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** Copyright (C) 2019 The Qt Company Ltd.
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#include "qquicktaphandler_p.h"
#include "qquicksinglepointhandler_p_p.h"
#include <qpa/qplatformtheme.h>
#include <private/qguiapplication_p.h>
#include <QtGui/qstylehints.h>
Q_LOGGING_CATEGORY(lcTapHandler, "qt.quick.handler.tap")
qreal QQuickTapHandler::m_multiTapInterval(0.0);
// single tap distance is the same as the drag threshold
int QQuickTapHandler::m_mouseMultiClickDistanceSquared(-1);
int QQuickTapHandler::m_touchMultiTapDistanceSquared(-1);
\qmltype TapHandler
\instantiates QQuickTapHandler
\inherits SinglePointHandler
\inqmlmodule QtQuick
\ingroup qtquick-input-handlers
\brief Handler for taps and clicks.
TapHandler is a handler for taps on a touchscreen or clicks on a mouse.
Detection of a valid tap gesture depends on \l gesturePolicy. The default
value is DragThreshold, which requires the press and release to be close
together in both space and time. In this case, DragHandler is able to
function using only a passive grab, and therefore does not interfere with
event delivery to any other Items or Input Handlers. So the default
gesturePolicy is useful when you want to modify behavior of an existing
control or Item by adding a TapHandler with bindings and/or JavaScript
Note that buttons (such as QPushButton) are often implemented not to care
whether the press and release occur close together: if you press the button
and then change your mind, you need to drag all the way off the edge of the
button in order to cancel the click. For this use case, set the
\l gesturePolicy to \c TapHandler.ReleaseWithinBounds.
For multi-tap gestures (double-tap, triple-tap etc.), the distance moved
must not exceed QStyleHints::mouseDoubleClickDistance() with mouse and
QStyleHints::touchDoubleTapDistance() with touch, and the time between
taps must not exceed QStyleHints::mouseDoubleClickInterval().
\sa MouseArea
QQuickTapHandler::QQuickTapHandler(QQuickItem *parent)
: QQuickSinglePointHandler(parent)
if (m_mouseMultiClickDistanceSquared < 0) {
m_multiTapInterval = qApp->styleHints()->mouseDoubleClickInterval() / 1000.0;
m_mouseMultiClickDistanceSquared = qApp->styleHints()->mouseDoubleClickDistance();
m_mouseMultiClickDistanceSquared *= m_mouseMultiClickDistanceSquared;
m_touchMultiTapDistanceSquared = qApp->styleHints()->touchDoubleTapDistance();
m_touchMultiTapDistanceSquared *= m_touchMultiTapDistanceSquared;
bool QQuickTapHandler::wantsEventPoint(QQuickEventPoint *point)
if (!point->pointerEvent()->asPointerMouseEvent() &&
!point->pointerEvent()->asPointerTouchEvent() &&
!point->pointerEvent()->asPointerTabletEvent() )
return false;
// If the user has not violated any constraint, it could be a tap.
// Otherwise we want to give up the grab so that a competing handler
// (e.g. DragHandler) gets a chance to take over.
// Don't forget to emit released in case of a cancel.
bool ret = false;
bool overThreshold = d_func()->dragOverThreshold(point);
if (overThreshold) {
switch (point->state()) {
case QQuickEventPoint::Pressed:
case QQuickEventPoint::Released:
ret = parentContains(point);
case QQuickEventPoint::Updated:
switch (m_gesturePolicy) {
case DragThreshold:
ret = !overThreshold && parentContains(point);
case WithinBounds:
ret = parentContains(point);
case ReleaseWithinBounds:
ret = point->pointId() == this->point().id();
case QQuickEventPoint::Stationary:
// If the point hasn't moved since last time, the return value should be the same as last time.
// If we return false here, QQuickPointerHandler::handlePointerEvent() will call setActive(false).
ret = point->pointId() == this->point().id();
// If this is the grabber, returning false from this function will cancel the grab,
// so onGrabChanged(this, CancelGrabExclusive, point) and setPressed(false) will be called.
// But when m_gesturePolicy is DragThreshold, we don't get an exclusive grab, but
// we still don't want to be pressed anymore.
if (!ret && point->pointId() == this->point().id())
setPressed(false, true, point);
return ret;
void QQuickTapHandler::handleEventPoint(QQuickEventPoint *point)
switch (point->state()) {
case QQuickEventPoint::Pressed:
setPressed(true, false, point);
case QQuickEventPoint::Released:
if ((point->pointerEvent()->buttons() & acceptedButtons()) == Qt::NoButton)
setPressed(false, false, point);
\qmlproperty real QtQuick::TapHandler::longPressThreshold
The time in seconds that an event point must be pressed in order to
trigger a long press gesture and emit the \l longPressed() signal.
