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** Copyright (C) 2016 The Qt Company Ltd.
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** This file is part of the Qt Quick Dialogs module of the Qt Toolkit.
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#include "qquickdialog_p.h"
#include <QQuickItem>
#include <QQmlEngine>
#include <QStandardPaths>
#include <private/qguiapplication_p.h>
\qmltype Dialog
\instantiates QQuickDialog1
\inqmlmodule QtQuick.Dialogs
\ingroup qtquickdialogs
\brief A generic QtQuick dialog wrapper with standard buttons.
\since 5.3
The purpose of Dialog is to wrap arbitrary content into a \e {dialog window}
including a row of platform-tailored buttons.
\note On Android, it is recommended to use \l {QQuickDialog}{Qt Quick Controls 2 Dialog}.
The \l contentItem is the default property (the only allowed child
element), and items declared inside the Dialog will actually be children of
another Item inside the \c contentItem. The row of \l standardButtons will
also be inside \c contentItem below the declared content, and Dialog will
attempt to size itself to fit the content and the buttons.
Alternatively it is possible to bind \l contentItem to a custom Item, in
which case there will be no buttons, no margins, and the custom content
will fill the whole dialog. This is much like creating a \l Window,
except that on platforms which do not support showing multiple windows,
the window borders will be simulated and it will be shown in same scene.
\note do not attempt to bind the width or height of the dialog to the width
or height of its content, because Dialog already tries to size itself
to the content. If your goal is to change or eliminate the margins, you
must override \l contentItem. If your goal is simply to show a window
(whether modal or not), and your platform supports it, it is simpler to use
\l Window instead.
\qmlsignal Dialog::accepted()
This signal is emitted when the user has pressed any button which has the
\l {QMessageBox::}{AcceptRole}: \gui OK, \gui Open, \gui Save,
\gui {Save All}, \gui Retry or \gui Ignore.
The corresponding handler is \c onAccepted.
\qmlsignal Dialog::rejected()
This signal is emitted when the user has dismissed the dialog, by closing
the dialog window, by pressing a \gui Cancel, \gui Close or \gui Abort
button on the dialog, or by pressing the back button or the escape key.
The corresponding handler is \c onRejected.
\qmlsignal Dialog::discard()
This signal is emitted when the user has pressed the \gui Discard button.
The corresponding handler is \c onDiscard.
\qmlsignal Dialog::help()
This signal is emitted when the user has pressed the \gui Help button.
Depending on platform, the dialog may not be automatically dismissed
because the help that your application provides may need to be relevant to
the text shown in this dialog in order to assist the user in making a
decision. However on other platforms it's not possible to show a dialog and
a help window at the same time. If you want to be sure that the dialog will
close, you can set \l visible to \c false in your handler.
The corresponding handler is \c onHelp.
\qmlsignal Dialog::yes()
This signal is emitted when the user has pressed any button which has
the \l {QMessageBox::YesRole} {YesRole}: \gui Yes or \gui {Yes to All}.
The corresponding handler is \c onYes.
\qmlsignal Dialog::no()
This signal is emitted when the user has pressed any button which has
the \l {QMessageBox::NoRole} {NoRole}: \gui No or \gui {No to All}.
The corresponding handler is \c onNo.
\qmlsignal Dialog::apply()
This signal is emitted when the user has pressed the \gui Apply button.
The corresponding handler is \c onApply.
\qmlsignal Dialog::reset()
This signal is emitted when the user has pressed any button which has
the \l {QMessageBox::ResetRole} {ResetRole}: \gui Reset or \gui {Restore Defaults}.
The corresponding handler is \c onReset.
\qmlsignal Dialog::actionChosen(var action)
This signal is emitted when the user has pressed any button or a key
associated with some role (such as the Enter or Escape keys). The \a
action parameter carries information about the event:
\li StandardButton button - The role of the button which was pressed. If a
key was pressed instead, this will be \c StandardButton.Ok if accepted
and \c StandardButton.Cancel if rejected.
\li Qt.Key key - The key which was pressed, or \c 0 if none
\li bool accepted - Set this to \c false to stop the event from triggering
its predefined action
By handling this signal and setting the \c action.accepted field to \c
false, it's possible to implement some validation on the dialog contents
before accepting it, for example.
The corresponding handler is \c onActionChosen.
