blob: 6a2431594db49ffe728bf2c9a693813445f54f7e [file] [log] [blame]
** Copyright (C) 2017 The Qt Company Ltd.
** Contact:
** This file is part of the QtWaylandCompositor module of the Qt Toolkit.
** Commercial License Usage
** Licensees holding valid commercial Qt licenses may use this file in
** accordance with the commercial license agreement provided with the
** Software or, alternatively, in accordance with the terms contained in
** a written agreement between you and The Qt Company. For licensing terms
** and conditions see For further
** information use the contact form at
** GNU Lesser General Public License Usage
** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser
** General Public License version 3 as published by the Free Software
** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.LGPLv3 included in the
** packaging of this file. Please review the following information to
** ensure the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 requirements
** will be met:
** GNU General Public License Usage
** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU
** General Public License version 2.0 or later as published by the Free
** Software Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in
** the packaging of this file. Please review the following information to
** ensure the GNU General Public License version 2.0 requirements will be
** met:
#include "qwaylandxdgshellv6.h"
#include "qwaylandxdgshellv6_p.h"
#if QT_CONFIG(wayland_compositor_quick)
#include "qwaylandxdgshellv6integration_p.h"
#include <QtWaylandCompositor/private/qwaylandutils_p.h>
#include <QtWaylandCompositor/QWaylandCompositor>
#include <QtWaylandCompositor/QWaylandSeat>
#include <QtWaylandCompositor/QWaylandSurface>
#include <QtWaylandCompositor/QWaylandSurfaceRole>
#include <QtWaylandCompositor/QWaylandResource>
#include <QtCore/QObject>
#include <algorithm>
void QWaylandXdgShellV6Private::ping(QtWaylandServer::zxdg_shell_v6::Resource *resource, uint32_t serial)
send_ping(resource->handle, serial);
void QWaylandXdgShellV6Private::registerXdgSurface(QWaylandXdgSurfaceV6 *xdgSurface)
m_xdgSurfaces.insert(xdgSurface->surface()->client()->client(), xdgSurface);
void QWaylandXdgShellV6Private::unregisterXdgSurface(QWaylandXdgSurfaceV6 *xdgSurface)
auto xdgSurfacePrivate = QWaylandXdgSurfaceV6Private::get(xdgSurface);
if (!m_xdgSurfaces.remove(xdgSurfacePrivate->resource()->client(), xdgSurface))
qWarning("%s Unexpected state. Can't find registered xdg surface\n", Q_FUNC_INFO);
Qt::Edges QWaylandXdgShellV6Private::convertToEdges(uint xdgEdges)
return Qt::Edges(((xdgEdges & 0b1100) >> 1) | ((xdgEdges & 0b0010) << 2) | (xdgEdges & 0b0001));
QWaylandXdgSurfaceV6 *QWaylandXdgShellV6Private::xdgSurfaceFromSurface(QWaylandSurface *surface)
for (QWaylandXdgSurfaceV6 *xdgSurface : qAsConst(m_xdgSurfaces)) {
if (surface == xdgSurface->surface())
return xdgSurface;
return nullptr;
void QWaylandXdgShellV6Private::zxdg_shell_v6_destroy(Resource *resource)
if (!m_xdgSurfaces.values(resource->client()).empty())
wl_resource_post_error(resource->handle, ZXDG_SHELL_V6_ERROR_DEFUNCT_SURFACES,
"xdg_shell was destroyed before children");
void QWaylandXdgShellV6Private::zxdg_shell_v6_create_positioner(QtWaylandServer::zxdg_shell_v6::Resource *resource, uint32_t id)
QWaylandResource positionerResource(wl_resource_create(resource->client(), &zxdg_positioner_v6_interface,
wl_resource_get_version(resource->handle), id));
new QWaylandXdgPositionerV6(positionerResource);
void QWaylandXdgShellV6Private::zxdg_shell_v6_get_xdg_surface(Resource *resource, uint32_t id, wl_resource *surfaceResource)
QWaylandSurface *surface = QWaylandSurface::fromResource(surfaceResource);
if (surface->role() != nullptr) {
wl_resource_post_error(resource->handle, ZXDG_SHELL_V6_ERROR_ROLE,
"wl_surface@%d, already has role %s\n",
if (surface->hasContent()) {
//TODO: According to the spec, this is a client error, but there's no appropriate error code
qWarning() << "get_xdg_surface requested on a zxdg_surface_v6 with content";
QWaylandResource xdgSurfaceResource(wl_resource_create(resource->client(), &zxdg_surface_v6_interface,
wl_resource_get_version(resource->handle), id));
QWaylandXdgSurfaceV6 *xdgSurface = new QWaylandXdgSurfaceV6(q, surface, xdgSurfaceResource);
emit q->xdgSurfaceCreated(xdgSurface);
void QWaylandXdgShellV6Private::zxdg_shell_v6_pong(Resource *resource, uint32_t serial)
if (m_pings.remove(serial))
emit q->pong(serial);
qWarning("Received an unexpected pong!");
* \qmltype XdgShellV6
* \inqmlmodule QtWayland.Compositor
* \since 5.10
* \obsolete
* \brief Provides an extension for desktop-style user interfaces.
* The XdgShellV6 extension provides a way to associate a XdgToplevelV6 or XdgPopupV6
* with a regular Wayland surface. Using the XdgToplevelV6 interface, the client
* can request that the surface is resized, moved, and so on.
* XdgShellV6 corresponds to the Wayland interface, \c zxdg_shell_v6.
* To provide the functionality of the shell extension in a compositor, create
* an instance of the XdgShellV6 component and add it to the list of extensions
* supported by the compositor:
* \qml \QtMinorVersion
* import QtWayland.Compositor 1.\1
* WaylandCompositor {
* XdgShellV6 {
* // ...
* }
* }
* \endqml
* \class QWaylandXdgShellV6
* \inmodule QtWaylandCompositor
* \since 5.10
* \obsolete
* \brief The QWaylandXdgShellV6 class is an extension for desktop-style user interfaces.
* The QWaylandXdgShellV6 extension provides a way to associate a QWaylandXdgToplevelV6 or
* QWaylandXdgPopupV6 with a regular Wayland surface. Using the QWaylandXdgToplevelV6 interface,
* the client can request that the surface is resized, moved, and so on.
* QWaylandXdgShellV6 corresponds to the Wayland interface, \c zxdg_shell_v6.
* Constructs a QWaylandXdgShellV6 object.
: QWaylandShellTemplate<QWaylandXdgShellV6>(*new QWaylandXdgShellV6Private())
* Constructs a QWaylandXdgShellV6 object for the provided \a compositor.
QWaylandXdgShellV6::QWaylandXdgShellV6(QWaylandCompositor *compositor)
: QWaylandShellTemplate<QWaylandXdgShellV6>(compositor, *new QWaylandXdgShellV6Private())
* Initializes the shell extension.
void QWaylandXdgShellV6::initialize()
QWaylandCompositor *compositor = static_cast<QWaylandCompositor *>(extensionContainer());
if (!compositor) {
qWarning() << "Failed to find QWaylandCompositor when initializing QWaylandXdgShellV6";
d->init(compositor->display(), 1);
handleSeatChanged(compositor->defaultSeat(), nullptr);
connect(compositor, &QWaylandCompositor::defaultSeatChanged,
this, &QWaylandXdgShellV6::handleSeatChanged);
* Returns the Wayland interface for the QWaylandXdgShellV6.
const struct wl_interface *QWaylandXdgShellV6::interface()
return QWaylandXdgShellV6Private::interface();
QByteArray QWaylandXdgShellV6::interfaceName()
return QWaylandXdgShellV6Private::interfaceName();
* \qmlmethod void QtWaylandCompositor::XdgShellV6::ping(WaylandClient client)
* Sends a ping event to \a client. If the client replies to the event the
* \l pong signal will be emitted.
