blob: c175fbbc96dbfcf5c2e45ea3c7589ebfc72ead05 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <string>
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/optional.h"
#include "base/sequence_checker.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "base/version.h"
#include "components/leveldb_proto/public/proto_database.h"
namespace optimization_guide {
namespace proto {
class Hint;
class HostModelFeatures;
class PredictionModel;
class StoreEntry;
} // namespace proto
using EntryVector =
// Holds hint, prediction model, or host model features data for updating the
// OptimizationGuideStore.
class StoreUpdateData {
// Creates an update data object for a component hint update.
static std::unique_ptr<StoreUpdateData> CreateComponentStoreUpdateData(
const base::Version& component_version);
// Creates an update data object for a fetched hint update.
static std::unique_ptr<StoreUpdateData> CreateFetchedStoreUpdateData(
base::Time fetch_update_time,
base::Time expiry_time);
// Creates an update data object for a prediction model update.
static std::unique_ptr<StoreUpdateData>
// Creates an update data object for a host model features update.
static std::unique_ptr<StoreUpdateData>
base::Time host_model_features_update_time,
base::Time expiry_time);
// Returns the component version of a component hint update.
const base::Optional<base::Version> component_version() const {
return component_version_;
// Returns the next update time for the entries in the store update.
const base::Optional<base::Time> update_time() const { return update_time_; }
// Returns the expiry time for the hints in a fetched hint update.
const base::Optional<base::Time> expiry_time() const { return expiry_time_; }
// Moves |hint| into this update data. After MoveHintIntoUpdateData() is
// called, |hint| is no longer valid.
void MoveHintIntoUpdateData(proto::Hint&& hint);
// Copies |host_model_features| into this update data.
void CopyHostModelFeaturesIntoUpdateData(
const proto::HostModelFeatures& host_model_features);
// Copies |prediction_model| into this update data.
void CopyPredictionModelIntoUpdateData(
const proto::PredictionModel& prediction_model);
// Returns the store entry updates along with ownership to them.
std::unique_ptr<EntryVector> TakeUpdateEntries();
StoreUpdateData(base::Optional<base::Version> component_version,
base::Optional<base::Time> fetch_update_time,
base::Optional<base::Time> expiry_time);
StoreUpdateData(base::Time host_model_features_update_time,
base::Time expiry_time);
// The component version of the update data for a component update.
base::Optional<base::Version> component_version_;
// The time when the entries in this update need to be updated.
base::Optional<base::Time> update_time_;
// The time when entries in this update expire.
base::Optional<base::Time> expiry_time_;
// The prefix to add to the key of every store entry. It is set
// during construction for appropriate type of update.
std::string entry_key_prefix_;
// The vector of entries to save.
std::unique_ptr<EntryVector> entries_to_save_;
} // namespace optimization_guide