blob: 5a6cb2d42409ed7dd0264f844aad12a91a53d4d3 [file] [log] [blame]
The Lancelot system is an extension of the QTest unit test framework.
Its purpose is to help catch rendering regressions. It facilitates
rendering a suite of test scenes, and comparing the produced output
images with the images produced from a previous rendering run.
Here are instructions for running lancelot tests locally on your PC:
1. Build lancelot baselineserver.
- cd [your qt5 path]\qtbase\tests\baselineserver\src\
- qmake
- jom (or make or nmake)
2. Start lancelot baselineserver and leave it running.
- cd [your qt5 path]\qtbase\tests\baselineserver\bin\
- baselineserver.exe
3. With Qt Creator, open Quick3D lancelot tests project
4. In Creator Project Settings, set an environmental variable
5. Run quick3d_lancelot for the first time and you should see many
"Baseline not found on server. New baseline uploaded." lines.
Baseline PNG images will be stored into path like:
6. Apply your changes, fixes etc. and run quick3d_lancelot test again.
If rendering output doesn't change to better or worse, you should see
something like:
PASS : tst_Quick3D::testRendering(view3d/RenderModeOverlay.qml)
PASS : tst_Quick3D::testRendering(view3d/RenderModeRenderNode.qml)
PASS : tst_Quick3D::testRendering(view3d/RenderModeTexture.qml)
PASS : tst_Quick3D::testRendering(view3d/RenderModeUnderlay.qml)
PASS : tst_Quick3D::cleanupTestCase()
Totals: 80 passed, 0 failed, 0 skipped, 0 blacklisted, 122662ms
********* Finished testing of tst_Quick3D *********