\since QtQuick.Controls 1.8
\qmlproperty bool Dialog::visible
This property holds whether the dialog is visible. By default this is
\c false.
\sa modality
/*! \qmlproperty StandardButton Dialog::clickedButton
This property holds the button pressed by the user. Its value is
one of the flags set for the standardButtons property.
\qmlproperty Qt::WindowModality Dialog::modality
Whether the dialog should be shown modal with respect to the window
containing the dialog's parent Item, modal with respect to the whole
application, or non-modal.
By default it is \c Qt.WindowModal.
Modality does not mean that there are any blocking calls to wait for the
dialog to be accepted or rejected: only that the user will be prevented
from interacting with the parent window or the application windows
until the dialog is dismissed.
\qmlmethod void Dialog::open()
Shows the dialog to the user. It is equivalent to setting \l visible to
\c true.
\qmlmethod void Dialog::close()
Closes the dialog.
\qmlproperty string Dialog::title
The title of the dialog window.
\class QQuickDialog1
\inmodule QtQuick.Dialogs
The QQuickDialog1 class represents a container for arbitrary
dialog contents.
\since 5.3
Constructs a dialog wrapper with parent window \a parent.
QQuickDialog1::QQuickDialog1(QObject *parent)
: QQuickAbstractDialog(parent)
, m_enabledButtons(Ok)
, m_clickedButton(NoButton)
Destroys the dialog wrapper.
QJSValue QQuickDialog1::__standardButtonsLeftModel()
return m_standardButtonsLeftModel;
QJSValue QQuickDialog1::__standardButtonsRightModel()
return m_standardButtonsRightModel;
void QQuickDialog1::setVisible(bool v)
if (v)
m_clickedButton = NoButton;
void QQuickDialog1::updateStandardButtons()
if (m_standardButtonsRightModel.isUndefined()) {
QJSEngine *engine = qmlEngine(this);
// Managed objects so no need to destroy any existing ones
m_standardButtonsLeftModel = engine->newArray();
m_standardButtonsRightModel = engine->newArray();
int i = 0;
QPlatformTheme *theme = QGuiApplicationPrivate::platformTheme();
QPlatformDialogHelper::ButtonLayout layoutPolicy =
const int *buttonLayout = QPlatformDialogHelper::buttonLayout(Qt::Horizontal, layoutPolicy);
QJSValue *model = &m_standardButtonsLeftModel;
for (int r = 0; buttonLayout[r] != QPlatformDialogHelper::EOL; ++r) {
quint32 role = (buttonLayout[r] & ~QPlatformDialogHelper::Reverse);
// Keep implementation in sync with that in QDialogButtonBoxPrivate::layoutButtons()
// to the extent that QtQuick supports the same features
switch (role) {
case QPlatformDialogHelper::Stretch:
model = &m_standardButtonsRightModel;
i = 0;
// TODO maybe: case QPlatformDialogHelper::AlternateRole:
default: {
for (int e = QPlatformDialogHelper::LowestBit; e <= QPlatformDialogHelper::HighestBit; ++e) {
quint32 standardButton = 1 << e;
quint32 standardButtonRole = QPlatformDialogHelper::buttonRole(
if ((m_enabledButtons & standardButton) && standardButtonRole == role) {
QJSValue o = engine->newObject();
o.setProperty("text", theme->standardButtonText(standardButton));
o.setProperty("standardButton", standardButton);
o.setProperty("role", role);
model->setProperty(i++, o);
} break;
void QQuickDialog1::setTitle(const QString &arg)
if (m_title != arg) {
m_title = arg;
if (m_dialogWindow)
emit titleChanged();
void QQuickDialog1::setStandardButtons(StandardButtons buttons)
m_enabledButtons = buttons;
m_standardButtonsLeftModel = QJSValue();
m_standardButtonsRightModel = QJSValue();
emit standardButtonsChanged();
\qmlproperty QObject Dialog::contentItem
The QML object which implements the dialog contents. Should be an \l Item.
