blob: 007837dbc8557b58ec139b8308f396194de32581 [file] [log] [blame]
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import QtQuick 2.0
Rectangle {
id: gridviewelement; radius: 5; clip: true
property int cellsize
cellsize: Math.floor(elementview.width / 3)
GridView {
id: elementview
height: parent.height * .98; width: parent.width * .98
anchors.centerIn: parent
delegate: griddelegate; model: elements; visible: { qmlfiletoload == "" }
highlightFollowsCurrentItem: true; highlightRangeMode: ListView.StrictlyEnforceRange
cellWidth: cellsize; cellHeight: cellsize
// Delegates for the launcher grid
Component {
id: griddelegate
Item {
height: cellsize; width: cellsize
Column { anchors.fill: parent; spacing: 2
Rectangle {
height: parent.height * .8; width: height
color: "lightgray"; radius: 5; smooth: true
anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
Image {
height: parent.height*.75; width: height
anchors.centerIn: parent
source: "pics/logo.png"; fillMode: Image.PreserveAspectFit
Text {
height: parent.height * .8; width: parent.width
anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter; text: model.label; elide: Text.ElideRight
horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignHCenter
MouseArea {
anchors.fill: parent
hoverEnabled: true // For desktop testing
onClicked: { runapp(model.label+"Element.qml"); }
onEntered: { helptext = }
onExited: { helptext = "" }
// Elements list
ListModel {
id: elements
ListElement { label: "Rectangle"; help: "The Rectangle item provides a filled rectangle with an optional border." }
ListElement { label: "Image"; help: "The Image element displays an image in a declarative user interface" }
ListElement { label: "AnimatedImage"; help: "An image element that supports animations" }
ListElement { label: "BorderImage"; help: "The BorderImage element provides an image that can be used as a border." }
ListElement { label: "SystemPalette"; help: "The SystemPalette element provides access to the Qt palettes." }
ListElement { label: "Text"; help: "The Text item allows you to add formatted text to a scene." }
ListElement { label: "FontLoader"; help: "The FontLoader element allows fonts to be loaded by name or URL." }
ListElement { label: "TextInput"; help: "The TextInput item displays an editable line of text." }
ListElement { label: "TextEdit"; help: "The TextEdit item displays multiple lines of editable formatted text." }
ListElement { label: "ListView"; help: "The ListView item provides a list view of items provided by a model." }
ListElement { label: "Flipable"; help: "The Flipable item provides a surface that can be flipped" }
ListElement { label: "Column"; help: "The Column item arranges its children vertically." }
ListElement { label: "Row"; help: "The Row item arranges its children horizontally." }
ListElement { label: "Grid"; help: "The Grid item positions its children in a grid." }
ListElement { label: "Flow"; help: "The Flow item arranges its children side by side, wrapping as necessary." }
ListElement { label: "Repeater"; help: "The Repeater element allows you to repeat an Item-based component using a model." }
ListElement { label: "IntValidator"; help: "This element provides a validator for integer values." }
ListElement { label: "DoubleValidator"; help: "This element provides a validator for non-integer values." }
ListElement { label: "RegExpValidator"; help: "This element provides a validator, which counts as valid any string which matches a specified regular expression." }
ListElement { label: "Flickable"; help: "The Flickable item provides a surface that can be \"flicked\"." }
ListElement { label: "Keys"; help: "The Keys attached property provides key handling to Items." }
ListElement { label: "MouseArea"; help: "The MouseArea item enables simple mouse handling." }
ListElement { label: "SequentialAnimation"; help: "The SequentialAnimation element allows animations to be run sequentially." }
ListElement { label: "ParallelAnimation"; help: "The ParallelAnimation element allows animations to be run in parallel." }
ListElement { label: "XmlListModel"; help: "The XmlListModel element is used to specify a read-only model using XPath expressions." }
ListElement { label: "Scale"; help: "The Scale element provides a way to scale an Item." }
ListElement { label: "ParticleSystem"; help: "The ParticleSystem brings together ParticlePainter, Emitter and Affector elements." }
ListElement { label: "ImageParticle"; help: "The ImageParticle element visualizes logical particles using an image." }
ListElement { label: "Emitter"; help: "The Emitter element allows you to emit logical particles." }
ListElement { label: "Affector"; help: "Affector elements can alter the attributes of logical particles at any point in their lifetime." }
ListElement { label: "Shape"; help: "The Shape element allows you to specify an area for affectors and emitter." }
ListElement { label: "TrailEmitter"; help: "The TrailEmitter element allows you to emit logical particles from other logical particles." }
ListElement { label: "Direction"; help: "The Direction elements allow you to specify a vector space." }
ListElement { label: "SpriteSequence"; help: "The SpriteSequence element plays stochastic sprite animations." }