If the point is released before this time limit, a tap can be detected
if the \l gesturePolicy constraint is satisfied. The default value is
QStyleHints::mousePressAndHoldInterval() converted to seconds.
qreal QQuickTapHandler::longPressThreshold() const
return longPressThresholdMilliseconds() / 1000.0;
void QQuickTapHandler::setLongPressThreshold(qreal longPressThreshold)
int ms = qRound(longPressThreshold * 1000);
if (m_longPressThreshold == ms)
m_longPressThreshold = ms;
emit longPressThresholdChanged();
int QQuickTapHandler::longPressThresholdMilliseconds() const
return (m_longPressThreshold < 0 ? QGuiApplication::styleHints()->mousePressAndHoldInterval() : m_longPressThreshold);
void QQuickTapHandler::timerEvent(QTimerEvent *event)
if (event->timerId() == m_longPressTimer.timerId()) {
qCDebug(lcTapHandler) << objectName() << "longPressed";
emit longPressed();
\qmlproperty enumeration QtQuick::TapHandler::gesturePolicy
The spatial constraint for a tap or long press gesture to be recognized,
in addition to the constraint that the release must occur before
\l longPressThreshold has elapsed. If these constraints are not satisfied,
the \l tapped signal is not emitted, and \l tapCount is not incremented.
If the spatial constraint is violated, \l pressed transitions immediately
from true to false, regardless of the time held.
\value TapHandler.DragThreshold
(the default value) The event point must not move significantly.
If the mouse, finger or stylus moves past the system-wide drag
threshold (QStyleHints::startDragDistance), the tap gesture is
canceled, even if the button or finger is still pressed. This policy
can be useful whenever TapHandler needs to cooperate with other
input handlers (for example \l DragHandler) or event-handling Items
(for example QtQuick Controls), because in this case TapHandler
will not take the exclusive grab, but merely a passive grab.
\value TapHandler.WithinBounds
If the event point leaves the bounds of the \c parent Item, the tap
gesture is canceled. The TapHandler will take the exclusive grab on
press, but will release the grab as soon as the boundary constraint
is no longer satisfied.
\value TapHandler.ReleaseWithinBounds
At the time of release (the mouse button is released or the finger
is lifted), if the event point is outside the bounds of the
\c parent Item, a tap gesture is not recognized. This corresponds to
typical behavior for button widgets: you can cancel a click by
dragging outside the button, and you can also change your mind by
dragging back inside the button before release. Note that it's
necessary for TapHandler take the exclusive grab on press and retain
it until release in order to detect this gesture.
void QQuickTapHandler::setGesturePolicy(QQuickTapHandler::GesturePolicy gesturePolicy)
if (m_gesturePolicy == gesturePolicy)
m_gesturePolicy = gesturePolicy;
emit gesturePolicyChanged();
\qmlproperty bool QtQuick::TapHandler::pressed
Holds true whenever the mouse or touch point is pressed,
and any movement since the press is compliant with the current
\l gesturePolicy. When the event point is released or the policy is
violated, \e pressed will change to false.
void QQuickTapHandler::setPressed(bool press, bool cancel, QQuickEventPoint *point)
if (m_pressed != press) {
qCDebug(lcTapHandler) << objectName() << "pressed" << m_pressed << "->" << press << (cancel ? "CANCEL" : "") << point;
m_pressed = press;
if (press) {
m_longPressTimer.start(longPressThresholdMilliseconds(), this);
} else {
if (press) {
// on press, grab before emitting changed signals
if (m_gesturePolicy == DragThreshold)
setPassiveGrab(point, press);
setExclusiveGrab(point, press);
if (!cancel && !press && parentContains(point)) {
if (point->timeHeld() < longPressThreshold()) {
// Assuming here that pointerEvent()->timestamp() is in ms.
qreal ts = point->pointerEvent()->timestamp() / 1000.0;
if (ts - m_lastTapTimestamp < m_multiTapInterval &&
QVector2D(point->scenePosition() - m_lastTapPos).lengthSquared() <
(point->pointerEvent()->device()->type() == QQuickPointerDevice::Mouse ?