* Sends a ping event to \a client. If the client replies to the event the
* \l pong signal will be emitted.
uint QWaylandXdgShellV6::ping(QWaylandClient *client)
QWaylandCompositor *compositor = static_cast<QWaylandCompositor *>(extensionContainer());
uint32_t serial = compositor->nextSerial();
QWaylandXdgShellV6Private::Resource *clientResource = d->resourceMap().value(client->client(), nullptr);
d->ping(clientResource, serial);
return serial;
void QWaylandXdgShellV6::handleSeatChanged(QWaylandSeat *newSeat, QWaylandSeat *oldSeat)
if (oldSeat != nullptr) {
disconnect(oldSeat, &QWaylandSeat::keyboardFocusChanged,
this, &QWaylandXdgShellV6::handleFocusChanged);
if (newSeat != nullptr) {
connect(newSeat, &QWaylandSeat::keyboardFocusChanged,
this, &QWaylandXdgShellV6::handleFocusChanged);
void QWaylandXdgShellV6::handleFocusChanged(QWaylandSurface *newSurface, QWaylandSurface *oldSurface)
QWaylandXdgSurfaceV6 *newXdgSurface = d->xdgSurfaceFromSurface(newSurface);
QWaylandXdgSurfaceV6 *oldXdgSurface = d->xdgSurfaceFromSurface(oldSurface);
if (newXdgSurface)
if (oldXdgSurface)
void QWaylandXdgSurfaceV6Private::setWindowType(Qt::WindowType windowType)
if (m_windowType == windowType)
m_windowType = windowType;
emit q->windowTypeChanged();
void QWaylandXdgSurfaceV6Private::handleFocusLost()
if (m_toplevel)
void QWaylandXdgSurfaceV6Private::handleFocusReceived()
if (m_toplevel)
QRect QWaylandXdgSurfaceV6Private::calculateFallbackWindowGeometry() const
// TODO: The unset window geometry should include subsurfaces as well, so this solution
// won't work too well on those kinds of clients.
return QRect(QPoint(), m_surface->destinationSize());
void QWaylandXdgSurfaceV6Private::updateFallbackWindowGeometry()
if (!m_unsetWindowGeometry)
const QRect unsetGeometry = calculateFallbackWindowGeometry();
if (unsetGeometry == m_windowGeometry)
m_windowGeometry = unsetGeometry;
emit q->windowGeometryChanged();
void QWaylandXdgSurfaceV6Private::zxdg_surface_v6_destroy_resource(QtWaylandServer::zxdg_surface_v6::Resource *resource)
delete q;
void QWaylandXdgSurfaceV6Private::zxdg_surface_v6_destroy(QtWaylandServer::zxdg_surface_v6::Resource *resource)
void QWaylandXdgSurfaceV6Private::zxdg_surface_v6_get_toplevel(QtWaylandServer::zxdg_surface_v6::Resource *resource, uint32_t id)
if (m_toplevel || m_popup) {
wl_resource_post_error(resource->handle, ZXDG_SURFACE_V6_ERROR_ALREADY_CONSTRUCTED,
"zxdg_surface_v6 already has a role object");
if (!m_surface->setRole(QWaylandXdgToplevelV6::role(), resource->handle, ZXDG_SHELL_V6_ERROR_ROLE))
QWaylandResource topLevelResource(wl_resource_create(resource->client(), &zxdg_toplevel_v6_interface,
wl_resource_get_version(resource->handle), id));
m_toplevel = new QWaylandXdgToplevelV6(q, topLevelResource);
emit q->toplevelCreated();
emit m_xdgShell->toplevelCreated(m_toplevel, q);
void QWaylandXdgSurfaceV6Private::zxdg_surface_v6_get_popup(QtWaylandServer::zxdg_surface_v6::Resource *resource, uint32_t id, wl_resource *parentResource, wl_resource *positionerResource)
if (m_toplevel || m_popup) {
wl_resource_post_error(resource->handle, ZXDG_SURFACE_V6_ERROR_ALREADY_CONSTRUCTED,
"zxdg_surface_v6 already has a role object");
QWaylandXdgSurfaceV6 *parent = QWaylandXdgSurfaceV6::fromResource(parentResource);
if (!parent) {
wl_resource_post_error(resource->handle, ZXDG_SHELL_V6_ERROR_INVALID_POPUP_PARENT,
"zxdg_surface_v6.get_popup with invalid popup parent");
QWaylandXdgPositionerV6 *positioner = QWaylandXdgPositionerV6::fromResource(positionerResource);
if (!positioner) {
wl_resource_post_error(resource->handle, ZXDG_SHELL_V6_ERROR_INVALID_POSITIONER,
"zxdg_surface_v6.get_popup without positioner");
if (!positioner->m_data.isComplete()) {
QWaylandXdgPositionerV6Data p = positioner->m_data;
wl_resource_post_error(resource->handle, ZXDG_SHELL_V6_ERROR_INVALID_POSITIONER,
"zxdg_surface_v6.get_popup with invalid positioner (size: %dx%d, anchorRect: %dx%d)",
p.size.width(), p.size.height(), p.anchorRect.width(), p.anchorRect.height());
QRect anchorBounds(QPoint(0, 0), parent->windowGeometry().size());
if (!anchorBounds.contains(positioner->m_data.anchorRect)) {
// TODO: this is a protocol error and should ideally be handled like this:
//wl_resource_post_error(resource->handle, ZXDG_SHELL_V6_ERROR_INVALID_POSITIONER,
// "zxdg_positioner_v6 anchor rect extends beyound its parent's window geometry");
// However, our own clients currently do this, so we'll settle for a gentle warning instead.
qCWarning(qLcWaylandCompositor) << "Ignoring client protocol error: zxdg_positioner_v6 anchor"
<< "rect extends beyond its parent's window geometry";
if (!m_surface->setRole(QWaylandXdgPopupV6::role(), resource->handle, ZXDG_SHELL_V6_ERROR_ROLE))
QWaylandResource popupResource(wl_resource_create(resource->client(), &zxdg_popup_v6_interface,
wl_resource_get_version(resource->handle), id));
m_popup = new QWaylandXdgPopupV6(q, parent, positioner, popupResource);
emit q->popupCreated();
emit m_xdgShell->popupCreated(m_popup, q);
void QWaylandXdgSurfaceV6Private::zxdg_surface_v6_ack_configure(QtWaylandServer::zxdg_surface_v6::Resource *resource, uint32_t serial)
if (m_toplevel) {
} else if (m_popup) {
} else {
wl_resource_post_error(resource->handle, ZXDG_SURFACE_V6_ERROR_NOT_CONSTRUCTED,
"ack_configure requested on an unconstructed zxdg_surface_v6");
void QWaylandXdgSurfaceV6Private::zxdg_surface_v6_set_window_geometry(QtWaylandServer::zxdg_surface_v6::Resource *resource, int32_t x, int32_t y, int32_t width, int32_t height)
if (!q->surface()->role()) {
wl_resource_post_error(resource->handle, ZXDG_SURFACE_V6_ERROR_NOT_CONSTRUCTED,
"set_window_geometry requested on an unconstructed zxdg_surface_v6");
if (width <= 0 || height <= 0) {
// The protocol spec says "setting an invalid size will raise an error". But doesn't tell
// which error to raise, and there's no fitting error in the zxdg_surface_v6_error enum.
// So until this is fixed, just output a warning and return.
qWarning() << "Invalid (non-positive) dimensions received in set_window_geometry";
m_unsetWindowGeometry = false;
QRect geometry(x, y, width, height);
if (m_windowGeometry == geometry)
m_windowGeometry = geometry;
emit q->windowGeometryChanged();
* \qmltype XdgSurfaceV6
* \inqmlmodule QtWayland.Compositor
* \since 5.10
* \obsolete
* \brief XdgSurfaceV6 provides desktop-style compositor-specific features to an xdg surface.
