blob: f570610825eb2a82299155c18ab84998535b8da3 [file] [log] [blame]
Qt 5.11 introduces many new features and improvements as well as bugfixes
over the 5.10.x series. For more details, refer to the online documentation
included in this distribution. The documentation is also available online:
The Qt version 5.11 series is binary compatible with the 5.10.x series.
Applications compiled for 5.10 will continue to run with 5.11.
Some of the changes listed in this file include issue tracking numbers
corresponding to tasks in the Qt Bug Tracker:
Each of these identifiers can be entered in the bug tracker to obtain more
information about a particular change.
* Qt 5.11.0 Changes *
- [QTBUG-64600][QTBUG-64604] Added a tech preview for a plugin-based hardware
layer API and a VSP2 implementation (for Renesas R-Car M3 and H3).
- Added QML API for sending touch events to surfaces.
- Information about disconnected/removed WaylandOutputs are now
communicated to the clients.
- Updated the minimal-cpp and minimal-qml examples.
- Added a new example, overview-compositor.
- WaylandQuickItems now get an implicitSize from their wayland surface,
making them behave more like other QQuickItems. Compositors should set
WaylandQuickItem.sizeFollowsSurface to false to get the new behavior.
- Fixed a bug where window state (maximized, active etc.) was reverted if
XdgTopLevelV6.sendConfigure and related functions were called repeatedly
before the client could respond.
- Fixed a bug where keyboard events were not sent to clients in
WaylandQuickItem.keyPressEvent if the surface was not focused through
- Fixed a bug where a negative size was requested when resizing on QML
- Fixed mouse and touch events being sent to the wrong position for
WaylandQuickItems and ShellSurfaceItems scaled by the compositor.
- [QTBUG-67861] Fixed mouse and touch events being sent to the wrong
position for high DPI surfaces (QML API).
- Fixed crashes when clients tried to use a deleted WaylandOutput or a
Wayland extension.
- Added documentation for XdgShellV6.
QPA plugin
- Clients now automatically change the scale factor when entering a new
screen. I.e. when moving a window from a low-resolution screen to a
high-resolution screen, the DPI will change.
- [QTBUG-54792][QTBUG-64572] Added Support for key composition, accents
and diaereses.
- [QTBUG-59762] When the plugin fails to connect to the Wayland display,
it now fails gracefully so other platform integrations can be tried
- ivi-shell will now be used automatically if no other shell integrations are
- [QTBUG-62044] Fixed a crash that happened when connecting to a new
screen above or to the left of the other connected screens.
- [QTBUG-63411] Fixed a crash when calling setVisible for EGL windows twice
within one slot.
- [QTBUG-67150] Fixed a crash when a popup was shown without any input
events happening first.
- Fixed a bug where an OpenGL context with a compatibility profile would
be requested even though if it was set to unspecified in
QOpenGLContext::format. This would sometimes cause context creation to
- [QTBUG-66867] Fixed a crash that sometimes occurred when showing a
- [QTBUG-64696] Fixed a freeze that would sometimes happen on startup on
some compositors.
- Fixed a bug where ABGR2101010 surfaces where submitted as ARGB2101010
- A new logging category has been added for the Wayland platform plugin,