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** Copyright (C) 2015 The Qt Company Ltd.
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** This file is part of the QtScript module of the Qt Toolkit.
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#include "config.h"
#include "qscriptengineagent.h"
#include "qscriptengineagent_p.h"
#include "qscriptengine.h"
#include "qscriptengine_p.h"
#include "CodeBlock.h"
#include "Instruction.h"
\since 4.4
\class QScriptEngineAgent
\inmodule QtScript
\brief The QScriptEngineAgent class provides an interface to report events pertaining to QScriptEngine execution.
\ingroup script
The QScriptEngineAgent class is the basis of tools that monitor and/or control the execution of a
QScriptEngine, such as debuggers and profilers.
To process script loading and unloading events, reimplement the
scriptLoad() and scriptUnload() functions. scriptLoad() is called
after the input to QScriptEngine::evaluate() has been parsed, right
before the given script is executed. The engine assigns each
script an ID, which is available as one of the arguments to
scriptLoad(); subsequently, other event handlers can use the ID to
identify a particular script. One common usage of scriptLoad() is
to retain the script text, filename and base line number (the
original input to QScriptEngine::evaluate()), so that other event
handlers can e.g. map a line number to the corresponding line of
scriptUnload() is called when the QScriptEngine has no further use
for a script; the QScriptEngineAgent may at this point safely
discard any resources associated with the script (such as the
script text). Note that after scriptUnload() has been called, the
QScriptEngine may reuse the relevant script ID for new scripts
(i.e. as argument to a subsequent call to scriptLoad()).
Evaluating the following script will result in scriptUnload()
being called immediately after evaluation has completed:
\snippet code/src_script_qscriptengineagent.cpp 0
Evaluating the following script will \b{not} result in a call to
scriptUnload() when evaluation has completed:
\snippet code/src_script_qscriptengineagent.cpp 1
The script isn't unloaded because it defines a function (\c{cube})
that remains in the script environment after evaluation has
completed. If a subsequent script removed the \c{cube} function
(e.g. by setting it to \c{null}), scriptUnload() would be called
when the function is garbage collected. In general terms, a script
isn't unloaded until the engine has determined that none of its
contents is referenced.
To process script function calls and returns, reimplement the
functionEntry() and functionExit() functions. functionEntry() is
called when a script function is about to be executed;
functionExit() is called when a script function is about to return,
either normally or due to an exception.
To process individual script statements, reimplement
positionChange(). positionChange() is called each time the engine is
about to execute a new statement of a script, and thus offers the
finest level of script monitoring.
To process exceptions, reimplement exceptionThrow() and
exceptionCatch(). exceptionThrow() is called when a script exception
is thrown, before it has been handled. exceptionCatch() is called
when an exception handler is present, and execution is about to be
resumed at the handler code.
\sa QScriptEngine::setAgent(), QScriptContextInfo
\enum QScriptEngineAgent::Extension
This enum specifies the possible extensions to a QScriptEngineAgent.
\value DebuggerInvocationRequest The agent handles \c{debugger} script statements.
\sa extension()
void QScriptEngineAgentPrivate::attach()
if (engine->originalGlobalObject()->debugger())
if (!QScriptEnginePrivate::get(engine)->isEvaluating())
void QScriptEngineAgentPrivate::detach()
void QScriptEngineAgentPrivate::returnEvent(const JSC::DebuggerCallFrame& frame, intptr_t sourceID, int lineno)
void QScriptEngineAgentPrivate::exceptionThrow(const JSC::DebuggerCallFrame& frame, intptr_t sourceID, bool hasHandler)
JSC::CallFrame *oldFrame = engine->currentFrame;
int oldAgentLineNumber = engine->agentLineNumber;
engine->currentFrame = frame.callFrame();
QScriptValue value(engine->scriptValueFromJSCValue(frame.exception()));
engine->agentLineNumber ="lineNumber")).toInt32();
q_ptr->exceptionThrow(sourceID, value, hasHandler);
engine->agentLineNumber = oldAgentLineNumber;
engine->currentFrame = oldFrame;
void QScriptEngineAgentPrivate::exceptionCatch(const JSC::DebuggerCallFrame& frame, intptr_t sourceID)
JSC::CallFrame *oldFrame = engine->currentFrame;
engine->currentFrame = frame.callFrame();
QScriptValue value(engine->scriptValueFromJSCValue(frame.exception()));
q_ptr->exceptionCatch(sourceID, value);
engine->currentFrame = oldFrame;
void QScriptEngineAgentPrivate::atStatement(const JSC::DebuggerCallFrame& frame, intptr_t sourceID, int lineno/*, int column*/)
QScript::UStringSourceProviderWithFeedback *source = engine->loadedScripts.value(sourceID);
if (!source) {
// QTBUG-6108: We don't have the source for this script, so ignore.
