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\page 21-0-qdoc-configuration.html
\previouspage Miscellaneous
\nextpage Generic Configuration Variables
\title The QDoc Configuration File
Before running QDoc, you must create a QDoc configuration file to
tell QDoc where to find the source files that contain the QDoc
comments. The pathname to your configuration file is passed to
QDoc on the command line:
\c {/current/dir$ ../../bin/qdoc ./config.qdocconf}
\section1 General Description
The configuration file is a list of entries of the form \e
{"variable = value"}. Using the configuration variables, you can
define where QDoc should find the various source files, images and
examples, where to put generated documentation etc. The
configuration file can also contain directives like \c
include. For an example, see \l {minimal-qdocconf}{a minimal qdocconf file}.
You can also use configuration variables to get QDoc to support
\l{Supporting Derived Projects} {derived projects}, i.e QDoc can
generate links in your project's documentation to elements in the
Qt online documentation. See the \l {Supporting Derived projects}
The value of a configuration variable can be set using either '='
or '+='. The difference is that '=' overrides the previous value,
while '+=' adds a new value to the current one.
Some configuration variables accept a list of strings as their
value, for example:
\l {sourcedirs-variable}
{\c{sourcedirs}}, while others accept only a single string. Double
quotes around a value string are optional, but including them allows
you to use special characters like '=' and ' \" ' within the value
string, for example:
HTML.postheader = "<a href=\"index.html\">Home</a>"
If an entry spans many lines, use a backslash at the end of every
line but the last:
sourcedirs = kernel \
tools \
\section1 Configuration Variables
\section1 Variable List
\li \l {alias-variable} {alias}
\li \l {Cpp.ignoredirectives-variable} {Cpp.ignoredirectives}
\li \l {Cpp.ignoretokens-variable} {Cpp.ignoretokens}
\li \l {defines-variable} {defines}
\li \l {depends-variable} {depends}
\li \l {exampledirs-variable} {exampledirs}
\li \l {examples-variable} {examples}
\li \l {examples.fileextensions-variable} {examples.fileextensions}
\li \l {excludedirs-variable} {excludedirs}
\li \l {excludefiles-variable} {excludefiles}
\li \l {extraimages-variable} {extraimages}
\li \l {falsehoods-variable} {falsehoods}
\li \l {headerdirs-variable} {headerdirs}
\li \l {headers-variable} {headers}
\li \l {headers.fileextensions-variable} {headers.fileextensions}
\li \l {HTML.footer-variable} {HTML.footer}
\li \l {HTML.postheader-variable} {HTML.postheader}
\li \l {} {}
\li \l {ignorewords-variable} {ignorewords}
\li \l {ignoresince-variable} {ignoresince}
\li \l {imagedirs-variable} {imagedirs}
\li \l {images-variable} {images}
\li \l {images.fileextensions-variable} {images.fileextensions}
\li \l {indexes-variable} {indexes}
\li \l {language-variable} {language}
\li \l {locationinfo-variable} {locationinfo}
\li \l {macro-variable} {macro}
\li \l {manifestmeta-variable} {manifestmeta}
\li \l {navigation-variable} {navigation}
\li \l {outputdir-variable} {outputdir}
\li \l {outputformats-variable} {outputformats}
\li \l {outputprefixes-variable} {outputprefixes}
\li \l {outputsuffixes-variable} {outputsuffixes}
\li \l {project-variable} {project}
\li \l {sourcedirs-variable} {sourcedirs}
\li \l {sources-variable} {sources}
\li \l {sources.fileextensions-variable} {sources.fileextensions}
\li \l {spurious-variable} {spurious}
\li \l {tabsize-variable} {tabsize}
\li \l {url-variable} {url}
\li \l {url.examples-variable} {url.examples}
\li \l {version-variable} {version}
\li \l {versionsym-variable} {versionsym}
\li \l {warninglimit-variable} {warninglimit}
\section1 Categories
\li \l {Generic Configuration Variables}
\li \l {C++ Specific Configuration Variables}
\li \l {Format-specific Configuration Variables}
\section1 Configuration File Examples
\li A minimum configuration file: \l minimum.qdocconf
\li The Qt configuration file: \l qtgui.qdocconf
\page 22-qdoc-configuration-generalvariables.html
\previouspage The QDoc Configuration File
\nextpage Creating Help Project Files
\title Generic Configuration Variables
With the general QDoc configuration variables, you can define
where QDoc will find the various source files it needs to generate
the documentation, as well as the directory to put the generated
documentation. You can also do some minor manipulation of QDoc
itself, controlling its output and processing behavior.
\target alias-variable
\section1 alias
The \c alias variable renames a QDoc command.
The general syntax is \tt {alias.\e{original-command-name} = \e
alias.e = i
This renames the built-in command \\e (italics) to be \\i. The \c
alias variable is often used for compatibility reasons.
See also \l {macro-variable} {macro}.
\target codeindent-variable
\section1 codeindent
The \c codeindent variable specifies the level of indentation that
QDoc uses when writing code snippets.
QDoc originally used a hard-coded value of four spaces for code
indentation to ensure that code snippets could be easily
distinguished from surrounding text. Since we can use \l{HTML
Specific Configuration Variables#HTML.stylesheets} {stylesheets}
to adjust the appearance of certain types of HTML elements, this
level of indentation is not always required.
\target codeprefix-variable
\target codesuffix-variable
\section1 codeprefix, codesuffix
The \c codeprefix and \c codesuffix variables specify a pair of
strings that each code snippet is enclosed in.
\target defines-variable
\section1 defines
The \c defines variable specifies the C++ preprocessor symbols
that QDoc will recognize and respond to.
When a preprocessor symbol is specified using the \c defines
variable, you can also use the \l {if-command} {\\if} command to
enclose documentation that only will be included if the
preprocessor symbol is defined.
The values of the variable are regular expressions (see QRegExp
for details). By default, no symbol is defined, meaning that code
protected with #ifdef...#endif will be ignored.
defines = Q_QDOC \
QT_.*_LIB \
Q_OS_.* \
This ensures that QDoc will process the code that requires these
symbols to be defined. For example:
#ifdef Q_OS_WIN
HDC getDC() const;
void releaseDC(HDC) const;
Since the Q_OS_.* regular expression (specified using the \c
defines variable) matches Q_OS_WIN, QDoc will process the code
within #ifdef and #endif in our example.
