blob: 0457748b8d7bee5d522c269c37cf0bf6ba5aae36 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// This file contains the ResponseAnalyzerTests (which test the response
// analyzer's behavior in several parameterized test scenarios) and at the end
// includes the CrossOriginReadBlockingTests, which are more typical unittests.
#include <initializer_list>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include "base/strings/string_piece.h"
#include "base/test/metrics/histogram_tester.h"
#include "base/test/task_environment.h"
#include "net/base/mime_sniffer.h"
#include "net/http/http_util.h"
#include "net/traffic_annotation/network_traffic_annotation_test_helper.h"
#include "net/url_request/url_request_context.h"
#include "net/url_request/url_request_test_util.h"
#include "services/network/cross_origin_read_blocking.h"
#include "services/network/public/mojom/url_response_head.mojom.h"
#include "testing/gmock/include/gmock/gmock.h"
#include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
#include "url/gurl.h"
using base::StringPiece;
using CrossOriginProtectionDecision = network::CrossOriginReadBlocking::
using MimeType = network::CrossOriginReadBlocking::MimeType;
using MimeTypeBucket =
using ResponseAnalyzer = network::CrossOriginReadBlocking::ResponseAnalyzer;
using SniffingResult = network::CrossOriginReadBlocking::SniffingResult;
namespace network {
namespace {
// CORB's verdict on a given scenario. kAllowBecauseOutOfData occurs when one of
// the sniffers still desires more data but the response has run out, or
// net::kMaxBytesToSniff has been reached.
enum class Verdict {
constexpr int kVerdictPacketForHeadersBasedVerdict = -1;
// This struct is used to describe each test case in this file. It's passed as
// a test parameter to each TEST_P test.
struct TestScenario {
// Attributes to make test failure messages useful.
const char* description;
int source_line;
// Attributes of the HTTP Request.
const char* target_url;
const char* initiator_origin;
const char* initiator_site_lock;
// Attributes of the HTTP response.
const char* response_headers;
const char* response_content_type;
MimeType canonical_mime_type;
// Categorizes the MIME type as public, (CORB) protected or other.
MimeTypeBucket mime_type_bucket;
// |packets| specifies the response data which may arrive over the course of
// several writes.
std::initializer_list<const char*> packets;
std::string data() const {
std::string data;
for (const char* packet : packets) {
data += packet;
return data;
// Whether the resource should seem sensitive (either through the CORS
// heuristic or the Cache heuristic). This is used for testing that CORB would
// have protected the resource, were it requested cross-origin.
bool resource_is_sensitive;
// Whether we expect CORB to protect the resource on a cross-origin request.
// Note this value is not checked if resource_is_sensitive is false. Also note
// that the protection decision may be kBlockedAfterSniffing /
// kAllowedAfterSniffing despite a nosniff header as we still sniff for the
// javascript parser breaker and json in these cases.
CrossOriginProtectionDecision protection_decision;
// Expected result.
Verdict verdict;
// The packet number during which the verdict is decided.
// kVerdictPacketForHeadersBasedVerdict means that the verdict can be decided
// before the first packet's data is available. |packets.size()| means that
// the verdict is decided during the end-of-stream call.
int verdict_packet;
// Stream operator to let GetParam() print a useful result if any tests fail.
::std::ostream& operator<<(::std::ostream& os, const TestScenario& scenario) {
std::string verdict;
switch (scenario.verdict) {
case Verdict::kAllow:
verdict = "Verdict::kAllow";
case Verdict::kBlock:
verdict = "Verdict::kBlock";
case Verdict::kAllowBecauseOutOfData:
verdict = "Verdict::kAllowBecauseOutOfData";
std::string response_headers_formatted;
base::ReplaceChars(scenario.response_headers, "\n",
"\n ",
std::string mime_type_bucket;
switch (scenario.mime_type_bucket) {
case MimeTypeBucket::kProtected:
mime_type_bucket = "MimeTypeBucket::kProtected";
case MimeTypeBucket::kPublic:
mime_type_bucket = "MimeTypeBucket::kPublic";
case MimeTypeBucket::kOther:
mime_type_bucket = "MimeTypeBucket::kOther";
std::string packets = "{";
for (std::string packet : scenario.packets) {
base::ReplaceChars(packet, "\\", "\\\\", &packet);
base::ReplaceChars(packet, "\"", "\\\"", &packet);
base::ReplaceChars(packet, "\n", "\\n", &packet);
base::ReplaceChars(packet, "\t", "\\t", &packet);
base::ReplaceChars(packet, "\r", "\\r", &packet);
if (packets.length() > 1)
packets += ", ";
packets += "\"";
packets += packet;
packets += "\"";
packets += "}";
std::string protection_decision;
switch (scenario.protection_decision) {
case CrossOriginProtectionDecision::kAllow:
protection_decision = "CrossOriginProtectionDecision::kAllow";
case CrossOriginProtectionDecision::kBlock:
protection_decision = "CrossOriginProtectionDecision::kBlock";
case CrossOriginProtectionDecision::kNeedToSniffMore:
protection_decision = "CrossOriginProtectionDecision::kNeedToSniffMore";
case CrossOriginProtectionDecision::kAllowedAfterSniffing:
protection_decision =
case CrossOriginProtectionDecision::kBlockedAfterSniffing:
protection_decision =
return os << "\n description = " << scenario.description
<< "\n target_url = " << scenario.target_url
<< "\n initiator_origin = " << scenario.initiator_origin
<< "\n initiator_site_lock = " << scenario.initiator_site_lock
<< "\n response_headers = " << response_headers_formatted
<< "\n response_content_type = " << scenario.response_content_type
<< "\n canonical_mime_type = " << scenario.canonical_mime_type
<< "\n mime_type_bucket = " << mime_type_bucket
<< "\n packets = " << packets
<< "\n resource_is_sensitive = "
<< (scenario.resource_is_sensitive ? "true" : "false")
<< "\n protection_decision = " << protection_decision
<< "\n verdict = " << verdict
<< "\n verdict_packet = " << scenario.verdict_packet;
// An HTML response with an HTML comment that's longer than the sniffing
// threshold. We don't sniff past net::kMaxBytesToSniff, so these are not
// protected
const char kHTMLWithTooLongComment[] =
"<!--.............................................................72 chars"
"................................................................144 chars"
"................................................................216 chars"
"................................................................288 chars"
"................................................................360 chars"
"................................................................432 chars"
"................................................................504 chars"
"................................................................576 chars"
"................................................................648 chars"
"................................................................720 chars"
"................................................................792 chars"
"................................................................864 chars"
"................................................................936 chars"
"...............................................................1008 chars"
"...............................................................1080 chars"
// A set of test cases that verify CrossSiteDocumentResourceHandler correctly
// classifies network responses as allowed or blocked. These TestScenarios are
// passed to the TEST_P tests below as test parameters.
const TestScenario kScenarios[] = {
// Allowed responses (without sniffing):
"Allowed: Same-site XHR to HTML",
"", // target_url
"", // initiator_origin
"", // initiator_site_lock
"HTTP/1.1 200 OK", // response_headers
"text/html", // response_content_type
MimeType::kHtml, // canonical_mime_type
MimeTypeBucket::kProtected, // mime_type_bucket
{"<html><head>this should sniff as HTML"}, // packets
false, // resource_is_sensitive
kBlockedAfterSniffing, // protection_decision
Verdict::kAllow, // verdict
kVerdictPacketForHeadersBasedVerdict, // verdict_packet
"Allowed: Same-origin JSON with parser breaker and HTML mime type",
"", // target_url
"", // initiator_origin
"", // initiator_site_lock
"HTTP/1.1 200 OK", // response_headers
"text/html", // response_content_type
MimeType::kHtml, // canonical_mime_type
MimeTypeBucket::kProtected, // mime_type_bucket
{")]}',\n[true, true, false, \"\"]"}, // packets
false, // resource_is_sensitive
kBlockedAfterSniffing, // protection_decision
Verdict::kAllow, // verdict
kVerdictPacketForHeadersBasedVerdict, // verdict_packet
"Allowed: Same-origin JSON with parser breaker and JSON mime type",
"", // target_url
"", // initiator_origin
"", // initiator_site_lock
"HTTP/1.1 200 OK", // response_headers
"text/json", // response_content_type
MimeType::kJson, // canonical_mime_type
MimeTypeBucket::kProtected, // mime_type_bucket
{")]}'\n[true, true, false, \"\"]"}, // packets
false, // resource_is_sensitive
kBlockedAfterSniffing, // protection_decision
Verdict::kAllow, // verdict
kVerdictPacketForHeadersBasedVerdict, // verdict_packet
"Allowed: Cross-site script without parser breaker",
"", // target_url
"", // initiator_origin
"", // initiator_site_lock
"HTTP/1.1 200 OK", // response_headers
"application/javascript", // response_content_type
MimeType::kOthers, // canonical_mime_type
MimeTypeBucket::kPublic, // mime_type_bucket
{"var x=3;"}, // packets
false, // resource_is_sensitive
kAllowedAfterSniffing, // protection_decision
Verdict::kAllow, // verdict
0, // verdict_packet
"Allowed: Cross-site XHR to HTML with CORS for origin",
"", // target_url
"", // initiator_origin
"", // initiator_site_lock
"HTTP/1.1 200 OK\n"
"Access-Control-Allow-Origin:", // response_headers
"text/html", // response_content_type
MimeType::kHtml, // canonical_mime_type
MimeTypeBucket::kProtected, // mime_type_bucket
{"<html><head>this should sniff as HTML"}, // packets
true, // resource_is_sensitive
kBlockedAfterSniffing, // protection_decision
Verdict::kAllow, // verdict
0, // verdict_packet
"Allowed: Cross-site XHR to XML with CORS for any",
"", // target_url
"", // initiator_origin
"", // initiator_site_lock
"HTTP/1.1 200 OK\n"
"Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *", // response_headers
"application/rss+xml", // response_content_type
MimeType::kXml, // canonical_mime_type
MimeTypeBucket::kProtected, // mime_type_bucket
{"<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\" ?>"}, // packets
false, // resource_is_sensitive
CrossOriginProtectionDecision::kAllow, // protection_decision
Verdict::kAllow, // verdict
kVerdictPacketForHeadersBasedVerdict, // verdict_packet
"Allowed: Cross-site XHR to JSON with CORS for null",
"", // target_url
"", // initiator_origin
"", // initiator_site_lock
"HTTP/1.1 200 OK\n"
"Access-Control-Allow-Origin: null", // response_headers
"text/json", // response_content_type
MimeType::kJson, // canonical_mime_type
MimeTypeBucket::kProtected, // mime_type_bucket
{"{\"x\" : 3}"}, // packets
false, // resource_is_sensitive
CrossOriginProtectionDecision::kAllow, // protection_decision
Verdict::kAllow, // verdict
kVerdictPacketForHeadersBasedVerdict, // verdict_packet
"Allowed: Cross-site XHR to HTML over FTP",
"", // target_url
"", // initiator_origin
"", // initiator_site_lock
"HTTP/1.1 200 OK", // response_headers
"text/html", // response_content_type
MimeType::kHtml, // canonical_mime_type
MimeTypeBucket::kProtected, // mime_type_bucket
{"<html><head>this should sniff as HTML"}, // packets
false, // resource_is_sensitive
CrossOriginProtectionDecision::kAllow, // protection_decision
Verdict::kAllow, // verdict
kVerdictPacketForHeadersBasedVerdict, // verdict_packet
"Allowed: Cross-site XHR to HTML from file://",
"file:///foo/resource.html", // target_url
"", // initiator_origin
"", // initiator_site_lock
"HTTP/1.1 200 OK", // response_headers
"text/html", // response_content_type
MimeType::kHtml, // canonical_mime_type
MimeTypeBucket::kProtected, // mime_type_bucket
{"<html><head>this should sniff as HTML"}, // packets
false, // resource_is_sensitive
CrossOriginProtectionDecision::kAllow, // protection_decision
Verdict::kAllow, // verdict
kVerdictPacketForHeadersBasedVerdict, // verdict_packet
// Blocked, because the unit test doesn't make a call to
// CrossOriginReadBlocking::AddExceptionForFlash (simulating a behavior
// of a compromised renderer that only pretends to be hosting Flash).
