blob: d7cc2ea441c916fb77a520f8fe440cff042b6aab [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "components/url_formatter/url_formatter.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include "base/lazy_instance.h"
#include "base/numerics/safe_conversions.h"
#include "base/stl_util.h"
#include "base/strings/string_piece.h"
#include "base/strings/string_util.h"
#include "base/strings/utf_offset_string_conversions.h"
#include "base/strings/utf_string_conversions.h"
#include "base/threading/thread_local_storage.h"
#include "build/build_config.h"
#include "net/base/registry_controlled_domains/registry_controlled_domain.h"
#include "third_party/icu/source/common/unicode/uidna.h"
#include "third_party/icu/source/common/unicode/utypes.h"
#include "url/gurl.h"
#include "url/third_party/mozilla/url_parse.h"
namespace url_formatter {
namespace {
IDNConversionResult IDNToUnicodeWithAdjustments(
base::StringPiece host,
base::OffsetAdjuster::Adjustments* adjustments);
bool IDNToUnicodeOneComponent(const base::char16* comp,
size_t comp_len,
base::StringPiece top_level_domain,
base::StringPiece16 top_level_domain_unicode,
bool enable_spoof_checks,
base::string16* out,
bool* has_idn_component);
class AppendComponentTransform {
AppendComponentTransform() {}
virtual ~AppendComponentTransform() {}
virtual base::string16 Execute(
const std::string& component_text,
base::OffsetAdjuster::Adjustments* adjustments) const = 0;
// NOTE: No DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN here, since gcc < 4.3.0 requires an
// accessible copy constructor in order to call AppendFormattedComponent()
// with an inline temporary (see ).
class HostComponentTransform : public AppendComponentTransform {
explicit HostComponentTransform(bool trim_trivial_subdomains)
: trim_trivial_subdomains_(trim_trivial_subdomains) {}
base::string16 Execute(
const std::string& component_text,
base::OffsetAdjuster::Adjustments* adjustments) const override {
if (!trim_trivial_subdomains_)
return IDNToUnicodeWithAdjustments(component_text, adjustments).result;
// Exclude the registry and domain from trivial subdomain stripping.
// To get the adjustment offset calculations correct, we need to transform
// the registry and domain portion of the host as well.
std::string domain_and_registry =
// If there is no domain and registry, we may be looking at an intranet
// or otherwise non-standard host. Leave those alone.
if (domain_and_registry.empty())
return IDNToUnicodeWithAdjustments(component_text, adjustments).result;
base::OffsetAdjuster::Adjustments trivial_subdomains_adjustments;
std::string transformed_host = component_text;
constexpr char kWww[] = "www.";
constexpr size_t kWwwLength = 4;
if (component_text.size() - domain_and_registry.length() >= kWwwLength &&
StartsWith(component_text, kWww, base::CompareCase::SENSITIVE)) {
transformed_host.erase(0, kWwwLength);
base::OffsetAdjuster::Adjustment(0, kWwwLength, 0));
base::string16 unicode_result =
IDNToUnicodeWithAdjustments(transformed_host, adjustments).result;
trivial_subdomains_adjustments, adjustments);
return unicode_result;
bool trim_trivial_subdomains_;
class NonHostComponentTransform : public AppendComponentTransform {
explicit NonHostComponentTransform(net::UnescapeRule::Type unescape_rules)
: unescape_rules_(unescape_rules) {}
base::string16 Execute(
const std::string& component_text,
base::OffsetAdjuster::Adjustments* adjustments) const override {
return (unescape_rules_ == net::UnescapeRule::NONE)
? base::UTF8ToUTF16WithAdjustments(component_text, adjustments)
: net::UnescapeAndDecodeUTF8URLComponentWithAdjustments(
component_text, unescape_rules_, adjustments);
const net::UnescapeRule::Type unescape_rules_;
// Transforms the portion of |spec| covered by |original_component| according to
// |transform|. Appends the result to |output|. If |output_component| is
// non-NULL, its start and length are set to the transformed component's new
// start and length. If |adjustments| is non-NULL, appends adjustments (if
// any) that reflect the transformation the original component underwent to
// become the transformed value appended to |output|.
