blob: 64b909caf5d1fc9a842afadbeafc1211ddaf74ad [file] [log] [blame]
** Copyright (C) 2016 The Qt Company Ltd.
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** This file is part of the test suite of the Qt Toolkit.
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#include <qtest.h>
#include <qqml.h>
#include <QQmlEngine>
#include <QQmlComponent>
#include <QDebug>
// This benchmark produces performance statistics
// for the standard set of elements, properties and expressions which
// are provided in the QtDeclarative library (QtQml and QtQuick).
// Note that we have hand-rolled our own benchmark harness, rather
// than directly using QBENCHMARK, in order to avoid contaminating
// the benchmark results with unwanted initialization or side-effects
// and allow us to more completely isolate the required specific area
// (compilation, instantiation, or cached type-data instantiation)
// that we wish to benchmark.
#define AVERAGE_OVER_N 10
class ModuleApi : public QObject
Q_PROPERTY(int intProp READ intProp WRITE setIntProp NOTIFY intPropChanged)
ModuleApi() : m_intProp(42) { }
~ModuleApi() {}
Q_INVOKABLE int intFunc() const { return 9000; }
int intProp() const { return m_intProp; }
void setIntProp(int v) { m_intProp = v; emit intPropChanged(); }
void intPropChanged();
int m_intProp;
static QObject *module_api_factory(QQmlEngine*, QJSEngine*)
return new ModuleApi;
class tst_librarymetrics_performance : public QObject
private slots:
void initTestCase() {}
// ---------------------- performance tests:
void compilation();
void instantiation_cached();
void instantiation();
void positioners();
// ---------------------- test row data:
void metrics_data();
void compilation_data() { metrics_data(); }
void instantiation_cached_data() { metrics_data(); }
void instantiation_data() { metrics_data(); }
void positioners_data();
QQmlEngine *e;
static void cleanState(QQmlEngine **e)
delete *e;
*e = new QQmlEngine;
qmlRegisterSingletonType<ModuleApi>("ModuleApi", 1, 0, "ModuleApi", module_api_factory);//Speed of qmlRegister<foo> not covered in this benchmark
QCoreApplication::sendPostedEvents(0, QEvent::DeferredDelete);
: e(new QQmlEngine)
static QUrl testFileUrl(const char * filename)
return QUrl(QLatin1String("qrc:///") + QLatin1String(filename));
void tst_librarymetrics_performance::metrics_data()
// all of the tests follow the same basic format.
QTest::newRow("001) item - empty") << testFileUrl("data/item.1.qml");
QTest::newRow("002) item - uninitialised int prop") << testFileUrl("data/item.2.qml");
QTest::newRow("003) item - uninitialised bool prop") << testFileUrl("data/item.3.qml");
QTest::newRow("004) item - uninitialised string prop") << testFileUrl("data/item.4.qml");
QTest::newRow("005) item - uninitialised real prop") << testFileUrl("data/item.5.qml");
QTest::newRow("006) item - uninitialised variant prop") << testFileUrl("data/item.6.qml");
QTest::newRow("007) item - uninitialised Item prop") << testFileUrl("data/item.7.qml");
QTest::newRow("008) item - uninitialised var prop") << testFileUrl("data/item.8.qml");
QTest::newRow("009) item - initialised int prop") << testFileUrl("data/item.9.qml");
QTest::newRow("010) item - initialised bool prop") << testFileUrl("data/item.10.qml");
QTest::newRow("011) item - initialised string prop") << testFileUrl("data/item.11.qml");
QTest::newRow("012) item - initialised real prop") << testFileUrl("data/item.12.qml");
QTest::newRow("013) item - initialised variant (value type) prop") << testFileUrl("data/item.13.qml");
QTest::newRow("014) item - initialised Item prop (with child)") << testFileUrl("data/item.14.qml");
QTest::newRow("015) item - initialised var prop with primitive") << testFileUrl("data/item.15.qml");
QTest::newRow("016) item - initialised var prop with function") << testFileUrl("data/item.16.qml");
QTest::newRow("017) item - initialised var prop with object") << testFileUrl("data/item.17.qml");
QTest::newRow("018) item - int prop with optimized binding") << testFileUrl("data/item.18.qml");
QTest::newRow("019) item - int prop with shared binding") << testFileUrl("data/item.19.qml");
QTest::newRow("020) item - int prop with slow binding (alias and func)") << testFileUrl("data/item.20.qml");
QTest::newRow("021) item - var prop with binding") << testFileUrl("data/item.21.qml");