* This type is part of the \l{XdgShellV6} extension and provides a way to
* extend the functionality of an existing \l{WaylandSurface} with features
* specific to desktop-style compositors, such as resizing and moving the
* surface.
* It corresponds to the Wayland interface \c zxdg_surface_v6.
* \class QWaylandXdgSurfaceV6
* \inmodule QtWaylandCompositor
* \since 5.10
* \obsolete
* \brief The QWaylandXdgSurfaceV6 class provides desktop-style compositor-specific features to an xdg surface.
* This class is part of the QWaylandXdgShellV6 extension and provides a way to
* extend the functionality of an existing QWaylandSurface with features
* specific to desktop-style compositors, such as resizing and moving the
* surface.
* It corresponds to the Wayland interface \c zxdg_surface_v6.
* Constructs a QWaylandXdgSurfaceV6.
: QWaylandShellSurfaceTemplate<QWaylandXdgSurfaceV6>(*new QWaylandXdgSurfaceV6Private)
* Constructs a QWaylandXdgSurfaceV6 for \a surface and initializes it with the
* given \a xdgShell, \a surface, and resource \a res.
QWaylandXdgSurfaceV6::QWaylandXdgSurfaceV6(QWaylandXdgShellV6 *xdgShell, QWaylandSurface *surface, const QWaylandResource &res)
: QWaylandShellSurfaceTemplate<QWaylandXdgSurfaceV6>(*new QWaylandXdgSurfaceV6Private)
initialize(xdgShell, surface, res);
* \qmlmethod void QtWaylandCompositor::XdgSurfaceV6::initialize(object xdgShell, object surface, object client, int id)
* Initializes the XdgSurface, associating it with the given \a xdgShell, \a surface,
* \a client, and \a id.
* Initializes the QWaylandXdgSurfaceV6, associating it with the given \a xdgShell, \a surface
* and \a resource.
void QWaylandXdgSurfaceV6::initialize(QWaylandXdgShellV6 *xdgShell, QWaylandSurface *surface, const QWaylandResource &resource)
d->m_xdgShell = xdgShell;
d->m_surface = surface;
d->m_windowGeometry = d->calculateFallbackWindowGeometry();
connect(surface, &QWaylandSurface::destinationSizeChanged, this, &QWaylandXdgSurfaceV6::handleSurfaceSizeChanged);
connect(surface, &QWaylandSurface::bufferScaleChanged, this, &QWaylandXdgSurfaceV6::handleBufferScaleChanged);
emit shellChanged();
emit surfaceChanged();
* \qmlproperty enum QtWaylandCompositor::XdgSurfaceV6::windowType
* This property holds the window type of the XdgSurfaceV6.
Qt::WindowType QWaylandXdgSurfaceV6::windowType() const
Q_D(const QWaylandXdgSurfaceV6);
return d->m_windowType;
* \qmlproperty rect QtWaylandCompositor::XdgSurfaceV6::windowGeometry
* This property holds the window geometry of the QWaylandXdgSurfaceV6. The window
* geometry describes the window's visible bounds from the user's perspective.
* The geometry includes title bars and borders if drawn by the client, but
* excludes drop shadows. It is meant to be used for aligning and tiling
* windows.
* \property QWaylandXdgSurfaceV6::windowGeometry
* This property holds the window geometry of the QWaylandXdgSurfaceV6. The window
* geometry describes the window's visible bounds from the user's perspective.
* The geometry includes title bars and borders if drawn by the client, but
* excludes drop shadows. It is meant to be used for aligning and tiling
* windows.
QRect QWaylandXdgSurfaceV6::windowGeometry() const
Q_D(const QWaylandXdgSurfaceV6);
return d->m_windowGeometry;
* \internal
void QWaylandXdgSurfaceV6::initialize()
void QWaylandXdgSurfaceV6::handleSurfaceSizeChanged()
void QWaylandXdgSurfaceV6::handleBufferScaleChanged()
* \qmlproperty XdgShellV6 QtWaylandCompositor::XdgSurfaceV6::shell
* This property holds the shell associated with this XdgSurface.
* \property QWaylandXdgSurfaceV6::shell
* This property holds the shell associated with this QWaylandXdgSurfaceV6.
QWaylandXdgShellV6 *QWaylandXdgSurfaceV6::shell() const
Q_D(const QWaylandXdgSurfaceV6);
return d->m_xdgShell;
* \qmlproperty WaylandSurface QtWaylandCompositor::XdgSurfaceV6::surface
* This property holds the surface associated with this XdgSurfaceV6.
* \property QWaylandXdgSurfaceV6::surface
* This property holds the surface associated with this QWaylandXdgSurfaceV6.
QWaylandSurface *QWaylandXdgSurfaceV6::surface() const
Q_D(const QWaylandXdgSurfaceV6);
return d->m_surface;
* \qmlproperty XdgToplevelV6 QtWaylandCompositor::XdgSurfaceV6::toplevel
* This property holds the properties and methods that are specific to the
* toplevel XdgSurfaceV6.
* \sa popup, XdgShellV6::toplevelCreated
* \property QWaylandXdgSurfaceV6::toplevel
* This property holds the properties and methods that are specific to the
* toplevel QWaylandXdgSurfaceV6.
* \sa QWaylandXdgSurfaceV6::popup, QWaylandXdgShellV6::toplevelCreated
QWaylandXdgToplevelV6 *QWaylandXdgSurfaceV6::toplevel() const
Q_D(const QWaylandXdgSurfaceV6);
return d->m_toplevel;
* \qmlproperty XdgPopupV6 QtWaylandCompositor::XdgSurfaceV6::popup
* This property holds the properties and methods that are specific to the
* popup XdgSurfaceV6.
* \sa toplevel, XdgShellV6::popupCreated
* \property QWaylandXdgSurfaceV6::popup
* This property holds the properties and methods that are specific to the
* popup QWaylandXdgSurfaceV6.
* \sa QWaylandXdgSurfaceV6::toplevel, QWaylandXdgShellV6::popupCreated
QWaylandXdgPopupV6 *QWaylandXdgSurfaceV6::popup() const
Q_D(const QWaylandXdgSurfaceV6);
return d->m_popup;
* Returns the Wayland interface for the QWaylandXdgSurfaceV6.
const wl_interface *QWaylandXdgSurfaceV6::interface()
return QWaylandXdgSurfaceV6Private::interface();
* \internal
QByteArray QWaylandXdgSurfaceV6::interfaceName()
return QWaylandXdgSurfaceV6Private::interfaceName();
* Returns the QWaylandXdgSurfaceV6 corresponding to the \a resource.
QWaylandXdgSurfaceV6 *QWaylandXdgSurfaceV6::fromResource(wl_resource *resource)
if (auto p = QtWayland::fromResource<QWaylandXdgSurfaceV6Private *>(resource))
return p->q_func();
return nullptr;
#if QT_CONFIG(wayland_compositor_quick)
QWaylandQuickShellIntegration *QWaylandXdgSurfaceV6::createIntegration(QWaylandQuickShellSurfaceItem *item)
Q_D(const QWaylandXdgSurfaceV6);
if (d->m_toplevel)
return new QtWayland::XdgToplevelV6Integration(item);
if (d->m_popup)
return new QtWayland::XdgPopupV6Integration(item);
return nullptr;
* \qmltype XdgToplevelV6
* \inqmlmodule QtWayland.Compositor
* \since 5.10
* \obsolete
* \brief XdgToplevelV6 represents the toplevel window specific parts of an xdg surface.
* This type is part of the \l{XdgShellV6} extension and provides a way to
* extend the functionality of an XdgSurfaceV6 with features
* specific to desktop-style windows.
* It corresponds to the Wayland interface \c zxdg_toplevel_v6.