You can also define preprocessor symbols manually on the command
line using the -D option. For example:
currentdirectory$ qdoc -Dqtforpython qtgui.qdocconf
In this case the -D option ensures that the \c qtforpython
preprocessor symbol is defined when QDoc processes the source
files defined in the qtgui.qdocconf file.
See also \l {falsehoods-variable} {falsehoods} and \l {if-command} {\\if}.
\target depends-variable
\section1 depends
The \c depends variable defines a list of other documentation projects
that this project depends on for resolving link targets for type
inheritance and anything else the documentation needs to link to.
Like Qt itself, documentation for Qt is distributed across multiple
modules. In a multi-module documentation project, the minimum set
of dependencies for a single module consists of actual build
dependencies. In addition, if there is a documentation project
(module) that acts as a top-level entry point for the entire
documentation set and provides \l {navigation-variable}[navigation}
links, each module documentation should include it as a dependency.
When QDoc generates documentation for a project, it will also generate
an \c .index file containing URLs to each linkable entity in the project.
Each dependency is a (lowercase) name of a project. This name must
match with the base name of the index file generated for that
depends = \
qtdoc \
qtcore \
When invoking QDoc on a project that has dependencies and uses the
\c depends variable, one or more \c -indexdir path(s) must be passed
as command line option(s). QDoc uses these paths to search for
the dependencies' index files.
qdoc mydoc.qdocconf -outputdir $PWD/html -indexdir $QT_INSTALL_DOCS
With above, QDoc will search for a file
\c {$T_INSTALL_DOCS/qtdoc/qtdoc.index} for a dependency to \c qtdoc.
If an index file for a dependency is not found, QDoc will output a
The \c depends command accepts also a special value of '*'. This
instructs QDoc to load all index files found in specified index
directories; that is, "depends on everything".
depends = *
See also \l indexes, \l project, and \l url.
\target exampledirs-variable
\section1 exampledirs
The \c exampledirs variable specifies the directories containing
the source code of the example files.
The \l {examples-variable} {examples} and \l
{exampledirs-variable} {exampledirs} variables are used by the \l
{quotefromfile-command} {\\quotefromfile}, \l {quotefile-command}
{\\quotefile} and \l {example-command} {\\example} commands. If
both the \l {examples-variable} {examples} and \l
{exampledirs-variable} {exampledirs} variables are defined, QDoc
will search in both, first in \l {examples-variable} {examples}
then in \l {exampledirs-variable} {exampledirs}.
QDoc will search through the directories in the specified order,
and accept the first matching file it finds. It will only search
in the specified directories, \e not in subdirectories.
exampledirs = $QTDIR/doc/src \
$QTDIR/examples \
examples = $QTDIR/examples/widgets/analogclock/analogclock.cpp
When processing
\quotefromfile widgets/calculator/calculator.cpp
QDoc will see if there is a file called \c calculator.cpp
listed as a value in the \l {examples-variable} {\c examples} variable. If
there isn't, it will search in the \c exampledirs variable, and
first see if there exists a file called
If it doesn't, QDoc will continue looking for a file called
and so forth.
See also \l {examples-variable}{examples}.
\target examples-variable
\section1 examples
The \c examples variable allows you to specify individual example
files in addition to those located in the directories specified by
the \l {exampledirs-variable} {\c exampledirs} variable.
The \c examples and \l {exampledirs-variable} {\c exampledirs}
variables are used by the \l {quotefromfile-command}
{\\quotefromfile}, \l {quotefile-command} {\\quotefile} and \l
{example-command} {\\example} commands. If both the \c examples and \l
{exampledirs-variable} {\c exampledirs} variables are defined,
QDoc will search in both, first in \c examples then in \l
{exampledirs-variable} {\c exampledirs}.
QDoc will search through the values listed for the \c examples
variable, in the specified order, and accept the first one it
For an extensive example, see the \l {exampledirs-variable} {\c
exampledirs} command. But note that if you know the file is listed
in the \c examples variable, you don't need to specify its path:
\quotefromfile calculator.cpp
See also \l {exampledirs-variable} {exampledirs}.
\target examples.fileextensions-variable
\section1 examples.fileextensions
The \c examples.fileextensions variable specifies the file
extensions that QDoc will look for when collecting example files
for display in the documentation.
The default extensions are *.cpp, *.h, *.js, *.xq, *.svg, *.xml
and *.ui.
The extensions are given as standard wildcard expressions. You
can add a file extension to the filter using '+='. For example:
examples.fileextensions += *.qrc
See also \l{headers.fileextensions}.
\target excludedirs-variable
\section1 excludedirs
The \c excludedirs variable is for listing directories that should \e{not}
be processed by QDoc, even if the same directories are included by the
\l {sourcedirs-variable} {sourcedirs} or \l {headerdirs-variable} {headerdirs}
For example:
sourcedirs = src/corelib
excludedirs = src/corelib/tmp
When executed, QDoc will exclude the listed directories from
further consideration. Files in these directories will not be
read by QDoc.
See also \l {excludefiles-variable} {excludefiles}.
\target excludefiles-variable
\section1 excludefiles
The \c excludefiles variable allows you to specify individual files
that should \e{not} be processed by QDoc.
excludefiles += $QT_CORE_SOURCES/../../src/widgets/kernel/qwidget.h \
If you include the above in your qdocconf file for qtbase, there
will be no class documentation generated for QWidget.
Since Qt 5.6, also simple wildcards ('*' and '?') are recognized by
\c excludefiles. For example, to exclude all private Qt header files
from being parsed, define the following:
excludefiles += "*_p.h"
See also \l {excludedirs-variable} {excludedirs}.
\target extraimages-variable
\section1 extraimages
The \c extraimages variable tells QDoc to incorporate specific
images in the generated documentation.
QDoc will not recognize images used within HTML (or any other
markup language). If we want the images to be copied from the
directories specified by \l {imagedirs} {\c imagedirs} (the images
in question must be located in these directories) to the output
directory, we must specify the images using the \c extraimages
The general syntax is \tt {extraimages.\e{format} = \e image}. The
file extension is optional.
For example, in \l qtgui.qdocconf we use a couple of images within
the HTML.postheader variable which value is pure HTML. For that
reason, these images are specified using the \c extraimages
extraimages.HTML = qt-logo
See also \l images and \l imagedirs.
\target falsehoods-variable
\section1 falsehoods
The \c falsehoods variable defines the truth value of specified
preprocessor symbols as false.