// The regular scenario is covered by integration tests:
// OutOfProcessPPAPITest.URLLoaderTrusted.
"Blocked: Cross-site fetch HTML from Flash without CORS",
"", // target_url
"", // initiator_origin
"", // initiator_site_lock
"HTTP/1.1 200 OK\n"
"X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff", // response_headers
"text/html", // response_content_type
MimeType::kHtml, // canonical_mime_type
MimeTypeBucket::kProtected, // mime_type_bucket
{"<html><head>this should sniff as HTML"}, // packets
false, // resource_is_sensitive
CrossOriginProtectionDecision::kBlock, // protection_decision
Verdict::kBlock, // verdict
kVerdictPacketForHeadersBasedVerdict, // verdict_packet
"Allowed: Cross-site fetch HTML from NaCl with CORS response",
"", // target_url
"", // initiator_origin
"", // initiator_site_lock
"HTTP/1.1 200 OK\n"
"X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff\n"
"Access-Control-Allow-Origin:", // response_headers
"text/html", // response_content_type
MimeType::kHtml, // canonical_mime_type
MimeTypeBucket::kProtected, // mime_type_bucket
{"<html><head>this should sniff as HTML"}, // first_chunk
true, // resource_is_sensitive
CrossOriginProtectionDecision::kBlock, // protection_decision
Verdict::kAllow, // verdict
kVerdictPacketForHeadersBasedVerdict, // verdict_packet
"Allowed: JSON object + CORS with parser-breaker labeled as JavaScript",
"", // target_url
"", // initiator_origin
"", // initiator_site_lock
"HTTP/1.1 200 OK\n"
"X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff\n"
"Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *", // response_headers
"application/javascript", // response_content_type
MimeType::kOthers, // canonical_mime_type
MimeTypeBucket::kPublic, // mime_type_bucket
{")]}'\n[true, false]"}, // packets
false, // resource_is_sensitive
CrossOriginProtectionDecision::kAllow, // protection_decision
Verdict::kAllow, // verdict
kVerdictPacketForHeadersBasedVerdict, // verdict_packet
"Blocked: JSON object labeled as JavaScript with a no-sniff header",
"", // target_url
"", // initiator_origin
"", // initiator_site_lock
"HTTP/1.1 200 OK\n"
"X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff", // response_headers
"application/javascript", // response_content_type
MimeType::kOthers, // canonical_mime_type
MimeTypeBucket::kPublic, // mime_type_bucket
{"{ \"key\"", ": true }"}, // packets
false, // resource_is_sensitive
CrossOriginProtectionDecision::kBlock, // protection_decision
Verdict::kBlock, // verdict
1, // verdict_packet
"Allowed: Empty response with PNG mime type",
"", // target_url
"", // initiator_origin
"", // initiator_site_lock
"HTTP/1.1 200 OK", // response_headers
"image/png", // response_content_type
MimeType::kOthers, // canonical_mime_type
MimeTypeBucket::kPublic, // mime_type_bucket
{}, // packets
false, // resource_is_sensitive
kAllowedAfterSniffing, // protection_decision
Verdict::kAllowBecauseOutOfData, // verdict
0, // verdict_packet
"Allowed: Empty response with PNG mime type and nosniff header",
"", // target_url
"", // initiator_origin
"", // initiator_site_lock
"HTTP/1.1 200 OK\n"
"X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff", // response_headers
"image/png", // response_content_type
MimeType::kOthers, // canonical_mime_type
MimeTypeBucket::kPublic, // mime_type_bucket
{}, // packets
false, // resource_is_sensitive
kAllowedAfterSniffing, // protection_decision
Verdict::kAllowBecauseOutOfData, // verdict
0, // verdict_packet
// Allowed responses due to sniffing:
"Allowed: Cross-site script to JSONP labeled as HTML",
"", // target_url
"", // initiator_origin
"", // initiator_site_lock
"HTTP/1.1 200 OK", // response_headers
"text/html", // response_content_type
MimeType::kHtml, // canonical_mime_type
MimeTypeBucket::kProtected, // mime_type_bucket
{"foo({\"x\" : 3})"}, // packets
false, // resource_is_sensitive
kAllowedAfterSniffing, // protection_decision
Verdict::kAllow, // verdict
0, // verdict_packet
"Allowed: Cross-site script to JavaScript labeled as text",
"", // target_url
"", // initiator_origin
"", // initiator_site_lock
"HTTP/1.1 200 OK", // response_headers
"text/plain", // response_content_type
MimeType::kPlain, // canonical_mime_type
MimeTypeBucket::kProtected, // mime_type_bucket
{"var x = 3;"}, // packets
false, // resource_is_sensitive
kAllowedAfterSniffing, // protection_decision
Verdict::kAllow, // verdict
0, // verdict_packet
"Allowed: JSON-like JavaScript labeled as text",
"", // target_url
"", // initiator_origin
"", // initiator_site_lock
"HTTP/1.1 200 OK", // response_headers
"text/plain", // response_content_type
MimeType::kPlain, // canonical_mime_type
MimeTypeBucket::kProtected, // mime_type_bucket
{"{", " \n", "var x = 3;\n", "console.log('hello');"}, // packets
false, // resource_is_sensitive
kAllowedAfterSniffing, // protection_decision
Verdict::kAllow, // verdict
2, // verdict_packet
"Allowed: JSONP labeled as JSON",
"", // target_url
"", // initiator_origin
"", // initiator_site_lock
"HTTP/1.1 200 OK", // response_headers
"text/json", // response_content_type
MimeType::kJson, // canonical_mime_type
MimeTypeBucket::kProtected, // mime_type_bucket
{"invoke({ \"key\": true });"}, // packets
false, // resource_is_sensitive
kAllowedAfterSniffing, // protection_decision
Verdict::kAllow, // verdict
0, // verdict_packet
"Allowed (for now): JSON array literal labeled as text/plain",
"", // target_url
"", // initiator_origin
"", // initiator_site_lock
"HTTP/1.1 200 OK", // response_headers
"text/plain", // response_content_type
MimeType::kPlain, // canonical_mime_type
MimeTypeBucket::kProtected, // mime_type_bucket
{"[1, 2, {}, true, false, \"yay\"]"}, // packets
false, // resource_is_sensitive
kAllowedAfterSniffing, // protection_decision
Verdict::kAllow, // verdict
0, // verdict_packet
"Allowed: JSON array literal on which a function is called.",
"", // target_url
"", // initiator_origin
"", // initiator_site_lock
"HTTP/1.1 200 OK", // response_headers
"text/plain", // response_content_type
MimeType::kPlain, // canonical_mime_type
MimeTypeBucket::kProtected, // mime_type_bucket
{"[1, 2, {}, true, false, \"yay\"]", ".map(x => console.log(x))",
".map(x => console.log(x));"}, // packets
false, // resource_is_sensitive
kAllowedAfterSniffing, // protection_decision
Verdict::kAllow, // verdict
0, // verdict_packet
"Allowed: Cross-site XHR to nonsense labeled as XML",
"", // target_url
"", // initiator_origin
"", // initiator_site_lock
"HTTP/1.1 200 OK", // response_headers
"application/xml", // response_content_type
MimeType::kXml, // canonical_mime_type
MimeTypeBucket::kProtected, // mime_type_bucket
{"Won't sniff as XML"}, // packets
false, // resource_is_sensitive
kAllowedAfterSniffing, // protection_decision
Verdict::kAllow, // verdict
0, // verdict_packet
"Allowed: Cross-site XHR to nonsense labeled as JSON",
"", // target_url
"", // initiator_origin
"", // initiator_site_lock
"HTTP/1.1 200 OK", // response_headers
"text/json", // response_content_type
MimeType::kJson, // canonical_mime_type
MimeTypeBucket::kProtected, // mime_type_bucket
{"Won't sniff as JSON"}, // packets
false, // resource_is_sensitive
kAllowedAfterSniffing, // protection_decision
Verdict::kAllow, // verdict
0, // verdict_packet
"Allowed: Cross-site XHR to partial match for <HTML> tag",
"", // target_url
"", // initiator_origin
"", // initiator_site_lock
"HTTP/1.1 200 OK", // response_headers
"text/html", // response_content_type
MimeType::kHtml, // canonical_mime_type
MimeTypeBucket::kProtected, // mime_type_bucket
{"<htm"}, // packets
false, // resource_is_sensitive
kAllowedAfterSniffing, // protection_decision
Verdict::kAllowBecauseOutOfData, // verdict
1, // verdict_packet
"Allowed: HTML tag appears only after net::kMaxBytesToSniff",
"", // target_url
"", // initiator_origin
"", // initiator_site_lock
"HTTP/1.1 200 OK", // response_headers
"text/html", // response_content_type
MimeType::kHtml, // canonical_mime_type
MimeTypeBucket::kProtected, // mime_type_bucket
{kHTMLWithTooLongComment}, // packets
false, // resource_is_sensitive
kAllowedAfterSniffing, // protection_decision
Verdict::kAllowBecauseOutOfData, // verdict
0, // verdict_packet
"Allowed: Empty response with html mime type",
"", // target_url
"", // initiator_origin
"", // initiator_site_lock
"HTTP/1.1 200 OK", // response_headers
"text/html", // response_content_type
MimeType::kHtml, // canonical_mime_type
MimeTypeBucket::kProtected, // mime_type_bucket
{}, // packets
false, // resource_is_sensitive
kAllowedAfterSniffing, // protection_decision
Verdict::kAllowBecauseOutOfData, // verdict
0, // verdict_packet
"Allowed: Same-site XHR to a filesystem URI",
"filesystem:", // target_url
"", // initiator_origin
"", // initiator_site_lock
"HTTP/1.1 200 OK", // response_headers
"text/html", // response_content_type
MimeType::kHtml, // canonical_mime_type
MimeTypeBucket::kProtected, // mime_type_bucket
{"<html><head>this should sniff as HTML"}, // packets
false, // resource_is_sensitive
CrossOriginProtectionDecision::kAllow, // protection_decision
Verdict::kAllow, // verdict
kVerdictPacketForHeadersBasedVerdict, // verdict_packet
"Allowed: Same-site XHR to a blob URI",
"blob:", // target_url
"", // initiator_origin
"", // initiator_site_lock
"HTTP/1.1 200 OK", // response_headers
"text/html", // response_content_type
MimeType::kHtml, // canonical_mime_type
MimeTypeBucket::kProtected, // mime_type_bucket
{"<html><head>this should sniff as HTML"}, // packets
false, // resource_is_sensitive
CrossOriginProtectionDecision::kAllow, // protection_decision
Verdict::kAllow, // verdict
kVerdictPacketForHeadersBasedVerdict, // verdict_packet
// Blocked responses (without sniffing):
"Blocked: Cross-site XHR to nosniff HTML without CORS",
"", // target_url
"", // initiator_origin
"", // initiator_site_lock
"HTTP/1.1 200 OK\n"
"X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff", // response_headers
"text/html", // response_content_type
MimeType::kHtml, // canonical_mime_type
MimeTypeBucket::kProtected, // mime_type_bucket
{"<html><head>this should sniff as HTML"}, // packets
false, // resource_is_sensitive
CrossOriginProtectionDecision::kBlock, // protection_decision
Verdict::kBlock, // verdict
kVerdictPacketForHeadersBasedVerdict, // verdict_packet
"Blocked: nosniff + Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8",
"", // target_url
"", // initiator_origin
"", // initiator_site_lock
"HTTP/1.1 200 OK\n"
"X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff", // response_headers
"text/html; charset=utf-8", // response_content_type
MimeType::kHtml, // canonical_mime_type
MimeTypeBucket::kProtected, // mime_type_bucket
{"<html><head>this should sniff as HTML"}, // packets
false, // resource_is_sensitive
CrossOriginProtectionDecision::kBlock, // protection_decision
Verdict::kBlock, // verdict
kVerdictPacketForHeadersBasedVerdict, // verdict_packet
"Blocked: Cross-site XHR to nosniff response without CORS",
"", // target_url
"", // initiator_origin
"", // initiator_site_lock
"HTTP/1.1 200 OK\n"
"X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff", // response_headers
"text/html", // response_content_type
MimeType::kHtml, // canonical_mime_type
MimeTypeBucket::kProtected, // mime_type_bucket
{"Wouldn't sniff as HTML"}, // packets
false, // resource_is_sensitive
CrossOriginProtectionDecision::kBlock, // protection_decision
Verdict::kBlock, // verdict
kVerdictPacketForHeadersBasedVerdict, // verdict_packet
"Blocked: Cross-origin, same-site XHR to nosniff HTML without CORS",
"", // target_url
"", // initiator_origin
"", // initiator_site_lock
"HTTP/1.1 200 OK\n"
"X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff", // response_headers
"text/html", // response_content_type
MimeType::kHtml, // canonical_mime_type
MimeTypeBucket::kProtected, // mime_type_bucket
{"<html><head>this should sniff as HTML"}, // packets
false, // resource_is_sensitive
CrossOriginProtectionDecision::kBlock, // protection_decision
Verdict::kBlock, // verdict
kVerdictPacketForHeadersBasedVerdict, // verdict_packet
"Blocked: Cross-site JSON with parser breaker/html/nosniff",
"", // target_url
"", // initiator_origin
"", // initiator_site_lock
"HTTP/1.1 200 OK\n"
"X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff", // response_headers
"text/html", // response_content_type
MimeType::kHtml, // canonical_mime_type
MimeTypeBucket::kProtected, // mime_type_bucket
{")]", "}'\n[true, true, false, \"\"]"}, // packets
false, // resource_is_sensitive
CrossOriginProtectionDecision::kBlock, // protection_decision
Verdict::kBlock, // verdict
kVerdictPacketForHeadersBasedVerdict, // verdict_packet
// This scenario is unusual, since there's no difference between
// a blocked response and a non-blocked response.
