blob: 9d28e00755ecf9f22dd10697aec4a8038d095d05 [file] [log] [blame]
Qt 5.12 introduces many new features and improvements as well as bugfixes
over the 5.11.x series. For more details, refer to the online documentation
included in this distribution. The documentation is also available online:
The Qt version 5.12 series is binary compatible with the 5.11.x series.
Applications compiled for 5.11 will continue to run with 5.12.
Some of the changes listed in this file include issue tracking numbers
corresponding to tasks in the Qt Bug Tracker:
Each of these identifiers can be entered in the bug tracker to obtain more
information about a particular change.
* Compositor *
- [QTBUG-66784] Added APIs for xdg-shell stable.
- xdg-shell unstable v5 is now deprecated. Existing compositors should
migrate to unstable v6 or stable.
- Features for server buffer integrations have been renamed.
"drm-egl-server" is now "wayland-drm-egl-server-buffer" and
"libhybris-egl-server" is "wayland-libhybris-egl-server-buffer".
- [QTBUG-49809] Added support for wl_subsurface.place_above and
place_below in WaylandQuickItem.
- QWaylandQuickItem::sendMouseMoveEvent was added to allow sending
generated mouse move events from QML.
- Added API for installing a socket on which bind() and listen() have
already been called into the event dispatch loop. This facilitates
socket-activated compositors.
- Added a new categorized logging namespace "qt.waylandcompositor" and
renamed "qt.compositor.input.methods" to
- Fixed a bug where some signals on QWaylandSurface were emitted before
all double buffered state had been applied.
- [QTBUG-70163] Fixed a bug where destroying a WaylandQuickItem would
delete the OpenGL texture for all other WaylandQuickItems using that
- Fixed a bug that caused some clients to abort in libwayland when a
surface left an output.
- Fixed an issue where the WaylandOutput.window QML property had to be set
before the WaylandOutput.sizeFollowsWindow property.
- Fixed a bug where outputAdded was not emitted if a new output was added
through QWaylandCompositor::setDefaultOutput.
- xdg-shell v6:
* Requests to enter/exit fullscreen mode are now handled.
* Minimum and maximum sizes are now respected when resizing.
* Fixed an edge case in moving an initially maximized XdgShellV6 surface
to windowed mode.
* ShellSurfaceItems now re-issue configure requests with updated sizes
when the size or available geometry changes on an output used by a
maximized or fullscreen surface.
- wl-shell:
* ShellSurfaceItems now re-issue configure requests with updated sizes
when the size or available geometry changes on output used by a
maximized or fullscreen surface.
* QPA plugin *
- [QTBUG-66783] Added support for xdg-shell stable.
- [QTBUG-69746] Added client-side support for the
xdg-decoration-unstable-v1 Wayland extension. Qt clients will now let
the compositor draw the window decorations if configured through this
- [QTBUG-68834] The window decorations have had a redesign, they now use
the window background color instead of the blue gradient.
- QT_WAYLAND_SHELL_INTEGRATION environment variable now accepts a
semicolon-separated list of shell integrations.
- [QTBUG-68838] Deprecated the shell integrations for
xdg-shell-unstable-v5 and wl-shell. The stable version of xdg-shell
should be used instead.
- All shell integrations have been moved to plugins.
- Window decorations are now automatically disabled for ivi-application.
- Added support for xdg-output-unstable-v1
- Font and UI scaling is now based on the screen scale factor rather than
the physical DPI. The logical DPI is set to 96 unless overridden by the
the environment variable QT_WAYLAND_FORCE_DPI, which may be set to a
specific DPI or to "physical" to get the old behavior.
- Cursors now follow the device pixel ratio of the current screen.
- Cursor themes are now loaded on-demand, leading to significant memory
savings in some cases.
- Fixed a bug where QSurfaceFormat::renderableType() was ignored when
creating an OpenGL context.
- Fixed a bug where the arrow cursor would be shown instead of the resize
cursor when hovering over the window decoration border.
- [QTBUG-70242][QTBUG-68605][QTBUG-67601] Fixed a bug where offscreen
surfaces would get surfaceless EGL contexts.
- xdg-shell v6:
* Fixed a bug where maximized windows would resize to their unmaximized
size if the compositor sent an invalid configure event.
* Fixed a bug where buffers were sometimes attached and committed before
the first configure event, causing protocol errors.
* [QTBUG-63417][QTBUG-63748] Implemented support for maximizing,
minimizing, and setting fullscreen with xdg-shell unstable v6.
* [QTBUG-53702] QWindow::isActive now follows configure events on
xdg-shell unstable v6 (like v5).