blob: 3d8c74c52a0396e9a4afa7574a24a267464ea0f8 [file] [log] [blame]
** Copyright (C) 2016 The Qt Company Ltd.
** Contact:
** This file is part of the QtSensors module of the Qt Toolkit.
** Commercial License Usage
** Licensees holding valid commercial Qt licenses may use this file in
** accordance with the commercial license agreement provided with the
** Software or, alternatively, in accordance with the terms contained in
** a written agreement between you and The Qt Company. For licensing terms
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** GNU General Public License Usage
** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU
** General Public License version 3 as published by the Free Software
** Foundation with exceptions as appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL3-EXCEPT
** included in the packaging of this file. Please review the following
** information to ensure the GNU General Public License requirements will
** be met:
testcase = {
init: function() {
qtuitest.checkActiveWindow = false;
qtuitest.autoTerminate = false;
cleanup: function() {
print("Cleanup test function");
Gesture.swipe(Screen.leftCenter(), Screen.rightCenter()); //close applicatin
// As a QML Application developer I need information about the position of the device (rotation angles from X and Y Axis)
Device_Rotational_Position: function()
// Test meta data
testTitle = "device position (rotation angles from X and Y Axis)";
testBinary = "QML QtSensors";
testSource = "$QTDIR/qtsensors/examples/QtSensors/QtSensors_qmlqtsensors";
testGoal = "Verify that the values of the X and Y axis are returned from the application and match those of the actual phone";
testPreconditions = "Nil.";
testGroups = "BAT, 5.0";
testRequirements = "";
// Test steps
// mouseClick(findByProperty("label", testBinary)); wait(500);
prompt(twiki("---+++ " + testTitle + "<br><br>
*Goal:* " + testGoal + "<br>
*Pre-Requisites:* " + testPreconditions + "<br>
*Tested Binary:* " + testBinary + "<br>
| *Step* | *Verification* |
| Launch " + testBinary + " | App launches normally |
| Press the *Start* button for the accelerometer | The button now displays *running* and numeric values are displayed for X and Y Rotation |
| Hold the device with the screen facing up in portrait | Verfy the x, y rotation values are approximatly 0,0 |
| Rotate the device toward you along the x axis | Verify that the x rotation values increase from zero as the device is rotated and the y values remain at approximatly 0 |
| Return the device to the screen facing up in portrait position | Verfy the x, y rotation values are approximatly 0,0 |
| Rotate the device away from you along the x axis | Verify that the x rotation values decrease from zero (become negitive) as the device is rotated and the y values remain at approximatly 0 |
| Return the device to the screen facing up in portrait position | Verfy the x, y rotation values are approximatly 0,0 |
| Rotate the device to the right along the y axis | Verify that the y rotation values increase from zero as the device is rotated and the x values remain at approximatly 0 |
| Return the device to the screen facing up in portrait position | Verfy the x, y rotation values are approximatly 0,0 |
| Rotate the device to the left along the y axis | Verify that the y rotation values decrease from zero (become negitive) as the device is rotated and the x values remain at approximatly 0 |
// As a QML Application developer I want to calibrate the current device position
Calibrate_Current_Device_Position: function()
// Test meta data
testTitle = "Accelerometer Calibration";
testBinary = "QML QtSensors";
testSource = "$QTDIR/qtsensors/examples/QtSensors/QtSensors_qmlqtsensors"
testGoal = "Verify that the application can be set to read an X and Y value of zero for the current phone position";
testPreconditions = "Nil.";
testGroups = "BAT, 5.0";
testRequirements = "";
// Test steps
// mouseClick(findByProperty("label", testBinary)); wait(500);
prompt(twiki("---+++ " + testTitle + "<br><br>
*Goal:* " + testGoal + "<br>
*Pre-Requisites:* " + testPreconditions + "<br>
*Tested Binary:* " + testBinary + "<br>
| *Step* | *Verification* |
| Launch " + testBinary + " | App launches normally |
| Press the *Start* button for the accelerometer | The button now displays *running* and numeric values are displayed for X and Y Rotation |
| Hold the device with the screen facing up in portrait | Verfy the x, y rotation values are approximatly 0,0 |
| Rotate the device toward you along the x axis until the device is at 90 degrees| Verify that the x rotation values show approximatly 90 degrees and the y values remain at approximatly 0 |
| While holding the device in this position select the calibrate button | Verify that the x, y values now show approximatly 0,0 |
| Return the device to the face up position | Verify that the accelerometer x, y rotation shows approximatly -90,0 |
