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** Copyright (C) 2019 The Qt Company Ltd.
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#include "qcoloroutput.h"
#include <QtCore/qfile.h>
#include <QtCore/qhash.h>
#include <QtCore/qtextcodec.h>
#ifndef Q_OS_WIN
#include <unistd.h>
class ColorOutputPrivate
ColorOutputPrivate(bool silent) : m_currentColorID(-1), m_silent(silent)
/* - QIODevice::Unbuffered because we want it to appear when the user actually calls,
* performance is considered of lower priority.
*/, QIODevice::WriteOnly | QIODevice::Unbuffered);
m_coloringEnabled = isColoringPossible();
static const char *const foregrounds[];
static const char *const backgrounds[];
inline void write(const QString &msg) { m_out.write(msg.toLocal8Bit()); }
static QString escapeCode(const QString &in)
const ushort escapeChar = 0x1B;
QString result;
return result;
void insertColor(int id, ColorOutput::ColorCode code) { m_colorMapping.insert(id, code); }
ColorOutput::ColorCode color(int id) const { return m_colorMapping.value(id); }
bool containsColor(int id) const { return m_colorMapping.contains(id); }
bool isSilent() const { return m_silent; }
void setCurrentColorID(int colorId) { m_currentColorID = colorId; }
bool coloringEnabled() const { return m_coloringEnabled; }
QFile m_out;
ColorOutput::ColorMapping m_colorMapping;
int m_currentColorID;
bool m_coloringEnabled;
bool m_silent;
Returns true if it's suitable to send colored output to \c stderr.
inline bool isColoringPossible() const
#if defined(Q_OS_WIN)
/* Windows doesn't at all support ANSI escape codes, unless
* the user install a "device driver". See the Wikipedia links in the
* class documentation for details. */
return false;
/* We use QFile::handle() to get the file descriptor. It's a bit unsure
* whether it's 2 on all platforms and in all cases, so hopefully this layer
* of abstraction helps handle such cases. */
return isatty(m_out.handle());
const char *const ColorOutputPrivate::foregrounds[] =
const char *const ColorOutputPrivate::backgrounds[] =
\class ColorOutput
\brief Outputs colored messages to \c stderr.
ColorOutput is a convenience class for outputting messages to \c
stderr using color escape codes, as mandated in ECMA-48. ColorOutput
will only color output when it is detected to be suitable. For
instance, if \c stderr is detected to be attached to a file instead
of a TTY, no coloring will be done.
ColorOutput does its best attempt. but it is generally undefined
what coloring or effect the various coloring flags has. It depends
strongly on what terminal software that is being used.
When using `echo -e 'my escape sequence'`, \c{\033} works as an
initiator but not when printing from a C++ program, despite having
escaped the backslash. That's why we below use characters with
value 0x1B.
It can be convenient to subclass ColorOutput with a private scope,
such that the functions are directly available in the class using
\section1 Usage
To output messages, call write() or writeUncolored(). write() takes
as second argument an integer, which ColorOutput uses as a lookup
key to find the color it should color the text in. The mapping from
keys to colors is done using insertMapping(). Typically this is used
by having enums for the various kinds of messages, which
subsequently are registered.
enum MyMessage
ColorOutput output;
output.insertMapping(Error, ColorOutput::RedForeground);
output.insertMapping(Import, ColorOutput::BlueForeground);
output.write("This is important", Important);
output.write("Jack, I'm only the selected official!", Error);
\sa {}{Bash Prompt HOWTO, 6.1. Colors},
{}{Linux Gazette, Tweaking Eterm, Edward Livingston-Blade},
{}{Standard ECMA-48, Control Functions for Coded Character Sets, ECMA International},
{}{Wikipedia, ANSI escape code},
{}{Linux Gazette, So You Like Color!, Pradeep Padala}
\enum ColorOutput::ColorCodeComponent
\value BlackForeground
\value BlueForeground
\value GreenForeground
\value CyanForeground
\value RedForeground
\value PurpleForeground
\value BrownForeground
\value LightGrayForeground
\value DarkGrayForeground
\value LightBlueForeground
\value LightGreenForeground
\value LightCyanForeground
\value LightRedForeground
\value LightPurpleForeground
\value YellowForeground
\value WhiteForeground
\value BlackBackground
\value BlueBackground
\value GreenBackground
\value CyanBackground
\value RedBackground
\value PurpleBackground
\value BrownBackground
\value DefaultColor ColorOutput performs no coloring. This typically
means black on white or white on black, depending
on the settings of the user's terminal.
Constructs a ColorOutput instance, ready for use.
ColorOutput::ColorOutput(bool silent) : d(new ColorOutputPrivate(silent)) {}
// must be here so that QScopedPointer has access to the complete type
ColorOutput::~ColorOutput() = default;
Sends \a message to \c stderr, using the color looked up in the color mapping using \a colorID.
If \a color isn't available in the color mapping, result and behavior is undefined.
If \a colorID is 0, which is the default value, the previously used coloring is used. ColorOutput
is initialized to not color at all.
If \a message is empty, effects are undefined.
\a message will be printed as is. For instance, no line endings will be inserted.
void ColorOutput::write(const QString &message, int colorID)
if (!d->isSilent())
d->write(colorify(message, colorID));
Writes \a message to \c stderr as if for instance
QTextStream would have been used, and adds a line ending at the end.
This function can be practical to use such that one can use ColorOutput for all forms of writing.
void ColorOutput::writeUncolored(const QString &message)
if (!d->isSilent())
d->write(message + QLatin1Char('\n'));
Treats \a message and \a colorID identically to write(), but instead of writing
\a message to \c stderr, it is prepared for being written to \c stderr, but is then
This is useful when the colored string is inserted into a translated string(dividing
the string into several small strings prevents proper translation).
QString ColorOutput::colorify(const QString &message, int colorID) const
Q_ASSERT_X(colorID == -1 || d->containsColor(colorID), Q_FUNC_INFO,
qPrintable(QString::fromLatin1("There is no color registered by id %1")
Q_ASSERT_X(!message.isEmpty(), Q_FUNC_INFO,
"It makes no sense to attempt to print an empty string.");
if (colorID != -1)
if (d->coloringEnabled() && colorID != -1) {
const int color = d->color(colorID);
/* If DefaultColor is set, we don't want to color it. */
if (color & DefaultColor)
return message;
const int foregroundCode = (color & ForegroundMask) >> ForegroundShift;
const int backgroundCode = (color & BackgroundMask) >> BackgroundShift;
QString finalMessage;
bool closureNeeded = false;
if (foregroundCode > 0) {
QLatin1String(ColorOutputPrivate::foregrounds[foregroundCode - 1])));
closureNeeded = true;
if (backgroundCode > 0) {
QLatin1String(ColorOutputPrivate::backgrounds[backgroundCode - 1])));
closureNeeded = true;
if (closureNeeded)
return finalMessage;
return message;
Adds a color mapping from \a colorID to \a colorCode, for this ColorOutput instance.
void ColorOutput::insertMapping(int colorID, const ColorCode colorCode)
d->insertColor(colorID, colorCode);