QTest::newRow("022) item - int prop with change signal") << testFileUrl("data/item.22.qml");
QTest::newRow("023) item - importing module api") << testFileUrl("data/item.23.qml");
QTest::newRow("024) item - accessing property of module api") << testFileUrl("data/item.24.qml");
QTest::newRow("025) item - invoking function of module api") << testFileUrl("data/item.25.qml");
QTest::newRow("026) expression - item with unused dynamic function") << testFileUrl("data/expression.1.qml");
QTest::newRow("027) expression - item with dynamic function called in onCompleted") << testFileUrl("data/expression.2.qml");
QTest::newRow("027) expression - item with bound signal no params") << testFileUrl("data/expression.3.qml");
QTest::newRow("027) expression - item with bound signal with params") << testFileUrl("data/expression.4.qml");
QTest::newRow("028) rectangle - empty") << testFileUrl("data/rectangle.1.qml");
QTest::newRow("029) rectangle - with size") << testFileUrl("data/rectangle.2.qml");
QTest::newRow("030) rectangle - with size and color") << testFileUrl("data/rectangle.3.qml");
QTest::newRow("031) text - empty") << testFileUrl("data/text.1.qml");
QTest::newRow("032) text - with size") << testFileUrl("data/text.2.qml");
QTest::newRow("033) text - with size and text") << testFileUrl("data/text.3.qml");
QTest::newRow("034) mouse area - empty") << testFileUrl("data/mousearea.1.qml");
QTest::newRow("035) mouse area - with size") << testFileUrl("data/mousearea.2.qml");
QTest::newRow("036) mouse area - with size and onClicked handler") << testFileUrl("data/mousearea.3.qml");
QTest::newRow("037) listView - empty") << testFileUrl("data/listview.1.qml");
QTest::newRow("038) listView - with anchors but no content") << testFileUrl("data/listview.2.qml");
QTest::newRow("039) listView - with anchors and list model content with delegate") << testFileUrl("data/listview.3.qml");
QTest::newRow("040) flickable - empty") << testFileUrl("data/flickable.1.qml");
QTest::newRow("041) flickable - with size") << testFileUrl("data/flickable.2.qml");
QTest::newRow("042) flickable - with some content") << testFileUrl("data/flickable.3.qml");
QTest::newRow("043) image - empty") << testFileUrl("data/image.1.qml");
QTest::newRow("044) image - with size") << testFileUrl("data/image.2.qml");
QTest::newRow("045) image - with content") << testFileUrl("data/image.3.qml");
QTest::newRow("046) image - with content, async") << testFileUrl("data/image.4.qml");
QTest::newRow("047) states - two states, no transitions") << testFileUrl("data/states.1.qml");
QTest::newRow("048) states - two states, with transition") << testFileUrl("data/states.2.qml");
QTest::newRow("049) animations - number animation") << testFileUrl("data/animations.1.qml");
QTest::newRow("050) animations - sequential animation (scriptaction, scriptaction)") << testFileUrl("data/animations.2.qml");
QTest::newRow("051) animations - parallel animation (scriptaction, scriptaction)") << testFileUrl("data/animations.3.qml");
QTest::newRow("052) animations - sequential animation, started in onCompleted") << testFileUrl("data/animations.4.qml");
QTest::newRow("053) repeater - row - repeat simple rectangle") << testFileUrl("data/repeater.1.qml");
QTest::newRow("054) repeater - column - repeat simple rectangle") << testFileUrl("data/repeater.2.qml");
QTest::newRow("055) grid - simple grid of rectangles") << testFileUrl("data/grid.1.qml");
QTest::newRow("056) positioning - no positioning") << testFileUrl("data/nopositioning.qml");
QTest::newRow("057) positioning - absolute positioning") << testFileUrl("data/absolutepositioning.qml");
QTest::newRow("058) positioning - anchored positioning") << testFileUrl("data/anchoredpositioning.qml");
QTest::newRow("059) positioning - anchored (with grid) positioning") << testFileUrl("data/anchorwithgridpositioning.qml");
QTest::newRow("060) positioning - binding positioning") << testFileUrl("data/bindingpositioning.qml");
QTest::newRow("061) positioning - anchored (with binding) positioning") << testFileUrl("data/anchorwithbindingpositioning.qml");
QTest::newRow("062) positioning - binding (with grid) positioning") << testFileUrl("data/bindingwithgridpositioning.qml");
// This method is intended to benchmark the amount of time / cpu cycles
// required to compile the given QML input.