| While holding the device in this position select the calibrate button | Verify that the x, y values now show approximatly 0,0 |
| Rotate the device toward the right along the y axis until the device is at 90 degrees| Verify that the x rotation values remain at approximatly 0 degrees and the y value show approximatly 90 degrees |
| While holding the device in this position select the calibrate button | Verify that the x, y values now show approximatly 0,0 |
| Return the device to the face up position | Verify that the accelerometer x, y rotation shows approximatly 0,-90 |
| Select the calibrate button | Verify that the x, y values now show approximatly 0,0 |
// As a QML Application developer I want to find the device orientation
Show_Device_Orientation: function()
// Test meta data
testTitle = "Phone Orientation";
testBinary = "sensor explorer";
testSource = "$QTDIR/qtsensors/examples/QtSensors/QtSensors_sensor_explorer"
testGoal = "Verify that the application can show the orientation of the phone";
testPreconditions = "Nil.";
testGroups = "BAT, 5.0";
testRequirements = "";
// Test steps
// mouseClick(findByProperty("label", testBinary)); wait(500);
prompt(twiki("---+++ " + testTitle + "<br><br>
*Goal:* " + testGoal + "<br>
*Pre-Requisites:* " + testPreconditions + "<br>
*Tested Binary:* " + testBinary + "<br>
| *Step* | *Verification* |
| Launch " + testBinary + " | App launches normally |
| Select orientation from the sensor list and press start | *Orientation* is highlighted and orientation type shows the current orientation |
| Orient the device with the screen facing up | Verify that the orientation type shows *FaceUp* |
| Orient the device with the left side facing up | Verify that the orientation type shows *LeftUp* |
| Orient the device with the top down | Verify that the orientation type shows *TopDown* |
| Orient the device with the face down | Verify that the orientation type shows *FaceDown* |
| Orient the device with the right side facing up | Verify that the orientation type shows *FaceUp* |
| Orient the device with the top facing up | Verify that the orientation type shows *TopUp* |
// As a QML Application developer I would like to have one QML element per sensor type
// MTMW-427 QML System Test - Using only Proximity sensor does not start the sensor hardware
Display_All_Sensor_Types: function()
// Test meta data
testTitle = "List Sensor Types";
testBinary = "sensor explorer";
testSource = "$QTDIR/qtsensors/examples/QtSensors/QtSensors_sensor_explorer"
testGoal = "Verify that all sensor types are shown by the application";
testPreconditions = "Nil.";
testGroups = "BAT, 5.0";
testRequirements = "";
// Test steps
// mouseClick(findByProperty("label", testBinary)); wait(500);
prompt(twiki("---+++ " + testTitle + "<br><br>
*Goal:* " + testGoal + "<br>
*Pre-Requisites:* " + testPreconditions + "<br>
*Tested Binary:* " + testBinary + "<br>
| *Step* | *Verification* |
| Launch " + testBinary + " | App launches normally |
| Ensure that none of the sensors are in a *running* state | Press any buttons that display *Running* to place that sensor in a *Stopped* state |
| Each sensor button will display *start* or *Stopped*, press the accelerometer *Start* button | Verify that the accelerometer button displays *running* and operates as expected |
| Press the accelerometer button again to stop the accelerometer | Verify the button reads *Stopped* and the X, Y Rotation values do not repond to movement |
| Press the Ambient Light *Start* button | Verify that the Ambient Light sensor button displays *running* and operates as expected |
| Press the Ambient Light button again to stop the Ambient Light sensor | Verify the button reads *Stopped* and the Ambient Light sensor does not respond when a shadow falls on it |
| Press the Proximity sensor *Start* button | Verify that the Proximity sensor button displays *running* and operates as expected |
| Press the Proximity sensor button again to stop the Proximity sensor | Verify the button reads *Stopped* and the Proximity sensor does not respond when when your palm is brought within 1 cm of the Proximity sensor |
| Press all sensor buttons again to start all sensors | Verify all buttons read *Running* and all sensors operate as expected |
// As a QML Application developer I would like to receive the rotation angles in Radian or Degree
Display_Angles_Radian_Degrees: function()
// Test meta data
testTitle = "Rotation Units";
testBinary = "QML QtSensors";
testSource = "$QTDIR/qtsensors/examples/QtSensors/QtSensors_qmlqtsensors"
testGoal = "Verify that the read values for the X and Y axis can be displayed in radians or degrees";
testPreconditions = "Nil.";
testGroups = "BAT, 5.0";
testRequirements = "";
// Test steps
// mouseClick(findByProperty("label", testBinary)); wait(500);
prompt(twiki("---+++ " + testTitle + "<br><br>
*Goal:* " + testGoal + "<br>
*Pre-Requisites:* " + testPreconditions + "<br>
*Tested Binary:* " + testBinary + "<br>
| *Step* | *Verification* |
| Launch " + testBinary + " | App launches normally |