// column = source->columnNumberFromOffset(column);
int column = 1;
JSC::CallFrame *oldFrame = engine->currentFrame;
int oldAgentLineNumber = engine->agentLineNumber;
engine->currentFrame = frame.callFrame();
engine->agentLineNumber = lineno;
q_ptr->positionChange(sourceID, lineno, column);
engine->currentFrame = oldFrame;
engine->agentLineNumber = oldAgentLineNumber;
void QScriptEngineAgentPrivate::functionExit(const JSC::JSValue& returnValue, intptr_t sourceID)
QScriptValue result = engine->scriptValueFromJSCValue(returnValue);
q_ptr->functionExit(sourceID, result);
void QScriptEngineAgentPrivate::evaluateStop(const JSC::JSValue& returnValue, intptr_t sourceID)
QScriptValue result = engine->scriptValueFromJSCValue(returnValue);
q_ptr->functionExit(sourceID, result);
void QScriptEngineAgentPrivate::didReachBreakpoint(const JSC::DebuggerCallFrame& frame,
intptr_t sourceID, int lineno/*, int column*/)
if (q_ptr->supportsExtension(QScriptEngineAgent::DebuggerInvocationRequest)) {
QScript::UStringSourceProviderWithFeedback *source = engine->loadedScripts.value(sourceID);
if (!source) {
// QTBUG-6108: We don't have the source for this script, so ignore.
// column = source->columnNumberFromOffset(column);
int column = 1;
JSC::CallFrame *oldFrame = engine->currentFrame;
int oldAgentLineNumber = engine->agentLineNumber;
engine->currentFrame = frame.callFrame();
engine->agentLineNumber = lineno;
QList<QVariant> args;
args << qint64(sourceID) << lineno << column;
q_ptr->extension(QScriptEngineAgent::DebuggerInvocationRequest, args);
engine->currentFrame = oldFrame;
engine->agentLineNumber = oldAgentLineNumber;
Constructs a QScriptEngineAgent object for the given \a engine.
The engine takes ownership of the agent.
Call QScriptEngine::setAgent() to make this agent the active
QScriptEngineAgent::QScriptEngineAgent(QScriptEngine *engine)
: d_ptr(new QScriptEngineAgentPrivate())
d_ptr->q_ptr = this;
d_ptr->engine = QScriptEnginePrivate::get(engine);
QScriptEngineAgent::QScriptEngineAgent(QScriptEngineAgentPrivate &dd, QScriptEngine *engine)
: d_ptr(&dd)
d_ptr->q_ptr = this;
d_ptr->engine = QScriptEnginePrivate::get(engine);
Destroys this QScriptEngineAgent.
d_ptr->engine->agentDeleted(this); //### TODO: Can this throw?
This function is called when the engine has parsed a script and has
associated it with the given \a id. The id can be used to identify
this particular script in subsequent event notifications.
\a program, \a fileName and \a baseLineNumber are the original
arguments to the QScriptEngine::evaluate() call that triggered this
This function is called just before the script is about to be
You can reimplement this function to record information about the
script; for example, by retaining the script text, you can obtain
the line of text corresponding to a line number in a subsequent
call to positionChange().
The default implementation does nothing.
\sa scriptUnload()
void QScriptEngineAgent::scriptLoad(qint64 id, const QString &program,
const QString &fileName, int baseLineNumber)
This function is called when the engine has discarded the script
identified by the given \a id.
You can reimplement this function to clean up any resources you have
associated with the script.
The default implementation does nothing.
\sa scriptLoad()
void QScriptEngineAgent::scriptUnload(qint64 id)
This function is called when a new script context has been pushed.
The default implementation does nothing.
\sa contextPop(), functionEntry()
void QScriptEngineAgent::contextPush()
This function is called when the current script context is about to
be popped.
The default implementation does nothing.
