blob: bc70ea4323834f73fbf30c497d18b16434b5318d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
namespace optimization_guide {
// The types of decisions that can be made for an optimization type.
// Keep in sync with OptimizationGuideOptimizationTypeDecision in enums.xml.
enum class OptimizationTypeDecision {
// The optimization type was allowed for the page load by an optimization
// filter for the type.
// The optimization type was not allowed for the page load by an optimization
// filter for the type.
// An optimization filter for that type was on the device but was not loaded
// in time to make a decision. There is no guarantee that had the filter been
// loaded that the page load would have been allowed for the optimization
// type.
// The optimization type was allowed for the page load based on a hint.
// A hint that matched the page load was present but the optimization type was
// not allowed to be applied.
// A hint was available but there was not a page hint within that hint that
// matched the page load.
// A hint that matched the page load was on the device but was not loaded in
// time to make a decision. There is no guarantee that had the hint been
// loaded that the page load would have been allowed for the optimization
// type.
// No hints were available in the cache that matched the page load.
// The OptimizationGuideDecider was not initialized yet.
// A fetch to get the hint for the page load from the remote Optimization
// Guide Service was started, but was not available in time to make a
// decision.
// Add new values above this line.
kMaxValue = kHintFetchStartedButNotAvailableInTime,
// The types of decisions that can be made for an optimization target.
// Keep in sync with OptimizationGuideOptimizationTargetDecision in enums.xml.
enum class OptimizationTargetDecision {
// The page load does not match the optimization target.
// The page load matches the optimization target.
// The model needed to make the target decision was not available on the
// client.
// The page load is part of a model prediction holdback where all decisions
// will return |OptimizationGuideDecision::kFalse| in an attempt to not taint
// the data for understanding the production recall of the model.
// The OptimizationGuideDecider was not initialized yet.
// Add new values above this line.
kMaxValue = kDeciderNotInitialized,
// The statuses for why the main frame of a navigation was covered by a hint or
// fetch from the remote Optimization Guide Service.
// Keep in sync with OptimizationGuideNavigationHostCoveredStatus in enums.xml.
enum class NavigationHostCoveredStatus {
// The main frame host of the navigation was covered by a hint or was
// attempted to be fetched from the remote Optimization Guide Service in the
// last 7 days.
// A fetch for information from the remote Optimization Guide Service about
// the main frame host of the navigation was not attempted.
// A fetch for information from the remote Optimization Guide Service about
// the main frame host of the navigation was attempted but not successful.
// Add new values above this line.
kMaxValue = kFetchNotSuccessful,
} // namespace optimization_guide