The values of the variable are regular expressions (see QRegExp
for details). If this variable is not set for a preprocessor
symbol, QDoc assumes its truth value is true. The exception is
'0', which is always false.
QDoc will recognize, and is able to evaluate, the following
preprocessor syntax:
#ifdef NOTYET
#if defined (NOTYET)
#end if
However, faced with unknown syntax like
QDoc will evaluate it as true by default, \e unless the
preprocessor symbol is specified within the \c falsehoods variable
falsehoods = NOTYET
See also \l defines.
\target generateindex-variable
\section1 generateindex
The \c generateindex variable contains a boolean value that
specifies whether to generate an index file when HTML
documentation is generated.
By default, an index file is always generated with HTML
documentation, so this variable is typically only used when
disabling this feature (by setting the value to \c false) or when
enabling index generation for the WebXML output (by setting the
value to \c true).
\target headerdirs-variable
\section1 headerdirs
The \c headerdirs variable specifies the directories containing
the header files associated with the \c .cpp source files used in
the documentation.
headerdirs = $QTDIR/src \
$QTDIR/extensions/activeqt \
$QTDIR/extensions/motif \
$QTDIR/tools/designer/src/lib/extension \
$QTDIR/tools/designer/src/lib/sdk \
When executed, the first thing QDoc will do is to read through the
headers specified in the \l {headers} {\c headers} variable, and
the ones located in the directories specified in the \c headerdir
variable (including all subdirectories), building an internal
structure of the classes and their functions.
Then it will read through the sources specified in the \l
{sources-variable} {\c sources}, and the ones located in the
directories specified in the \l {sourcedirs-variable} {\c
sourcedirs} varible (including all subdirectories), merging the
documentation with the structure it retrieved from the header
If both the \c headers and \c headerdirs variables are defined,
QDoc will read through both, first \l {headers} {\c headers} then
\c headerdirs.
In the specified directories, QDoc will only read the files with
the \c fileextensions specified in the \l {headers.fileextensions}
{\c headers.fileextensions} variable. The default extensions are
*.ch, *.h, *.h++, *.hh, *.hpp, and *.hxx". The files specified by
\l {headers} {\c headers} will be read without taking into account
their fileextensions.
See also \l headers and \l headers.fileextensions.
\target headers-variable
\section1 headers
The \c headers variable allows you to specify individual header
files in addition to those located in the directories specified by
the \l {headerdirs} {\c headerdirs} variable.
headers = $QTDIR/src/gui/widgets/qlineedit.h \
When processing the \c headers variable, QDoc behaves in the same
way as it does when processing the \l {headerdirs} {\c headerdirs}
variable. For more information, see the \l {headerdirs} {\c
headerdirs} variable.
See also \l headerdirs.
\target headers.fileextensions-variable
\section1 headers.fileextensions
The \c headers.fileextensions variable specify the extension used
by the headers.
When processing the header files specified in the \l {headerdirs}
{\c headerdirs} variable, QDoc will only read the files with the
fileextensions specified in the \c headers.fileextensions
variable. In this way QDoc avoids spending time reading irrelevant
The default extensions are *.ch, *.h, *.h++, *.hh, *.hpp, and
The extensions are given as standard wildcard expressions. You
can add a file extension to the filter using '+='. For example:
header.fileextensions += *.H
\warning The above assignment may not work as described.
See also \l headerdirs.
\target ignorewords-variable
\section1 ignorewords
The \c ignorewords variable is used for specifying a list of strings
that QDoc will ignore when resolving hyperlink targets.
QDoc has an auto-linking feature, where linking is attempted for words
that resemble C++, QML, or JavaScript entities. Specifically, a string
qualifies for auto-linking if it is at least three characters in
length, has no whitespace, and it
\li is a \e camelCase word, that is, it contains at least one
uppercase character at index greater than zero, or
\li contains the substring \c {()} or \c {::}, or
\li contains at least one special character, \c {@} or \c {_}.
Adding a qualified word to \c ignorewords stops QDoc from linking
that word automatically. For example, if the word \e OpenGL is a
valid link target (a section, \l{page-command}{\\page}, or
\l {externalpage-command}{\\externalpage} title), a hyperlink for
each occurrence can be avoided with
ignorewords += OpenGL
Linking explicitly with \l {l-command}{\\l} continues to work for
ignored words.
The \c ignorewords variable was introduced in QDoc 5.14.
\target ignoresince-variable
\section1 ignoresince
The \c ignoresince variable is used for setting a cutoff value for
versions passed to the \l {since-command}{\\since} command. All
\\since commands that define a version lower than the cutoff are
ignored and do not generate output.
The cutoff values are project-specific. The project name can be
defined as a subvariable. The default project name is \e Qt. For
ignoresince = 5.0
ignoresince.QDoc = 5.0
These will ignore \\since commands where the major version is 4
or lower and the project is either \c QDoc or undefined.
\since 3.2 # Ignored
\since 5.2 # Documented (as 'Qt 5.2')
\since QDoc 4.6 # Ignored
\since QtQuick 2.5 # Documented
The \c ignoresince variable was introduced in QDoc 5.15.
See also \l {since-command}{\\since}.
\target imagedirs-variable
\section1 imagedirs
The \c imagedirs variable specifies the directories containing the
images used in the documentation.
The \l {images} {\c images} and \c imagedirs variables are used by
the \l {image-command} {\\image} and \l {inlineimage-command}
{\\inlineimage} commands. If both the \l {images} {\c images} and
\c imagedirs variables are defined, QDoc will search in both. First
in \l {images} {\c images}, then in \c imagedirs.
QDoc will search through the directories in the specified order,
and accept the first matching file it finds. It will only search
in the specified directories, \e not in subdirectories.
imagedirs = $QTDIR/doc/src/images \
images = $QTDIR/doc/src/images/calculator-example.png
When processing
\image calculator-example.png
QDoc will then see if there is a file called
calculator-example.png listed as a value in the \c images
variable. If there isn't, it will search in the \c imagedirs
variable for:
If the file doesn't exist, QDoc will look for a file called
You can filter the images in an image directory using the \l
{images.fileextensions} {\c images.fileextensions} variable. The
general idea behind the \l {images.fileextensions} {\c images.fileextensions}
variable is to enable different image format for different output format.
\warning The \l {images.fileextensions} {\c images.fileextensions}
variable's functionality is preliminary since QDoc at this point
only supports HTML.
See also \l images and \l images.fileextensions.