* \class QWaylandXdgToplevelV6
* \inmodule QtWaylandCompositor
* \since 5.10
* \obsolete
* \brief The QWaylandXdgToplevelV6 class represents the toplevel window specific parts of an xdg surface.
* This class is part of the QWaylandXdgShellV6 extension and provides a way to
* extend the functionality of an QWaylandXdgSurfaceV6 with features
* specific to desktop-style windows.
* It corresponds to the Wayland interface \c zxdg_toplevel_v6.
* Constructs a QWaylandXdgToplevelV6 for the given \a xdgSurface and \a resource.
QWaylandXdgToplevelV6::QWaylandXdgToplevelV6(QWaylandXdgSurfaceV6 *xdgSurface, QWaylandResource &resource)
: QObject(*new QWaylandXdgToplevelV6Private(xdgSurface, resource))
QVector<QWaylandXdgToplevelV6::State> states;
sendConfigure({0, 0}, states);
* \qmlproperty XdgToplevelV6 QtWaylandCompositor::XdgToplevelV6::parentToplevel
* This property holds the XdgToplevelV6 parent of this XdgToplevelV6.
* \property QWaylandXdgToplevelV6::parentToplevel
* This property holds the XdgToplevelV6 parent of this XdgToplevelV6.
QWaylandXdgToplevelV6 *QWaylandXdgToplevelV6::parentToplevel() const
Q_D(const QWaylandXdgToplevelV6);
return d->m_parentToplevel;
* \qmlproperty string QtWaylandCompositor::XdgToplevelV6::title
* This property holds the title of the XdgToplevelV6.
* \property QWaylandXdgToplevelV6::title
* This property holds the title of the QWaylandXdgToplevelV6.
QString QWaylandXdgToplevelV6::title() const
Q_D(const QWaylandXdgToplevelV6);
return d->m_title;
* \qmlproperty string QtWaylandCompositor::XdgToplevelV6::appId
* This property holds the app id of the XdgToplevelV6.
* \property QWaylandXdgToplevelV6::appId
* This property holds the app id of the QWaylandXdgToplevelV6.
QString QWaylandXdgToplevelV6::appId() const
Q_D(const QWaylandXdgToplevelV6);
return d->m_appId;
* \qmlproperty size QtWaylandCompositor::XdgToplevelV6::maxSize
* This property holds the maximum size of the XdgToplevelV6 as requested by the client.
* The compositor is free to ignore this value and request a larger size.
* \property QWaylandXdgToplevelV6::maxSize
* This property holds the maximum size of the QWaylandXdgToplevelV6.
* The compositor is free to ignore this value and request a larger size.
QSize QWaylandXdgToplevelV6::maxSize() const
Q_D(const QWaylandXdgToplevelV6);
return d->m_maxSize;
* \qmlproperty size QtWaylandCompositor::XdgToplevelV6::minSize
* This property holds the minimum size of the XdgToplevelV6 as requested by the client.
* The compositor is free to ignore this value and request a smaller size.
* \property QWaylandXdgToplevelV6::minSize
* This property holds the minimum size of the QWaylandXdgToplevelV6.
* The compositor is free to ignore this value and request a smaller size.
QSize QWaylandXdgToplevelV6::minSize() const
Q_D(const QWaylandXdgToplevelV6);
return d->m_minSize;
* \property QWaylandXdgToplevelV6::states
* This property holds the last states the client acknowledged for this QWaylandToplevelV6.
QVector<QWaylandXdgToplevelV6::State> QWaylandXdgToplevelV6::states() const
Q_D(const QWaylandXdgToplevelV6);
return d->m_lastAckedConfigure.states;
* \qmlproperty bool QtWaylandCompositor::XdgToplevelV6::maximized
* This property holds whether the client has acknowledged that it should be maximized.
* \property QWaylandXdgToplevelV6::maximized
* This property holds whether the client has acknowledged that it should be maximized.
bool QWaylandXdgToplevelV6::maximized() const
Q_D(const QWaylandXdgToplevelV6);
return d->m_lastAckedConfigure.states.contains(QWaylandXdgToplevelV6::State::MaximizedState);
* \qmlproperty bool QtWaylandCompositor::XdgToplevelV6::fullscreen
* This property holds whether the client has acknowledged that it should be fullscreen.
* \property QWaylandXdgToplevelV6::fullscreen
* This property holds whether the client has acknowledged that it should be fullscreen.
bool QWaylandXdgToplevelV6::fullscreen() const
Q_D(const QWaylandXdgToplevelV6);
return d->m_lastAckedConfigure.states.contains(QWaylandXdgToplevelV6::State::FullscreenState);
* \qmlproperty bool QtWaylandCompositor::XdgToplevelV6::resizing
* This property holds whether the client has acknowledged that it is being resized.
* \property QWaylandXdgToplevelV6::resizing
* This property holds whether the client has acknowledged that it is being resized.
bool QWaylandXdgToplevelV6::resizing() const
Q_D(const QWaylandXdgToplevelV6);
return d->m_lastAckedConfigure.states.contains(QWaylandXdgToplevelV6::State::ResizingState);
* \qmlproperty bool QtWaylandCompositor::XdgToplevelV6::activated
* This property holds whether toplevel is drawing itself as having input focus.
* \property QWaylandXdgToplevelV6::activated
* This property holds whether toplevel is drawing itself as having input focus.
bool QWaylandXdgToplevelV6::activated() const
Q_D(const QWaylandXdgToplevelV6);
return d->m_lastAckedConfigure.states.contains(QWaylandXdgToplevelV6::State::ActivatedState);
* \qmlmethod size QtWaylandCompositor::XdgToplevelV6::sizeForResize(size size, point delta, uint edges)
* Convenience for computing the new size given the current \a size, a \a delta, and
* the \a edges active in the drag.
* Convenience for computing the new size given the current \a size, a \a delta, and
* the \a edges active in the drag.
QSize QWaylandXdgToplevelV6::sizeForResize(const QSizeF &size, const QPointF &delta, Qt::Edges edges) const
qreal width = size.width();
qreal height = size.height();
if (edges & Qt::LeftEdge)
width -= delta.x();
else if (edges & Qt::RightEdge)
width += delta.x();
if (edges & Qt::TopEdge)
height -= delta.y();
else if (edges & Qt::BottomEdge)
height += delta.y();
QSize newSize = QSize(width, height)
.expandedTo({1, 1}); // We don't want to send a size of (0,0) as that means that the client decides
if (maxSize().isValid())
newSize = newSize.boundedTo(maxSize());
return newSize;
* Sends a configure event to the client. Parameter \a size contains the pixel size
* of the surface. A size of zero means the client is free to decide the size.
* Known \a states are enumerated in QWaylandXdgToplevelV6::State.
uint QWaylandXdgToplevelV6::sendConfigure(const QSize &size, const QVector<QWaylandXdgToplevelV6::State> &states)
if (!size.isValid()) {
qWarning() << "Can't configure zxdg_toplevel_v6 with an invalid size" << size;
return 0;
auto statesBytes = QByteArray::fromRawData(reinterpret_cast<const char *>(,
states.size() * static_cast<int>(sizeof(State)));
uint32_t serial = d->m_xdgSurface->surface()->compositor()->nextSerial();
d->m_pendingConfigures.append(QWaylandXdgToplevelV6Private::ConfigureEvent{states, size, serial});
d->send_configure(size.width(), size.height(), statesBytes);
return serial;
* \qmlmethod int QtWaylandCompositor::XdgToplevelV6::sendConfigure(size size, list<int> states)
* Sends a configure event to the client. \a size contains the pixel size of the surface.
* A size of zero means the client is free to decide the size.
* Known \a states are enumerated in XdgToplevelV6::State.
uint QWaylandXdgToplevelV6::sendConfigure(const QSize &size, const QVector<int> &states)
QVector<State> s;
for (auto state : states)
s << State(state);
return sendConfigure(size, s);
* \qmlmethod void QtWaylandCompositor::XdgToplevelV6::sendClose()
* Sends a close event to the client. The client may choose to ignore the event.
