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#include <QObject>
#include <qmutex.h>
#include <qqueue.h>
#include <qevent.h>
#include <qvideosurfaceformat.h>
#include "evrdefs.h"
class EVRCustomPresenter;
class D3DPresentEngine;
class QAbstractVideoSurface;
template<class T>
class AsyncCallback : public IMFAsyncCallback
typedef HRESULT (T::*InvokeFn)(IMFAsyncResult *asyncResult);
AsyncCallback(T *parent, InvokeFn fn) : m_parent(parent), m_invokeFn(fn)
// IUnknown
STDMETHODIMP QueryInterface(REFIID iid, void** ppv) override
if (!ppv)
return E_POINTER;
if (iid == __uuidof(IUnknown)) {
*ppv = static_cast<IUnknown*>(static_cast<IMFAsyncCallback*>(this));
} else if (iid == __uuidof(IMFAsyncCallback)) {
*ppv = static_cast<IMFAsyncCallback*>(this);
} else {
*ppv = NULL;
return S_OK;
STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) AddRef() override {
// Delegate to parent class.
return m_parent->AddRef();
STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) Release() override {
// Delegate to parent class.
return m_parent->Release();
// IMFAsyncCallback methods
STDMETHODIMP GetParameters(DWORD*, DWORD*) override
// Implementation of this method is optional.
return E_NOTIMPL;
STDMETHODIMP Invoke(IMFAsyncResult* asyncResult) override
return (m_parent->*m_invokeFn)(asyncResult);
T *m_parent;
InvokeFn m_invokeFn;
class Scheduler
enum ScheduleEvent
Terminate = WM_USER,
Schedule = WM_USER + 1,
Flush = WM_USER + 2
Scheduler(EVRCustomPresenter *presenter);
void setFrameRate(const MFRatio &fps);
void setClockRate(float rate) { m_playbackRate = rate; }
const LONGLONG &lastSampleTime() const { return m_lastSampleTime; }
const LONGLONG &frameDuration() const { return m_perFrameInterval; }
HRESULT startScheduler(IMFClock *clock);
HRESULT stopScheduler();
HRESULT scheduleSample(IMFSample *sample, bool presentNow);
HRESULT processSamplesInQueue(LONG *nextSleep);
HRESULT processSample(IMFSample *sample, LONG *nextSleep);
HRESULT flush();
bool areSamplesScheduled();
// ThreadProc for the scheduler thread.
static DWORD WINAPI schedulerThreadProc(LPVOID parameter);
DWORD schedulerThreadProcPrivate();
EVRCustomPresenter *m_presenter;
QQueue<IMFSample*> m_scheduledSamples; // Samples waiting to be presented.
IMFClock *m_clock; // Presentation clock. Can be NULL.
DWORD m_threadID;
HANDLE m_schedulerThread;
HANDLE m_threadReadyEvent;
HANDLE m_flushEvent;
float m_playbackRate;
MFTIME m_perFrameInterval; // Duration of each frame.
LONGLONG m_perFrame_1_4th; // 1/4th of the frame duration.
MFTIME m_lastSampleTime; // Most recent sample time.
QMutex m_mutex;
class SamplePool
HRESULT initialize(QList<IMFSample*> &samples);
HRESULT clear();
HRESULT getSample(IMFSample **sample);
HRESULT returnSample(IMFSample *sample);
QMutex m_mutex;
QList<IMFSample*> m_videoSampleQueue;
bool m_initialized;
class EVRCustomPresenter
: public QObject
, public IMFVideoDeviceID
, public IMFVideoPresenter // Inherits IMFClockStateSink
, public IMFRateSupport
, public IMFGetService
, public IMFTopologyServiceLookupClient
// Defines the state of the presenter.
enum RenderState
RenderStarted = 1,
RenderShutdown // Initial state.
// Defines the presenter's state with respect to frame-stepping.
enum FrameStepState
FrameStepNone, // Not frame stepping.
FrameStepWaitingStart, // Frame stepping, but the clock is not started.
FrameStepPending, // Clock is started. Waiting for samples.
FrameStepScheduled, // Submitted a sample for rendering.
FrameStepComplete // Sample was rendered.