\sa contextPush(), functionExit()
void QScriptEngineAgent::contextPop()
This function is called when a script function is called in the
engine. If the script function is not a native Qt Script function,
it resides in the script identified by \a scriptId; otherwise, \a
scriptId is -1.
This function is called just before execution of the script function
begins. You can obtain the QScriptContext associated with the
function call with QScriptEngine::currentContext(). The arguments
passed to the function are available.
Reimplement this function to handle this event. For example, a
debugger implementation could reimplement this function (and
functionExit()) to keep track of the call stack and provide
step-over functionality.
The default implementation does nothing.
\sa functionExit(), positionChange(), QScriptEngine::currentContext()
void QScriptEngineAgent::functionEntry(qint64 scriptId)
This function is called when the currently executing script function
is about to return. If the script function is not a native Qt Script
function, it resides in the script identified by \a scriptId;
otherwise, \a scriptId is -1. The \a returnValue is the value that
the script function will return.
This function is called just before the script function returns.
You can still access the QScriptContext associated with the
script function call with QScriptEngine::currentContext().
If the engine's
function returns true, the script function is exiting due to an
exception; otherwise, the script function is returning normally.
Reimplement this function to handle this event; typically you will
then also want to reimplement functionEntry().
The default implementation does nothing.
\sa functionEntry(), QScriptEngine::hasUncaughtException()
void QScriptEngineAgent::functionExit(qint64 scriptId,
const QScriptValue &returnValue)
This function is called when the engine is about to execute a new
statement in the script identified by \a scriptId. The statement
begins on the line and column specified by \a lineNumber
This event is not generated for native Qt Script functions.
Reimplement this function to handle this event. For example, a
debugger implementation could reimplement this function to provide
line-by-line stepping, and a profiler implementation could use it to
count the number of times each statement is executed.
The default implementation does nothing.
\note \a columnNumber is undefined
\sa scriptLoad(), functionEntry()
void QScriptEngineAgent::positionChange(qint64 scriptId,
int lineNumber, int columnNumber)
This function is called when the given \a exception has occurred in
the engine, in the script identified by \a scriptId. If the
exception was thrown by a native Qt Script function, \a scriptId is
If \a hasHandler is true, there is a \c{catch} or \c{finally} block
that will handle the exception. If \a hasHandler is false, there is
no handler for the exception.
Reimplement this function if you want to handle this event. For
example, a debugger can notify the user when an uncaught exception
occurs (i.e. \a hasHandler is false).
The default implementation does nothing.
\sa exceptionCatch()
void QScriptEngineAgent::exceptionThrow(qint64 scriptId,
const QScriptValue &exception,
bool hasHandler)
This function is called when the given \a exception is about to be
caught, in the script identified by \a scriptId.
Reimplement this function if you want to handle this event.
The default implementation does nothing.
\sa exceptionThrow()
void QScriptEngineAgent::exceptionCatch(qint64 scriptId,
const QScriptValue &exception)
#if 0
This function is called when a property of the given \a object has
been added, changed or removed.
Reimplement this function if you want to handle this event.
The default implementation does nothing.
void QScriptEngineAgent::propertyChange(qint64 scriptId,
const QScriptValue &object,
const QString &propertyName,
PropertyChange change)
Returns true if the QScriptEngineAgent supports the given \a
extension; otherwise, false is returned. By default, no extensions
are supported.
\sa extension()
bool QScriptEngineAgent::supportsExtension(Extension extension) const
return false;
This virtual function can be reimplemented in a QScriptEngineAgent
subclass to provide support for extensions. The optional \a argument
can be provided as input to the \a extension; the result must be
returned in the form of a QVariant. You can call supportsExtension()
to check if an extension is supported by the QScriptEngineAgent. By
default, no extensions are supported, and this function returns an
invalid QVariant.
If you implement the DebuggerInvocationRequest extension, Qt Script
will call this function when a \c{debugger} statement is encountered
in a script. The \a argument is a QVariantList containing three
items: The first item is the scriptId (a qint64), the second item is
the line number (an int), and the third item is the column number
(an int).
\sa supportsExtension()
QVariant QScriptEngineAgent::extension(Extension extension,
const QVariant &argument)
return QVariant();
Returns the QScriptEngine that this agent is associated with.
QScriptEngine *QScriptEngineAgent::engine() const
Q_D(const QScriptEngineAgent);
return QScriptEnginePrivate::get(d->engine);