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#include "testtypes.h"
#include <qtest.h>
#include <QQmlEngine>
#include <QQmlComponent>
#include <QQmlContext>
#include <QQmlProperty>
#include <QFile>
#include <QDebug>
// Conceptually, there are several different "holistic" areas to benchmark:
// 1) Loading
// - read file from disk
// - parse/lex file
// - handle nested imports
// 2) Compilation
// - create meta object templates etc
// - compile to bytecode and cache it
// 3) Instantiation
// - running the bytecode to create an object tree, assign properties, etc
// - and, importantly, to evaluate bindings for the first time (incl. js expressions)
// 4) Dynamicism
// - bindings evaluation
// - signal handlers
// Aside from this, we also need to determine:
// 1) JavaScript Metrics
// - simple expressions
// - complex expressions
// - instantiation vs evaluation time
// - imports and nested imports
// 2) Context-switch costs
// - how expensive is it to call a cpp function from QML
// - how expensive is it to call a js function from cpp via QML
// - how expensive is it to pass around objects between them
// 3) Complete creation time.
// - loading + compilation + instantiation (for "application startup time" metric)
// In some cases, we want to include "initialization costs";
// i.e., we need to tell the engine not to cache type data resulting
// in compilation between rounds, and we need to tell the engine not
// to cache whatever it caches between instantiations of components.
// The reason for this is that it is often the "first start of application"
// performance which we're attempting to benchmark.
// define some custom types we use in test data functions.
typedef QList<QString> PropertyNameList;
typedef QList<QVariant> PropertyValueList;
class tst_holistic : public QObject
private slots:
void initTestCase()
void compilation_data();
void compilation();
void instantiation_data() { compilation_data(); }
void instantiation();
void creation_data() { compilation_data(); }
void creation();
void dynamicity_data();
void dynamicity();
void cppToJsDirect_data();
void cppToJsDirect();
void cppToJsIndirect();
void typeResolution_data();
void typeResolution();
inline QUrl TEST_FILE(const QString &filename)
return QUrl::fromLocalFile(QLatin1String(SRCDIR) + QLatin1String("/data/") + filename);
void tst_holistic::compilation_data()
QStringList f;
// Benchmarks: a single, small component once with no caching.
f << QString(SRCDIR + QLatin1String("/data/smallTargets/SmallOne.qml"));
QTest::newRow("single small component") << f << 1;
// Benchmarks: a single, small component ten times with caching.
QTest::newRow("single small component cached") << f << 10; f.clear();
// Benchmarks: a single, large component once with no caching.
f << QString(SRCDIR + QLatin1String("/data/largeTargets/mousearea-example.qml"));
QTest::newRow("single large component") << f << 1;
// Benchmarks: a single, large component ten times with caching.
QTest::newRow("single large component cached") << f << 10; f.clear();
// Benchmarks: 4 small components once each with no caching
f << QString(SRCDIR + QLatin1String("/data/smallTargets/SmallOne.qml"));
f << QString(SRCDIR + QLatin1String("/data/smallTargets/SmallTwo.qml"));
f << QString(SRCDIR + QLatin1String("/data/smallTargets/SmallThree.qml"));
f << QString(SRCDIR + QLatin1String("/data/smallTargets/SmallFour.qml"));
QTest::newRow("multiple small components") << f << 1;
// Benchmarks: 4 small components ten times each with caching
QTest::newRow("multiple small components cached") << f << 10; f.clear();
// Benchmarks: 3 large components once each with no caching.
f << QString(SRCDIR + QLatin1String("/data/largeTargets/mousearea-example.qml"));
f << QString(SRCDIR + QLatin1String("/data/largeTargets/gridview-example.qml"));
f << QString(SRCDIR + QLatin1String("/data/largeTargets/layoutdirection.qml"));
QTest::newRow("multiple large components") << f << 1;
// Benchmarks: 3 large components ten times each with caching.