enum PresenterEvents
StartSurface = QEvent::User,
StopSurface = QEvent::User + 1,
PresentSample = QEvent::User + 2
EVRCustomPresenter(QAbstractVideoSurface *surface = 0);
~EVRCustomPresenter() override;
bool isValid() const;
// IUnknown methods
STDMETHODIMP QueryInterface(REFIID riid, void ** ppv) override;
STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) AddRef() override;
STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) Release() override;
// IMFGetService methods
STDMETHODIMP GetService(REFGUID guidService, REFIID riid, LPVOID *ppvObject) override;
// IMFVideoPresenter methods
STDMETHODIMP ProcessMessage(MFVP_MESSAGE_TYPE message, ULONG_PTR param) override;
STDMETHODIMP GetCurrentMediaType(IMFVideoMediaType** mediaType) override;
// IMFClockStateSink methods
STDMETHODIMP OnClockStart(MFTIME systemTime, LONGLONG clockStartOffset) override;
STDMETHODIMP OnClockStop(MFTIME systemTime) override;
STDMETHODIMP OnClockPause(MFTIME systemTime) override;
STDMETHODIMP OnClockRestart(MFTIME systemTime) override;
STDMETHODIMP OnClockSetRate(MFTIME systemTime, float rate) override;
// IMFRateSupport methods
STDMETHODIMP GetSlowestRate(MFRATE_DIRECTION direction, BOOL thin, float *rate) override;
STDMETHODIMP GetFastestRate(MFRATE_DIRECTION direction, BOOL thin, float *rate) override;
STDMETHODIMP IsRateSupported(BOOL thin, float rate, float *nearestSupportedRate) override;
// IMFVideoDeviceID methods
STDMETHODIMP GetDeviceID(IID* deviceID) override;
// IMFTopologyServiceLookupClient methods
STDMETHODIMP InitServicePointers(IMFTopologyServiceLookup *lookup) override;
STDMETHODIMP ReleaseServicePointers() override;
void supportedFormatsChanged();
void setSurface(QAbstractVideoSurface *surface);
void startSurface();
void stopSurface();
void presentSample(IMFSample *sample);
bool event(QEvent *) override;
public Q_SLOTS:
void positionChanged(qint64 position);
HRESULT checkShutdown() const
if (m_renderState == RenderShutdown)
return S_OK;
// The "active" state is started or paused.
inline bool isActive() const
return ((m_renderState == RenderStarted) || (m_renderState == RenderPaused));
// Scrubbing occurs when the frame rate is 0.
inline bool isScrubbing() const { return m_playbackRate == 0.0f; }
// Send an event to the EVR through its IMediaEventSink interface.
void notifyEvent(long eventCode, LONG_PTR param1, LONG_PTR param2)
if (m_mediaEventSink)
m_mediaEventSink->Notify(eventCode, param1, param2);
float getMaxRate(bool thin);
// Mixer operations
HRESULT configureMixer(IMFTransform *mixer);
// Formats
HRESULT createOptimalVideoType(IMFMediaType* proposed, IMFMediaType **optimal);
HRESULT setMediaType(IMFMediaType *mediaType);
HRESULT isMediaTypeSupported(IMFMediaType *mediaType);
// Message handlers
HRESULT flush();
HRESULT renegotiateMediaType();
HRESULT processInputNotify();
HRESULT beginStreaming();
HRESULT endStreaming();
HRESULT checkEndOfStream();
// Managing samples
void processOutputLoop();
HRESULT processOutput();
HRESULT deliverSample(IMFSample *sample, bool repaint);
HRESULT trackSample(IMFSample *sample);
void releaseResources();
// Frame-stepping
HRESULT prepareFrameStep(DWORD steps);
HRESULT startFrameStep();
HRESULT deliverFrameStepSample(IMFSample *sample);
HRESULT completeFrameStep(IMFSample *sample);
HRESULT cancelFrameStep();
// Callback when a video sample is released.
HRESULT onSampleFree(IMFAsyncResult *result);
AsyncCallback<EVRCustomPresenter> m_sampleFreeCB;
// Holds information related to frame-stepping.
struct FrameStep
FrameStepState state = FrameStepNone;
QList<IMFSample*> samples;
DWORD steps = 0;
DWORD_PTR sampleNoRef = 0;
long m_refCount;
RenderState m_renderState;
FrameStep m_frameStep;
QRecursiveMutex m_mutex;
// Samples and scheduling
Scheduler m_scheduler; // Manages scheduling of samples.
SamplePool m_samplePool; // Pool of allocated samples.
DWORD m_tokenCounter; // Counter. Incremented whenever we create new samples.
// Rendering state
bool m_sampleNotify; // Did the mixer signal it has an input sample?
bool m_repaint; // Do we need to repaint the last sample?
bool m_prerolled; // Have we presented at least one sample?
bool m_endStreaming; // Did we reach the end of the stream (EOS)?
MFVideoNormalizedRect m_sourceRect;
float m_playbackRate;
D3DPresentEngine *m_presentEngine; // Rendering engine. (Never null if the constructor succeeds.)
IMFClock *m_clock; // The EVR's clock.
IMFTransform *m_mixer; // The EVR's mixer.
IMediaEventSink *m_mediaEventSink; // The EVR's event-sink interface.
IMFMediaType *m_mediaType; // Output media type
QAbstractVideoSurface *m_surface;
bool m_canRenderToSurface;
qint64 m_positionOffset; // Seek position in microseconds.
bool qt_evr_setCustomPresenter(IUnknown *evr, EVRCustomPresenter *presenter);