"Blocked(-ish?): Nosniff header + empty response",
"", // target_url
"", // initiator_origin
"", // initiator_site_lock
"HTTP/1.1 200 OK\n"
"X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff", // response_headers
"text/html", // response_content_type
MimeType::kHtml, // canonical_mime_type
MimeTypeBucket::kProtected, // mime_type_bucket
{}, // packets
false, // resource_is_sensitive
CrossOriginProtectionDecision::kBlock, // protection_decision
Verdict::kBlock, // verdict
kVerdictPacketForHeadersBasedVerdict, // verdict_packet
// Blocked responses due to sniffing:
"Blocked: Cross-origin XHR to HTML with wrong CORS (okay same-site)",
// Note that initiator_origin is cross-origin, but same-site in relation
// to the CORS response.
"", // target_url
"", // initiator_origin
"", // initiator_site_lock
"HTTP/1.1 200 OK\n"
"Access-Control-Allow-Origin:", // response_headers
"text/html", // response_content_type
MimeType::kHtml, // canonical_mime_type
MimeTypeBucket::kProtected, // mime_type_bucket
{"<hTmL><head>this should sniff as HTML"}, // packets
true, // resource_is_sensitive
kBlockedAfterSniffing, // protection_decision
Verdict::kBlock, // verdict
0, // verdict_packet
"Blocked: Cross-site XHR to HTML without CORS",
"", // target_url
"", // initiator_origin
"", // initiator_site_lock
"HTTP/1.1 200 OK", // response_headers
"text/html", // response_content_type
MimeType::kHtml, // canonical_mime_type
MimeTypeBucket::kProtected, // mime_type_bucket
{"<html><head>this should sniff as HTML"}, // packets
false, // resource_is_sensitive
kBlockedAfterSniffing, // protection_decision
Verdict::kBlock, // verdict
0, // verdict_packet
"Blocked: Cross-site XHR to XML without CORS",
"", // target_url
"", // initiator_origin
"", // initiator_site_lock
"HTTP/1.1 200 OK", // response_headers
"application/xml", // response_content_type
MimeType::kXml, // canonical_mime_type
MimeTypeBucket::kProtected, // mime_type_bucket
{"<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\" ?>"}, // packets
false, // resource_is_sensitive
kBlockedAfterSniffing, // protection_decision
Verdict::kBlock, // verdict
0, // verdict_packet
"Blocked: Cross-site XHR to JSON without CORS",
"", // target_url
"", // initiator_origin
"", // initiator_site_lock
"HTTP/1.1 200 OK", // response_headers
"application/json", // response_content_type
MimeType::kJson, // canonical_mime_type
MimeTypeBucket::kProtected, // mime_type_bucket
{"{\"x\" : 3}"}, // packets
false, // resource_is_sensitive
kBlockedAfterSniffing, // protection_decision
Verdict::kBlock, // verdict
0, // verdict_packet
"Blocked: slow-arriving JSON labeled as text/plain",
"", // target_url
"", // initiator_origin
"", // initiator_site_lock
"HTTP/1.1 200 OK", // response_headers
"text/plain", // response_content_type
MimeType::kPlain, // canonical_mime_type
MimeTypeBucket::kProtected, // mime_type_bucket
{" ", "\t", "{", "\"x\" ", " ", ": 3}"}, // packets
false, // resource_is_sensitive
kBlockedAfterSniffing, // protection_decision
Verdict::kBlock, // verdict
5, // verdict_packet
"Blocked: slow-arriving xml labeled as text/plain",
"", // target_url
"", // initiator_origin
"", // initiator_site_lock
"HTTP/1.1 200 OK", // response_headers
"text/plain", // response_content_type
MimeType::kPlain, // canonical_mime_type
MimeTypeBucket::kProtected, // mime_type_bucket
{" ", "\t", "<", "?", "x", "m", "l", ">"}, // packets
false, // resource_is_sensitive
kBlockedAfterSniffing, // protection_decision
Verdict::kBlock, // verdict
6, // verdict_packet
"Blocked: slow-arriving html labeled as text/plain",
"", // target_url
"", // initiator_origin
"", // initiator_site_lock
"HTTP/1.1 200 OK", // response_headers
"text/plain", // response_content_type
MimeType::kPlain, // canonical_mime_type
MimeTypeBucket::kProtected, // mime_type_bucket
{" <!--", "\t -", "-", "->", "\n", "<", "s", "c", "r", "i", "p",
"t"}, // packets
false, // resource_is_sensitive
kBlockedAfterSniffing, // protection_decision
Verdict::kBlock, // verdict
11, // verdict_packet
"Blocked: slow-arriving html with commented-out xml tag",
"", // target_url
"", // initiator_origin
"", // initiator_site_lock
"HTTP/1.1 200 OK", // response_headers
"text/plain", // response_content_type
MimeType::kPlain, // canonical_mime_type
MimeTypeBucket::kProtected, // mime_type_bucket
{" <!--", " <?xml ", "-->\n", "<", "h", "e", "a", "d"}, // packets
false, // resource_is_sensitive
kBlockedAfterSniffing, // protection_decision
Verdict::kBlock, // verdict
7, // verdict_packet
"Blocked: Cross-site XHR to HTML labeled as text without CORS",
"", // target_url
"", // initiator_origin
"", // initiator_site_lock
"HTTP/1.1 200 OK", // response_headers
"text/plain", // response_content_type
MimeType::kPlain, // canonical_mime_type
MimeTypeBucket::kProtected, // mime_type_bucket
{"<html><head>this should sniff as HTML"}, // packets
false, // resource_is_sensitive
kBlockedAfterSniffing, // protection_decision
Verdict::kBlock, // verdict
0, // verdict_packet
"Blocked: Cross-site <script> inclusion of HTML w/ DTD without CORS",
"", // target_url
"", // initiator_origin
"", // initiator_site_lock
"HTTP/1.1 200 OK", // response_headers
"text/html", // response_content_type
MimeType::kHtml, // canonical_mime_type
MimeTypeBucket::kProtected, // mime_type_bucket
{"<!doc", "type html><html itemscope=\"\" ",
"itemtype=\"\" ",
"lang=\"en\"><head>"}, // packets
false, // resource_is_sensitive
kBlockedAfterSniffing, // protection_decision
Verdict::kBlock, // verdict
1, // verdict_packet
"Blocked: Cross-site XHR to HTML with wrong CORS",
"", // target_url
"", // initiator_origin
"", // initiator_site_lock
"HTTP/1.1 200 OK\n"
"Access-Control-Allow-Origin:", // response_headers
"text/html", // response_content_type
MimeType::kHtml, // canonical_mime_type
MimeTypeBucket::kProtected, // mime_type_bucket
{"<hTmL><head>this should sniff as HTML"}, // packets
true, // resource_is_sensitive
kBlockedAfterSniffing, // protection_decision
Verdict::kBlock, // verdict
0, // verdict_packet
"Blocked: Cross-site fetch HTML from NaCl without CORS response",
"", // target_url
"", // initiator_origin
"", // initiator_site_lock
"HTTP/1.1 200 OK", // response_headers
"text/html", // response_content_type
MimeType::kHtml, // canonical_mime_type
MimeTypeBucket::kProtected, // mime_type_bucket
{"<html><head>this should sniff as HTML"}, // first_chunk
false, // resource_is_sensitive
kBlockedAfterSniffing, // protection_decision
Verdict::kBlock, // verdict
0, // verdict_packet
"Blocked: Cross-site JSON with parser breaker and JSON mime type",
"", // target_url
"", // initiator_origin
"", // initiator_site_lock
"HTTP/1.1 200 OK", // response_headers
"text/json", // response_content_type
MimeType::kJson, // canonical_mime_type
MimeTypeBucket::kProtected, // mime_type_bucket
{")]", "}'\n[true, true, false, \"\"]"}, // packets
false, // resource_is_sensitive
kBlockedAfterSniffing, // protection_decision
Verdict::kBlock, // verdict
1, // verdict_packet
"Blocked: Cross-site JSON with parser breaker/nosniff/other mime type",
"", // target_url
"", // initiator_origin
"", // initiator_site_lock
"HTTP/1.1 200 OK\n"
"X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff", // response_headers
"audio/x-wav", // response_content_type
MimeType::kOthers, // canonical_mime_type
MimeTypeBucket::kPublic, // mime_type_bucket
{")]", "}'\n[true, true, false, \"\"]"}, // packets
false, // resource_is_sensitive
kBlockedAfterSniffing, // protection_decision
Verdict::kBlock, // verdict
1, // verdict_packet
"Blocked: Cross-site JSON with parser breaker and other mime type",
"", // target_url
"", // initiator_origin
"", // initiator_site_lock
"HTTP/1.1 200 OK", // response_headers
"application/javascript", // response_content_type
MimeType::kOthers, // canonical_mime_type
MimeTypeBucket::kPublic, // mime_type_bucket
{"for(;;)", ";[true, true, false, \"\"]"}, // packets
false, // resource_is_sensitive
kBlockedAfterSniffing, // protection_decision
Verdict::kBlock, // verdict
1, // verdict_packet
"Blocked: JSON object + mismatching CORS with parser-breaker labeled "
"as JavaScript",
"", // target_url
"", // initiator_origin
"", // initiator_site_lock
"HTTP/1.1 200 OK\n"
"X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff", // response_headers
"application/javascript", // response_content_type
MimeType::kOthers, // canonical_mime_type
MimeTypeBucket::kPublic, // mime_type_bucket
{")]}'\n[true, false]"}, // packets
true, // resource_is_sensitive
kBlockedAfterSniffing, // protection_decision
Verdict::kBlock, // verdict
0, // verdict_packet
"Blocked: Cross-site XHR to a filesystem URI",
"filesystem:", // target_url
"", // initiator_origin
"", // initiator_site_lock
"HTTP/1.1 200 OK", // response_headers
"text/html", // response_content_type
MimeType::kHtml, // canonical_mime_type
MimeTypeBucket::kProtected, // mime_type_bucket
{"<html><head>this should sniff as HTML"}, // packets
false, // resource_is_sensitive
kBlockedAfterSniffing, // protection_decision
Verdict::kBlock, // verdict
0, // verdict_packet
"Blocked: Cross-site XHR to a blob URI",
"blob:", // target_url
"", // initiator_origin
"", // initiator_site_lock
"HTTP/1.1 200 OK", // response_headers
"text/html", // response_content_type
MimeType::kHtml, // canonical_mime_type
MimeTypeBucket::kProtected, // mime_type_bucket
{"<html><head>this should sniff as HTML"}, // packets
false, // resource_is_sensitive
kBlockedAfterSniffing, // protection_decision
Verdict::kBlock, // verdict
0, // verdict_packet
// Range response. The product code doesn't currently look at the exact
// range specified, so we can get away with testing with arbitrary/random
// values.