// Note that this deliberately does NOT include the time taken to
// construct the QML engine.
// Also note that between each iteration, we attempt to clean the
// engine state (destroying and reconstructing the engine, clearing
// the QML type registrations, etc) to simulate a cold-start environment.
// The benchmark result is expected to be dominated by QML parsing,
// compilation, and optimization paths, and since the compiled component
// is never instantiated, no construction or binding evaluation should
// occur.
void tst_librarymetrics_performance::compilation()
QFETCH(QUrl, qmlfile);
// check that they can compile, before timing.
QQmlComponent c(e, this);
c.loadUrl(qmlfile); // just compile.
if (!c.errors().isEmpty()) {
qWarning() << "ERROR:" << c.errors();
QList<qint64> nResults;
// generate AVERAGE_OVER_N results
for (int i = 0; i < AVERAGE_OVER_N; ++i) {
QElapsedTimer et;
// BEGIN benchmarked code block
QQmlComponent c(e, this);
// END benchmarked code block
qint64 etime = et.nsecsElapsed();
// sort the list
std::sort(nResults.begin(), nResults.end());
// remove IGNORE_N_OUTLIERS*2 from ONLY the worst end (remove gc interference)
for (int i = 0; i < IGNORE_N_OUTLIERS; ++i) {
if (!nResults.isEmpty()) nResults.removeLast();
if (!nResults.isEmpty()) nResults.removeLast();
// now generate an average
qint64 totaltime = 0;
if (nResults.size() == 0) nResults.append(9999);
for (int i = 0; i < nResults.size(); ++i)
totaltime +=;
double average = ((double)totaltime) / nResults.count();
// and return it as the result
QTest::setBenchmarkResult(average, QTest::WalltimeNanoseconds);
QTest::setBenchmarkResult(average, QTest::WalltimeNanoseconds); // twice to workaround bug in QTestLib
// This method is intended to benchmark the amount of time / cpu cycles
// required to compile and instantiate the given QML input,
// where the QML state has NOT been cleared in between each iteration.
// Thus, cached type data should be used when instantiating the object.
// The benchmark result is expected to be dominated by QObject
// hierarchy construction and first-time binding evaluation.
void tst_librarymetrics_performance::instantiation_cached()
QFETCH(QUrl, qmlfile);
QList<qint64> nResults;
// generate AVERAGE_OVER_N results
for (int i = 0; i < AVERAGE_OVER_N; ++i) {
QElapsedTimer et;
// BEGIN benchmarked code block
QQmlComponent c(e, this);
QObject *o = c.create();
// END benchmarked code block
qint64 etime = et.nsecsElapsed();
delete o;
// sort the list
std::sort(nResults.begin(), nResults.end());
// remove IGNORE_N_OUTLIERS*2 from ONLY the worst end (remove gc interference)
for (int i = 0; i < IGNORE_N_OUTLIERS; ++i) {
if (!nResults.isEmpty()) nResults.removeLast();
if (!nResults.isEmpty()) nResults.removeLast();
// now generate an average
qint64 totaltime = 0;
if (nResults.size() == 0) nResults.append(9999);
for (int i = 0; i < nResults.size(); ++i)
totaltime +=;
double average = ((double)totaltime) / nResults.count();
// and return it as the result
QTest::setBenchmarkResult(average, QTest::WalltimeNanoseconds);
QTest::setBenchmarkResult(average, QTest::WalltimeNanoseconds); // twice to workaround bug in QTestLib
// This method is intended to benchmark the amount of time / cpu cycles
// required to compile and instantiate the given QML input,
// where the QML state has been cleared in between each iteration.