* Sends a close event to the client. The client may choose to ignore the event.
void QWaylandXdgToplevelV6::sendClose()
* \qmlmethod void QtWaylandCompositor::XdgToplevelV6::sendMaximized(size size)
* Convenience for sending a configure event with the maximized state set, and
* fullscreen and resizing removed. The activated state is left in its current state.
* \a size is the new size of the window.
* Convenience for sending a configure event with the maximized state set, and
* fullscreen and resizing removed. The activated state is left in its current state.
* \a size is the new size of the window.
uint QWaylandXdgToplevelV6::sendMaximized(const QSize &size)
QWaylandXdgToplevelV6Private::ConfigureEvent conf = d->lastSentConfigure();
if (!conf.states.contains(QWaylandXdgToplevelV6::State::MaximizedState))
return sendConfigure(size, conf.states);
* \qmlmethod void QtWaylandCompositor::XdgToplevelV6::sendUnmaximized(size size)
* Convenience for sending a configure event with the maximized, fullscreen and
* resizing states removed, and fullscreen and resizing removed. The activated
* state is left in its current state.
* \a size is the new size of the window. If \a size is zero, the client decides the size.
* Convenience for sending a configure event with the maximized, fullscreen and
* resizing states removed, and fullscreen and resizing removed. The activated
* state is left in its current state.
* \a size is the new size of the window. If \a size is zero, the client decides the size.
uint QWaylandXdgToplevelV6::sendUnmaximized(const QSize &size)
QWaylandXdgToplevelV6Private::ConfigureEvent conf = d->lastSentConfigure();
return sendConfigure(size, conf.states);
* \qmlmethod void QtWaylandCompositor::XdgToplevelV6::sendFullscreen(size size)
* Convenience for sending a configure event with the fullscreen state set, and
* maximized and resizing removed. The activated state is left in its current state.
* \sa sendUnmaximized
* \a size is the new size of the window.
* Convenience for sending a configure event with the fullscreen state set, and
* maximized and resizing removed. The activated state is left in its current state.
* \sa sendUnmaximized
* \a size is the new size of the window.
uint QWaylandXdgToplevelV6::sendFullscreen(const QSize &size)
QWaylandXdgToplevelV6Private::ConfigureEvent conf = d->lastSentConfigure();
if (!conf.states.contains(QWaylandXdgToplevelV6::State::FullscreenState))
return sendConfigure(size, conf.states);
* \qmlmethod void QtWaylandCompositor::XdgToplevelV6::sendResizing(size maxSize)
* Convenience for sending a configure event with the resizing state set, and
* maximized and fullscreen removed. The activated state is left in its current state.
* \a maxSize is the new size of the window.
* Convenience for sending a configure event with the resizing state set, and
* maximized and fullscreen removed. The activated state is left in its current state.
* \a maxSize is the new size of the window.
uint QWaylandXdgToplevelV6::sendResizing(const QSize &maxSize)
QWaylandXdgToplevelV6Private::ConfigureEvent conf = d->lastSentConfigure();
if (!conf.states.contains(QWaylandXdgToplevelV6::State::ResizingState))
return sendConfigure(maxSize, conf.states);
* Returns the surface role for the QWaylandToplevelV6.
QWaylandSurfaceRole *QWaylandXdgToplevelV6::role()
return &QWaylandXdgToplevelV6Private::s_role;
* \qmlsignal QtWaylandCompositor::XdgShellV6::xdgSurfaceCreated(XdgSurfaceV6 xdgSurface)
* This signal is emitted when the client has created a \c zxdg_surface_v6.
* Note that \a xdgSurface is not mapped, i.e. according to the \c xdg-shell
* protocol it should not be displayed, until it has received a role object.
* \sa toplevelCreated(), popupCreated()
* \fn void QWaylandXdgShellV6::xdgSurfaceCreated(QWaylandXdgSurfaceV6 *xdgSurface)
* This signal is emitted when the client has created a \c zxdg_surface_v6.
* Note that \a xdgSurface is not mapped, i.e. according to the \c xdg-shell
* protocol it should not be displayed, until it has received a role object.
* \sa toplevelCreated(), popupCreated()
* \qmlsignal QtWaylandCompositor::XdgShellV6::toplevelCreated(XdgToplevelV6 toplevel, XdgSurfaceV6 xdgSurface)
* This signal is emitted when the client has created a \c zxdg_toplevel_v6.
* A common use case is to let the handler of this signal instantiate a ShellSurfaceItem or
* WaylandQuickItem for displaying \a toplevel in a QtQuick scene.
* \a xdgSurface is the XdgSurfaceV6 \a toplevel is the role object for.
* \fn void QWaylandXdgShellV6::toplevelCreated(QWaylandXdgToplevelV6 *toplevel, QWaylandXdgSurfaceV6 *xdgSurface)
* This signal is emitted when the client has created a \c zxdg_toplevel_v6.
* A common use case is to let the handler of this signal instantiate a QWaylandShellSurfaceItem or
* QWaylandQuickItem for displaying \a toplevel in a QtQuick scene.
* \a xdgSurface is the XdgSurfaceV6 \a toplevel is the role object for.
* \qmlsignal QtWaylandCompositor::XdgShellV6::popupCreated(XdgPopupV6 popup, XdgSurfaceV6 xdgSurface)
* This signal is emitted when the client has created a \c zxdg_popup_v6.
* A common use case is to let the handler of this signal instantiate a ShellSurfaceItem or
* WaylandQuickItem for displaying \a popup in a QtQuick scene.
* \a xdgSurface is the XdgSurfaceV6 \a popup is the role object for.
* \fn void QWaylandXdgShellV6::popupCreated(QWaylandXdgPopupV6 *popup, QWaylandXdgSurfaceV6 *xdgSurface)
* This signal is emitted when the client has created a \c zxdg_popup_v6.
* A common use case is to let the handler of this signal instantiate a QWaylandShellSurfaceItem or
* QWaylandQuickItem for displaying \a popup in a QtQuick scene.
* \a xdgSurface is the XdgSurfaceV6 \a popup is the role object for.
* \qmlsignal QtWaylandCompositor::XdgShellV6::pong(int serial)
* This signal is emitted when the client has responded to a ping event with serial, \a serial.
* \sa ping()
* \fn void QWaylandXdgShellV6::pong(uint serial)
* This signal is emitted when the client has responded to a ping event with serial, \a serial.
* \sa QWaylandXdgShellV6::ping()
QList<int> QWaylandXdgToplevelV6::statesAsInts() const
QList<int> list;
const auto s = states();
for (auto state : s) {
list << static_cast<int>(state);
return list;
QWaylandSurfaceRole QWaylandXdgToplevelV6Private::s_role("zxdg_toplevel_v6");
QWaylandXdgToplevelV6Private::QWaylandXdgToplevelV6Private(QWaylandXdgSurfaceV6 *xdgSurface, const QWaylandResource &resource)
: m_xdgSurface(xdgSurface)
void QWaylandXdgToplevelV6Private::handleAckConfigure(uint serial)
ConfigureEvent config;
if (m_pendingConfigures.empty()) {
qWarning("Toplevel received an unexpected ack_configure!");
// This won't work unless there always is a toplevel.configure for each xdgsurface.configure
config = m_pendingConfigures.takeFirst();
if (config.serial == serial)
QVector<uint> changedStates;
m_lastAckedConfigure.states.begin(), m_lastAckedConfigure.states.end(),
config.states.begin(), config.states.end(),
m_lastAckedConfigure = config;
for (uint state : changedStates) {
switch (state) {
case state_maximized:
emit q->maximizedChanged();
case state_fullscreen:
emit q->fullscreenChanged();
case state_resizing:
emit q->resizingChanged();
case state_activated:
emit q->activatedChanged();
if (!changedStates.empty())
emit q->statesChanged();
void QWaylandXdgToplevelV6Private::handleFocusLost()
QWaylandXdgToplevelV6Private::ConfigureEvent current = lastSentConfigure();
q->sendConfigure(current.size, current.states);
void QWaylandXdgToplevelV6Private::handleFocusReceived()
QWaylandXdgToplevelV6Private::ConfigureEvent current = lastSentConfigure();
if (!current.states.contains(QWaylandXdgToplevelV6::State::ActivatedState)) {
q->sendConfigure(current.size, current.states);
void QWaylandXdgToplevelV6Private::zxdg_toplevel_v6_destroy_resource(QtWaylandServer::zxdg_toplevel_v6::Resource *resource)
delete q;
void QWaylandXdgToplevelV6Private::zxdg_toplevel_v6_destroy(QtWaylandServer::zxdg_toplevel_v6::Resource *resource)
//TODO: Should the xdg surface be desroyed as well? Or is it allowed to recreate a new toplevel for it?
