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** Copyright (C) 2016 The Qt Company Ltd.
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#ifndef QV4MMDEFS_P_H
#define QV4MMDEFS_P_H
// W A R N I N G
// -------------
// This file is not part of the Qt API. It exists purely as an
// implementation detail. This header file may change from version to
// version without notice, or even be removed.
// We mean it.
#include <private/qv4global_p.h>
#include <private/qv4runtimeapi_p.h>
#include <QtCore/qalgorithms.h>
#include <QtCore/qmath.h>
#include <qdebug.h>
namespace QV4 {
struct MarkStack;
typedef void(*ClassDestroyStatsCallback)(const char *);
* Chunks are the basic structure containing GC managed objects.
* Chunks are 64k aligned in memory, so that retrieving the Chunk pointer from a Heap object
* is a simple masking operation. Each Chunk has 4 bitmaps for managing purposes,
* and 32byte wide slots for the objects following afterwards.
* The gray and black bitmaps are used for mark/sweep.
* The object bitmap has a bit set if this location represents the start of a Heap object.
* The extends bitmap denotes the extend of an object. It has a cleared bit at the start of the object
* and a set bit for all following slots used by the object.
* Free memory has both used and extends bits set to 0.
* This gives the following operations when allocating an object of size s:
* Find s/Alignment consecutive free slots in the chunk. Set the object bit for the first
* slot to 1. Set the extends bits for all following slots to 1.
* All used slots can be found by object|extents.
* When sweeping, simply copy the black bits over to the object bits.
struct HeapItem;
struct Chunk {
enum {
ChunkSize = 64*1024,
ChunkShift = 16,
SlotSize = 32,
SlotSizeShift = 5,
NumSlots = ChunkSize/SlotSize,
BitmapSize = NumSlots/8,
HeaderSize = 4*BitmapSize,
DataSize = ChunkSize - HeaderSize,
AvailableSlots = DataSize/SlotSize,
Bits = 64,
BitShift = 6,
Bits = 32,
BitShift = 5,
EntriesInBitmap = BitmapSize/sizeof(quintptr)
quintptr grayBitmap[BitmapSize/sizeof(quintptr)];
quintptr blackBitmap[BitmapSize/sizeof(quintptr)];
quintptr objectBitmap[BitmapSize/sizeof(quintptr)];
quintptr extendsBitmap[BitmapSize/sizeof(quintptr)];
char data[ChunkSize - HeaderSize];
HeapItem *realBase();
HeapItem *first();
static Q_ALWAYS_INLINE size_t bitmapIndex(size_t index) {
return index >> BitShift;
static Q_ALWAYS_INLINE quintptr bitForIndex(size_t index) {
return static_cast<quintptr>(1) << (index & (Bits - 1));
static void setBit(quintptr *bitmap, size_t index) {
// Q_ASSERT(index >= HeaderSize/SlotSize && index < ChunkSize/SlotSize);
bitmap += bitmapIndex(index);
quintptr bit = bitForIndex(index);
*bitmap |= bit;
static void clearBit(quintptr *bitmap, size_t index) {
// Q_ASSERT(index >= HeaderSize/SlotSize && index < ChunkSize/SlotSize);
bitmap += bitmapIndex(index);
quintptr bit = bitForIndex(index);
*bitmap &= ~bit;
static bool testBit(quintptr *bitmap, size_t index) {
// Q_ASSERT(index >= HeaderSize/SlotSize && index < ChunkSize/SlotSize);
bitmap += bitmapIndex(index);
quintptr bit = bitForIndex(index);
return (*bitmap & bit);
static void setBits(quintptr *bitmap, size_t index, size_t nBits) {
// Q_ASSERT(index >= HeaderSize/SlotSize && index + nBits <= ChunkSize/SlotSize);
if (!nBits)
bitmap += index >> BitShift;
index &= (Bits - 1);
while (1) {