// This will cause the engine to parse, compile and optimize the
// input QML in each iteration. After compilation, the component
// will be instantiated, and so QObject hierarchy construction and
// first time binding evaluation will contribute to the result.
// The compilation phase is expected to dominate the result, however
// in some cases (complex positioning via expensive bindings, or
// other pathological cases) instantiation may dominate. Those
// cases are prime candidates for further investigation...
void tst_librarymetrics_performance::instantiation()
QFETCH(QUrl, qmlfile);
QList<qint64> nResults;
// generate AVERAGE_OVER_N results
for (int i = 0; i < AVERAGE_OVER_N; ++i) {
QElapsedTimer et;
// BEGIN benchmarked code block
QQmlComponent c(e, this);
QObject *o = c.create();
// END benchmarked code block
qint64 etime = et.nsecsElapsed();
delete o;
// sort the list
std::sort(nResults.begin(), nResults.end());
// remove IGNORE_N_OUTLIERS*2 from ONLY the worst end (remove gc interference)
for (int i = 0; i < IGNORE_N_OUTLIERS; ++i) {
if (!nResults.isEmpty()) nResults.removeLast();
if (!nResults.isEmpty()) nResults.removeLast();
// now generate an average
qint64 totaltime = 0;
if (nResults.size() == 0) nResults.append(9999);
for (int i = 0; i < nResults.size(); ++i)
totaltime +=;
double average = ((double)totaltime) / nResults.count();
// and return it as the result
QTest::setBenchmarkResult(average, QTest::WalltimeNanoseconds);
QTest::setBenchmarkResult(average, QTest::WalltimeNanoseconds); // twice to workaround bug in QTestLib
void tst_librarymetrics_performance::positioners_data()
QTest::newRow("01) positioning - no positioning") << testFileUrl("data/nopositioning.2.qml");
QTest::newRow("02) positioning - absolute positioning") << testFileUrl("data/absolutepositioning.2.qml");
QTest::newRow("03) positioning - anchored positioning") << testFileUrl("data/anchoredpositioning.2.qml");
QTest::newRow("04) positioning - anchored (with grid) positioning") << testFileUrl("data/anchorwithgridpositioning.2.qml");
QTest::newRow("05) positioning - binding positioning") << testFileUrl("data/bindingpositioning.2.qml");
QTest::newRow("06) positioning - anchored (with binding) positioning") << testFileUrl("data/anchorwithbindingpositioning.2.qml");
QTest::newRow("07) positioning - binding (with grid) positioning") << testFileUrl("data/bindingwithgridpositioning.2.qml");
// This method triggers repositioning a large number of times,
// so we can track the cost of different repositioning methods.
// Note that the engine state is cleared before every iteration,
// so the benchmark result will include the cost of compilation
// as well as instantiation and first-time binding evaluation.
// The repositioning triggered within the QML is expected
// to dominate the benchmark time, especially if slow-path
// binding evaluation occurs.
void tst_librarymetrics_performance::positioners()
QFETCH(QUrl, qmlfile);
QList<qint64> nResults;
// generate AVERAGE_OVER_N results
for (int i = 0; i < AVERAGE_OVER_N; ++i) {
QElapsedTimer et;
// BEGIN benchmarked code block
QQmlComponent c(e, this);
QObject *o = c.create();
// END benchmarked code block
qint64 etime = et.nsecsElapsed();
delete o;
// sort the list
std::sort(nResults.begin(), nResults.end());
// remove IGNORE_N_OUTLIERS*2 from ONLY the worst end (remove gc interference)
for (int i = 0; i < IGNORE_N_OUTLIERS; ++i) {
if (!nResults.isEmpty()) nResults.removeLast();
if (!nResults.isEmpty()) nResults.removeLast();
// now generate an average
qint64 totaltime = 0;
if (nResults.size() == 0) nResults.append(9999);
for (int i = 0; i < nResults.size(); ++i)
totaltime +=;
double average = ((double)totaltime) / nResults.count();
// and return it as the result
QTest::setBenchmarkResult(average, QTest::WalltimeNanoseconds);
QTest::setBenchmarkResult(average, QTest::WalltimeNanoseconds); // twice to workaround bug in QTestLib
#include "tst_librarymetrics_performance.moc"