m_mouseMultiClickDistanceSquared : m_touchMultiTapDistanceSquared))
m_tapCount = 1;
qCDebug(lcTapHandler) << objectName() << "tapped" << m_tapCount << "times";
emit tapped(point);
emit tapCountChanged();
if (m_tapCount == 1)
emit singleTapped(point);
else if (m_tapCount == 2)
emit doubleTapped(point);
m_lastTapTimestamp = ts;
m_lastTapPos = point->scenePosition();
} else {
qCDebug(lcTapHandler) << objectName() << "tap threshold" << longPressThreshold() << "exceeded:" << point->timeHeld();
emit pressedChanged();
if (!press && m_gesturePolicy != DragThreshold) {
// on release, ungrab after emitting changed signals
setExclusiveGrab(point, press);
if (cancel) {
emit canceled(point);
setExclusiveGrab(point, false);
// In case there is a filtering parent (Flickable), we should not give up the passive grab,
// so that it can continue to filter future events.
emit pointChanged();
void QQuickTapHandler::onGrabChanged(QQuickPointerHandler *grabber, QQuickEventPoint::GrabTransition transition, QQuickEventPoint *point)
QQuickSinglePointHandler::onGrabChanged(grabber, transition, point);
bool isCanceled = transition == QQuickEventPoint::CancelGrabExclusive || transition == QQuickEventPoint::CancelGrabPassive;
if (grabber == this && (isCanceled || point->state() == QQuickEventPoint::Released))
setPressed(false, isCanceled, point);
void QQuickTapHandler::connectPreRenderSignal(bool conn)
if (conn)
connect(parentItem()->window(), &QQuickWindow::beforeSynchronizing, this, &QQuickTapHandler::updateTimeHeld);
disconnect(parentItem()->window(), &QQuickWindow::beforeSynchronizing, this, &QQuickTapHandler::updateTimeHeld);
void QQuickTapHandler::updateTimeHeld()
emit timeHeldChanged();
\qmlproperty int QtQuick::TapHandler::tapCount
The number of taps which have occurred within the time and space
constraints to be considered a single gesture. For example, to detect
a triple-tap, you can write:
Rectangle {
width: 100; height: 30
signal tripleTap
TapHandler {
acceptedButtons: Qt.AllButtons
onTapped: if (tapCount == 3) tripleTap()
\qmlproperty real QtQuick::TapHandler::timeHeld
The amount of time in seconds that a pressed point has been held, without
moving beyond the drag threshold. It will be updated at least once per
frame rendered, which enables rendering an animation showing the progress
towards an action which will be triggered by a long-press. It is also
possible to trigger one of a series of actions depending on how long the
press is held.
A value of less than zero means no point is being held within this
handler's \l [QML] Item.
\qmlsignal QtQuick::TapHandler::tapped(EventPoint eventPoint)
This signal is emitted each time the \c parent Item is tapped.
That is, if you press and release a touchpoint or button within a time
period less than \l longPressThreshold, while any movement does not exceed
the drag threshold, then the \c tapped signal will be emitted at the time
of release. The \a eventPoint signal parameter contains information
from the release event about the point that was tapped:
\snippet pointerHandlers/tapHandlerOnTapped.qml 0
\qmlsignal QtQuick::TapHandler::singleTapped(EventPoint eventPoint)
\since 5.11
This signal is emitted when the \c parent Item is tapped once.
After an amount of time greater than QStyleHints::mouseDoubleClickInterval,
it can be tapped again; but if the time until the next tap is less,
\l tapCount will increase. The \a eventPoint signal parameter contains
information from the release event about the point that was tapped.
\qmlsignal QtQuick::TapHandler::doubleTapped(EventPoint eventPoint)
\since 5.11
This signal is emitted when the \c parent Item is tapped twice within a
short span of time (QStyleHints::mouseDoubleClickInterval()) and distance
(QStyleHints::mouseDoubleClickDistance() or
QStyleHints::touchDoubleTapDistance()). This signal always occurs after
\l singleTapped, \l tapped, and \l tapCountChanged. The \a eventPoint
signal parameter contains information from the release event about the
point that was tapped.
\qmlsignal QtQuick::TapHandler::longPressed()
This signal is emitted when the \c parent Item is pressed and held for a
time period greater than \l longPressThreshold. That is, if you press and
hold a touchpoint or button, while any movement does not exceed the drag
threshold, then the \c longPressed signal will be emitted at the time that
\l timeHeld exceeds \l longPressThreshold.
\qmlsignal QtQuick::TapHandler::tapCountChanged()
This signal is emitted when the \c parent Item is tapped once or more (within
a specified time and distance span) and when the present \c tapCount differs
from the previous \c tapCount.