void AppendFormattedComponent(const std::string& spec,
const url::Component& original_component,
const AppendComponentTransform& transform,
base::string16* output,
url::Component* output_component,
base::OffsetAdjuster::Adjustments* adjustments) {
if (original_component.is_nonempty()) {
size_t original_component_begin =
size_t output_component_begin = output->length();
std::string component_str(spec, original_component_begin,
// Transform |component_str| and modify |adjustments| appropriately.
base::OffsetAdjuster::Adjustments component_transform_adjustments;
transform.Execute(component_str, &component_transform_adjustments));
// Shift all the adjustments made for this component so the offsets are
// valid for the original string and add them to |adjustments|.
for (auto comp_iter = component_transform_adjustments.begin();
comp_iter != component_transform_adjustments.end(); ++comp_iter)
comp_iter->original_offset += original_component_begin;
if (adjustments) {
// Set positions of the parsed component.
if (output_component) {
output_component->begin = static_cast<int>(output_component_begin);
output_component->len =
static_cast<int>(output->length() - output_component_begin);
} else if (output_component) {
// If |component| is valid, its begin is incremented by |delta|.
void AdjustComponent(int delta, url::Component* component) {
if (!component->is_valid())
DCHECK(delta >= 0 || component->begin >= -delta);
component->begin += delta;
// Adjusts all the components of |parsed| by |delta|, except for the scheme.
void AdjustAllComponentsButScheme(int delta, url::Parsed* parsed) {
AdjustComponent(delta, &(parsed->username));
AdjustComponent(delta, &(parsed->password));
AdjustComponent(delta, &(parsed->host));
AdjustComponent(delta, &(parsed->port));
AdjustComponent(delta, &(parsed->path));
AdjustComponent(delta, &(parsed->query));
AdjustComponent(delta, &(parsed->ref));
// Helper for FormatUrlWithOffsets().
base::string16 FormatViewSourceUrl(
const GURL& url,
FormatUrlTypes format_types,
net::UnescapeRule::Type unescape_rules,
url::Parsed* new_parsed,
size_t* prefix_end,
base::OffsetAdjuster::Adjustments* adjustments) {
const char kViewSource[] = "view-source:";
const size_t kViewSourceLength = base::size(kViewSource) - 1;
// The URL embedded within view-source should never have destructive elisions
// applied to it. Users of view-source likely want to see the full URL.
format_types &= ~kFormatUrlOmitHTTPS;
format_types &= ~kFormatUrlOmitTrivialSubdomains;
format_types &= ~kFormatUrlTrimAfterHost;
// Format the underlying URL and record adjustments.
const std::string& url_str(url.possibly_invalid_spec());
base::string16 result(
base::ASCIIToUTF16(kViewSource) +
format_types, unescape_rules, new_parsed,
prefix_end, adjustments));
// Revise |adjustments| by shifting to the offsets to prefix that the above
// call to FormatUrl didn't get to see.
for (auto it = adjustments->begin(); it != adjustments->end(); ++it)
it->original_offset += kViewSourceLength;
// Adjust positions of the parsed components.
if (new_parsed->scheme.is_nonempty()) {
// Assume "view-source:real-scheme" as a scheme.
new_parsed->scheme.len += kViewSourceLength;
} else {
new_parsed->scheme.begin = 0;
new_parsed->scheme.len = kViewSourceLength - 1;
AdjustAllComponentsButScheme(kViewSourceLength, new_parsed);
if (prefix_end)
*prefix_end += kViewSourceLength;
return result;
base::LazyInstance<IDNSpoofChecker>::Leaky g_idn_spoof_checker =
// Computes the top level domain from |host|. top_level_domain_unicode will
// contain the unicode version of top_level_domain. top_level_domain_unicode can
// remain empty if the TLD is not well formed punycode.
void GetTopLevelDomain(base::StringPiece host,
base::StringPiece* top_level_domain,
base::string16* top_level_domain_unicode) {
size_t last_dot = host.rfind('.');
if (last_dot == base::StringPiece::npos)
*top_level_domain = host.substr(last_dot + 1);
base::string16 tld16;
tld16.insert(tld16.end(), top_level_domain->begin(), top_level_domain->end());
// Convert the TLD to unicode with the spoof checks disabled.
bool tld_has_idn_component = false;
IDNToUnicodeOneComponent(, tld16.size(), std::string(),
base::string16(), false /* enable_spoof_checks */,
top_level_domain_unicode, &tld_has_idn_component);
IDNConversionResult IDNToUnicodeWithAdjustmentsImpl(
base::StringPiece host,
base::OffsetAdjuster::Adjustments* adjustments,
bool enable_spoof_checks) {
if (adjustments)
// Convert the ASCII input to a base::string16 for ICU.
