blob: f10affbd91b710964d62047b92ca092e447d932e [file] [log] [blame]
** Copyright (C) 2016 The Qt Company Ltd.
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** This file is part of the test suite of the Qt Toolkit.
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import QtQuick 2.0
import QtQuick.Particles 2.0
Item {
id: trailemitterelementtest
anchors.fill: parent
property string testtext: ""
ParticleSystem {
id: particlesystem
anchors.fill: parent
Image {
id: backgroundpic
anchors.fill: parent
source: "pics/logo.png"
opacity: 0
Behavior on opacity { NumberAnimation { duration: 1000 } }
ImageParticle {
id: omissile
source: "pics/star.png"
color: "orange"
entryEffect: ImageParticle.None
groups: ["orangemissile"]
ImageParticle {
id: gmissile
source: "pics/star.png"
color: "green"
entryEffect: ImageParticle.None
groups: ["greenmissile"]
ImageParticle {
id: sparks
source: "pics/star.png"
color: "red"
colorVariation: .5
entryEffect: ImageParticle.None
groups: ["sparks"]
Emitter {
id: emitter
anchors.bottom: parent.bottom
anchors.bottomMargin: 5
anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
emitRate: 1
lifeSpan: 3000
size: 20
velocity: AngleDirection { angle: 270; angleVariation: 25; magnitude: 150 }
group: "orangemissile"
Emitter {
id: emitter2
anchors.bottom: parent.bottom
anchors.bottomMargin: 5
anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
emitRate: 1
lifeSpan: 3000
size: 20
velocity: AngleDirection { angle: 270; angleVariation: 25; magnitude: 150 }
group: "greenmissile"
Gravity {
anchors.fill: parent
angle: 90
acceleration: 30
TrailEmitter {
id: trailemitterelement
follow: "orangemissile"
anchors.fill: parent
emitRatePerParticle: 50
lifeSpan: 1000
velocityFromMovement: .2
velocity: AngleDirection { angle: 0; angleVariation: 360; magnitude: 5 }
maximumEmitted: 500
shape: basicshape
RectangleShape { id: basicshape }
MaskShape {
id: maskshape
source: "pics/logo-hollowed.png"
SystemTestHelp { id: helpbubble; visible: statenum != 0
anchors { top:; horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter; topMargin: 50 }
BugPanel { id: bugpanel }
states: [
State { name: "start"; when: statenum == 1
PropertyChanges { target: trailemitterelementtest
testtext: "This is a TrailEmitter, with particles following the orange particles.\n"+
"The green particles should not be followed by other particles.\n"+
"Next, let's change the sparks to follow the green particles." }
State { name: "followgreen"; when: statenum == 2
PropertyChanges { target: trailemitterelement; follow: "greenmissile" }
PropertyChanges { target: trailemitterelementtest
testtext: "The particles should be following the green particles.\n"+
"Next, let's add a shape to emit within." }
State { name: "onlyinshape"; when: statenum == 3
PropertyChanges { target: trailemitterelement; follow: "greenmissile"; shape: maskshape }
PropertyChanges { target: backgroundpic; opacity: .5 }
PropertyChanges { target: trailemitterelementtest
testtext: "The particles should now be only emitted when they pass through the 'Qt' text.\n"+
"Next, let's create small Qt missiles." }
State { name: "emittingashape"; when: statenum == 4
PropertyChanges { target: trailemitterelement; follow: "greenmissile"; shape: basicshape
emitHeight: 60; emitWidth: 60; emitRatePerParticle: 1500; emitShape: maskshape; maximumEmitted: 1500; lifeSpan: 50
PropertyChanges { target: trailemitterelementtest
testtext: "The particles should now be Qt text shaped particles.\n"+
"Advance to restart the test." }