blob: 2ffb09b66cd5fe565a15005641ca2811eff4f330 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "components/keyed_service/core/keyed_service.h"
#include "components/search_provider_logos/logo_common.h"
namespace search_provider_logos {
class LogoObserver;
// Provides the logo for a profile's default search provider.
// Example usage:
// LogoService* logo_service = LogoServiceFactory::GetForProfile(profile);
// LogoCallbacks callbacks;
// callbacks.on_cached_decoded_logo = base::Bind(ShowLogo);
// callbacks.on_fresh_decoded_logo = base::Bind(FadeToLogo);
// logo_service->GetLogo(callbacks);
class LogoService : public KeyedService {
// Gets the logo for the default search provider and calls the provided
// callbacks with the encoded and decoded logos. The service will:
// 1. Load a cached logo, and call callbacks.on_cached_{en,de}coded_logo.
// 2. Fetch a fresh logo, and call callbacks.on_fresh_{en,de}coded_logo.
// At least one member of |callbacks| must be non-null.
virtual void GetLogo(LogoCallbacks callbacks) = 0;
// Gets the logo for the default search provider and notifies |observer|
// 0-2 times with the results. The service will:
// 1. Call observer->OnLogoAvailable() with |from_cache=true| when
// |on_cached_decoded_logo_available| would be called in the callback
// interface with type DETERMINED.
// 2. Call observer->OnLogoAvailable() with |from_cache=false| when
// |on_fresh_decoded_logo_available| would be called in the callback
// interface with type DETERMINED.
// 3. Call observer->OnObserverRemoved().
virtual void GetLogo(LogoObserver* observer) = 0;
} // namespace search_provider_logos