| Press the *Start* button for the accelerometer | The button now displays *running* and numeric values are displayed for X and Y Rotation |
| Hold the device in portrait face up horizontal | Verify the x, y rotation values display 0,0 |
| While holding the device in this position press the button marked *degree* | Verify the button now reads *radian* and the x, y rotation values display approximatly 0,0 |
| Still holding the device in portrait tilt the device at right angles toward you (screen facing you) | Verify the x, y rotation values display approximatly 1.57,0|
| While holding the device in this position press the button marked *radian* | Verify the button now reads *radian* and the x, y rotation values display approximatly 90,0 |
// As a QML Application developer I would like to change my UI dependent of the ambient light
Ambient_Light_Detection: function()
// Test meta data
testTitle = "Ambient Light Sensor";
testBinary = "QML QtSensors";
testSource = "$QTDIR/qtsensors/examples/QtSensors/QtSensors_qmlqtsensors";
testGoal = "Verify that the ambient light values can be read";
testPreconditions = "Nil.";
testGroups = "BAT, 5.0";
testRequirements = "A bright light source such as a desk lamp";
// Test steps
// mouseClick(findByProperty("label", testBinary)); wait(500);
prompt(twiki("---+++ " + testTitle + "<br><br>
*Goal:* " + testGoal + "<br>
*Pre-Requisites:* " + testPreconditions + "<br>
*Tested Binary:* " + testBinary + "<br>
| *Step* | *Verification* |
| Launch " + testBinary + " | App launches normally |
| Press the *Start* button for the ambient light sensor | The button now displays *running* and a value is displayed for *Ambient Light* |
| Place the device close under a bright light | Verify that the Ambient Light is reported as *Sunny* |
| Move the device a bit futher away from the light source | Verify that the Ambient Light is reported as *Bright* |
| Move the device even futher away from the light source | Verify that the Ambient Light is reported as *Light* |
| Place the light sensor element under a partial shadow, i.e. by holding your hand above the device | Verify that the Ambient Light is reported as *Twilight*, note that the amount of shadow may need to be adjusted by moving your hand to achieve this |
| Place your finger over the sensor element | Verify that the Ambient Light now reads as *Dark* |
// As a QML Application developer I would like to deactivate the touchscreen as soon the proximity of the user is close - no need for test app to lock screen, testing that the proximity is detected is sufficient
Proximity_Detection: function()
// Test meta data
testTitle = "Proximity";
testBinary = "QML QtSensors";
testSource = "$QTDIR/qtsensors/examples/QtSensors/QtSensors_qmlqtsensors";
testGoal = "Verify that close proximity can be detected";
testPreconditions = "Nil.";
testGroups = "BAT, 5.0";
testRequirements = "";
// Test steps
// mouseClick(findByProperty("label", testBinary)); wait(500);
prompt(twiki("---+++ " + testTitle + "<br><br>
*Goal:* " + testGoal + "<br>
*Pre-Requisites:* " + testPreconditions + "<br>
*Tested Binary:* " + testBinary + "<br>
| *Step* | *Verification* |
| Launch " + testBinary + " | App launches normally |
| Press the *Start* button for the *Proximity* | The button now displays *running* and a value is displayed for *Proximity* |
| Confirm that nothing is close to the proximity detector | Verify that the Proximity reads *far* |
| Bring your hand to within 1 cm of the proximity sensor | Verify that the Proximity now reads *near* |
| Move your hand away from the proximity sensor | Verify that the Proximity now reads *far* |
// MTMW-426 Handle service errors gracefully
Service_Errors: function()
// Test meta data
testTitle = "Error Handling";
testBinary = "QML QtSensors";
testSource = "$QTDIR/qtsensors/examples/QtSensors/QtSensors_qmlqtsensors";
testGoal = "Verify that service errors are handled so as to prevent baldr crashes if the sensor daemon stops unexpectedly";
testPreconditions = "Nil.";
testGroups = "BAT, 5.0";
testRequirements = "";
// Test steps
// mouseClick(findByProperty("label", testBinary)); wait(500);
prompt(twiki("---+++ " + testTitle + "<br><br>
*Goal:* " + testGoal + "<br>
*Pre-Requisites:* " + testPreconditions + "<br>
*Tested Binary:* " + testBinary + "<br>
| *Step* | *Verification* |
| Launch " + testBinary + " | App launches normally |
| Press start on the three sensors | Verify that the sensors are operating |
| Log into the device using a console and enter the following commands: ps -A &#124; grep sensorq | Verify that the process ID number for sensorq is displayed |
| Using the process ID from the previous step stop sensorq by typing kill processID at the console | |
| Check the sensors on " + testBinary + " | Verify that the sensors are still operating |
| Repeat the previous steps to find the process ID and kill sensorq a second time | Verify the sensors are still operating and sensorq still has a process ID |