"Allowed: Javascript 206",
"", // target_url
"", // initiator_origin
"", // initiator_site_lock
"HTTP/1.1 206 OK\n"
"Content-Range: bytes 200-1000/67589", // response_headers
"application/javascript", // response_content_type
MimeType::kOthers, // canonical_mime_type
MimeTypeBucket::kPublic, // mime_type_bucket
{"x = 1;"}, // packets
false, // resource_is_sensitive
CrossOriginProtectionDecision::kAllow, // protection_decision
Verdict::kAllow, // verdict
kVerdictPacketForHeadersBasedVerdict, // verdict_packet
// Here the resources is allowed cross-origin from to
// because of the CORS header. However CORB still blocks from
// accessing it (so the protection decision should be kBlock).
"Allowed: text/html 206 media with CORS",
"", // target_url
"", // initiator_origin
"", // initiator_site_lock
"HTTP/1.1 206 OK\n"
"Content-Range: bytes 200-1000/67589\n"
"Access-Control-Allow-Origin:", // response_headers
"text/html", // response_content_type
MimeType::kHtml, // canonical_mime_type
MimeTypeBucket::kProtected, // mime_type_bucket
{"simulated *middle*-of-html content"}, // packets
true, // resource_is_sensitive
CrossOriginProtectionDecision::kBlock, // protection_decision
Verdict::kAllow, // verdict
kVerdictPacketForHeadersBasedVerdict, // verdict_packet
"Allowed: text/plain 206 media",
"", // target_url
"", // initiator_origin
"", // initiator_site_lock
"HTTP/1.1 206 OK\n"
"Content-Range: bytes 200-1000/67589", // response_headers
"text/plain", // response_content_type
MimeType::kPlain, // canonical_mime_type
MimeTypeBucket::kProtected, // mime_type_bucket
{"movie content"}, // packets
false, // resource_is_sensitive
CrossOriginProtectionDecision::kAllow, // protection_decision
Verdict::kAllow, // verdict
kVerdictPacketForHeadersBasedVerdict, // verdict_packet
"Blocked: text/html 206 media",
"", // target_url
"", // initiator_origin
"", // initiator_site_lock
"HTTP/1.1 206 OK\n"
"Content-Range: bytes 200-1000/67589", // response_headers
"text/html", // response_content_type
MimeType::kHtml, // canonical_mime_type
MimeTypeBucket::kProtected, // mime_type_bucket
{"simulated *middle*-of-html content"}, // packets
false, // resource_is_sensitive
CrossOriginProtectionDecision::kBlock, // protection_decision
Verdict::kBlock, // verdict
kVerdictPacketForHeadersBasedVerdict, // verdict_packet
// Responses with no data.
"Allowed: same-origin 204 response with no data",
"", // target_url
"", // initiator_origin
"", // initiator_site_lock
"HTTP/1.1 204 NO CONTENT", // response_headers
"text/html", // response_content_type
MimeType::kHtml, // canonical_mime_type
MimeTypeBucket::kProtected, // mime_type_bucket
{/* empty body doesn't sniff as html */}, // packets
false, // resource_is_sensitive
kAllowedAfterSniffing, // protection_decision
Verdict::kAllow, // verdict
kVerdictPacketForHeadersBasedVerdict, // verdict_packet
"Allowed after sniffing: cross-origin 204 response with no data",
"", // target_url
"", // initiator_origin
"", // initiator_site_lock
"HTTP/1.1 204 NO CONTENT", // response_headers
"text/html", // response_content_type
MimeType::kHtml, // canonical_mime_type
MimeTypeBucket::kProtected, // mime_type_bucket
{/* empty body doesn't sniff as html */}, // packets
false, // resource_is_sensitive
kAllowedAfterSniffing, // protection_decision
Verdict::kAllowBecauseOutOfData, // verdict
0, // verdict_packet
// Tests where the |initiator_site_lock| != |initiator_origin|.
"Empty site lock so request is allowed based on the initator_origin",
"", // target_url
"", // initiator_origin
"", // initiator_site_lock
"HTTP/1.1 200 OK", // response_headers
"text/html", // response_content_type
MimeType::kHtml, // canonical_mime_type
MimeTypeBucket::kProtected, // mime_type_bucket
{"<html><head>this should sniff as HTML"}, // packets
false, // resource_is_sensitive
kBlockedAfterSniffing, // protection_decision
Verdict::kAllow, // verdict
kVerdictPacketForHeadersBasedVerdict, // verdict_packet
"Incorrect site lock so request should be blocked",
"", // target_url
"", // initiator_origin
"", // initiator_site_lock
"HTTP/1.1 200 OK", // response_headers
"text/html", // response_content_type
MimeType::kHtml, // canonical_mime_type
MimeTypeBucket::kProtected, // mime_type_bucket
{"<html><head>this should sniff as HTML"}, // packets
false, // resource_is_sensitive
kBlockedAfterSniffing, // protection_decision
Verdict::kBlock, // verdict
0, // verdict_packet
// Testing the CORB protection logging.
"Not Sensitive: script without CORS or Cache heuristic",
"", // target_url
"", // initiator_origin
"", // initiator_site_lock
"HTTP/1.1 200 OK\n"
"Vary: Origin", // response_headers
"application/javascript", // response_content_type
MimeType::kOthers, // canonical_mime_type
MimeTypeBucket::kPublic, // mime_type_bucket
{"var x=3;"}, // packets
false, // resource_is_sensitive
CrossOriginProtectionDecision::kAllow, // protection_decision
Verdict::kAllow, // verdict
kVerdictPacketForHeadersBasedVerdict, // verdict_packet
"Not Sensitive: vary user-agent is present and should be ignored",
"", // target_url
"", // initiator_origin
"", // initiator_site_lock
"HTTP/1.1 200 OK\n"
"Vary: Origin, User-Agent", // response_headers
"application/javascript", // response_content_type
MimeType::kOthers, // canonical_mime_type
MimeTypeBucket::kPublic, // mime_type_bucket
{"var x=3;"}, // packets
false, // resource_is_sensitive
CrossOriginProtectionDecision::kAllow, // protection_decision
Verdict::kAllow, // verdict
kVerdictPacketForHeadersBasedVerdict, // verdict_packet
"Not Sensitive: cache-control no-store should be ignored",
"", // target_url
"", // initiator_origin
"", // initiator_site_lock
"HTTP/1.1 200 OK\n"
"Vary: Origin\n"
"Cache-Control: No-Store", // response_headers
"application/javascript", // response_content_type
MimeType::kOthers, // canonical_mime_type
MimeTypeBucket::kPublic, // mime_type_bucket
{"var x=3;"}, // packets
false, // resource_is_sensitive
CrossOriginProtectionDecision::kAllow, // protection_decision
Verdict::kAllow, // verdict
kVerdictPacketForHeadersBasedVerdict, // verdict_packet
// Responses with the Access-Control-Allow-Origin header value other than *.
"Sensitive, Allowed: script with CORS heuristic and range header",
"", // target_url
"", // initiator_origin
"", // initiator_site_lock
"HTTP/1.1 206 OK\n"
"Vary: Origin\n"
"Content-Range: bytes 200-1000/67589", // response_headers
"application/javascript", // response_content_type
MimeType::kOthers, // canonical_mime_type
MimeTypeBucket::kPublic, // mime_type_bucket
{"var x=3;"}, // packets
true, // resource_is_sensitive
CrossOriginProtectionDecision::kAllow, // protection_decision
Verdict::kAllow, // verdict
kVerdictPacketForHeadersBasedVerdict, // verdict_packet
"Sensitive, Blocked: html with CORS heuristic and no sniff",
"", // target_url
"", // initiator_origin
"", // initiator_site_lock
"HTTP/1.1 200 OK\n"
"Vary: Origin\n"
"X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff\n"
"Access-Control-Allow-Origin:", // response_headers
"text/html", // response_content_type
MimeType::kHtml, // canonical_mime_type
MimeTypeBucket::kProtected, // mime_type_bucket
{"<html><head>this should sniff as HTML"}, // packets
true, // resource_is_sensitive
CrossOriginProtectionDecision::kBlock, // protection_decision
Verdict::kAllow, // verdict
kVerdictPacketForHeadersBasedVerdict, // verdict_packet
"Sensitive, Blocked after sniffing: html with CORS heuristic",
"", // target_url
"", // initiator_origin
"", // initiator_site_lock
"HTTP/1.1 200 OK\n"
"Vary: Origin\n"
"Access-Control-Allow-Origin:", // response_headers
"text/html", // response_content_type
MimeType::kHtml, // canonical_mime_type
MimeTypeBucket::kProtected, // mime_type_bucket
{"<html><head>this should sniff as HTML"}, // packets
true, // resource_is_sensitive
kBlockedAfterSniffing, // protection_decision
Verdict::kAllow, // verdict
0, // verdict_packet
"Sensitive, Allowed after sniffing: javascript with CORS heuristic",
"", // target_url
"", // initiator_origin
"", // initiator_site_lock
"HTTP/1.1 200 OK\n"
"Vary: Origin\n"
"Access-Control-Allow-Origin:", // response_headers
"application/javascript", // response_content_type
MimeType::kOthers, // canonical_mime_type
MimeTypeBucket::kPublic, // mime_type_bucket
{"var x=3;"}, // packets
true, // resource_is_sensitive
kAllowedAfterSniffing, // protection_decision
Verdict::kAllow, // verdict
0, // verdict_packet
"Sensitive slow-arriving JSON with CORS heurisitic. Only needs "
"sniffing for the CORP protection statistics.",
"", // target_url
"", // initiator_origin
"", // initiator_site_lock
"HTTP/1.1 200 OK\n"
"Access-Control-Allow-Origin:", // response_headers
"text/json", // response_content_type
MimeType::kJson, // canonical_mime_type
MimeTypeBucket::kProtected, // mime_type_bucket
{" ", "\t", "{", "\"x\" ", " ", ": 3}"}, // packets
true, // resource_is_sensitive
kBlockedAfterSniffing, // protection_decision
Verdict::kAllow, // verdict
5, // verdict_packet
// Responses with Vary: Origin and Cache-Control: Private headers.