size_t bitsToSet = qMin(nBits, Bits - index);
quintptr mask = static_cast<quintptr>(-1) >> (Bits - bitsToSet) << index;
*bitmap |= mask;
nBits -= bitsToSet;
if (!nBits)
index = 0;
static bool hasNonZeroBit(quintptr *bitmap) {
for (uint i = 0; i < EntriesInBitmap; ++i)
if (bitmap[i])
return true;
return false;
static uint lowestNonZeroBit(quintptr *bitmap) {
for (uint i = 0; i < EntriesInBitmap; ++i) {
if (bitmap[i]) {
quintptr b = bitmap[i];
return i*Bits + qCountTrailingZeroBits(b);
return 0;
uint nFreeSlots() const {
return AvailableSlots - nUsedSlots();
uint nUsedSlots() const {
uint usedSlots = 0;
for (uint i = 0; i < EntriesInBitmap; ++i) {
quintptr used = objectBitmap[i] | extendsBitmap[i];
usedSlots += qPopulationCount(used);
return usedSlots;
bool sweep(ClassDestroyStatsCallback classCountPtr);
void resetBlackBits();
void collectGrayItems(QV4::MarkStack *markStack);
bool sweep(ExecutionEngine *engine);
void freeAll(ExecutionEngine *engine);
void sortIntoBins(HeapItem **bins, uint nBins);
struct HeapItem {
union {
struct {
HeapItem *next;
size_t availableSlots;
} freeData;
quint64 payload[Chunk::SlotSize/sizeof(quint64)];
operator Heap::Base *() { return reinterpret_cast<Heap::Base *>(this); }
template<typename T>
T *as() { return static_cast<T *>(reinterpret_cast<Heap::Base *>(this)); }
Chunk *chunk() const {
return reinterpret_cast<Chunk *>(reinterpret_cast<quintptr>(this) >> Chunk::ChunkShift << Chunk::ChunkShift);
bool isGray() const {
Chunk *c = chunk();
uint index = this - c->realBase();
return Chunk::testBit(c->grayBitmap, index);
bool isBlack() const {
Chunk *c = chunk();
uint index = this - c->realBase();
return Chunk::testBit(c->blackBitmap, index);
bool isInUse() const {
Chunk *c = chunk();
uint index = this - c->realBase();
return Chunk::testBit(c->objectBitmap, index);
void setAllocatedSlots(size_t nSlots) {
// Q_ASSERT(size && !(size % sizeof(HeapItem)));
Chunk *c = chunk();
size_t index = this - c->realBase();
// Q_ASSERT(!Chunk::testBit(c->objectBitmap, index));
Chunk::setBit(c->objectBitmap, index);
Chunk::setBits(c->extendsBitmap, index + 1, nSlots - 1);
// for (uint i = index + 1; i < nBits - 1; ++i)
// Q_ASSERT(Chunk::testBit(c->extendsBitmap, i));
// Q_ASSERT(!Chunk::testBit(c->extendsBitmap, index));
// Doesn't report correctly for huge items
size_t size() const {
Chunk *c = chunk();
uint index = this - c->realBase();
Q_ASSERT(Chunk::testBit(c->objectBitmap, index));
// ### optimize me
uint end = index + 1;
while (end < Chunk::NumSlots && Chunk::testBit(c->extendsBitmap, end))
return (end - index)*sizeof(HeapItem);
inline HeapItem *Chunk::realBase()
return reinterpret_cast<HeapItem *>(this);
inline HeapItem *Chunk::first()
return reinterpret_cast<HeapItem *>(data);
Q_STATIC_ASSERT(sizeof(Chunk) == Chunk::ChunkSize);
Q_STATIC_ASSERT((1 << Chunk::ChunkShift) == Chunk::ChunkSize);
Q_STATIC_ASSERT(1 << Chunk::SlotSizeShift == Chunk::SlotSize);
Q_STATIC_ASSERT(sizeof(HeapItem) == Chunk::SlotSize);
Q_STATIC_ASSERT((1 << Chunk::BitShift) == Chunk::Bits);
struct Q_QML_PRIVATE_EXPORT MarkStack {
MarkStack(ExecutionEngine *engine);
~MarkStack() { drain(); }
void push(Heap::Base *m) {
*(m_top++) = m;
if (m_top < m_softLimit)
// If at or above soft limit, partition the remaining space into at most 64 segments and
// allow one C++ recursion of drain() per segment, plus one for the fence post.