void QWaylandXdgToplevelV6Private::zxdg_toplevel_v6_set_parent(QtWaylandServer::zxdg_toplevel_v6::Resource *resource, wl_resource *parent)
QWaylandXdgToplevelV6 *parentToplevel = nullptr;
if (parent) {
parentToplevel = static_cast<QWaylandXdgToplevelV6Private *>(
if (m_parentToplevel != parentToplevel) {
m_parentToplevel = parentToplevel;
emit q->parentToplevelChanged();
if (m_parentToplevel && m_xdgSurface->windowType() != Qt::WindowType::SubWindow) {
// There's a parent now, which means the surface is transient
} else if (!m_parentToplevel && m_xdgSurface->windowType() != Qt::WindowType::Window) {
// When the surface has no parent it is toplevel
void QWaylandXdgToplevelV6Private::zxdg_toplevel_v6_set_title(QtWaylandServer::zxdg_toplevel_v6::Resource *resource, const QString &title)
if (title == m_title)
m_title = title;
emit q->titleChanged();
void QWaylandXdgToplevelV6Private::zxdg_toplevel_v6_set_app_id(QtWaylandServer::zxdg_toplevel_v6::Resource *resource, const QString &app_id)
if (app_id == m_appId)
m_appId = app_id;
emit q->appIdChanged();
void QWaylandXdgToplevelV6Private::zxdg_toplevel_v6_show_window_menu(QtWaylandServer::zxdg_toplevel_v6::Resource *resource, wl_resource *seatResource, uint32_t serial, int32_t x, int32_t y)
QPoint position(x, y);
auto seat = QWaylandSeat::fromSeatResource(seatResource);
emit q->showWindowMenu(seat, position);
void QWaylandXdgToplevelV6Private::zxdg_toplevel_v6_move(Resource *resource, wl_resource *seatResource, uint32_t serial)
QWaylandSeat *seat = QWaylandSeat::fromSeatResource(seatResource);
emit q->startMove(seat);
void QWaylandXdgToplevelV6Private::zxdg_toplevel_v6_resize(QtWaylandServer::zxdg_toplevel_v6::Resource *resource, wl_resource *seatResource, uint32_t serial, uint32_t edges)
QWaylandSeat *seat = QWaylandSeat::fromSeatResource(seatResource);
emit q->startResize(seat, QWaylandXdgShellV6Private::convertToEdges(edges));
void QWaylandXdgToplevelV6Private::zxdg_toplevel_v6_set_max_size(QtWaylandServer::zxdg_toplevel_v6::Resource *resource, int32_t width, int32_t height)
QSize maxSize(width, height);
if (width == 0 && height == 0)
maxSize = QSize(); // Wayland size of zero means unspecified which best translates to invalid
if (m_maxSize == maxSize)
if (width < 0 || height < 0) {
// The spec says raise a protocol error, but there's no matching error defined
qWarning() << "Received a zxdg_toplevel_v6.set_max_size request with a negative size";
if (m_minSize.isValid() && maxSize.isValid() &&
(maxSize.width() < m_minSize.width() || maxSize.height() < m_minSize.height())) {
// The spec says raise a protocol error, but there's no matching error defined
qWarning() << "Received a zxdg_toplevel_v6.set_max_size request with a size smaller than the minimium size";
m_maxSize = maxSize;
emit q->maxSizeChanged();
void QWaylandXdgToplevelV6Private::zxdg_toplevel_v6_set_min_size(QtWaylandServer::zxdg_toplevel_v6::Resource *resource, int32_t width, int32_t height)
QSize minSize(width, height);
if (width == 0 && height == 0)
minSize = QSize(); // Wayland size of zero means unspecified
if (m_minSize == minSize)
if (width < 0 || height < 0) {
// The spec says raise a protocol error, but there's no matching error defined
qWarning() << "Received a zxdg_toplevel_v6.set_min_size request with a negative size";
if (m_maxSize.isValid() && minSize.isValid() &&
(minSize.width() > m_maxSize.width() || minSize.height() > m_maxSize.height())) {
// The spec says raise a protocol error, but there's no matching error defined
qWarning() << "Received a zxdg_toplevel_v6.set_min_size request with a size larger than the maximum size";
m_minSize = minSize;
emit q->minSizeChanged();
void QWaylandXdgToplevelV6Private::zxdg_toplevel_v6_set_maximized(QtWaylandServer::zxdg_toplevel_v6::Resource *resource)
emit q->setMaximized();
void QWaylandXdgToplevelV6Private::zxdg_toplevel_v6_unset_maximized(QtWaylandServer::zxdg_toplevel_v6::Resource *resource)
emit q->unsetMaximized();
void QWaylandXdgToplevelV6Private::zxdg_toplevel_v6_set_fullscreen(QtWaylandServer::zxdg_toplevel_v6::Resource *resource, wl_resource *output_res)
QWaylandOutput *output = output_res ? QWaylandOutput::fromResource(output_res) : nullptr;
emit q->setFullscreen(output);
void QWaylandXdgToplevelV6Private::zxdg_toplevel_v6_unset_fullscreen(QtWaylandServer::zxdg_toplevel_v6::Resource *resource)
emit q->unsetFullscreen();
void QWaylandXdgToplevelV6Private::zxdg_toplevel_v6_set_minimized(QtWaylandServer::zxdg_toplevel_v6::Resource *resource)
emit q->setMinimized();
* \qmltype XdgPopupV6
* \inqmlmodule QtWayland.Compositor
* \since 5.10
* \obsolete
* \brief XdgPopupV6 represents the popup specific parts of and xdg surface.
* This type is part of the \l{XdgShellV6} extension and provides a way to extend
* extend the functionality of an \l{XdgSurfaceV6} with features
* specific to desktop-style menus for an xdg surface.
* It corresponds to the Wayland interface \c zxdg_popup_v6.
* \class QWaylandXdgPopupV6
* \inmodule QtWaylandCompositor
* \since 5.10
* \obsolete
* \brief The QWaylandXdgPopupV6 class represents the popup specific parts of an xdg surface.
* This class is part of the QWaylandXdgShellV6 extension and provides a way to
* extend the functionality of a QWaylandXdgSurfaceV6 with features
* specific to desktop-style menus for an xdg surface.
* It corresponds to the Wayland interface \c zxdg_popup_v6.
* Constructs a QWaylandXdgPopupV6.
QWaylandXdgPopupV6::QWaylandXdgPopupV6(QWaylandXdgSurfaceV6 *xdgSurface, QWaylandXdgSurfaceV6 *parentXdgSurface,
QWaylandXdgPositionerV6 *positioner, QWaylandResource &resource)
: QObject(*new QWaylandXdgPopupV6Private(xdgSurface, parentXdgSurface, positioner, resource))
* \qmlproperty XdgSurfaceV6 QtWaylandCompositor::XdgPopupV6::xdgSurface
* This property holds the XdgSurfaceV6 associated with this XdgPopupV6.