\target images-variable
\section1 images
The \c images variable allows you to specify individual image
files in addition to those located in the directories specified by
the \l {imagedirs} {\c imagedirs} variable.
images = $QTDIR/doc/src/images/calculator-example.png
When processing the \c images variable, QDoc behaves in the same
way as it does when processing the \l {imagedirs} {\c imagedirs}
variable. For more information, see the \l {imagedirs} {\c
imagedirs} variable.
See also \l imagedirs and \l images.fileextensions.
\target images.fileextensions-variable
\section1 images.fileextensions
The images.fileextensions variable filters the files within an
image directory.
The variable's values (the extensions) are given as standard
wildcard expressions. The general syntax is: \tt
{images.fileextensions.\e{format} = *.\e{extension}}.
The idea is to enable different image format for different output
images.fileextensions.HTML = *.png
images.fileextensions.LOUT = *.eps
Then, when processing the \l {image-command} {\\image} and \l
{inlineimage-command} {\\inlineimage} commands, QDoc will only
search for files with extensions specified in the variable
containing the list of output formats.
\warning This is only a preliminary functionality since QDoc at this
point only supports HTML.
The default extensions for HTML are *.png, *.jpg, *.jpeg, and
You can add a file extension to the filter using '+='. For
images.fileextensions.HTML += *.eps
See also \l imagedirs and \l images.
\target language-variable
\section1 language
The \c language variable specifies the language of the source code
that is used in the documentation.
Currently, C++ is the only language that QDoc understands. It is
also the default language, and doesn't really need to be
specified. However, a possible example of a language variable
language = Cpp
This identifies C++ as the language of the Qt source code.
\target locationinfo-variable
\section1 locationinfo
The \c locationinfo boolean variable determines whether detailed
location information about each entity is written to
\c {.index}-files and \c {.webxml}-files (when using the WebXML
output format).
Location information consists of the full path and line
number of either the declaration or documentation comment block
in the source code.
Setting this to \c false turns off location info:
locationinfo = false
The default value is \c true.
The \c locationinfo variable was introduced in QDoc 5.15.
\target macro-variable
\section1 macro
The \c macro variable is used to create your own simple QDoc
commands. The syntax is \tt {macro.\e{command} = \e{definition}},
where the definition is written using QDoc syntax.
A macro variable can be restricted for use in one type of output
generation. By appending \c {.HTML} to the macro name, for
example, the macro is only used when generating HTML output.
macro.gui = "\\b"
macro.raisedaster.HTML = "<sup>*</sup>"
The first macro defines the \\gui command to render its argument
using a bold font. The second macro defines the \\raisedaster
command to render a superscript asterisk, but only when generating
A macro can also take up to seven parameters:
macro.hello = "Hello \1!"
Parameters are passed to macros the same way as to other commands:
\hello World
When using more than one parameter, or when an argument
contains whitespace, enclose each argument in braces:
macro.verinfo = "\1 (version \2)"
\verinfo {QFooBar} {1.0 beta}
A special macro option, \e match, can be added for additional
regular expression pattern matching for expanded macros.
For example,
macro.qtminorversion = "$QT_VER"
macro.qtminorversion.match = "\\d+\\.(\\d+)"
This creates a macro \\qtminorversion that expands to the minor
version based on the QT_VER environment variable.
A macro that defines a match pattern outputs all capture groups
(parentheses) concatenated together, or the exact matched string
if the pattern does not contain any capture groups.
See also \l {alias-variable} {alias}.
\target manifestmeta-variable
\section1 manifestmeta
The \c manifestmeta variable specifies additional meta-content
for the example manifest files generated by QDoc.
See the \l{Manifest Meta Content} section for more information.
\target naturallanguage-variable
\section1 naturallanguage
The \c naturallanguage variable specifies the natural language
used for the documentation generated by QDoc.
naturallanguage = zh-Hans
By default, the natural language is \c en for compatibility with
legacy documentation.
QDoc will add the natural language information to the HTML it
generates, using the \c lang and \c xml:lang attributes.
See also \l {sourceencoding-variable} {sourceencoding},
\l {outputencoding-variable} {outputencoding},
{C.7. The lang and xml:lang Attributes} and
{Best Practice 13: Using Hans and Hant codes}.
\target navigation-variable
\section1 navigation
The \c navigation sub-variables, if defined, set the home page, landing
page, C++ classes page, and QML types page that are visible in the
generated navigation bar for each page.
In a project with multiple sub-projects (for example, Qt modules), each
sub-project typically defines its own landing page while the same home
page is used across all sub-projects.
\b Sub-variables
\row \li \c navigation.homepage
\li Project home page.
\row \li \c navigation.hometitle
\li (Optional) User-visible title for the home page.
Default value is taken from \c homepage.
\row \li \c navigation.landingpage
\li Sub-project landing page.
\row \li \c navigation.landingtitle
\li (Optional) User-visible title for the landing page.
Defaults value is taken from \c landingpage.
\row \li \c navigation.cppclassespage
\li Top-level page that lists all C++ classes for this (sub-)project.
Typically, the title of a \l {module-command}{\\module} page.
\row \li \c navigation.cppclassestitle
\li (Optional) User-visible title for the C++ classes page.
Default is "C++ Classes".
\row \li \c navigation.qmltypespage
\li Top-level page that lists all QML types for this (sub-)project.
Typically, the title of a \l {qmlmodule-command}{\\qmlmodule} page.
\row \li \c navigation.qmltypestitle
\li (Optional) User-visible title for the QML types page.
Default is "QML Types".
For example:
# Common configuration
navigation.homepage = index.html
navigation.hometitle = "Qt $QT_VER"
# qtquick.qdocconf
navigation.landingpage = "Qt Quick"
navigation.cppclassespage = "Qt Quick C++ Classes"
navigation.qmltypespage = "Qt Quick QML Types"
The above configuration produces the following navigation bar for \c Item QML type:
Qt 5.10 > Qt Quick > QML Types > Item QML Type
\target outputdir-variable
\section1 outputdir
The \c outputdir variable specifies the directory where QDoc will
put the generated documentation.
outputdir = $QTDIR/doc/html
locates the generated Qt reference documentation in
$QTDIR/doc/html. For example, the documentation of the QWidget
class is located in
The associated images will be put in an \c images subdirectory.
\warning When running QDoc multiple times using the same output
directory, all files from the previous run will be lost.
