blob: 0609d4f0a3274280e794a15c2d1f4af497d49ea4 [file] [log] [blame]
This little helper program can be used together with the SVG Tiny 1.2 test
suite to determine the visual impact of changes to the renderer on the basis of
the test suite.
Suppose you have the test suite installed in ~/tests, then you can create a
base line of renderings of all the SVG images by running
mkdir baseline
./rendertestsuite create-baseline ~/tests
and the output will be stored in the 'baseline/' sub-directory.
After making changes to the renderer, you can create a new set of images by running
mkdir difference
./rendertestsuite diff ~/tests
and side-by-side images of the old and the new images in case they differ will
be stored in the sub-directory 'difference/'.
An easy way to inspect the output is by using KDE's gwenview:
gwenview difference/
Note that due to rounding errors there will always be subtle differences, even
when not doing any changes to the renderer.
You can find the test suite at