* \property QWaylandXdgPopupV6::xdgSurface
* This property holds the QWaylandXdgSurfaceV6 associated with this QWaylandXdgPopupV6.
QWaylandXdgSurfaceV6 *QWaylandXdgPopupV6::xdgSurface() const
Q_D(const QWaylandXdgPopupV6);
return d->m_xdgSurface;
* \qmlproperty XdgSurfaceV6 QtWaylandCompositor::XdgPopupV6::parentXdgSurface
* This property holds the XdgSurfaceV6 associated with the parent of this XdgPopupV6.
* \property QWaylandXdgPopupV6::parentXdgSurface
* This property holds the QWaylandXdgSurfaceV6 associated with the parent of this
* QWaylandXdgPopupV6.
QWaylandXdgSurfaceV6 *QWaylandXdgPopupV6::parentXdgSurface() const
Q_D(const QWaylandXdgPopupV6);
return d->m_parentXdgSurface;
* \qmlproperty rect QtWaylandCompositor::XdgPopupV6::configuredGeometry
* The window geometry the popup received in the configure event. Relative to the
* upper left corner of the parent surface.
* \property QWaylandXdgPopupV6::configuredGeometry
* The window geometry the popup received in the configure event. Relative to the
* upper left corner of the parent surface.
QRect QWaylandXdgPopupV6::configuredGeometry() const
Q_D(const QWaylandXdgPopupV6);
return d->m_geometry;
* \qmlproperty rect QtWaylandCompositor::XdgPopupV6::anchorRect
* The anchor rectangle relative to the parent window geometry that the child
* surface should be placed relative to.
* \property QWaylandXdgPopupV6::anchorRect
* Returns the anchor rectangle relative to the parent window geometry that the child
* surface should be placed relative to.
QRect QWaylandXdgPopupV6::anchorRect() const
Q_D(const QWaylandXdgPopupV6);
return d->m_positionerData.anchorRect;
* \qmlproperty enumeration QtWaylandCompositor::XdgPopupV6::anchorEdges
* This property holds the set of edges on the anchor rect that the child surface should be placed
* relative to. If no edges are specified in a direction, the anchor point should be
* centered between the edges.
* The possible values are:
* \value Qt.TopEdge The top edge of the rectangle.
* \value Qt.LeftEdge The left edge of the rectangle.
* \value Qt.RightEdge The right edge of the rectangle.
* \value Qt.BottomEdge The bottom edge of the rectangle.
* \property QWaylandXdgPopupV6::anchorEdges
* Returns the set of edges on the anchor rect that the child surface should be placed
* relative to. If no edges are specified in a direction, the anchor point should be
* centered between the edges.
Qt::Edges QWaylandXdgPopupV6::anchorEdges() const
Q_D(const QWaylandXdgPopupV6);
return d->m_positionerData.anchorEdges;
* \qmlproperty rect QtWaylandCompositor::XdgPopupV6::gravityEdges
* Specifies in what direction the surface should be positioned, relative to the anchor
* point.
* The possible values are:
* \value Qt.TopEdge The surface should slide towards the top of the screen.
* \value Qt.LeftEdge The surface should slide towards the left of the screen.
* \value Qt.RightEdge The surface should slide towards the right of the screen.
* \value Qt.BottomEdge The surface should slide towards the bottom of the screen.
* \property QWaylandXdgPopupV6::gravityEdges
* Specifies in what direction the surface should be positioned, relative to the anchor
* point.
Qt::Edges QWaylandXdgPopupV6::gravityEdges() const
Q_D(const QWaylandXdgPopupV6);
return d->m_positionerData.gravityEdges;
* \qmlproperty enumeration QtWaylandCompositor::XdgPopupV6::slideConstraints
* This property holds the orientations in which the child should slide to fit within the screen.
* Possible values:
* \value Qt.Horizontal Horizontal
* \value Qt.Vertical Vertical
* \property QWaylandXdgPopupV6::slideConstraints
* This property holds the orientations in which the child should slide to fit within the screen.
Qt::Orientations QWaylandXdgPopupV6::slideConstraints() const
Q_D(const QWaylandXdgPopupV6);
const uint flags = d->m_positionerData.constraintAdjustments;
Qt::Orientations constraints = {};
constraints |= Qt::Horizontal;
constraints |= Qt::Vertical;
return constraints;
* \qmlproperty enumeration QtWaylandCompositor::XdgPopupV6::flipConstraints
* This property holds the orientations in which the child should flip to fit within the screen.
* Possible values:
* \value Qt.Horizontal Horizontal
* \value Qt.Vertical Vertical
* \property QWaylandXdgPopupV6::flipConstraints
* This property holds the orientations in which the child should flip to fit within the screen.
Qt::Orientations QWaylandXdgPopupV6::flipConstraints() const
Q_D(const QWaylandXdgPopupV6);
const uint flags = d->m_positionerData.constraintAdjustments;
Qt::Orientations constraints = {};
constraints |= Qt::Horizontal;
constraints |= Qt::Vertical;
return constraints;
* \qmlproperty enumeration QtWaylandCompositor::XdgPopupV6::resizeConstraints
* This property holds the orientations in which the child should resize to fit within the screen.
* Possible values:
* \value Qt.Horizontal Horizontal
* \value Qt.Vertical Vertical
* \property QWaylandXdgPopupV6::resizeConstraints
* This property holds the orientations in which the child should resize to fit within the screen.
Qt::Orientations QWaylandXdgPopupV6::resizeConstraints() const
Q_D(const QWaylandXdgPopupV6);
const uint flags = d->m_positionerData.constraintAdjustments;
Qt::Orientations constraints = {};
constraints |= Qt::Horizontal;
constraints |= Qt::Vertical;
return constraints;
* \qmlproperty point QtWaylandCompositor::XdgPopupV6::offset
* The position relative to the position of the anchor on the anchor rectangle and
* the anchor on the surface.
* \property QWaylandXdgPopupV6::offset
* Returns the surface position relative to the position of the anchor on the anchor
* rectangle and the anchor on the surface.
QPoint QWaylandXdgPopupV6::offset() const
Q_D(const QWaylandXdgPopupV6);
return d->m_positionerData.offset;
* \qmlproperty size QtWaylandCompositor::XdgPopupV6::positionerSize
* The size requested for the window geometry by the positioner object.
* \property QWaylandXdgPopupV6::positionerSize
* Returns the size requested for the window geometry by the positioner object.
QSize QWaylandXdgPopupV6::positionerSize() const
Q_D(const QWaylandXdgPopupV6);
return d->m_positionerData.size;
* \qmlproperty point QtWaylandCompositor::XdgPopupV6::unconstrainedPosition
* The position of the surface relative to the parent window geometry if the surface
* is not constrained. I.e. when not moved to fit inside the screen or similar.
* \property QWaylandXdgPopupV6::unconstrainedPosition
* The position of the surface relative to the parent window geometry if the surface
* is not constrained. I.e. when not moved to fit inside the screen or similar.
QPoint QWaylandXdgPopupV6::unconstrainedPosition() const
Q_D(const QWaylandXdgPopupV6);
return d->m_positionerData.unconstrainedPosition();
* \qmlmethod int QtWaylandCompositor::XdgPopupV6::sendConfigure(rect geometry)
* Sends a configure event to the client. \a geometry contains the window geometry
* relative to the upper left corner of the window geometry of the parent surface.
* This implicitly sends a configure event to the corresponding XdgSurfaceV6 as well.
* Sends a configure event to the client. \a geometry contains the window geometry
* relative to the upper left corner of the window geometry of the parent surface.