"Sensitive, Allowed: script with cache heuristic and range header",
"", // target_url
"", // initiator_origin
"", // initiator_site_lock
"HTTP/1.1 206 OK\n"
"Vary: Origin\n"
"Cache-Control: Private\n"
"Content-Range: bytes 200-1000/67589", // response_headers
"application/javascript", // response_content_type
MimeType::kOthers, // canonical_mime_type
MimeTypeBucket::kPublic, // mime_type_bucket
{"var x=3;"}, // packets
true, // resource_is_sensitive
CrossOriginProtectionDecision::kAllow, // protection_decision
Verdict::kAllow, // verdict
kVerdictPacketForHeadersBasedVerdict, // verdict_packet
"Sensitive, Allowed: script with cache heuristic and range "
"header. Has vary user agent + cache no store which should not "
"confuse the cache heuristic.",
"", // target_url
"", // initiator_origin
"", // initiator_site_lock
"HTTP/1.1 206 OK\n"
"Vary: Origin, User-Agent\n"
"Cache-Control: Private, No-Store\n"
"Content-Range: bytes 200-1000/67589", // response_headers
"application/javascript", // response_content_type
MimeType::kOthers, // canonical_mime_type
MimeTypeBucket::kPublic, // mime_type_bucket
{"var x=3;"}, // packets
true, // resource_is_sensitive
CrossOriginProtectionDecision::kAllow, // protection_decision
Verdict::kAllow, // verdict
kVerdictPacketForHeadersBasedVerdict, // verdict_packet
"Sensitive, Blocked: html with cache heuristic and no sniff",
"", // target_url
"", // initiator_origin
"", // initiator_site_lock
"HTTP/1.1 200 OK\n"
"X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff\n"
"Vary: Origin\n"
"Cache-Control: Private", // response_headers
"text/html", // response_content_type
MimeType::kHtml, // canonical_mime_type
MimeTypeBucket::kProtected, // mime_type_bucket
{"<html><head>this should sniff as HTML"}, // packets
true, // resource_is_sensitive
CrossOriginProtectionDecision::kBlock, // protection_decision
Verdict::kAllow, // verdict
kVerdictPacketForHeadersBasedVerdict, // verdict_packet
"Sensitive, Blocked after sniffing: html with cache heuristic",
"", // target_url
"", // initiator_origin
"", // initiator_site_lock
"HTTP/1.1 200 OK\n"
"Vary: Origin\n"
"Cache-Control: Private", // response_headers
"text/html", // response_content_type
MimeType::kHtml, // canonical_mime_type
MimeTypeBucket::kProtected, // mime_type_bucket
{"<html><head>this should sniff as HTML"}, // packets
true, // resource_is_sensitive
kBlockedAfterSniffing, // protection_decision
Verdict::kAllow, // verdict
0, // verdict_packet
"Sensitive, Allowed after sniffing: javascript with cache heuristic",
"", // target_url
"", // initiator_origin
"", // initiator_site_lock
"HTTP/1.1 200 OK\n"
"Vary: Origin\n"
"Cache-Control: Private", // response_headers
"application/javascript", // response_content_type
MimeType::kOthers, // canonical_mime_type
MimeTypeBucket::kPublic, // mime_type_bucket
{"var x=3;"}, // packets
true, // resource_is_sensitive
kAllowedAfterSniffing, // protection_decision
Verdict::kAllow, // verdict
0, // verdict_packet
"Sensitive slow-arriving JSON with cache heurisitic. Only needs "
"sniffing for the CORP protection statistics.",
"", // target_url
"", // initiator_origin
"", // initiator_site_lock
"HTTP/1.1 200 OK\n"
"Vary: Origin\n"
"Cache-Control: Private", // response_headers
"text/json", // response_content_type
MimeType::kJson, // canonical_mime_type
MimeTypeBucket::kProtected, // mime_type_bucket
{" ", "\t", "{", "\"x\" ", " ", ": 3}"}, // packets
true, // resource_is_sensitive
kBlockedAfterSniffing, // protection_decision
Verdict::kAllow, // verdict
5, // verdict_packet
// The next two tests together ensure that when CORB blocks and strips the
// cache/vary headers from a sensitive response the CORB protection logging
// still correctly identifies the response as sensitive and reports it.
// In this first test, the protection logging reports immediately (without
// sniffing). So we can (somewhat) safely assume the response is being
// correctly reported as sensitive. Thus this test ensures the testing
// infrastructure itself is also correctly idenitfying the response as
// sensitive.
"Sensitive cache heuristic, both CORB and the protection stats block",
"", // target_url
"", // initiator_origin
"", // initiator_site_lock
"HTTP/1.1 200 OK\n"
"X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff\n"
"Vary: Origin\n"
"Cache-Control: Private", // response_headers
"text/html", // response_content_type
MimeType::kHtml, // canonical_mime_type
MimeTypeBucket::kProtected, // mime_type_bucket
{"<html><head>this should sniff as HTML"}, // packets
true, // resource_is_sensitive
CrossOriginProtectionDecision::kBlock, // protection_decision
Verdict::kBlock, // verdict
kVerdictPacketForHeadersBasedVerdict, // verdict_packet
// Here the protection logging only reports after sniffing. Despite this,
// the resource should still be identified as sensitive.
"Sensitive cache heuristic, both CORB and the protection stats block",
"", // target_url
"", // initiator_origin
"", // initiator_site_lock
"HTTP/1.1 200 OK\n"
"Vary: Origin\n"
"Cache-Control: Private", // response_headers
"text/html", // response_content_type
MimeType::kHtml, // canonical_mime_type
MimeTypeBucket::kProtected, // mime_type_bucket
{"<html><head>this should sniff as HTML"}, // packets
true, // resource_is_sensitive
kBlockedAfterSniffing, // protection_decision
Verdict::kBlock, // verdict
0, // verdict_packet
// A test that makes sure we don't double log the CORB protection stats.
// Because the request is cross-origin + same-site and has a same-site CORP
// header, CORB needs to sniff. However CORB protection logging makes the
// request cross-site and so needs no sniffing. We don't want the protection
// logging to be triggered a second time after the sniffing.
"Sensitive, CORB needs sniffing (so verdict_packet > -1) but the CORB "
"protection stats block based on headers",
"", // target_url
"", // initiator_origin
"", // initiator_site_lock
"HTTP/1.1 200 OK\n"
"Cross-Origin-Resource-Policy: same-site\n"
"Vary: Origin\n"
"Cache-Control: Private", // response_headers
"text/html", // response_content_type
MimeType::kHtml, // canonical_mime_type
MimeTypeBucket::kProtected, // mime_type_bucket
{"<html><head>this should sniff as HTML"}, // packets
true, // resource_is_sensitive
CrossOriginProtectionDecision::kBlock, // protection_decision
Verdict::kBlock, // verdict
0, // verdict_packet
// Response with an unknown MIME type.
"Sensitive, Allowed: unknown MIME type with CORS heuristic and range "
"", // target_url
"", // initiator_origin
"", // initiator_site_lock
"HTTP/1.1 206 OK\n"
"Vary: Origin\n"
"Content-Range: bytes 200-1000/67589\n"
"Access-Control-Allow-Origin:", // response_headers
"unknown/mime_type", // response_content_type
MimeType::kOthers, // canonical_mime_type
MimeTypeBucket::kOther, // mime_type_bucket
{"var x=3;"}, // packets
true, // resource_is_sensitive
CrossOriginProtectionDecision::kAllow, // protection_decision
Verdict::kAllow, // verdict
kVerdictPacketForHeadersBasedVerdict, // verdict_packet
// Responses with the accept-ranges header.
"Sensitive response with an accept-ranges header.",
"", // target_url
"", // initiator_origin
"", // initiator_site_lock
"HTTP/1.1 200 OK\n"
"Accept-Ranges: bytes\n"
"Access-Control-Allow-Origin:", // response_headers
"text/html", // response_content_type
MimeType::kHtml, // canonical_mime_type
MimeTypeBucket::kProtected, // mime_type_bucket
{"<html><head>this should sniff as HTML"}, // packets
true, // resource_is_sensitive
kBlockedAfterSniffing, // protection_decision
Verdict::kAllow, // verdict
0, // verdict_packet
"Sensitive response with an accept-ranges header but value |none|.",
"", // target_url
"", // initiator_origin
"", // initiator_site_lock
"HTTP/1.1 200 OK\n"
"Accept-Ranges: none\n"
"Access-Control-Allow-Origin:", // response_headers
"text/html", // response_content_type
MimeType::kHtml, // canonical_mime_type
MimeTypeBucket::kProtected, // mime_type_bucket
{"<html><head>this should sniff as HTML"}, // packets
true, // resource_is_sensitive
kBlockedAfterSniffing, // protection_decision
Verdict::kAllow, // verdict
0, // verdict_packet
"Non-sensitive response with an accept-ranges header.",
"", // target_url
"", // initiator_origin
"", // initiator_site_lock
"HTTP/1.1 200 OK\n"
"Accept-Ranges: bytes", // response_headers
"text/html", // response_content_type
MimeType::kHtml, // canonical_mime_type
MimeTypeBucket::kProtected, // mime_type_bucket
{"<html><head>this should sniff as HTML"}, // packets
false, // resource_is_sensitive
kBlockedAfterSniffing, // protection_decision
Verdict::kAllow, // verdict
kVerdictPacketForHeadersBasedVerdict, // verdict_packet
// Sensitive responses with the accept-ranges header, a protected MIME type
// and protection decision = kBlock.