QTest::newRow("multiple large components cached") << f << 10; f.clear();
// Benchmarks: single small component which imports a single small js file, no caching
f << QString(SRCDIR + QLatin1String("/data/jsImports/Sssi.qml"));
QTest::newRow("single small js import") << f << 1;
// Benchmarks: single small component which imports a single small js file, 10 reps, with caching
QTest::newRow("single small js import, cached") << f << 10; f.clear();
// Benchmarks: single small component which imports multiple small js files (no deep nesting), no caching
f << QString(SRCDIR + QLatin1String("/data/jsImports/Msbsi.qml"));
QTest::newRow("multiple small js imports, shallow") << f << 1;
// Benchmarks: single small component which imports multiple small js files (no deep nesting), 10 reps, with caching
QTest::newRow("multiple small js imports, shallow, cached") << f << 10; f.clear();
// Benchmarks: single small component which imports multiple small js files (with deep nesting), no caching
f << QString(SRCDIR + QLatin1String("/data/jsImports/Msdsi.qml"));
QTest::newRow("multiple small js imports, deeply nested") << f << 1;
// Benchmarks: single small component which imports multiple small js files (with deep nesting), 10 reps, with caching
QTest::newRow("multiple small js imports, deeply nested, cached") << f << 10; f.clear();
// Benchmarks: single small component which imports multiple small js files (nested and unnested), no caching
f << QString(SRCDIR + QLatin1String("/data/jsImports/Mssi.qml"));
QTest::newRow("muliple small js imports, both") << f << 1;
// Benchmarks: single small component which imports multiple small js files (nested and unnested), 10 reps, with caching
QTest::newRow("muliple small js imports, both, cached") << f << 10; f.clear();
// Benchmarks: single small component which imports a single large js file, no caching
f << QString(SRCDIR + QLatin1String("/data/jsImports/Slsi.qml"));
QTest::newRow("single large js import") << f << 1;
// Benchmarks: single small component which imports a single large js file, 10 reps, with caching
QTest::newRow("single large js import, cached") << f << 10; f.clear();
// Benchmarks: single small component which imports multiple large js files (no deep nesting), no caching
f << QString(SRCDIR + QLatin1String("/data/jsImports/Mlbsi.qml"));
QTest::newRow("multiple large js imports, shallow") << f << 1;
// Benchmarks: single small component which imports multiple large js files (no deep nesting), 10 reps, with caching
QTest::newRow("multiple large js imports, shallow, cached") << f << 10; f.clear();
// Benchmarks: single small component which imports multiple large js files (with deep nesting), no caching
f << QString(SRCDIR + QLatin1String("/data/jsImports/Mldsi.qml"));
QTest::newRow("multiple large js imports, deeply nested") << f << 1;
// Benchmarks: single small component which imports multiple large js files (with deep nesting), 10 reps, with caching
QTest::newRow("multiple large js imports, deeply nested, cached") << f << 10; f.clear();
// Benchmarks: single small component which imports multiple large js files (nested and unnested), no caching
f << QString(SRCDIR + QLatin1String("/data/jsImports/Mlsi.qml"));
QTest::newRow("multiple large js imports, both") << f << 1;
// Benchmarks: single small component which imports multiple large js files (nested and unnested), 10 reps, with caching
QTest::newRow("multiple large js imports, both, cached") << f << 10; f.clear();
// Benchmarks: single small component which imports multiple js files which all import a .pragma library js file, no caching
f << QString(SRCDIR + QLatin1String("/data/jsImports/PragmaBm.qml"));
QTest::newRow(".pragma library js import") << f << 1;
// Benchmarks: single small component which imports multiple js files which all import a .pragma library js file, 10 reps, with caching
QTest::newRow(".pragma library js import, cached") << f << 10; f.clear();
// Benchmarks: single small component which imports a js file which imports a QML module, no caching
f << QString(SRCDIR + QLatin1String("/data/jsImports/ModuleBm.qml"));
QTest::newRow("import js with QML import") << f << 1;
// Benchmarks: single small component which imports a js file which imports a QML module, 10 reps, with caching
QTest::newRow("import js with QML import, cached") << f << 10; f.clear();
// Benchmarks: single small component which imports multiple js files which all import a .pragma library js file and a QML module, no caching
f << QString(SRCDIR + QLatin1String("/data/jsImports/PragmaModuleBm.qml"));
QTest::newRow("import js with QML import and .pragma library") << f << 1;
// Benchmarks: single small component which imports multiple js files which all import a .pragma library js file and a QML module, 10 reps, with caching
QTest::newRow("import js with QML import and .pragma library, cached") << f << 10; f.clear();
void tst_holistic::compilation()
// This function benchmarks the cost of loading and compiling specified QML files.
// If "repetitions" is non-zero, each file from "files" will be compiled "repetitions"
// times, without clearing the engine's component cache between compilations.
