ### FIX file/line number
ScopedObject error(valueScope, v4->newSyntaxErrorObject(QStringLiteral("Syntax error")));
ReturnedValue Script::run(const QV4::Value *thisObject)
if (!parsed)
if (!vmFunction)
return Encode::undefined();
QV4::ExecutionEngine *engine = context->engine();
QV4::Scope valueScope(engine);
if (qmlContext.isUndefined()) {
QScopedValueRollback<Function*> savedGlobalCode(engine->globalCode, vmFunction);
return vmFunction->call(thisObject ? thisObject : engine->globalObject, nullptr, 0,
} else {
Scoped<QmlContext> qml(valueScope, qmlContext.value());
return vmFunction->call(thisObject, nullptr, 0, qml);
Function *Script::function()
if (!parsed)
return vmFunction;
QV4::CompiledData::CompilationUnit Script::precompile(
QV4::Compiler::Module *module, QQmlJS::Engine *jsEngine,
Compiler::JSUnitGenerator *unitGenerator, const QString &fileName, const QString &finalUrl,
const QString &source, QList<QQmlError> *reportedErrors,
QV4::Compiler::ContextType contextType)
using namespace QV4::Compiler;
using namespace QQmlJS::AST;
Lexer lexer(jsEngine);
lexer.setCode(source, /*line*/1, /*qml mode*/false);
Parser parser(jsEngine);
QList<QQmlError> errors = QQmlEnginePrivate::qmlErrorFromDiagnostics(fileName, parser.diagnosticMessages());
if (!errors.isEmpty()) {
if (reportedErrors)
*reportedErrors << errors;
return nullptr;
Program *program = AST::cast<Program *>(parser.rootNode());
if (!program) {
// if parsing was successful, and we have no program, then
// we're done...:
return nullptr;
Codegen cg(unitGenerator, /*strict mode*/false);
cg.generateFromProgram(fileName, finalUrl, source, program, module, contextType);
if (cg.hasError()) {
if (reportedErrors) {
const auto v4Error = cg.error();
QQmlError error;
error.setLine(qmlConvertSourceCoordinate<quint32, int>(v4Error.loc.startLine));
error.setColumn(qmlConvertSourceCoordinate<quint32, int>(v4Error.loc.startColumn));
return nullptr;
return cg.generateCompilationUnit(/*generate unit data*/false);
Script *Script::createFromFileOrCache(ExecutionEngine *engine, QmlContext *qmlContext, const QString &fileName, const QUrl &originalUrl, QString *error)
if (error)
QQmlMetaType::CachedUnitLookupError cacheError = QQmlMetaType::CachedUnitLookupError::NoError;
if (const QV4::CompiledData::Unit *cachedUnit = QQmlMetaType::findCachedCompilationUnit(originalUrl, &cacheError)) {
QQmlRefPointer<QV4::ExecutableCompilationUnit> jsUnit
= QV4::ExecutableCompilationUnit::create(
return new QV4::Script(engine, qmlContext, jsUnit);
QFile f(fileName);
if (! {
if (error) {
if (cacheError == QQmlMetaType::CachedUnitLookupError::VersionMismatch)
*error = originalUrl.toString() + QString::fromUtf8(" was compiled ahead of time with an incompatible version of Qt and the original source code cannot be found. Please recompile");
*error = QString::fromUtf8("Error opening source file %1: %2").arg(originalUrl.toString()).arg(f.errorString());
return nullptr;
QByteArray data = f.readAll();
QString sourceCode = QString::fromUtf8(data);
auto result = new QV4::Script(engine, qmlContext, /*parseAsBinding*/false, sourceCode, originalUrl.toString());
result->contextType = QV4::Compiler::ContextType::ScriptImportedByQML;
return result;