"CORS-heuristic response with an accept-ranges header.",
"", // target_url
"", // initiator_origin
"", // initiator_site_lock
"HTTP/1.1 200 OK\n"
"X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff\n"
"Accept-Ranges: bytes\n"
"Access-Control-Allow-Origin:", // response_headers
"text/html", // response_content_type
MimeType::kHtml, // canonical_mime_type
MimeTypeBucket::kProtected, // mime_type_bucket
{"<html><head>this should sniff as HTML"}, // packets
true, // resource_is_sensitive
CrossOriginProtectionDecision::kBlock, // protection_decision
Verdict::kAllow, // verdict
kVerdictPacketForHeadersBasedVerdict, // verdict_packet
"Cache-heuristic response with an accept-ranges header.",
"", // target_url
"", // initiator_origin
"", // initiator_site_lock
"HTTP/1.1 200 OK\n"
"X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff\n"
"Accept-Ranges: bytes\n"
"Cache-Control: private\n"
"Vary: origin", // response_headers
"text/html", // response_content_type
MimeType::kHtml, // canonical_mime_type
MimeTypeBucket::kProtected, // mime_type_bucket
{"<html><head>this should sniff as HTML"}, // packets
true, // resource_is_sensitive
CrossOriginProtectionDecision::kBlock, // protection_decision
Verdict::kAllow, // verdict
kVerdictPacketForHeadersBasedVerdict, // verdict_packet
"Cache + CORS heuristics, accept-ranges header says |none|.",
"", // target_url
"", // initiator_origin
"", // initiator_site_lock
"HTTP/1.1 200 OK\n"
"X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff\n"
"Accept-Ranges: none\n"
"Cache-Control: private\n"
"Vary: origin", // response_headers
"text/html", // response_content_type
MimeType::kHtml, // canonical_mime_type
MimeTypeBucket::kProtected, // mime_type_bucket
{"<html><head>this should sniff as HTML"}, // packets
true, // resource_is_sensitive
CrossOriginProtectionDecision::kBlock, // protection_decision
Verdict::kAllow, // verdict
kVerdictPacketForHeadersBasedVerdict, // verdict_packet
// Sensitive responses with the accept-ranges header, a protected MIME type
// and protection decision = kBlockedAfterSniffing. (These tests are
// identical to the previous 3, except they lack a nosniff header.)
"CORS-heuristic response with an accept-ranges header.",
"", // target_url
"", // initiator_origin
"", // initiator_site_lock
"HTTP/1.1 200 OK\n"
"Accept-Ranges: bytes\n"
"Access-Control-Allow-Origin:", // response_headers
"text/html", // response_content_type
MimeType::kHtml, // canonical_mime_type
MimeTypeBucket::kProtected, // mime_type_bucket
{"<html><head>this should sniff as HTML"}, // packets
true, // resource_is_sensitive
kBlockedAfterSniffing, // protection_decision
Verdict::kAllow, // verdict
0, // verdict_packet
"Cache-heuristic response with an accept-ranges header.",
"", // target_url
"", // initiator_origin
"", // initiator_site_lock
"HTTP/1.1 200 OK\n"
"Accept-Ranges: bytes\n"
"Cache-Control: private\n"
"Vary: origin", // response_headers
"text/html", // response_content_type
MimeType::kHtml, // canonical_mime_type
MimeTypeBucket::kProtected, // mime_type_bucket
{"<html><head>this should sniff as HTML"}, // packets
true, // resource_is_sensitive
kBlockedAfterSniffing, // protection_decision
Verdict::kAllow, // verdict
0, // verdict_packet
"Cache + CORS heuristics, accept-ranges header says |none|.",
"", // target_url
"", // initiator_origin
"", // initiator_site_lock
"HTTP/1.1 200 OK\n"
"Accept-Ranges: none\n"
"Cache-Control: private\n"
"Vary: origin", // response_headers
"text/html", // response_content_type
MimeType::kHtml, // canonical_mime_type
MimeTypeBucket::kProtected, // mime_type_bucket
{"<html><head>this should sniff as HTML"}, // packets
true, // resource_is_sensitive
kBlockedAfterSniffing, // protection_decision
Verdict::kAllow, // verdict
0, // verdict_packet
// A Sensitive response with the accept-ranges header and a protected MIME
// type but protection decision = kAllow (so the secondary accept-ranges
// stats should not be reported).
"Sensitive + accept-ranges header but protection decision = kAllow.",
"", // target_url
"", // initiator_origin
"", // initiator_site_lock
"HTTP/1.1 206 OK\n"
"X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff\n"
"Accept-Ranges: bytes\n"
"Content-Range: bytes 200-1000/67589\n"
"Access-Control-Allow-Origin:", // response_headers
"application/javascript", // response_content_type
MimeType::kOthers, // canonical_mime_type
MimeTypeBucket::kPublic, // mime_type_bucket
{"var x=3;"}, // packets
true, // resource_is_sensitive
CrossOriginProtectionDecision::kAllow, // protection_decision
Verdict::kAllow, // verdict
kVerdictPacketForHeadersBasedVerdict, // verdict_packet
// Sensitive responses with no data.
"Sensitive, allowed after sniffing: same-origin 204 with no data",
"", // target_url
"", // initiator_origin
"", // initiator_site_lock
"HTTP/1.1 204 NO CONTENT\n"
"Access-Control-Allow-Origin:", // response_headers
"text/html", // response_content_type
MimeType::kHtml, // canonical_mime_type
MimeTypeBucket::kProtected, // mime_type_bucket
{/* empty body doesn't sniff as html */}, // packets
true, // resource_is_sensitive
kAllowedAfterSniffing, // protection_decision
Verdict::kAllowBecauseOutOfData, // verdict
0, // verdict_packet
// These responses confirm we are correctly reporting when a nosniff header
// is present. This should *only* be reported when a blocked, sensitive,
// protected mime-type response has a nosniff header.
// This first response satisfies all criteria except it does not have a
// nosniff header.
"Cache heuristic with no nosniff header",
"", // target_url
"", // initiator_origin
"", // initiator_site_lock
"HTTP/1.1 200 OK\n"
"Cache-Control: private\n"
"Vary: origin", // response_headers
"text/html", // response_content_type
MimeType::kHtml, // canonical_mime_type
MimeTypeBucket::kProtected, // mime_type_bucket
{"<html><head>this should sniff as HTML"}, // packets
true, // resource_is_sensitive
kBlockedAfterSniffing, // protection_decision
Verdict::kAllow, // verdict
0, // verdict_packet
// These next responses have nosniff headers but are missing one of the
// other criteria.
"Cache heuristic with nosniff header but not a protected type",
"", // target_url
"", // initiator_origin
"", // initiator_site_lock
"HTTP/1.1 200 OK\n"
"X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff\n"
"Cache-Control: private\n"
"Vary: origin", // response_headers
"application/javascript", // response_content_type
MimeType::kOthers, // canonical_mime_type
MimeTypeBucket::kPublic, // mime_type_bucket
{"var x=3;"}, // packets
true, // resource_is_sensitive
kAllowedAfterSniffing, // protection_decision
Verdict::kAllow, // verdict
0, // verdict_packet
"Cache heuristic with nosniff header but protection decision != kBlock",
"", // target_url
"", // initiator_origin
"", // initiator_site_lock
"HTTP/1.1 200 OK\n"
"X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff\n"
"Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *\n"
"Cache-Control: private\n"
"Vary: origin", // response_headers
"text/html", // response_content_type
MimeType::kHtml, // canonical_mime_type
MimeTypeBucket::kProtected, // mime_type_bucket
{"<html><head>this should sniff as HTML"}, // packets
true, // resource_is_sensitive
CrossOriginProtectionDecision::kAllow, // protection_decision
Verdict::kAllow, // verdict
kVerdictPacketForHeadersBasedVerdict, // verdict_packet
// These responses satisfies all criteria and should report its nosniff
// header.
"Nosniff header and satisfies the CORS heuristic",
"", // target_url
"", // initiator_origin
"", // initiator_site_lock
"HTTP/1.1 200 OK\n"
"X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff\n"
"Access-Control-Allow-Origin:", // response_headers
"text/html", // response_content_type
MimeType::kHtml, // canonical_mime_type
MimeTypeBucket::kProtected, // mime_type_bucket
{"<html><head>this should sniff as HTML"}, // packets
true, // resource_is_sensitive
CrossOriginProtectionDecision::kBlock, // protection_decision
Verdict::kAllow, // verdict
kVerdictPacketForHeadersBasedVerdict, // verdict_packet
"Nosniff header and satisfies the Cache heuristic",
"", // target_url
"", // initiator_origin
"", // initiator_site_lock
"HTTP/1.1 200 OK\n"
"X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff\n"
"Cache-Control: private\n"
"Vary: origin", // response_headers
"text/html", // response_content_type
MimeType::kHtml, // canonical_mime_type
MimeTypeBucket::kProtected, // mime_type_bucket
{/* empty body doesn't sniff as html */}, // packets
true, // resource_is_sensitive
CrossOriginProtectionDecision::kBlock, // protection_decision
Verdict::kAllow, // verdict
kVerdictPacketForHeadersBasedVerdict, // verdict_packet
} // namespace
// Tests that verify ResponseAnalyzer correctly classifies network responses as
// allowed or blocked.
// The various test cases are passed as a list of TestScenario structs.
class ResponseAnalyzerTest : public testing::Test,
public testing::WithParamInterface<TestScenario> {
ResponseAnalyzerTest() {}
// Returns a ResourceResponse that matches the TestScenario's parameters.
mojom::URLResponseHeadPtr CreateResponse(
const std::string& response_content_type,
const std::string& raw_response_headers,
const std::string& initiator_origin) {
auto response = mojom::URLResponseHead::New();
std::string formatted_response_headers =
scoped_refptr<net::HttpResponseHeaders> response_headers =
std::string charset;
bool had_charset = false;
response_headers->AddHeader(std::string("Content-Type: ") +
net::HttpUtil::ParseContentType(response_content_type, &response->mime_type,
&charset, &had_charset, nullptr);
<< "Invalid MIME type defined in kScenarios.";
response->headers = response_headers;
return response;
// Instantiate and run |analyzer_| on the current scenario. Allow the analyzer
// to sniff the response body if needed and confirm it correctly decides to
// block or allow.
void RunAnalyzerOnScenario(const mojom::URLResponseHead& response) {
TestScenario scenario = GetParam();
// Initialize |request| from the parameters.
std::unique_ptr<net::URLRequest> request =
context_.CreateRequest(GURL(scenario.target_url), net::DEFAULT_PRIORITY,
// Check if this is a CORS request.
std::string cors_header_value;
auto request_mode = cors_header_value == ""
? network::mojom::RequestMode::kNoCors
: network::mojom::RequestMode::kCors;
// Create the site lock, which may differ from the initiator origin or be
// empty.
base::Optional<url::Origin> request_initiator_site_lock;
if (strlen(scenario.initiator_site_lock) > 0)
request_initiator_site_lock =
// Create a ResponseAnalyzer to test.
analyzer_ = std::make_unique<ResponseAnalyzer>(
request->url(), request->initiator(), response,
request_initiator_site_lock, request_mode);
// Verify MIME type was classified correctly.
// Verify that the verdict packet is >= 0 if CORB expects to sniff.
bool expected_to_sniff =
scenario.verdict_packet != kVerdictPacketForHeadersBasedVerdict;
ASSERT_EQ(expected_to_sniff, analyzer_->needs_sniffing());
// This vector holds the packets to be delivered.
std::vector<const char*> packets_vector(scenario.packets);
""); // End-of-stream is marked by an empty packet.
// If the |verdict_packet| == kVerdictPacketForHeadersBasedVerdict = -1,
// then the sniffing loop below will be skipped.
EXPECT_LT(scenario.verdict_packet, static_cast<int>(packets_vector.size()));
// If we don't expect to sniff then CORB should have already made a blockng
// decision based on the headers.
if (!expected_to_sniff) {
if (scenario.verdict == Verdict::kBlock) {
} else {
// Simulate the behaviour of the URLLoader by appending the packets into
// |data_buffer| and feeding this to |analyzer_|.
std::string data_buffer;
size_t data_offset = 0;
bool reached_final_packet = false;
for (int packet_index = 0; packet_index <= scenario.verdict_packet;
packet_index++) {
<< "While delivering packet #" << packet_index);
// At each iteration of the loop we feed a new packet to |analyzer_|,
// breaking at the |verdict_packet|. Since we haven't given the next
// packet to |analyzer_| yet at this point in the loop, it shouldn't have
// made a decision yet.