const quintptr segmentSize = qNextPowerOfTwo(quintptr(m_hardLimit - m_softLimit) / 64u);
if (m_drainRecursion * segmentSize <= quintptr(m_top - m_softLimit)) {
} else if (m_top == m_hardLimit) {
qFatal("GC mark stack overrun. Either simplify your application or"
"increase QV4_GC_MAX_STACK_SIZE");
ExecutionEngine *engine() const { return m_engine; }
Heap::Base *pop() { return *(--m_top); }
void drain();
Heap::Base **m_top = nullptr;
Heap::Base **m_base = nullptr;
Heap::Base **m_softLimit = nullptr;
Heap::Base **m_hardLimit = nullptr;
ExecutionEngine *m_engine = nullptr;
quintptr m_drainRecursion = 0;
// Some helper to automate the generation of our
// functions used for marking objects
#define HEAP_OBJECT_OFFSET_MEMBER_EXPANSION(c, gcType, type, name) \
#define HEAP_OBJECT_OFFSET_MEMBER_EXPANSION_Pointer(c, type, name) Pointer<type, 0> name;
#define HEAP_OBJECT_OFFSET_MEMBER_EXPANSION_NoMark(c, type, name) type name;
#define HEAP_OBJECT_OFFSET_MEMBER_EXPANSION_HeapValue(c, type, name) HeapValue<0> name;
#define HEAP_OBJECT_OFFSET_MEMBER_EXPANSION_ValueArray(c, type, name) type<0> name;
#define HEAP_OBJECT_MEMBER_EXPANSION(c, gcType, type, name) \
HEAP_OBJECT_MEMBER_EXPANSION_##gcType(c, type, name)
#define HEAP_OBJECT_MEMBER_EXPANSION_Pointer(c, type, name) \
Pointer<type, offsetof(c##OffsetStruct, name) + baseOffset> name;
#define HEAP_OBJECT_MEMBER_EXPANSION_NoMark(c, type, name) \
type name;
#define HEAP_OBJECT_MEMBER_EXPANSION_HeapValue(c, type, name) \
HeapValue<offsetof(c##OffsetStruct, name) + baseOffset> name;
#define HEAP_OBJECT_MEMBER_EXPANSION_ValueArray(c, type, name) \
type<offsetof(c##OffsetStruct, name) + baseOffset> name;
#define HEAP_OBJECT_MARKOBJECTS_EXPANSION(c, gcType, type, name) \
#define HEAP_OBJECT_MARKOBJECTS_EXPANSION_Pointer(c, type, name) \
if (o->name) o->name.heapObject()->mark(stack);
#define HEAP_OBJECT_MARKOBJECTS_EXPANSION_HeapValue(c, type, name) \
#define HEAP_OBJECT_MARKOBJECTS_EXPANSION_ValueArray(c, type, name) \
#define DECLARE_HEAP_OBJECT_BASE(name, base) \
struct name##OffsetStruct { \
}; \
struct name##SizeStruct : base, name##OffsetStruct {}; \
struct name##Data { \
typedef base SuperClass; \
static Q_CONSTEXPR size_t baseOffset = sizeof(name##SizeStruct) - sizeof(name##OffsetStruct); \
}; \
Q_STATIC_ASSERT(sizeof(name##SizeStruct) == sizeof(name##Data) + name##Data::baseOffset); \
#define DECLARE_HEAP_OBJECT(name, base) \
struct name : base, name##Data
#define DECLARE_EXPORTED_HEAP_OBJECT(name, base) \
struct Q_QML_EXPORT name : base, name##Data
#define DECLARE_MARKOBJECTS(class) \
static void markObjects(Heap::Base *b, MarkStack *stack) { \
class *o = static_cast<class *>(b); \
class##Data::SuperClass::markObjects(o, stack); \