\target outputencoding-variable
\section1 outputencoding
The \c outputencoding variable specifies the encoding used for the
documentation generated by QDoc.
outputencoding = UTF-8
By default, the output encoding is \c ISO-8859-1 (Latin1) for
compatibility with legacy documentation. When generating
documentation for some languages, particularly non-European
languages, this is not sufficient and an encoding such as UTF-8 is
QDoc will encode HTML using this encoding and generate the correct
declarations to indicate to browsers which encoding is being
used. The \l naturallanguage configuration variable should also be
specified to provide browsers with a complete set of character
encoding and language information.
See also \l outputencoding and \l naturallanguage.
\target outputformats-variable
\section1 outputformats
The \c outputformats variable specifies the format(s) of
the generated documentation.
Since Qt 5.11, QDoc supports the HTML and WebXML formats; since
Qt 5.15, it can also generate the documentation in DocBook. If no
\c outputformats are specified, QDoc generates the documentation
in HTML (the default format). All output formats can be specified,
with dedicated output directories and other settings. For example:
outputformats = WebXML HTML
WebXML.nosubdirs = true
WebXML.outputsubdir = webxml
WebXML.quotinginformation = true
This generates HTML documentation using the default settings, as well
as WebXML documentation into output subdirectory \e webxml.
\target outputprefixes-variable
\section1 outputprefixes
The \c outputprefixes variable specifies a mapping between types of files
and the prefixes to prepend to the HTML file names in the generated
outputprefixes = QML JS
outputprefixes.QML = uicomponents-
outputprefixes.JS = uicomponents-
By default, files containing the API documentation for QML types
are prefixed with "qml-", and javaScript types with "js-". In the
above example, the prefix \c "uicomponents" is used instead for
The output prefix is applied to file names for documentation on
QML and JS types.
\target outputsuffixes-variable
\section1 outputsuffixes
The \c outputsuffixes variable specifies a mapping between types of
files and module name suffixes to append to the HTML file names.
outputsuffixes = QML
outputsuffixes.QML = -tp
Given a QML module name \e FooBar and the default
\l {outputprefixes-variable}{output prefix} ("qml-"), the file name of
the generated HTML page for a QML type \e FooWidget would be
\c qml-foobar-tp-foowidget.html.
By default, no suffix is used. The output suffix, if defined, is applied
to file names for documentation on QML and JS types, and their respective
module pages.
The \c outputsuffixes variable was introduced in QDoc 5.6.
\target qhp-variable
\section1 qhp
The \c qhp variable is used to define the information to be
written out to Qt Help Project (\c{qhp}) files.
See the \l{Creating Help Project Files} chapter for information
about this process.
\target sourcedirs-variable
\section1 sourcedirs
The \c sourcedirs variable specifies the directories containing
the \c .cpp or \c .qdoc files used in the documentation.
sourcedirs += .. \
When executed, the first thing QDoc will do is to read through the
headers specified in the \l {header-command} {\c header} variable,
and the ones located in the directories specified in the \c
headerdir variable (including all subdirectories), building an
internal structure of the classes and their functions.
Then it will read through the sources specified in the \l
{sources} {\c sources}, and the ones located in the directories
specified in the \l {sourcedirs} {\c sourcedirs} variable
(including all subdirectories), merging the documentation with the
structure it retrieved from the header files.
If both the \c sources and \c sourcedirs variables are defined,
QDoc will read through both, first \l {sources} {\c sources} then
\c sourcedirs.
In the specified directories, QDoc will only read the files with
the \c fileextensions specified in the \l {sources.fileextensions}
{\c sources.fileextensions} variable. The default extensions are
*.c++, *.cc, *.cpp and *.cxx. The files specified by \l {sources}
{\c sources} will be read independent of their fileextensions.
See also \l {sources-variable} {sources} and
\l {sources.fileextensions-variable} {sources.fileextensions}.
\target sourceencoding-variable
\section1 sourceencoding
The \c sourceencoding variable specifies the encoding used for the
source code and documentation.
sourceencoding = UTF-8
By default, the source encoding is \c ISO-8859-1 (Latin1) for
compatibility with legacy documentation. For some languages,
particularly non-European languages, this is not sufficient and an
encoding such as UTF-8 is required.
Although QDoc will use the encoding to read source and
documentation files, limitations of C++ compilers may prevent you
from using non-ASCII characters in source code comments. In cases
like these, it is possible to write API documentation completely
in documentation files.
See also \l {naturallanguage-variable} {naturallanguage} and
\l {outputencoding-variable} {outputencoding}.
\target sources-variable
\section1 sources
The \c sources variable allows you to specify individual source
files in addition to those located in the directories specified by
the \l {sourcedirs-variable} {sourcedirs} variable.
sources = $QTDIR/src/gui/widgets/qlineedit.cpp \
When processing the \c sources variable, QDoc behaves in the same
way as it does when processing the \l {sourcedirs-variable}
{sourcedirs} variable. For more information, see the \l
{sourcedirs-variable} {sourcedirs} variable.
See also \l {sourcedirs-variable} {sourcedirs}.
\target sources.fileextensions-variable
\section1 sources.fileextensions
The \c sources.fileextensions variable filters the files within a
source directory.
When processing the source files specified in the \l {sourcedirs}
{\c sourcedirs} variable, QDoc will only read the files with the
fileextensions specified in the \c sources.fileextensions
variable. In this way QDoc avoid spending time reading irrelevant
The default extensions are *.c++, *.cc, *.cpp and *.cxx.
The extensions are given as standard wildcard expressions. You
can add a file extension to the filter using '+='. For example:
sources.fileextensions += *.CC
\warning The above assignment may not work as described.
See also \l {sourcedirs-variable} {sourcedirs} and \l
(sources-variable} {sources}.
\target spurious-variable
\section1 spurious
The \c spurious variable excludes specified QDoc warnings from the
output. The warnings are specified using standard wildcard
spurious = "Cannot find .*" \
"Missing .*"
makes sure that warnings matching either of these expressions,
will not be part of the output when running QDoc. For example
would the following warning be omitted from the output:
src/opengl/qgl_mac.cpp:156: Missing parameter name
\target syntaxhighlighting
\section1 syntaxhighlighting
The \c syntaxhighlighting variable specifies whether QDoc should
perform syntax highlighting on source code quoted in the
documentation it generates.
syntaxhighlighting = true
will enable syntax highlighting for all supported programming
\target tabsize-variable
\section1 tabsize
The \c tabsize variable defines the size of a tab character.
tabsize = 4
will give the tab character the size of 4 spaces. The default
value of the variable is 8, and doesn't need to be specified.