// Append the next packet of the response body. If appending the entire
// packet would exceed net::kMaxBytesToSniff we truncate the data.
size_t bytes_to_append = strlen(packets_vector[packet_index]);
if (data_offset + bytes_to_append > net::kMaxBytesToSniff)
bytes_to_append = net::kMaxBytesToSniff - data_offset;
data_buffer.append(packets_vector[packet_index], bytes_to_append);
// Hand |analyzer_| the data and an offset indicating what point it last
// read to.
analyzer_->SniffResponseBody(data_buffer, data_offset);
data_offset += bytes_to_append;
// If the latest packet was empty, or we reached net::kMaxBytesToSniff
// then sniffing should be over. Furthermore, if the |analyzer_| hasn't
// decided to block or allow, then (in the real implementation) URLLoader
// will default to allowing. We check here that this occurs only when it
// is supposed to.
if ((bytes_to_append == 0 || data_offset == net::kMaxBytesToSniff)) {
reached_final_packet = true;
// Sanity check sniffing is over.
EXPECT_EQ(packet_index, scenario.verdict_packet);
// Check we have run out of data if and only if we expected to.
bool expected_to_run_out_of_data =
scenario.verdict == Verdict::kAllowBecauseOutOfData;
bool did_run_out_of_data =
!analyzer_->ShouldAllow() && !analyzer_->ShouldBlock();
EXPECT_EQ(expected_to_run_out_of_data, did_run_out_of_data);
// Confirm the analyzer is blocking or allowing correctly (now that we have
// performed any needed sniffing).
if (scenario.verdict == Verdict::kBlock) {
// Log the response as URLLoader would.
} else {
// In this case either the |analyzer_| has decided to allow the response,
// or run out of data and so the response will be allowed by default.
if (scenario.verdict == Verdict::kAllow) {
} else {
// In this case |scenario.verdict| == Verdict::kAllowBecauseOutOfData,
// so double-check that sniffing actually occurred and failed.
// Log the response as URLLoader would.
base::test::TaskEnvironment task_environment_;
net::TestURLRequestContext context_;
net::TestDelegate delegate_;
// |analyzer_| is the ResponseAnalyzer instance under test.
std::unique_ptr<ResponseAnalyzer> analyzer_;
}; // namespace network
// Runs a particular TestScenario (passed as the test's parameter) through the
// ResponseAnalyzer, verifying that the response is correctly allowed or blocked
// based on the scenario.
TEST_P(ResponseAnalyzerTest, ResponseBlocking) {
const TestScenario scenario = GetParam();
<< "\nScenario at " << __FILE__ << ":" << scenario.source_line);
base::HistogramTester histograms;
// Initialize |response| from the parameters.
// TODO(krstnmnlsn): The response is constructed outside of
// RunAnalyzerOnScenario to let the CORBProtection test below gather some
// values from it before the analyzer clears the headers. Once the
// CORBProtection logging is removed (and that test gone) the response can be
// constructed in RunAnalyzerOnScenario().
auto response =
CreateResponse(scenario.response_content_type, scenario.response_headers,
// Run the analyzer and confirm it allows/blocks correctly.
// Verify that histograms are correctly incremented.
base::HistogramTester::CountsMap expected_counts;
std::string histogram_base = "SiteIsolation.XSD.Browser";
switch (scenario.canonical_mime_type) {
case MimeType::kHtml:
case MimeType::kXml:
case MimeType::kJson:
case MimeType::kPlain:
case MimeType::kOthers:
case MimeType::kNeverSniffed:
DCHECK_EQ(Verdict::kBlock, scenario.verdict);
DCHECK_EQ(kVerdictPacketForHeadersBasedVerdict, scenario.verdict_packet);
case MimeType::kInvalidMimeType:
DCHECK_EQ(Verdict::kAllow, scenario.verdict);
DCHECK_EQ(kVerdictPacketForHeadersBasedVerdict, scenario.verdict_packet);
// We don't expect to see a start action because that is triggered in the
// URLLoader.
bool should_be_blocked = scenario.verdict == Verdict::kBlock;
bool expected_to_sniff =
scenario.verdict_packet != kVerdictPacketForHeadersBasedVerdict;
int end_action = -1;
if (should_be_blocked && expected_to_sniff) {
end_action = static_cast<int>(
} else if (should_be_blocked && !expected_to_sniff) {
end_action = static_cast<int>(
} else if (!should_be_blocked && expected_to_sniff) {
end_action = static_cast<int>(
} else if (!should_be_blocked && !expected_to_sniff) {
end_action = static_cast<int>(
} else {
// Expecting one action recording CORB's decision.
expected_counts[histogram_base + ".Action"] = 1;
EXPECT_THAT(histograms.GetAllSamples(histogram_base + ".Action"),
testing::ElementsAre(base::Bucket(end_action, 1)))
<< "Should have incremented the right actions.";
if (should_be_blocked)
expected_counts[histogram_base + ".Blocked.CanonicalMimeType"] = 1;
// Make sure that the expected metrics, and only those metrics, were
// incremented.
// Runs a particular TestScenario (passed as the test's parameter) through the
// ResponseAnalyzer, verifying that the expected CORB Protection UMA Histogram
// values are reported.
TEST_P(ResponseAnalyzerTest, CORBProtectionLogging) {
const TestScenario scenario = GetParam();
<< "\nScenario at " << __FILE__ << ":" << scenario.source_line);
base::HistogramTester histograms;
// Initialize |response| from the parameters and record if it looks sensitive
// or supports range requests. These values are saved because the analyzer
// will clear the response headers in the event it decides to block.
auto response =
CreateResponse(scenario.response_content_type, scenario.response_headers,
const bool seems_sensitive_from_cors_heuristic =
const bool seems_sensitive_from_cache_heuristic =
const bool supports_range_requests =
const bool expect_nosniff =
// Run the analyzer and confirm it allows/blocks correctly.
base::HistogramTester::CountsMap expected_counts;
expected_counts["SiteIsolation.CORBProtection.SensitiveResource"] = 1;
if (scenario.resource_is_sensitive) {
// Check that we reported correctly if the server supports range
// requests.
testing::ElementsAre(base::Bucket(supports_range_requests, 1)));
expected_counts["SiteIsolation.CORBProtection.SensitiveWithRangeSupport"] =
std::string mime_type_bucket;
switch (scenario.mime_type_bucket) {
case MimeTypeBucket::kProtected:
mime_type_bucket = ".ProtectedMimeType";
case MimeTypeBucket::kPublic:
mime_type_bucket = ".PublicMimeType";
case MimeTypeBucket::kOther:
mime_type_bucket = ".OtherMimeType";
std::string blocked_with_range_support;
switch (scenario.protection_decision) {
case CrossOriginProtectionDecision::kBlock:
blocked_with_range_support = ".BlockedWithRangeSupport";
case CrossOriginProtectionDecision::kBlockedAfterSniffing:
blocked_with_range_support = ".BlockedAfterSniffingWithRangeSupport";
blocked_with_range_support = "This value should not be used.";
bool expect_range_support_histograms =
scenario.mime_type_bucket == MimeTypeBucket::kProtected &&
(scenario.protection_decision ==
CrossOriginProtectionDecision::kBlock ||
scenario.protection_decision ==
// In this scenario the file seemed sensitive so we expect a report. Note
// there may be two reports if the resource satisfied both the CORS
// heuristic and the Cache heuristic.
std::string cors_base = "SiteIsolation.CORBProtection.CORSHeuristic";
std::string cache_base = "SiteIsolation.CORBProtection.CacheHeuristic";
std::string cors_protected = cors_base + ".ProtectedMimeType";
std::string cache_protected = cache_base + ".ProtectedMimeType";
std::string blocked_nosniff = ".BlockedWithoutSniffing.HasNoSniff";
if (seems_sensitive_from_cors_heuristic) {
expected_counts[cors_base + mime_type_bucket] = 1;
EXPECT_THAT(histograms.GetAllSamples(cors_base + mime_type_bucket),
static_cast<int>(scenario.protection_decision), 1)))
<< "CORB should have reported the right protection decision.";
if (expect_range_support_histograms) {
histograms.GetAllSamples(cors_protected +
testing::ElementsAre(base::Bucket(supports_range_requests, 1)));
expected_counts[cors_protected + blocked_with_range_support] = 1;
if (scenario.mime_type_bucket == MimeTypeBucket::kProtected &&
scenario.protection_decision ==
CrossOriginProtectionDecision::kBlock) {
EXPECT_THAT(histograms.GetAllSamples(cors_protected + blocked_nosniff),
testing::ElementsAre(base::Bucket(expect_nosniff, 1)));
expected_counts[cors_protected + blocked_nosniff] = 1;
if (seems_sensitive_from_cache_heuristic) {
expected_counts[cache_base + mime_type_bucket] = 1;
EXPECT_THAT(histograms.GetAllSamples(cache_base + mime_type_bucket),
static_cast<int>(scenario.protection_decision), 1)))
<< "CORB should have reported the right protection decision.";
if (expect_range_support_histograms) {
histograms.GetAllSamples(cache_protected +
testing::ElementsAre(base::Bucket(supports_range_requests, 1)));
expected_counts[cache_protected + blocked_with_range_support] = 1;
if (scenario.mime_type_bucket == MimeTypeBucket::kProtected &&
scenario.protection_decision ==
CrossOriginProtectionDecision::kBlock) {
EXPECT_THAT(histograms.GetAllSamples(cache_protected + blocked_nosniff),
testing::ElementsAre(base::Bucket(expect_nosniff, 1)));
expected_counts[cache_protected + blocked_nosniff] = 1;
testing::ElementsAre(base::Bucket(true, 1)));
} else {
// In this scenario the file should not have appeared sensitive, so only the
// SensitiveResource boolean should have been reported (as false).
testing::ElementsAre(base::Bucket(false, 1)));
// =============================================================================
// The following individual tests check the behaviour of various methods in
// isolation.
// =============================================================================
TEST(CrossOriginReadBlockingTest, IsBlockableScheme) {
GURL data_url("");
GURL ftp_url("");
GURL mailto_url("");
GURL about_url("about:chrome");
GURL http_url("");
GURL https_url("");
TEST(CrossOriginReadBlockingTest, IsValidCorsHeaderSet) {
url::Origin frame_origin = url::Origin::Create(GURL(""));
EXPECT_TRUE(CrossOriginReadBlocking::IsValidCorsHeaderSet(frame_origin, "*"));
CrossOriginReadBlocking::IsValidCorsHeaderSet(frame_origin, "\"*\""));
frame_origin, ""));
frame_origin, ""));
frame_origin, ""));
frame_origin, ""));
TEST(CrossOriginReadBlockingTest, SniffForHTML) {
using CORB = CrossOriginReadBlocking;
// Something that technically matches the start of a valid HTML tag.
CORB::SniffForHTML(" \t\r\n <HtMladfokadfkado"));
// HTML comment followed by whitespace and valid HTML tags.
CORB::SniffForHTML(" <!-- this is comment -->\n<html><body>"));
// HTML comment, whitespace, more HTML comments, HTML tags.
"<!-- this is comment -->\n<!-- this is comment -->\n<html><body>"));
// HTML comment followed by valid HTML tag.