base::string16 host16;
host16.insert(host16.end(), host.begin(), host.end());
// Compute the top level domain to be used in spoof checks later.
base::StringPiece top_level_domain;
base::string16 top_level_domain_unicode;
GetTopLevelDomain(host, &top_level_domain, &top_level_domain_unicode);
IDNConversionResult result;
// Do each component of the host separately, since we enforce script matching
// on a per-component basis.
base::string16 out16;
for (size_t component_start = 0, component_end;
component_start < host16.length(); component_start = component_end + 1) {
// Find the end of the component.
component_end = host16.find('.', component_start);
if (component_end == base::string16::npos)
component_end = host16.length(); // For getting the last component.
size_t component_length = component_end - component_start;
size_t new_component_start = out16.length();
bool converted_idn = false;
if (component_end > component_start) {
// Add the substring that we just found.
bool has_idn_component = false;
converted_idn = IDNToUnicodeOneComponent( + component_start, component_length, top_level_domain,
top_level_domain_unicode, enable_spoof_checks, &out16,
result.has_idn_component |= has_idn_component;
size_t new_component_length = out16.length() - new_component_start;
if (converted_idn && adjustments) {
component_start, component_length, new_component_length));
// Need to add the dot we just found (if we found one).
if (component_end < host16.length())
result.result = out16;
// Leave as punycode any inputs that spoof top domains.
if (result.has_idn_component) {
result.matching_top_domain =
if (enable_spoof_checks && !result.matching_top_domain.domain.empty()) {
if (adjustments)
result.result = host16;
return result;
// TODO(brettw): We may want to skip this step in the case of file URLs to
// allow unicode UNC hostnames regardless of encodings.
IDNConversionResult IDNToUnicodeWithAdjustments(
base::StringPiece host,
base::OffsetAdjuster::Adjustments* adjustments) {
return IDNToUnicodeWithAdjustmentsImpl(host, adjustments, true);
IDNConversionResult UnsafeIDNToUnicodeWithAdjustments(
base::StringPiece host,
base::OffsetAdjuster::Adjustments* adjustments) {
return IDNToUnicodeWithAdjustmentsImpl(host, adjustments, false);
// Returns true if the given Unicode host component is safe to display to the
// user. Note that this function does not deal with pure ASCII domain labels at
// all even though it's possible to make up look-alike labels with ASCII
// characters alone.
bool IsIDNComponentSafe(base::StringPiece16 label,
base::StringPiece top_level_domain,
base::StringPiece16 top_level_domain_unicode) {
return g_idn_spoof_checker.Get().SafeToDisplayAsUnicode(
label, top_level_domain, top_level_domain_unicode);
// A wrapper to use LazyInstance<>::Leaky with ICU's UIDNA, a C pointer to
// a UTS46/IDNA 2008 handling object opened with uidna_openUTS46().
// We use UTS46 with BiDiCheck to migrate from IDNA 2003 to IDNA 2008 with the
// backward compatibility in mind. What it does:
// 1. Use the up-to-date Unicode data.
// 2. Define a case folding/mapping with the up-to-date Unicode data as in
// IDNA 2003.
// 3. Use transitional mechanism for 4 deviation characters (sharp-s,
// final sigma, ZWJ and ZWNJ) for now.
// 4. Continue to allow symbols and punctuations.
// 5. Apply new BiDi check rules more permissive than the IDNA 2003 BiDI rules.
// 6. Do not apply STD3 rules
// 7. Do not allow unassigned code points.
// It also closely matches what IE 10 does except for the BiDi check (
// ).
// See http:// and references therein/ for more
// details.
struct UIDNAWrapper {
UIDNAWrapper() {
UErrorCode err = U_ZERO_ERROR;
// TODO(jungshik): Change options as different parties (browsers,
// registrars, search engines) converge toward a consensus.
value = uidna_openUTS46(UIDNA_CHECK_BIDI, &err);
CHECK(U_SUCCESS(err)) << "failed to open UTS46 data with error: "
<< u_errorName(err)
<< ". If you see this error message in a test "
<< "environment your test environment likely lacks "
<< "the required data tables for libicu. See "
<< "";
UIDNA* value;
base::LazyInstance<UIDNAWrapper>::Leaky g_uidna = LAZY_INSTANCE_INITIALIZER;
// Converts one component (label) of a host (between dots) to Unicode if safe.