\target tagfile-variable
\section1 tagfile
The \c tagfile variable specifies the Doxygen tag file to be
written when HTML is generated.
\target version-variable
\section1 version
The \c version variable specifies the version number of the
documented software.
version = 5.6.0
When a version number is specified (using the \tt{\l version} or
\tt {\l versionsym} variables in a \c .qdocconf file), it is
accessible through the corresponding \\version command for use in
the documentation.
\warning The \\version command's functionality is not fully
implemented; currently it only works within raw HTML code.
See also \l versionsym.
\target versionsym-variable
\section1 versionsym
The \c versionsym variable specifies a C++ preprocessor symbol
that defines the version number of the documented software.
versionsym = QT_VERSION_STR
QT_VERSION_STR is defined in qglobal.h as follows
#define QT_VERSION_STR "5.14.1"
When a version number is specified (using the \tt{\l version} or
\tt {\l versionsym} variables in a \c .qdocconf file), it is
accessible through the corresponding \\version command for use in
the documentation.
\warning The \\version command's functionality is not fully
implemented. Currently, it only works within raw HTML code.
See also \l {version} {\\version}.
\target warninglimit-variable
\section1 warninglimit
The \c warninglimit variable sets the maximum number of documentation
warnings allowed. If this limit is exceeded, QDoc continues as normal
but exits with the warning count as the error code. If the limit was
not exceeded or \c warninglimit was not defined, QDoc process exits
with 0, assuming there were no other critical errors.
Setting the \c warninglimit to \c 0 means failure on any warning.
\note By default, QDoc does not enforce the warning limit. Enable it
with \c {warninglimit.enabled = true} or by defining
the \c QDOC_ENABLE_WARNINGLIMIT environment variable.
For example,
# Fail the documentation build if we have more than 100 warnings
warninglimit = 100
warninglimit.enabled = true
The \c warninglimit variable was introduced in Qt 5.11.
\page 22-creating-help-project-files.html
\previouspage Generic Configuration Variables
\nextpage C++ Specific Configuration Variables
\title Creating Help Project Files
\section1 Overview
Qt Assistant uses a system for managing Qt documentation that requires
QDoc to generate inventories of files.
QDoc allows configuration variables to be used to specify which pages are
to be used in each documentation set it generates. These are specified as
subvariables of the \c qhp variable with each set declared using a unique
identifier as a subvariable.
For example, the configuration file for the Qt Quick documentation set
specifies information about the set as subvariables with the
\c{qhp.QtQuick} prefix:
qhp.projects = QtQuick
qhp.QtQuick.file = qtquick.qhp
qhp.QtQuick.namespace = org.qt-project.qtquick.$QT_VERSION_TAG
qhp.QtQuick.virtualFolder = qtquick
qhp.QtQuick.indexTitle = Qt Quick
qhp.QtQuick.indexRoot =
qhp.QtQuick.filterAttributes = qtquick $QT_VERSION qtrefdoc = QtQuick $QT_VERSION
qhp.QtQuick.customFilters.Qt.filterAttributes = qtquick $QT_VERSION
qhp.QtQuick.subprojects = qmltypes classes examples
qhp.QtQuick.subprojects.qmltypes.title = QML Types
qhp.QtQuick.subprojects.qmltypes.indexTitle = Qt Quick QML Types
qhp.QtQuick.subprojects.qmltypes.selectors = qmlclass
qhp.QtQuick.subprojects.qmltypes.sortPages = true
qhp.QtQuick.subprojects.classes.title = Classes
qhp.QtQuick.subprojects.classes.title = C++ Classes
qhp.QtQuick.subprojects.classes.indexTitle = Qt Quick C++ Classes
qhp.QtQuick.subprojects.classes.selectors = class fake:headerfile
qhp.QtQuick.subprojects.classes.sortPages = true
qhp.QtQuick.subprojects.examples.title = Examples
qhp.QtQuick.subprojects.examples.indexTitle = Qt Quick Examples and Tutorials
qhp.QtQuick.subprojects.examples.selectors = fake:example
The documentation set may include one or more subprojects, which are added
to the table of contents under the name specified by \c title. The page
in the documentation referred to by the \c indexTitle acts as the index page
for the subproject. The page types to list under the subproject are specified
by \c selectors. The entries are alphabetically sorted if \c sortPages is set
to \c true.
\section2 Using Selectors
The \c selectors property specifies which page types are listed under the
table of contents entry for a subproject. Multiple selectors can be listed,
separated by whitespace.
\header \li Selector \li Description
\row \li \c namespace \li Namespaces
\row \li \c class \li Classes
\row \li \c qmltype \li QML Types
\row \li \c qmlclass \li Alias for \c qmltype.
\row \li \c module[:name] \li C++ modules or members of the module
with a specified name.
\row \li \c qmlmodule[:name] \li QML modules or members of the module
with a specified name.
\row \li \c doc[:subtype] \li Documentation pages with a specified
\c subtype. Multiple subtypes can be
listed as a comma-separated list.
\row \li \c fake \li Alias for \c doc.
\row \li \c group[:groupname] \li Documentation pages for members of a
specified group, as added using the
\l {ingroup-command}
{\\ingroup} groupname command.
Multiple group names can be listed as
a comma-separated list.
(Introduced in QDoc 5.6).
Available subtypes for the \c doc selector:
\header \li Subtype \li Description
\row \li \c example \li Examples
\row \li \c headerfile \li Header files
\row \li \c page \li Documentation pages defined with the
\l {page-command} {\\page} command.
For example, the following configuration would select example pages and
pages that include the \c {\ingroup tutorials} command:
qhp.QtQuickControls.subprojects = examples
qhp.QtQuickControls.subprojects.examples.title = Examples and Tutorials
qhp.QtQuickControls.subprojects.examples.indexTitle = Qt Quick Controls Examples
qhp.QtQuickControls.subprojects.examples.selectors = doc:example group:tutorials
qhp.QtQuickControls.subprojects.examples.sortPages = true
\section2 Adding Table of Contents
To create a table of contents for a manual, create a subproject with
a \c{type} property and set it to \c{manual}. The page in the documentation
referred to by the \c{indexTitle} property must contain a list of links
that acts as a table of contents for the whole manual. QDoc will take the
information in this list and create a table of contents for the subproject.