* This implicitly sends a configure event to the corresponding QWaylandXdgSurfaceV6
* as well.
uint QWaylandXdgPopupV6::sendConfigure(const QRect &geometry)
return d->sendConfigure(geometry);
* \qmlmethod void QtWaylandCompositor::XdgPopupV6::sendPopupDone()
* \since 5.14
* Dismiss the popup. According to the \c xdg-shell-unstable-v6 protocol this should make the
* client destroy the popup.
* \since 5.14
* Dismiss the popup. According to the \c xdg-shell-unstable-v6 protocol this should make the
* client destroy the popup.
void QWaylandXdgPopupV6::sendPopupDone()
* Returns the surface role for the QWaylandPopupV6.
QWaylandSurfaceRole *QWaylandXdgPopupV6::role()
return &QWaylandXdgPopupV6Private::s_role;
QWaylandXdgPopupV6Private::QWaylandXdgPopupV6Private(QWaylandXdgSurfaceV6 *xdgSurface, QWaylandXdgSurfaceV6 *parentXdgSurface,
QWaylandXdgPositionerV6 *positioner, const QWaylandResource &resource)
: m_xdgSurface(xdgSurface)
, m_parentXdgSurface(parentXdgSurface)
, m_positionerData(positioner->m_data)
//TODO: Need an API for sending a different initial configure
sendConfigure(QRect(m_positionerData.unconstrainedPosition(), m_positionerData.size));
void QWaylandXdgPopupV6Private::handleAckConfigure(uint serial)
ConfigureEvent config;
if (m_pendingConfigures.empty()) {
qWarning("Popup received an unexpected ack_configure!");
// This won't work unless there always is a popup.configure for each xdgsurface.configure
config = m_pendingConfigures.takeFirst();
if (config.serial == serial)
if (m_geometry == config.geometry)
m_geometry = config.geometry;
emit q->configuredGeometryChanged();
uint QWaylandXdgPopupV6Private::sendConfigure(const QRect &geometry)
uint32_t serial = m_xdgSurface->surface()->compositor()->nextSerial();
m_pendingConfigures.append(QWaylandXdgPopupV6Private::ConfigureEvent{geometry, serial});
send_configure(geometry.x(), geometry.y(), geometry.width(), geometry.height());
return serial;
void QWaylandXdgPopupV6Private::zxdg_popup_v6_destroy(QtWaylandServer::zxdg_popup_v6::Resource *resource)
qWarning() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "Not implemented"; //TODO
void QWaylandXdgPopupV6Private::zxdg_popup_v6_grab(QtWaylandServer::zxdg_popup_v6::Resource *resource, wl_resource *seat, uint32_t serial)
qWarning() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "Not implemented"; //TODO
//switch keyboard focus
//eventually send configure with activated.
QWaylandSurfaceRole QWaylandXdgPopupV6Private::s_role("zxdg_popup_v6");
: offset(0, 0)
bool QWaylandXdgPositionerV6Data::isComplete() const
return size.width() > 0 && size.height() > 0 && anchorRect.size().width() > 0 && anchorRect.size().height() > 0;
QPoint QWaylandXdgPositionerV6Data::anchorPoint() const
int yPosition = 0;
if (anchorEdges & Qt::TopEdge)
yPosition =;
else if (anchorEdges & Qt::BottomEdge)
yPosition = anchorRect.bottom() + 1;
yPosition = + anchorRect.height() / 2;
int xPosition = 0;
if (anchorEdges & Qt::LeftEdge)
xPosition = anchorRect.left();
else if (anchorEdges & Qt::RightEdge)
xPosition = anchorRect.right() + 1;
xPosition = anchorRect.left() + anchorRect.width() / 2;
return QPoint(xPosition, yPosition);
QPoint QWaylandXdgPositionerV6Data::unconstrainedPosition() const
int gravityOffsetY = 0;
if (gravityEdges & Qt::TopEdge)
gravityOffsetY = -size.height();
else if (!(gravityEdges & Qt::BottomEdge))
gravityOffsetY = -size.height() / 2;
int gravityOffsetX = 0;
if (gravityEdges & Qt::LeftEdge)
gravityOffsetX = -size.width();
else if (!(gravityEdges & Qt::RightEdge))
gravityOffsetX = -size.width() / 2;
QPoint gravityOffset(gravityOffsetX, gravityOffsetY);
return anchorPoint() + gravityOffset + offset;
QWaylandXdgPositionerV6::QWaylandXdgPositionerV6(const QWaylandResource &resource)
void QWaylandXdgPositionerV6::zxdg_positioner_v6_destroy_resource(QtWaylandServer::zxdg_positioner_v6::Resource *resource)
delete this;
void QWaylandXdgPositionerV6::zxdg_positioner_v6_destroy(QtWaylandServer::zxdg_positioner_v6::Resource *resource)
void QWaylandXdgPositionerV6::zxdg_positioner_v6_set_size(QtWaylandServer::zxdg_positioner_v6::Resource *resource, int32_t width, int32_t height)
if (width <= 0 || height <= 0) {
wl_resource_post_error(resource->handle, ZXDG_POSITIONER_V6_ERROR_INVALID_INPUT,
"zxdg_positioner_v6.set_size requested with non-positive dimensions");
QSize size(width, height);
m_data.size = size;
void QWaylandXdgPositionerV6::zxdg_positioner_v6_set_anchor_rect(QtWaylandServer::zxdg_positioner_v6::Resource *resource, int32_t x, int32_t y, int32_t width, int32_t height)
if (width <= 0 || height <= 0) {
wl_resource_post_error(resource->handle, ZXDG_POSITIONER_V6_ERROR_INVALID_INPUT,
"zxdg_positioner_v6.set_anchor_rect requested with non-positive dimensions");
QRect anchorRect(x, y, width, height);
m_data.anchorRect = anchorRect;
void QWaylandXdgPositionerV6::zxdg_positioner_v6_set_anchor(QtWaylandServer::zxdg_positioner_v6::Resource *resource, uint32_t anchor)
Qt::Edges anchorEdges = QWaylandXdgShellV6Private::convertToEdges(anchor);
if ((anchorEdges & Qt::BottomEdge && anchorEdges & Qt::TopEdge) ||
(anchorEdges & Qt::LeftEdge && anchorEdges & Qt::RightEdge)) {
wl_resource_post_error(resource->handle, ZXDG_POSITIONER_V6_ERROR_INVALID_INPUT,
"zxdg_positioner_v6.set_anchor requested with parallel edges");
m_data.anchorEdges = anchorEdges;
void QWaylandXdgPositionerV6::zxdg_positioner_v6_set_gravity(QtWaylandServer::zxdg_positioner_v6::Resource *resource, uint32_t gravity)
Qt::Edges gravityEdges = QWaylandXdgShellV6Private::convertToEdges(gravity);
if ((gravityEdges & Qt::BottomEdge && gravityEdges & Qt::TopEdge) ||
(gravityEdges & Qt::LeftEdge && gravityEdges & Qt::RightEdge)) {
wl_resource_post_error(resource->handle, ZXDG_POSITIONER_V6_ERROR_INVALID_INPUT,
"zxdg_positioner_v6.set_gravity requested with parallel edges");
m_data.gravityEdges = gravityEdges;
void QWaylandXdgPositionerV6::zxdg_positioner_v6_set_constraint_adjustment(QtWaylandServer::zxdg_positioner_v6::Resource *resource, uint32_t constraint_adjustment)
m_data.constraintAdjustments = constraint_adjustment;
void QWaylandXdgPositionerV6::zxdg_positioner_v6_set_offset(QtWaylandServer::zxdg_positioner_v6::Resource *resource, int32_t x, int32_t y)
m_data.offset = QPoint(x, y);
QWaylandXdgPositionerV6 *QWaylandXdgPositionerV6::fromResource(wl_resource *resource)
return QtWayland::fromResource<QWaylandXdgPositionerV6 *>(resource);
#endif // QT_DEPRECATED_SINCE(5, 15)