// If |enable_spoof_checks| is false and input is valid unicode, skips spoof
// checks and always converts to unicode.
// The result will be APPENDED to the given output string and will be the
// same as the input if it is not IDN in ACE/punycode or the IDN is unsafe to
// display.
// Returns true if conversion was made. Sets |has_idn_component| to true if the
// input has IDN, regardless of whether it was converted to unicode or not.
bool IDNToUnicodeOneComponent(const base::char16* comp,
size_t comp_len,
base::StringPiece top_level_domain,
base::StringPiece16 top_level_domain_unicode,
bool enable_spoof_checks,
base::string16* out,
bool* has_idn_component) {
*has_idn_component = false;
if (comp_len == 0)
return false;
// Early return if the input cannot be an IDN component.
// Valid punycode must not end with a dash.
static const base::char16 kIdnPrefix[] = {'x', 'n', '-', '-'};
if (comp_len <= base::size(kIdnPrefix) ||
memcmp(comp, kIdnPrefix, sizeof(kIdnPrefix)) != 0 ||
comp[comp_len - 1] == '-') {
out->append(comp, comp_len);
return false;
UIDNA* uidna = g_uidna.Get().value;
DCHECK(uidna != nullptr);
size_t original_length = out->length();
int32_t output_length = 64;
UErrorCode status;
do {
out->resize(original_length + output_length);
status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
// This returns the actual length required. If this is more than 64
// code units, |status| will be U_BUFFER_OVERFLOW_ERROR and we'll try
// the conversion again, but with a sufficiently large buffer.
output_length = uidna_labelToUnicode(
uidna, comp, static_cast<int32_t>(comp_len), &(*out)[original_length],
output_length, &info, &status);
} while ((status == U_BUFFER_OVERFLOW_ERROR && info.errors == 0));
if (U_SUCCESS(status) && info.errors == 0) {
*has_idn_component = true;
// Converted successfully. At this point the length of the output string
// is original_length + output_length which may be shorter than the current
// length of |out|. Trim |out| and ensure that the converted component can
// be safely displayed to the user.
out->resize(original_length + output_length);
if (!enable_spoof_checks) {
return true;
if (IsIDNComponentSafe(
base::StringPiece16(out->data() + original_length,
top_level_domain, top_level_domain_unicode)) {
return true;
// We get here with no IDN or on error, in which case we just revert to
// original string and append the literal input.
out->append(comp, comp_len);
return false;
} // namespace
const FormatUrlType kFormatUrlOmitNothing = 0;
const FormatUrlType kFormatUrlOmitUsernamePassword = 1 << 0;
const FormatUrlType kFormatUrlOmitHTTP = 1 << 1;
const FormatUrlType kFormatUrlOmitTrailingSlashOnBareHostname = 1 << 2;
const FormatUrlType kFormatUrlOmitHTTPS = 1 << 3;
const FormatUrlType kFormatUrlOmitTrivialSubdomains = 1 << 5;
const FormatUrlType kFormatUrlTrimAfterHost = 1 << 6;
const FormatUrlType kFormatUrlOmitFileScheme = 1 << 7;
const FormatUrlType kFormatUrlOmitMailToScheme = 1 << 8;
const FormatUrlType kFormatUrlOmitDefaults =
kFormatUrlOmitUsernamePassword | kFormatUrlOmitHTTP |
base::string16 FormatUrl(const GURL& url,
FormatUrlTypes format_types,
net::UnescapeRule::Type unescape_rules,
url::Parsed* new_parsed,
size_t* prefix_end,
size_t* offset_for_adjustment) {
base::OffsetAdjuster::Adjustments adjustments;
base::string16 result = FormatUrlWithAdjustments(
url, format_types, unescape_rules, new_parsed, prefix_end, &adjustments);
if (offset_for_adjustment) {
base::OffsetAdjuster::AdjustOffset(adjustments, offset_for_adjustment,
return result;
base::string16 FormatUrlWithOffsets(
const GURL& url,
FormatUrlTypes format_types,
net::UnescapeRule::Type unescape_rules,
url::Parsed* new_parsed,
size_t* prefix_end,
std::vector<size_t>* offsets_for_adjustment) {
base::OffsetAdjuster::Adjustments adjustments;
const base::string16& result = FormatUrlWithAdjustments(
url, format_types, unescape_rules, new_parsed, prefix_end, &adjustments);
base::OffsetAdjuster::AdjustOffsets(adjustments, offsets_for_adjustment,
return result;
base::string16 FormatUrlWithAdjustments(
const GURL& url,
FormatUrlTypes format_types,
net::UnescapeRule::Type unescape_rules,
url::Parsed* new_parsed,
size_t* prefix_end,
base::OffsetAdjuster::Adjustments* adjustments) {
url::Parsed parsed_temp;
if (!new_parsed)
new_parsed = &parsed_temp;
*new_parsed = url::Parsed();
// Special handling for view-source:. Don't use content::kViewSourceScheme
// because this library shouldn't depend on chrome.