QFETCH(QStringList, files);
QFETCH(int, repetitions);
Q_ASSERT(files.size() > 0);
Q_ASSERT(repetitions > 0);
QQmlEngine engine;
for (int i = 0; i < repetitions; ++i) {
for (int j = 0; j < files.size(); ++j) {
QQmlComponent c(&engine, QUrl::fromLocalFile(;
void tst_holistic::instantiation()
// This function benchmarks the cost of instantiating components compiled from specified QML files.
// If "repetitions" is non-zero, each component compiled from "files" will be instantiated "repetitions"
// times, without clearing the component's instantiation cache between instantiations.
QFETCH(QStringList, files);
QFETCH(int, repetitions);
Q_ASSERT(files.size() > 0);
Q_ASSERT(repetitions > 0);
QQmlEngine engine;
QList<QQmlComponent*> components;
for (int i = 0; i < files.size(); ++i) {
QQmlComponent *c = new QQmlComponent(&engine, QUrl::fromLocalFile(;
// XXX TODO: clear each component's instantiation cache
for (int i = 0; i < repetitions; ++i) {
for (int j = 0; j < components.size(); ++j) {
QObject *obj =>create();
delete obj;
// cleanup
for (int i = 0; i < components.size(); ++i) {
void tst_holistic::creation()
// This function benchmarks the cost of loading, compiling and instantiating specified QML files.
// If "repetitions" is non-zero, each file from "files" will be created "repetitions"
// times, without clearing the engine's component cache between component creation.
QFETCH(QStringList, files);
QFETCH(int, repetitions);
Q_ASSERT(files.size() > 0);
Q_ASSERT(repetitions > 0);
QQmlEngine engine;
for (int i = 0; i < repetitions; ++i) {
for (int j = 0; j < files.size(); ++j) {
QQmlComponent c(&engine, QUrl::fromLocalFile(;
QObject *obj = c.create();
delete obj;
void tst_holistic::dynamicity_data()
QString f;
// Benchmarks: single simple property binding
f = QString(SRCDIR + QLatin1String("/data/dynamicTargets/DynamicOne.qml"));
QTest::newRow("single simple property binding") << f << QString(QLatin1String("dynamicWidth")) << QVariant(300) << QVariant(500) << QString(QLatin1String("height"));
// Benchmarks: multiple simple property bindings in one component
f = QString(SRCDIR + QLatin1String("/data/dynamicTargets/DynamicTwo.qml"));
QTest::newRow("multiple simple property bindings") << f << QString(QLatin1String("dynamicWidth")) << QVariant(300) << QVariant(500) << QString(QLatin1String("dynamicWidth"));
// Benchmarks: single simple property binding plus onPropertyChanged slot
f = QString(SRCDIR + QLatin1String("/data/dynamicTargets/DynamicThree.qml"));
QTest::newRow("single simple plus slot") << f << QString(QLatin1String("dynamicWidth")) << QVariant(300) << QVariant(500) << QString(QLatin1String("dynamicWidth"));
// Benchmarks: multiple simple property bindings plus multiple onPropertyChanged slots in one component
f = QString(SRCDIR + QLatin1String("/data/dynamicTargets/DynamicFour.qml"));
QTest::newRow("multiple simple plus slots") << f << QString(QLatin1String("dynamicWidth")) << QVariant(300) << QVariant(500) << QString(QLatin1String("dynamicHeight"));
// Benchmarks: single simple js expression in a slot
f = QString(SRCDIR + QLatin1String("/data/jsTargets/JsOne.qml"));
QTest::newRow("single simple js expression slot") << f << QString(QLatin1String("dynamicWidth")) << QVariant(300) << QVariant(500) << QString(QLatin1String("dynamicWidth"));
// Benchmarks: single complex js expression in a slot
f = QString(SRCDIR + QLatin1String("/data/jsTargets/JsTwo.qml"));
QTest::newRow("single complex js expression slot") << f << QString(QLatin1String("dynamicWidth")) << QVariant(300) << QVariant(500) << QString(QLatin1String("dynamicWidth"));
// Benchmarks: simple property assignment and bindings update
f = QString(SRCDIR + QLatin1String("/data/scopeSwitching/CppToQml.qml"));
QTest::newRow("single simple property binding") << f << QString(QLatin1String("arbitrary")) << QVariant(36) << QVariant(35) << QString(QLatin1String("arbitrary"));
void tst_holistic::dynamicity()
// This function benchmarks the cost of "continued operation" - signal invocation,
// updating bindings, etc. Note that we take two different writeValues in order
// to force updates to occur, and we read to force lazy evaluation to occur.