For example, the configuration file for Qt Creator defines only one
subproject for its documentation, including all the documentation in a
single manual:
qhp.QtCreator.subprojects = manual
qhp.QtCreator.subprojects.manual.title = Qt Creator Manual
qhp.QtCreator.subprojects.manual.indexTitle = Qt Creator Manual
qhp.QtCreator.subprojects.manual.type = manual
In this example, the page entitled "Qt Creator Manual" contains a nested
list of links to pages in the documentation which is duplicated in
Qt Assistant's Contents tab.
\page 23-qdoc-configuration-cppvariables.html
\previouspage Creating Help Project Files
\nextpage Format-specific Configuration Variables
\title C++ Specific Configuration Variables
The C++ specific configuration variables are provided to avoid
erroneous documentation due to non-standard C++ constructs.
\target Cpp.ignoredirectives-variable
\section1 Cpp.ignoredirectives
The \c Cpp.ignoredirectives variable makes QDoc ignore the
specified non-standard constructs, within C++ source code.
If not specified by the \tt {\l Cpp.ignoretokens} or \tt {\l
Cpp.ignoredirectives} variables, non-standard constructs
(typically macros) can result in erroneous documentation.
Cpp.ignoredirectives = Q_DECLARE_INTERFACE \
makes sure that when processing the code below, for example, QDoc
will simply ignore the 'Q_ENUMS' and 'Q_FLAGS' expressions:
class Q_CORE_EXPORT Qt {
Q_ENUMS(Orientation TextFormat BackgroundMode
DateFormat ScrollBarPolicy FocusPolicy
ContextMenuPolicy CaseSensitivity
LayoutDirection ArrowType)
The Q_OBJECT macro, however, is an exception: QDoc recognizes this
particular non-standard construct, so there is no need specifying
it using the \tt {\l Cpp.ignoredirectives} variable.
Regarding the Q_CORE_EXPORT macro; see the documentation of the
\tt {\l Cpp.ignoretokens} variable.
See also \l Cpp.ignoretokens.
\target Cpp.ignoretokens-variable
\section1 Cpp.ignoretokens
The \c Cpp.ignoretokens variable makes QDoc ignore the specified
non-standard constructs, within C++ source code.
If not specified by the \tt {\l Cpp.ignoretokens} or \tt {\l
Cpp.ignoredirectives} variables, non-standard constructs
(typically macros) can result in erroneous documentation.
In \l qtgui.qdocconf:
Cpp.ignoretokens = QAXFACTORY_EXPORT \
makes sure that when processing the code below, for example, QDoc
will simply ignore the 'Q_CORE_EXPORT' expression:
class Q_CORE_EXPORT Qt {
Q_ENUMS(Orientation TextFormat BackgroundMode
DateFormat ScrollBarPolicy FocusPolicy
ContextMenuPolicy CaseSensitivity
LayoutDirection ArrowType)
Regarding the Q_OBJECT, Q_ENUMS and Q_FLAGS macros; see the
documentation of the \tt {\l Cpp.ignoredirectives} variable.
See also \l Cpp.ignoredirectives.
\page 24-qdoc-configuration-htmlvariables.html
\previouspage C++ Specific Configuration Variables
\nextpage Supporting Derived Projects
\keyword HTML Specific Configuration Variables
\title Format-specific Configuration Variables
The format-specific configuration variables define the generated
documentation's style, or define the contents of the
documentation's footer or postheader.
Some of the configuration values are relevant only for the HTML
output format and their values contain raw HTML.
\target HTML.footer-variable
\section1 HTML.footer
The \c HTML.footer variable defines the content of the generated
HTML documentation's footer.
The footer is rendered at the bottom of the generated
documentation page.
The variable's value is given as raw HTML code enclosed by
quotation marks. Note that if the value spans several lines, each
line needs to be enclosed by quotation marks.
HTML.footer = "<p /><address><hr /><div align=\"center\">\n" \
\target FORMAT.nosubdirs
\section1 <FORMAT>.nosubdirs
A boolean value which, when \c true, enables single-directory output
mode; all generated files go to \l {FORMAT.outputsubdir} directory,
instead of a subdirectory based on the documentation project name.
\target FORMAT.outputsubdir
\section1 <FORMAT>.outputsubdir
Defines the subdirectory under \l outputdir where documentation is
HTML.nosubdirs = true
HTML.outputsubdir = html
With above, the output goes to \c {<outputdir>/html}.
\target HTML.postheader-variable
\section1 HTML.postheader
The \c HTML.postheader variable defines the content of the
generated HTML documentation's postheader.
The header is rendered at the top of the generated documentation
The variable's value is given as raw HTML enclosed by quotation
marks. Note that if the value spans several lines, each line needs
to be enclosed by quotation marks.
HTML.postheader = "<table border=\"0\"..." \
"<img src=\"images/qt-logo.png\" \
"align=\"right\" width=\"203\" height=\"32\""\
"border=\"0\" />" \
"</td></tr>" \
The complete variable entry in \l qtgui.qdocconf provides the
standard header of the \l {}
{Qt GUI Documentation}.
\target FORMAT.quotinginformation
\section1 <FORMAT>.quotinginformation
A boolean value which, when \c true, generates references to
quoted content (for example, \l {quotefromfile-command}{\\quotefromfile}
and \l {snippet-command}{\\snippet} commands) instead of including
the content directly.
Used currently for the \c WebXML output format.
WebXML.quotinginformation = true
The variable defines the style for
the generated HTML documentation.
The variable's value is given as raw HTML enclosed by quotation
marks. Note that if the value spans several lines, each line needs
to be enclosed by quotation marks.
\badcode = "h3.fn,span.fn" \
"{ margin-left: 1cm; text-indent: -1cm; }\n" \
"a:link { color: #004faf; text-decoration: none }\n" \
"a:visited" \
"{ color: #672967; text-decoration: none }\n" \
"td.postheader { font-family: sans-serif }\n" \
"tr.address { font-family: sans-serif }\n" \
"body { background: #ffffff; color: black; }"
\target HTML.stylesheets-variable
\section1 HTML.stylesheets
The HTML.stylesheets variable defines a list of stylesheets
to use for the generated HTML documentation.