const char kViewSource[] = "view-source";
// Reject "view-source:view-source:..." to avoid deep recursion.
const char kViewSourceTwice[] = "view-source:view-source:";
if (url.SchemeIs(kViewSource) &&
!base::StartsWith(url.possibly_invalid_spec(), kViewSourceTwice,
base::CompareCase::INSENSITIVE_ASCII)) {
return FormatViewSourceUrl(url, format_types, unescape_rules,
new_parsed, prefix_end, adjustments);
// We handle both valid and invalid URLs (this will give us the spec
// regardless of validity).
const std::string& spec = url.possibly_invalid_spec();
const url::Parsed& parsed = url.parsed_for_possibly_invalid_spec();
// Scheme & separators. These are ASCII.
size_t scheme_size = static_cast<size_t>(parsed.CountCharactersBefore(
url::Parsed::USERNAME, true /* include_delimiter */));
base::string16 url_string;
url_string.insert(url_string.end(), spec.begin(), spec.begin() + scheme_size);
new_parsed->scheme = parsed.scheme;
// Username & password.
if (((format_types & kFormatUrlOmitUsernamePassword) != 0) ||
((format_types & kFormatUrlTrimAfterHost) != 0)) {
// Remove the username and password fields. We don't want to display those
// to the user since they can be used for attacks,
// e.g. ""
// Update the adjustments based on removed username and/or password.
if (parsed.username.is_nonempty() || parsed.password.is_nonempty()) {
if (parsed.username.is_nonempty() && parsed.password.is_nonempty()) {
// The seeming off-by-two is to account for the ':' after the username
// and '@' after the password.
static_cast<size_t>(parsed.username.len + parsed.password.len + 2),
} else {
const url::Component* nonempty_component =
parsed.username.is_nonempty() ? &parsed.username : &parsed.password;
// The seeming off-by-one is to account for the '@' after the
// username/password.
static_cast<size_t>(nonempty_component->len + 1), 0));
} else {
AppendFormattedComponent(spec, parsed.username,
&url_string, &new_parsed->username, adjustments);
if (parsed.password.is_valid())
AppendFormattedComponent(spec, parsed.password,
&url_string, &new_parsed->password, adjustments);
if (parsed.username.is_valid() || parsed.password.is_valid())
if (prefix_end)
*prefix_end = static_cast<size_t>(url_string.length());
// Host.
bool trim_trivial_subdomains =
(format_types & kFormatUrlOmitTrivialSubdomains) != 0;
&url_string, &new_parsed->host, adjustments);
// Port.
if (parsed.port.is_nonempty()) {
new_parsed->port.begin = url_string.length();
url_string.insert(url_string.end(), spec.begin() + parsed.port.begin,
spec.begin() + parsed.port.end());
new_parsed->port.len = url_string.length() - new_parsed->port.begin;
} else {
// Path & query. Both get the same general unescape & convert treatment.
if ((format_types & kFormatUrlTrimAfterHost) && url.IsStandard() &&
!url.SchemeIsFile() && !url.SchemeIsFileSystem()) {
size_t trimmed_length = parsed.path.len;
// Remove query and the '?' delimeter.
if (parsed.query.is_valid())
trimmed_length += parsed.query.len + 1;
// Remove ref and the '#" delimiter.
if (parsed.ref.is_valid())
trimmed_length += parsed.ref.len + 1;
base::OffsetAdjuster::Adjustment(parsed.path.begin, trimmed_length, 0));
} else if ((format_types & kFormatUrlOmitTrailingSlashOnBareHostname) &&
CanStripTrailingSlash(url)) {
// Omit the path, which is a single trailing slash. There's no query or ref.
if (parsed.path.len > 0) {
parsed.path.begin, parsed.path.len, 0));
} else {
// Append the formatted path, query, and ref.