For example the following dialog will show custom content and no buttons:
import QtQuick 2.3
import QtQuick.Controls 1.2
import QtQuick.Dialogs 1.2
Dialog {
visible: true
title: "Blue sky dialog"
contentItem: Rectangle {
color: "lightskyblue"
implicitWidth: 400
implicitHeight: 100
Text {
text: "Hello blue sky!"
color: "navy"
anchors.centerIn: parent
void QQuickDialog1::click(QPlatformDialogHelper::StandardButton button, QPlatformDialogHelper::ButtonRole role)
m_clickedButton = static_cast<StandardButton>(button);
emit buttonClicked();
switch (role) {
case QPlatformDialogHelper::AcceptRole:
emit accepted();
case QPlatformDialogHelper::RejectRole:
emit rejected();
case QPlatformDialogHelper::DestructiveRole:
emit discard();
case QPlatformDialogHelper::HelpRole:
emit help();
case QPlatformDialogHelper::YesRole:
emit yes();
case QPlatformDialogHelper::NoRole:
emit no();
case QPlatformDialogHelper::ApplyRole:
emit apply();
case QPlatformDialogHelper::ResetRole:
emit reset();
qWarning("unhandled Dialog button %d with role %d", (int)button, (int)role);
void QQuickDialog1::click(QQuickAbstractDialog::StandardButton button)
void QQuickDialog1::accept() {
// enter key is treated like OK
if (m_clickedButton == NoButton)
m_clickedButton = Ok;
void QQuickDialog1::reject() {
// escape key is treated like cancel
if (m_clickedButton == NoButton)
m_clickedButton = Cancel;
\qmlproperty StandardButtons Dialog::standardButtons
Dialog has a row of buttons along the bottom, each of which has a
\l {QMessageBox::ButtonRole} {ButtonRole} that determines which signal
will be emitted when the button is pressed. You can also find out which
specific button was pressed after the fact via the \l clickedButton
property. You can control which buttons are available by setting
standardButtons to a bitwise-or combination of the following flags:
\value StandardButton.Ok
An \gui OK button defined with the
\l {QMessageBox::}{AcceptRole}.
\value StandardButton.Open
An \gui Open button defined with the
\l {QMessageBox::}{AcceptRole}.
\value StandardButton.Save
A \gui Save button defined with the
\l {QMessageBox::}{AcceptRole}.
\value StandardButton.Cancel
A \gui Cancel button defined with the
\l {QMessageBox::}{RejectRole}.
\value StandardButton.Close
A \gui Close button defined with the
\l {QMessageBox::}{RejectRole}.
\value StandardButton.Discard
A \gui Discard or \gui {Don't Save} button,
depending on the platform, defined with the
\l {QMessageBox::}{DestructiveRole}.
\value StandardButton.Apply
An \gui Apply button defined with the
\l {QMessageBox::}{ApplyRole}.
\value StandardButton.Reset
A \gui Reset button defined with the
\l {QMessageBox::}{ResetRole}.
\value StandardButton.RestoreDefaults
A \gui {Restore Defaults} button defined with the
\l {QMessageBox::}{ResetRole}.
\value StandardButton.Help
A \gui Help button defined with the
\l {QMessageBox::}{HelpRole}.
\value StandardButton.SaveAll
A \gui {Save All} button defined with the
\l {QMessageBox::}{AcceptRole}.
\value StandardButton.Yes
A \gui Yes button defined with the
\l {QMessageBox::}{YesRole}.
\value StandardButton.YesToAll
A \gui {Yes to All} button defined with the
\l {QMessageBox::}{YesRole}.
\value StandardButton.No
A \gui No button defined with the
\l {QMessageBox::}{NoRole}.
\value StandardButton.NoToAll
A \gui {No to All} button defined with the
\l {QMessageBox::}{NoRole}.
\value StandardButton.Abort
An \gui Abort button defined with the
\l {QMessageBox::}{RejectRole}.
\value StandardButton.Retry
A \gui Retry button defined with the
\l {QMessageBox::}{AcceptRole}.
\value StandardButton.Ignore
An \gui Ignore button defined with the
\l {QMessageBox::}{AcceptRole}.
For example the following dialog will show a calendar with the ability to
save or cancel a date:
import QtQuick 2.3
import QtQuick.Controls 1.2
import QtQuick.Dialogs 1.2
Dialog {
id: dateDialog
visible: true
title: "Choose a date"
standardButtons: StandardButton.Save | StandardButton.Cancel
onAccepted: console.log("Saving the date " +
Calendar {
id: calendar
The default is \c StandardButton.Ok.
The enum values are the same as in \l QMessageBox::StandardButtons.