QFETCH(QString, file);
QFETCH(QString, writeProperty);
QFETCH(QVariant, writeValueOne);
QFETCH(QVariant, writeValueTwo);
QFETCH(QString, readProperty);
QQmlEngine engine;
QQmlComponent c(&engine, file);
QObject *obj = c.create();
QVariant readValue;
QVariant writeValue;
bool usedFirst = false;
if (usedFirst) {
writeValue = writeValueTwo;
usedFirst = false;
} else {
writeValue = writeValueOne;
usedFirst = true;
obj->setProperty(writeProperty.toLatin1().constData(), writeValue);
readValue = obj->property(readProperty.toLatin1().constData());
delete obj;
void tst_holistic::cppToJsDirect_data()
QString f;
// Benchmarks: cost of calling a js function from cpp directly
f = QString(SRCDIR + QLatin1String("/data/scopeSwitching/CppToJs.qml"));
QTest::newRow("cpp-to-js") << f << QString(QLatin1String("callJsFunction"));
// Benchmarks: cost of calling js function which calls cpp function:
// const CPP function with no return value and no arguments.
f = QString(SRCDIR + QLatin1String("/data/scopeSwitching/JsToCppOne.qml"));
QTest::newRow("cpp-to-js-to-cpp: no retn, no args") << f << QString(QLatin1String("callCppFunction"));
// Benchmarks: cost of calling js function which calls cpp function:
// nonconst CPP function with no return value and no arguments.
f = QString(SRCDIR + QLatin1String("/data/scopeSwitching/JsToCppTwo.qml"));
QTest::newRow("cpp-to-js-to-cpp: nonconst, no retn, no args") << f << QString(QLatin1String("callCppFunction"));
// Benchmarks: cost of calling js function which calls cpp function:
// const CPP function with no return value and a single integer argument.
f = QString(SRCDIR + QLatin1String("/data/scopeSwitching/JsToCppThree.qml"));
QTest::newRow("cpp-to-js-to-cpp: const, no retn, int arg") << f << QString(QLatin1String("callCppFunction"));
// Benchmarks: cost of calling js function which calls cpp function:
// nonconst CPP function with no return value and a single integer argument.
f = QString(SRCDIR + QLatin1String("/data/scopeSwitching/JsToCppFour.qml"));
QTest::newRow("cpp-to-js-to-cpp: nonconst, no retn, int arg") << f << QString(QLatin1String("callCppFunction"));
// Benchmarks: cost of calling js function which calls cpp function:
// const CPP function with an integer return value and no arguments.
f = QString(SRCDIR + QLatin1String("/data/scopeSwitching/JsToCppFive.qml"));
QTest::newRow("cpp-to-js-to-cpp: const, int retn, no args") << f << QString(QLatin1String("callCppFunction"));
// Benchmarks: cost of calling js function which calls cpp function:
// nonconst CPP function with an integer return value and no arguments.
f = QString(SRCDIR + QLatin1String("/data/scopeSwitching/JsToCppSix.qml"));
QTest::newRow("cpp-to-js-to-cpp: nonconst, int retn, no args") << f << QString(QLatin1String("callCppFunction"));
// Benchmarks: cost of calling js function which calls cpp function:
// const CPP function with an integer return value and a single integer argument.
f = QString(SRCDIR + QLatin1String("/data/scopeSwitching/JsToCppSeven.qml"));
QTest::newRow("cpp-to-js-to-cpp: const, int retn, int arg") << f << QString(QLatin1String("callCppFunction"));
// Benchmarks: cost of calling js function which calls cpp function:
// nonconst CPP function with an integer return value and a single integer argument.
f = QString(SRCDIR + QLatin1String("/data/scopeSwitching/JsToCppEight.qml"));
QTest::newRow("cpp-to-js-to-cpp: nonconst, int retn, int arg") << f << QString(QLatin1String("callCppFunction"));
// Benchmarks: cost of calling js function which calls cpp function:
// const CPP function with a variant return value and multiple integer arguments.
f = QString(SRCDIR + QLatin1String("/data/scopeSwitching/JsToCppNine.qml"));
QTest::newRow("cpp-to-js-to-cpp: const, variant retn, int args") << f << QString(QLatin1String("callCppFunction"));
// Benchmarks: cost of calling js function which calls cpp function:
// nonconst CPP function with a variant return value and multiple integer arguments.
f = QString(SRCDIR + QLatin1String("/data/scopeSwitching/JsToCppTen.qml"));
QTest::newRow("cpp-to-js-to-cpp: nonconst, variant retn, int args") << f << QString(QLatin1String("callCppFunction"));
// Benchmarks: cost of calling js function which calls cpp function:
// nonconst CPP function with a variant return value and multiple integer arguments.