Using separate stylesheets for the documentation makes it easier
to customize and experiment with the style used once the contents
has been generated. Typically, it is only necessary to define a
single stylesheet for any set of documentation; for example:
HTML.stylesheets = path/to/classic.css
QDoc expects to find stylesheets in the directory containing the
\l qtgui.qdocconf file, and it will copy those specified to the output
directory alongside the HTML pages.
\target HTML.tocdepth
\section1 <FORMAT>.tocdepth
The \c {<FORMAT>.tocdepth} variable defines how many document sections
are printed in the table of contents. Setting tocdepth to \c 0 disables
the table of contents while leaving it undefined prints all document
Currently only has an effect for the HTML format:
HTML.tocdepth = 3
\page 25-qdoc-configuration-derivedprojects.html
\previouspage Format-specific Configuration Variables
\nextpage Example Manifest Files
\title Supporting Derived Projects
Some configuration variables allow you to use QDoc to support
Qt-based projects. They allow your project to contain links to the
online Qt documentation, which means that QDoc will be able to
create links to the class reference documentation, without any
explicit linking command.
\target description-variable
\section1 description
The description variable holds a short description of the
associated project.
See also \l project.
\target indexes-variable
\section1 indexes
The \l {indexes-variable}[indexes} variable defines a set of paths
to index files to load.
indexes = \
$QT_INSTALL_DOCS/qtcore/qtcore.index \
The \c indexes variable provides an alternative to \l depends for
defining project's dependencies. As direct paths are provided, no
\c -indexdir command line option(s) are required when invoking QDoc.
It is possible to define dependencies using either variable. Qt
documentation only uses the \c depends variable.
See also \l depends, \l project and \l url.
\target project-variable
\section1 project
The \c project variable provides a name for the project associated
with the \c .qdocconf file. This is a mandatory variable that all
projects must set.
The project's name is used to form a file name for the associated
project's \e index file.
project = QtCreator
This will cause an index file called \c qtcreator.index to be
If the project name contains whitespace or special characters,
these are replaced with dashes ('-') in the generated index file
See also \l depends, \l indexes, and \l description.
\target url-variable
\section1 url
The \c url variable holds the base URL for the
documentation associated with the current project.
The URL is stored in the generated index file for the
project. When we use the index on its own, QDoc will use this as
the base URL when constructing links to classes, functions, and
other things listed in the index.
project = QtCore
description = Qt Core Reference Documentation
url =
This ensures that whenever QDoc generates
references to entities in the Qt Core module, the base URL is
See also \l depends, \l indexes and \l {url.examples}.
\target url.examples-variable
\section1 url.examples
The \c url.examples variable holds the base URL for the examples
associated with the current project.
If defined, a link to the example project directory is generated
at the end of each example documentation page. The \c url.examples
variable refers to the root directory of the examples related to
this project; it can be a link to an online repository (starting
with \e http:// or \e https://), or to the local file system
(\c file://).
If \c url.examples is not defined, QDoc will output a list of
example's files and images instead.
For example, given these definitions:
url.examples = ""
examplesinstallpath = corelib
Then, for the following \l {example-command}{\\example} command:
\badcode *
\example threads/semaphores
QDoc generates a link to
If the URL contains more components (for example, a query string)
after the example path, \\1 can be used as a placeholder for the
url.examples = "\1?h=$QT_VER"
examplesinstallpath = corelib
Given the same \\example command as above and assuming that
\c $QT_VER expands to \c {5.13}, the generated URL is
\c {url.examples} variable was introduced in QDoc version 5.13.
See also \l url, \l examplesinstallpath, and \l {example-command}{\\example}.
\target howto
\section1 How to Support Derived Projects
This feature makes use of the comprehensive indexes generated by
QDoc when it creates the Qt reference documentation.
For example, \l qtgui.qdocconf (the configuration file for Qt GUI)
contains the following variable definitions:
project = QtGui
description = Qt GUI Reference Documentation
url =
The \l project variable name is used to form a file name for the
index file; in this case the \c qtgui.index file is created. The \l
url is stored in the index file. Afterwards, QDoc will use this
as the base URL when constructing links to classes, functions,
and other things listed in the index.
See also \l depends, \l indexes, \l project, and \l url.
\page 26-qdoc-configuration-example-manifest-files.html
\previouspage Supporting Derived Projects
\title Example Manifest Files
QDoc generates XML files that contain information about all documented
examples and demos. These files, named \c {examples-manifest.xml} and
\c {demos-manifest.xml}, are used by Qt Creator to present a list of
examples in its welcome screen and to link to their documentation.
\section1 Manifest XML Structure
A manifest file has the following structure:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<instructionals module="QtGui">
name="Analog Clock Window Example"
<description><![CDATA[The Analog Clock Window example shows how
to draw the contents of a custom window.]]></description>
Each \c {<example>} element contains information about a name,
description, the location of the project file and documentation,
as well as a list of tags associated with the example.
\target metacontent
\section1 Manifest Meta Content
It is possible to augment the manifest files with additional
meta-content - that is, extra attributes and tags for selected
examples, using the \c manifestmeta configuration command.
One use case for meta-content is highlighting a number of prominent
examples. Another is improving search functionality by adding
relevant keywords as tags for a certain category of examples.
The examples for which meta-content is applied to is specified using
one or more filters. Matching examples to filters is done based on
names, with each example name prefixed with a module name and a
slash. Simple wildcard matching is supported; by using \c {*} at the
end it's possible to match multiple examples with a single string.
manifestmeta.filters = highlighted sql webkit global
manifestmeta.highlighted.names = "QtGui/Analog Clock Window Example" \
"QtWidgets/Analog Clock Example"
manifestmeta.highlighted.attributes = isHighlighted:true
manifestmeta.sql.names = "QtSql/*"
manifestmeta.sql.tags = database,sql
manifestmeta.webkit.names = "QtWebKitExamples/*"
manifestmeta.webkit.tags = webkit = * = qt5
Above, an \c isHighlighted attribute is added to two examples. If
the attribute value is omitted, QDoc uses the string \c {true} by
default. Extra tags are added for Qt WebKit and Qt SQL examples, and
another tag is applied to all examples by using just \c {*} as the
match string.
\page 21-1-minimum-qdocconf.html
\previouspage qtgui.qdocconf
\nextpage The QDoc Configuration File
\title minimum.qdocconf
\quotefile examples/minimum.qdocconf
\page 21-2-qtgui-qdocconf.html
\previouspage Supporting Derived Projects
\nextpage minimum.qdocconf
\title qtgui.qdocconf
\quotefile files/qtgui.qdocconf