blob: a4e0a66aa20f1118825725c46f3f2d655403ef6f [file] [log] [blame]
** Copyright (C) 2016 The Qt Company Ltd.
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** This file is part of the test suite of the Qt Toolkit.
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** be met:
import QtQuick 2.0
import QtTest 1.1
Item {
id: top
property bool canconnect
property bool checkfinished: false
Component.onCompleted: {
var check = new XMLHttpRequest;"GET", "");
check.onreadystatechange = function() {
if (check.readyState == XMLHttpRequest.DONE) {
if (check.status == 404) {
top.canconnect = false;
top.canconnect = true;
top.checkfinished = true;
BorderImage {
id: noSource
source: ""
property string srcImage: "colors.png"
BorderImage {
id: clearSource
source: srcImage
BorderImage {
id: resized
source: srcImage
width: 300
height: 300
BorderImage {
id: smooth
source: srcImage
smooth: true
width: 300
height: 300
BorderImage {
id: tileModes1
source: srcImage
width: 100
height: 300
horizontalTileMode: BorderImage.Repeat
verticalTileMode: BorderImage.Repeat
BorderImage {
id: tileModes2
source: srcImage
width: 300
height: 150
horizontalTileMode: BorderImage.Round
verticalTileMode: BorderImage.Round
TestCase {
name: "BorderImage"
function test_noSource() {
compare(noSource.source, "")
compare(noSource.width, 0)
compare(noSource.height, 0)
compare(noSource.horizontalTileMode, BorderImage.Stretch)
compare(noSource.verticalTileMode, BorderImage.Stretch)
function test_imageSource_data() {
return [
tag: "local",
source: "colors.png",
remote: false,
error: ""
tag: "local not found",
source: "no-such-file.png",
remote: false,
error: "SUBinline:1:21: QML BorderImage: Cannot open: SUBno-such-file.png"
tag: "remote",
source: "",
remote: true,
error: ""
function test_imageSource(row) {
var expectError = (row.error.length != 0)
if (expectError) {
var parentUrl = Qt.resolvedUrl(".")
ignoreWarning(row.error.replace(/SUB/g, parentUrl))
var img = Qt.createQmlObject
('import QtQuick 2.0; BorderImage { source: "' +
row.source + '" }', top)
if (row.remote) {
skip("Remote solution not yet complete")
tryCompare(img, "status", BorderImage.Loading)
tryCompare(top, "checkfinished", true, 10000)
if (top.canconnect == false)
skip("Cannot access remote")
if (!expectError) {
tryCompare(img, "status", BorderImage.Ready, 10000)
compare(img.width, 120)
compare(img.height, 120)
compare(img.horizontalTileMode, BorderImage.Stretch)
compare(img.verticalTileMode, BorderImage.Stretch)
} else {
tryCompare(img, "status", BorderImage.Error)
function test_clearSource() {
compare(clearSource.source, Qt.resolvedUrl("colors.png"))
compare(clearSource.width, 120)
compare(clearSource.height, 120)
srcImage = ""
compare(clearSource.source, "")
compare(clearSource.width, 0)
compare(clearSource.height, 0)
function test_resized() {
compare(resized.width, 300)
compare(resized.height, 300)
compare(resized.horizontalTileMode, BorderImage.Stretch)
compare(resized.verticalTileMode, BorderImage.Stretch)
function test_smooth() {
compare(smooth.smooth, true)
compare(smooth.width, 300)
compare(smooth.height, 300)
compare(smooth.horizontalTileMode, BorderImage.Stretch)
compare(smooth.verticalTileMode, BorderImage.Stretch)
function test_tileModes() {
compare(tileModes1.width, 100)
compare(tileModes1.height, 300)
compare(tileModes1.horizontalTileMode, BorderImage.Repeat)
compare(tileModes1.verticalTileMode, BorderImage.Repeat)
compare(tileModes2.width, 300)
compare(tileModes2.height, 150)
compare(tileModes2.horizontalTileMode, BorderImage.Round)
compare(tileModes2.verticalTileMode, BorderImage.Round)
function test_sciSource_data() {
return [
tag: "local",
source: "colors-round.sci",
remote: false,
valid: true
tag: "local not found",
source: "no-such-file.sci",
remote: false,
valid: false
tag: "remote",
source: "remote.sci",
remote: true,
valid: true
function test_sciSource(row) {
var img = Qt.createQmlObject('import QtQuick 2.0; BorderImage { height: 300; width: 300 }', top)
if (row.remote) {
skip("Remote solution not yet complete")
img.source = row.source;
tryCompare(top, "checkfinished", true, 10000)
if (top.canconnect == false)
skip("Cannot access remote")
img.source = row.source;
compare(img.source, Qt.resolvedUrl(row.source))
compare(img.width, 300)
compare(img.height, 300)
if (row.valid) {
tryCompare(img, "status", BorderImage.Ready, 10000)
compare(img.border.left, 10)
compare(, 20)
compare(img.border.right, 30)
compare(img.border.bottom, 40)
compare(img.horizontalTileMode, BorderImage.Round)
compare(img.verticalTileMode, BorderImage.Repeat)
} else {
tryCompare(img, "status", BorderImage.Error)
function test_invalidSciFile() {
ignoreWarning("QQuickGridScaledImage: Invalid tile rule specified. Using Stretch.") // for "Roun"
ignoreWarning("QQuickGridScaledImage: Invalid tile rule specified. Using Stretch.") // for "Repea"
var component = Qt.createComponent("InvalidSciFile.qml")
var invalidSciFile = component.createObject(top)
compare(invalidSciFile.status, Image.Error)
compare(invalidSciFile.width, 300)
compare(invalidSciFile.height, 300)
compare(invalidSciFile.horizontalTileMode, BorderImage.Stretch)
compare(invalidSciFile.verticalTileMode, BorderImage.Stretch)