blob: b7bdfb317db2cd9420e86730245607115ded950a [file] [log] [blame]
** Copyright (C) 2016 The Qt Company Ltd.
** Copyright (C) 2016 Ivan Komissarov.
** Contact:
** This file is part of the DDS plugin in the Qt ImageFormats module.
** Commercial License Usage
** Licensees holding valid commercial Qt licenses may use this file in
** accordance with the commercial license agreement provided with the
** Software or, alternatively, in accordance with the terms contained in
** a written agreement between you and The Qt Company. For licensing terms
** and conditions see For further
** information use the contact form at
** GNU General Public License Usage
** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU
** General Public License version 3 as published by the Free Software
** Foundation with exceptions as appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL3-EXCEPT
** included in the packaging of this file. Please review the following
** information to ensure the GNU General Public License requirements will
** be met:
#include <QtTest/QtTest>
#include <QtGui/QtGui>
class tst_qdds: public QObject
private slots:
void initTestCase();
void readImage_data();
void readImage();
void testMipmaps_data();
void testMipmaps();
void testWriteImage_data();
void testWriteImage();
void tst_qdds::initTestCase()
if (!QImageReader::supportedImageFormats().contains("dds"))
QSKIP("The image format handler is not installed.");
void tst_qdds::readImage_data()
QTest::newRow("1") << QString("A1R5G5B5") << QSize(64, 64);
QTest::newRow("2") << QString("A2B10G10R10") << QSize(64, 64);
QTest::newRow("3") << QString("A2R10G10B10") << QSize(64, 64);
QTest::newRow("4") << QString("A2W10V10U10") << QSize(64, 64);
QTest::newRow("5") << QString("A4L4") << QSize(64, 64);
QTest::newRow("6") << QString("A4R4G4B4") << QSize(64, 64);
QTest::newRow("7") << QString("A8") << QSize(64, 64);
QTest::newRow("8") << QString("A8B8G8R8") << QSize(64, 64);
QTest::newRow("9") << QString("A8L8") << QSize(64, 64);
QTest::newRow("10") << QString("A8R3G3B2") << QSize(64, 64);
QTest::newRow("11") << QString("A8R8G8B8") << QSize(64, 64);
QTest::newRow("12") << QString("A16B16G16R16") << QSize(64, 64);
QTest::newRow("13") << QString("A16B16G16R16F") << QSize(64, 64);
QTest::newRow("14") << QString("A32B32G32R32F") << QSize(64, 64);
QTest::newRow("15") << QString("CxV8U8") << QSize(64, 64);
QTest::newRow("16") << QString("DXT1") << QSize(50, 50);
QTest::newRow("17") << QString("DXT2") << QSize(64, 64);
QTest::newRow("18") << QString("DXT3") << QSize(64, 64);
QTest::newRow("19") << QString("DXT4") << QSize(64, 64);
QTest::newRow("20") << QString("DXT5") << QSize(64, 64);
QTest::newRow("21") << QString("G8R8_G8B8") << QSize(64, 64);
QTest::newRow("22") << QString("G16R16") << QSize(64, 64);
QTest::newRow("23") << QString("G16R16F") << QSize(64, 64);
QTest::newRow("24") << QString("G32R32F") << QSize(64, 64);
QTest::newRow("25") << QString("L6V5U5") << QSize(64, 64);
QTest::newRow("26") << QString("L8") << QSize(64, 64);
QTest::newRow("27") << QString("L16") << QSize(64, 64);
QTest::newRow("28") << QString("P8") << QSize(64, 64);
QTest::newRow("29") << QString("Q8W8V8U8") << QSize(64, 64);
QTest::newRow("30") << QString("Q16W16V16U16") << QSize(64, 64);
QTest::newRow("31") << QString("R3G3B2") << QSize(64, 64);
QTest::newRow("32") << QString("R5G6B5") << QSize(64, 64);
QTest::newRow("33") << QString("R8G8_B8G8") << QSize(64, 64);
QTest::newRow("34") << QString("R8G8B8") << QSize(64, 64);
QTest::newRow("35") << QString("R16F") << QSize(64, 64);
QTest::newRow("36") << QString("R32F") << QSize(64, 64);
QTest::newRow("37") << QString("UYVY") << QSize(64, 64);
QTest::newRow("38") << QString("V8U8") << QSize(64, 64);
QTest::newRow("39") << QString("V16U16") << QSize(64, 64);
QTest::newRow("40") << QString("X1R5G5B5") << QSize(64, 64);
QTest::newRow("41") << QString("X4R4G4B4") << QSize(64, 64);
QTest::newRow("42") << QString("X8B8G8R8") << QSize(64, 64);
QTest::newRow("43") << QString("X8L8V8U8") << QSize(64, 64);
QTest::newRow("44") << QString("X8R8G8B8") << QSize(64, 64);
QTest::newRow("45") << QString("YUY2") << QSize(64, 64);
QTest::newRow("46") << QString("RXGB") << QSize(64, 64);
QTest::newRow("47") << QString("ATI2") << QSize(64, 64);
QTest::newRow("48") << QString("P4") << QSize(64, 64);
QTest::newRow("49") << QString("A8R8G8B8.2") << QSize(64, 32);
void tst_qdds::readImage()
QFETCH(QString, fileName);
QFETCH(QSize, size);
const QString path = QStringLiteral(":/dds/") + fileName + QStringLiteral(".dds");
const QByteArray subType = fileName.left(fileName.lastIndexOf(QLatin1Char('.'))).toLatin1();
QImageReader reader(path);
QCOMPARE(reader.subType(), subType);
QImage image =;
QVERIFY2(!image.isNull(), qPrintable(reader.errorString()));
QCOMPARE(image.size(), size);
void tst_qdds::testMipmaps_data()
QTest::newRow("1") << QString("mipmaps") << QSize(64, 64) << 7;
void tst_qdds::testMipmaps()
QFETCH(QString, fileName);
QFETCH(QSize, size);
QFETCH(int, imageCount);
const QString path = QStringLiteral(":/dds/") + fileName + QStringLiteral(".dds");
QImageReader reader(path);
QCOMPARE(reader.imageCount(), imageCount);
for (int i = 0; i < reader.imageCount(); ++i) {
QImage image =;
QVERIFY2(!image.isNull(), qPrintable(reader.errorString()));
QCOMPARE(image.size(), size / (1 << i));
void tst_qdds::testWriteImage_data()
QTest::newRow("1") << QString("A8R8G8B8") << QSize(64, 64);
QTest::newRow("2") << QString("A8R8G8B8.2") << QSize(64, 32);
void tst_qdds::testWriteImage()
QFETCH(QString, fileName);
QFETCH(QSize, size);
const QString path = fileName + QStringLiteral(".dds");
const QString sourcePath = QStringLiteral(":/dds/") + fileName + QStringLiteral(".dds");
const QByteArray subType = fileName.left(fileName.lastIndexOf(QLatin1Char('.'))).toLatin1();
QImage image(sourcePath);
QVERIFY(image.size() == size);
QImageWriter writer(path, QByteArrayLiteral("dds"));
QVERIFY2(writer.canWrite(), qPrintable(writer.errorString()));
QVERIFY2(writer.write(image), qPrintable(writer.errorString()));
QVERIFY(image == QImage(path));
QImageReader reader(path);
QCOMPARE(reader.size(), size);
QCOMPARE(reader.subType(), subType);
#include "tst_qdds.moc"