f = QString(SRCDIR + QLatin1String("/data/scopeSwitching/JsToCppEleven.qml"));
QTest::newRow("cpp-to-js-to-cpp: nonconst, variant retn, variant + int args") << f << QString(QLatin1String("callCppFunction"));
// Benchmarks: calling js function which copies scarce resources by calling back into cpp scope
f = QString(SRCDIR + QLatin1String("/data/scopeSwitching/ScarceOne.qml"));
QTest::newRow("cpp-to-js-to-coo: copy scarce resources") << f << QString(QLatin1String("copyScarceResources"));
void tst_holistic::cppToJsDirect()
// This function benchmarks the cost of calling from CPP scope to JS scope
// (and possibly vice versa, if the invoked js method then calls to cpp).
QFETCH(QString, file);
QFETCH(QString, methodName);
QQmlEngine engine;
QQmlComponent c(&engine, file);
QObject *obj = c.create();
QMetaObject::invokeMethod(obj, methodName.toLatin1().constData());
delete obj;
void tst_holistic::cppToJsIndirect()
// This function benchmarks the cost of binding scarce resources
// to properties of a QML component. The engine should automatically release such
// resources when they are no longer used.
// The benchmark deliberately causes change signals to be emitted (and
// modifies the scarce resources) so that the properties are updated.
QQmlEngine engine;
QQmlComponent c(&engine, QString(SRCDIR + QLatin1String("/data/scopeSwitching/ScarceTwo.qml")));
QObject *obj = c.create();
ScarceResourceProvider *srp = 0;
srp = qobject_cast<ScarceResourceProvider*>(QQmlProperty::read(obj, "a").value<QObject*>());
srp->changeResources(); // will cause small+large scarce resources changed signals to be emitted.
delete obj;
void tst_holistic::typeResolution_data()
QString f;
PropertyNameList pn1;
PropertyValueList pv1;
PropertyNameList pn2;
PropertyValueList pv2;
// Benchmarks: resolving nested ids and types, no caching
f = QString(SRCDIR + QLatin1String("/data/resolutionTargets/ResolveOne.qml"));
pn1 << QString(QLatin1String("baseWidth")) << QString(QLatin1String("baseHeight")) << QString(QLatin1String("baseColor"));
pv1 << QVariant(401) << QVariant(402) << QVariant(QString(QLatin1String("brown")));
pn2 << QString(QLatin1String("baseWidth")) << QString(QLatin1String("baseHeight")) << QString(QLatin1String("baseColor"));
pv2 << QVariant(403) << QVariant(404) << QVariant(QString(QLatin1String("orange")));
QTest::newRow("nested id resolution") << f << pn1 << pv1 << pn2 << pv2 << 1;
// Benchmarks: resolving nested ids and types, 10 reps with caching
QTest::newRow("nested id resolution, cached") << f << pn1 << pv1 << pn2 << pv2 << 10;
pn1.clear(); pn2.clear(); pv1.clear(); pv2.clear();
void tst_holistic::typeResolution()
// This function benchmarks the cost of "continued operation" (signal invocation,
// updating bindings, etc) where the component has lots of nested items with
// lots of resolving required. Note that we take two different writeValues in order
// to force updates to occur.
QFETCH(QString, file);
QFETCH(PropertyNameList, propertyNameOne);
QFETCH(PropertyValueList, propertyValueOne);
QFETCH(PropertyNameList, propertyNameTwo);
QFETCH(PropertyValueList, propertyValueTwo);
QFETCH(int, repetitions);
Q_ASSERT(propertyNameOne.size() == propertyValueOne.size());
Q_ASSERT(propertyNameTwo.size() == propertyValueTwo.size());
Q_ASSERT(repetitions > 0);
QQmlEngine engine;
QQmlComponent c(&engine, file);
QObject *obj = c.create();
PropertyNameList writeProperty;
PropertyValueList writeValue;
bool usedFirst = false;
for (int i = 0; i < repetitions; ++i) {
if (usedFirst) {
writeProperty = propertyNameOne;
writeValue = propertyValueOne;
usedFirst = false;
} else {
writeProperty = propertyNameTwo;
writeValue = propertyValueTwo;
usedFirst = true;
for (int j = 0; j < writeProperty.size(); ++j) {
delete obj;
#include "tst_holistic.moc"