AppendFormattedComponent(spec, parsed.path,
&url_string, &new_parsed->path, adjustments);
if (parsed.query.is_valid())
AppendFormattedComponent(spec, parsed.query,
&url_string, &new_parsed->query, adjustments);
if (parsed.ref.is_valid())
AppendFormattedComponent(spec, parsed.ref,
&url_string, &new_parsed->ref, adjustments);
// url_formatter::FixupURL() treats "" as This
// means that if we trim the scheme off a URL whose host starts with "ftp."
// and the user inputs this into any field subject to fixup (which is
// basically all input fields), the meaning would be changed. (In fact, often
// the formatted URL is directly pre-filled into an input field.) For this
// reason we avoid stripping schemes in this case.
const char kFTP[] = "ftp.";
bool strip_scheme =
!base::StartsWith(, kFTP, base::CompareCase::SENSITIVE) &&
(((format_types & kFormatUrlOmitHTTP) &&
url.SchemeIs(url::kHttpScheme)) ||
((format_types & kFormatUrlOmitHTTPS) &&
url.SchemeIs(url::kHttpsScheme)) ||
((format_types & kFormatUrlOmitFileScheme) &&
url.SchemeIs(url::kFileScheme)) ||
((format_types & kFormatUrlOmitMailToScheme) &&
// If we need to strip out schemes do it after the fact.
if (strip_scheme) {
size_t scheme_and_separator_len =
? new_parsed->scheme.len + 1 // +1 for :.
: new_parsed->scheme.len + 3; // +3 for ://.
#if defined(OS_WIN)
// Because there's an additional leading slash after the scheme for local
// files on Windows, we should remove it for URL display when eliding
// the scheme by offsetting by an additional character.
if (url.SchemeIs(url::kFileScheme) &&
base::StartsWith(url_string, base::ASCIIToUTF16("file:///"),
base::CompareCase::INSENSITIVE_ASCII)) {
url_string.erase(0, scheme_size);
// Because offsets in the |adjustments| are already calculated with respect
// to the string with the http:// prefix in it, those offsets remain correct
// after stripping the prefix. The only thing necessary is to add an
// adjustment to reflect the stripped prefix.
base::OffsetAdjuster::Adjustment(0, scheme_size, 0));
if (prefix_end)
*prefix_end -= scheme_size;
// Adjust new_parsed.
AdjustAllComponentsButScheme(-scheme_and_separator_len, new_parsed);
return url_string;
bool CanStripTrailingSlash(const GURL& url) {
// Omit the path only for standard, non-file URLs with nothing but "/" after
// the hostname.
return url.IsStandard() && !url.SchemeIsFile() && !url.SchemeIsFileSystem() &&
!url.has_query() && !url.has_ref() && url.path_piece() == "/";
void AppendFormattedHost(const GURL& url, base::string16* output) {
url.possibly_invalid_spec(), url.parsed_for_possibly_invalid_spec().host,
HostComponentTransform(false), output, nullptr, nullptr);
IDNConversionResult UnsafeIDNToUnicodeWithDetails(base::StringPiece host) {
return UnsafeIDNToUnicodeWithAdjustments(host, nullptr);
base::string16 IDNToUnicode(base::StringPiece host) {
return IDNToUnicodeWithAdjustments(host, nullptr).result;
base::string16 StripWWW(const base::string16& text) {
const base::string16 www(base::ASCIIToUTF16("www."));
return base::StartsWith(text, www, base::CompareCase::SENSITIVE)
? text.substr(www.length()) : text;
base::string16 StripWWWFromHost(const GURL& url) {
return StripWWW(base::ASCIIToUTF16(url.host_piece()));
Skeletons GetSkeletons(const base::string16& host) {
return g_idn_spoof_checker.Get().GetSkeletons(host);
TopDomainEntry LookupSkeletonInTopDomains(const std::string& skeleton) {
return g_idn_spoof_checker.Get().LookupSkeletonInTopDomains(skeleton);
} // namespace url_formatter