CORB::SniffForHTML("<!-- this is comment <!-- -->\n<script></script>"));
// Whitespace followed by valid Javascript.
CORB::SniffForHTML(" var name=window.location;\nadfadf"));
// HTML comment followed by valid Javascript.
" <!-- this is comment\n document.write(1);\n// -->\"));
// HTML/Javascript polyglot should return kNo.
"<!--/*--><html><body><script type='text/javascript'><!--//*/\n"
"var blah = 123;\n"
// Tests to cover more of MaybeSkipHtmlComment.
EXPECT_EQ(SniffingResult::kMaybe, CORB::SniffForHTML("<!-- -/* --><html>"));
EXPECT_EQ(SniffingResult::kMaybe, CORB::SniffForHTML("<!-- --/* --><html>"));
EXPECT_EQ(SniffingResult::kYes, CORB::SniffForHTML("<!-- -/* -->\n<html>"));
EXPECT_EQ(SniffingResult::kYes, CORB::SniffForHTML("<!-- --/* -->\n<html>"));
EXPECT_EQ(SniffingResult::kMaybe, CORB::SniffForHTML("<!----> <html>"));
EXPECT_EQ(SniffingResult::kYes, CORB::SniffForHTML("<!---->\n<html>"));
EXPECT_EQ(SniffingResult::kYes, CORB::SniffForHTML("<!---->\r<html>"));
CORB::SniffForHTML("<!-- ---/-->\n<html><body>"));
// HTML spec only allows *ASCII* whitespace before the first html element.
// See also and
EXPECT_EQ(SniffingResult::kNo, CORB::SniffForHTML("<!---->\u2028<html>"));
EXPECT_EQ(SniffingResult::kNo, CORB::SniffForHTML("<!---->\u2029<html>"));
// Order of line terminators.
EXPECT_EQ(SniffingResult::kYes, CORB::SniffForHTML("<!-- -->\n<b>\rx"));
EXPECT_EQ(SniffingResult::kYes, CORB::SniffForHTML("<!-- -->\r<b>\nx"));
EXPECT_EQ(SniffingResult::kNo, CORB::SniffForHTML("<!-- -->\nx\r<b>"));
EXPECT_EQ(SniffingResult::kNo, CORB::SniffForHTML("<!-- -->\rx\n<b>"));
EXPECT_EQ(SniffingResult::kYes, CORB::SniffForHTML("<!-- -->\n<b>\u2028x"));
EXPECT_EQ(SniffingResult::kNo, CORB::SniffForHTML("<!-- -->\u2028<b>\n<b>"));
// In UTF8 encoding <LS> is 0xE2 0x80 0xA8 and <PS> is 0xE2 0x80 0xA9.
// Let's verify that presence of 0xE2 alone doesn't throw
// FindFirstJavascriptLineTerminator into an infinite loop.
EXPECT_EQ(SniffingResult::kYes, CORB::SniffForHTML("<!-- --> \xe2 \n<b"));
EXPECT_EQ(SniffingResult::kYes, CORB::SniffForHTML("<!-- --> \xe2\x80 \n<b"));
EXPECT_EQ(SniffingResult::kYes, CORB::SniffForHTML("<!-- --> \x80 \n<b"));
// Commented out html tag followed by non-html (" x").
StringPiece commented_out_html_tag_data("<!-- <html> <?xml> \n<html>-->\nx");
// Prefixes of |commented_out_html_tag_data| should be indeterminate.
// This covers testing "<!-" as well as "<!-- not terminated yet...".
StringPiece almost_html = commented_out_html_tag_data;
while (!almost_html.empty()) {
EXPECT_EQ(SniffingResult::kMaybe, CORB::SniffForHTML(almost_html))
<< almost_html;
// Explicit tests for an unfinished comment (some also covered by the prefix
// tests above).
EXPECT_EQ(SniffingResult::kMaybe, CORB::SniffForHTML(""));
EXPECT_EQ(SniffingResult::kMaybe, CORB::SniffForHTML("<!"));
EXPECT_EQ(SniffingResult::kMaybe, CORB::SniffForHTML("<!-- unterminated..."));
CORB::SniffForHTML("<!-- blah --> <html> no newline yet"));
TEST(CrossOriginReadBlockingTest, SniffForXML) {
StringPiece xml_data(" \t \r \n <?xml version=\"1.0\"?>\n <catalog");
StringPiece non_xml_data(" var name=window.location;\nadfadf");
StringPiece empty_data("");
// Empty string should be indeterminate.
TEST(CrossOriginReadBlockingTest, SniffForJSON) {
StringPiece json_data("\t\t\r\n { \"name\" : \"chrome\", ");
StringPiece json_corrupt_after_first_key(
"\t\t\r\n { \"name\" :^^^^!!@#\1\", ");
StringPiece json_data2("{ \"key \\\" \" \t\t\r\n:");
StringPiece non_json_data0("\t\t\r\n { name : \"chrome\", ");
StringPiece non_json_data1("\t\t\r\n foo({ \"name\" : \"chrome\", ");
EXPECT_EQ(SniffingResult::kYes, CrossOriginReadBlocking::SniffForJSON(
// All prefixes prefixes of |json_data2| ought to be indeterminate.
StringPiece almost_json = json_data2;
while (!almost_json.empty()) {
<< almost_json;
CrossOriginReadBlocking::SniffForJSON(R"({"" : 1})"))
<< "Empty strings are accepted";
CrossOriginReadBlocking::SniffForJSON(R"({'' : 1})"))
<< "Single quotes are not accepted";
CrossOriginReadBlocking::SniffForJSON("{\"\\\"\" : 1}"))
<< "Escaped quotes are recognized";
CrossOriginReadBlocking::SniffForJSON(R"({"\\\u000a" : 1})"))
<< "Escaped control characters are recognized";
<< "Incomplete escape results in maybe";
<< "Incomplete escape results in maybe";
<< "Incomplete escape results in maybe";
CrossOriginReadBlocking::SniffForJSON("{\"\n\" : true}"))
<< "Unescaped control characters are rejected";
EXPECT_EQ(SniffingResult::kNo, CrossOriginReadBlocking::SniffForJSON("{}"))
<< "Empty dictionary is not recognized (since it's valid JS too)";
CrossOriginReadBlocking::SniffForJSON("[true, false, 1, 2]"))
<< "Lists dictionary are not recognized (since they're valid JS too)";
<< "A colon character inside a string does not trigger a match";
TEST(CrossOriginReadBlockingTest, GetCanonicalMimeType) {
std::vector<std::pair<const char*, MimeType>> tests = {
// Basic tests for things in the original implementation:
{"text/html", MimeType::kHtml},
{"text/xml", MimeType::kXml},
{"application/rss+xml", MimeType::kXml},
{"application/xml", MimeType::kXml},
{"application/json", MimeType::kJson},
{"text/json", MimeType::kJson},
{"text/plain", MimeType::kPlain},
// Other mime types:
{"application/foobar", MimeType::kOthers},
// Regression tests for (prefix/suffix matching):
{"application/activity+json", MimeType::kJson},
{"text/foobar+xml", MimeType::kXml},
// No match without a '+' character:
{"application/jsonfoobar", MimeType::kOthers},
{"application/foobarjson", MimeType::kOthers},
{"application/xmlfoobar", MimeType::kOthers},
{"application/foobarxml", MimeType::kOthers},
// Case-insensitive comparison:
{"APPLICATION/JSON", MimeType::kJson},
{"appLICAtion/zIP", MimeType::kNeverSniffed},
// Images are allowed cross-site, and SVG is an image, so we should
// classify SVG as "other" instead of "xml" (even though it technically is
// an xml document). Same argument for DASH video format.
{"image/svg+xml", MimeType::kOthers},
{"application/dash+xml", MimeType::kOthers},
// Javascript should not be blocked.
{"application/javascript", MimeType::kOthers},
{"application/jsonp", MimeType::kOthers},
// TODO(lukasza): Remove in the future, once this MIME type is not used in
// practice. See also
{"application/json+protobuf", MimeType::kJson},
// According to specs, these types are not XML or JSON. See also:
// -
// -
{"text/x-json", MimeType::kOthers},
{"text/json+blah", MimeType::kOthers},
{"application/json+blah", MimeType::kOthers},
{"text/xml+blah", MimeType::kOthers},
{"application/xml+blah", MimeType::kOthers},
// Types protected without sniffing.
{"application/gzip", MimeType::kNeverSniffed},
{"application/x-protobuf", MimeType::kNeverSniffed},
{"application/x-gzip", MimeType::kNeverSniffed},
{"application/zip", MimeType::kNeverSniffed},
{"multipart/byteranges", MimeType::kNeverSniffed},
{"text/event-stream", MimeType::kNeverSniffed},
// TODO(lukasza): Add application/pdf and
// text/csv to the list of content types tested here (after
// kMimeHandlerViewInCrossProcessFrame gets enabled by default).
for (const auto& test : tests) {
const char* input = test.first; // e.g. "text/html"
MimeType expected = test.second;
MimeType actual = CrossOriginReadBlocking::GetCanonicalMimeType(input);
EXPECT_EQ(expected, actual)
<< "when testing with the following input: " << input;
mojom::URLResponseHeadPtr CreateResponse(std::string raw_headers) {
scoped_refptr<net::HttpResponseHeaders> headers =
auto response = mojom::URLResponseHead::New();
response->headers = headers;
return response;
TEST(CrossOriginReadBlockingTest, SeemsSensitiveFromCORSHeuristic) {
// Response with no CORS header.
auto no_cors_response = CreateResponse("HTTP/1.1 200 OK");
// Response with CORS value = "*", so not sensitive.
auto cors_any_response = CreateResponse(
"HTTP/1.1 200 OK\n"
"Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *");
// Response with CORS value = "null", so not sensitive.
auto cors_null_response = CreateResponse(
"HTTP/1.1 200 OK\n"
"Access-Control-Allow-Origin: null");
// Response with CORS header restricting access to a particular origin.
auto cors_response = CreateResponse(
"HTTP/1.1 200 OK\n"
TEST(CrossOriginReadBlockingTest, SeemsSensitiveFromCacheHeuristic) {
// Response with no cache-control or vary header.
auto no_cache_response = CreateResponse("HTTP/1.1 200 OK");
// Response with cache-control but no vary header.
auto cache_only_response = CreateResponse(
"HTTP/1.1 200 OK\n"
"Cache-Control: private");
// Response with vary: origin but no cache-control header.
auto vary_only_response = CreateResponse(
"HTTP/1.1 200 OK\n"
"Vary: origin");
// Response with vary: user-agent and cache-control: no-cache (should still
// not seem sensitive).
auto wrong_values_response = CreateResponse(
"HTTP/1.1 200 OK\n"
"Vary: user-agent\n"
"Cache-Control: no-cache");
// Response with vary: origin and cache-control: private.
auto vary_and_cache_response = CreateResponse(
"HTTP/1.1 200 OK\n"
"Vary: origin\n"
"Cache-Control: private");
// Response with vary: origin, user-agent and cache-control: private, no-store
// (we should still find the relevant values).
auto extra_values_response = CreateResponse(
"HTTP/1.1 200 OK\n"
"Vary: origin, user-agent\n"
"Cache-Control: no-cache, private");
TEST(CrossOriginReadBlockingTest, SeemsSensitiveWithBothHeuristics) {
// Response with CORS heuristic should not appear sensitive to cache
// heuristic.
auto cors_response = CreateResponse(
"HTTP/1.1 200 OK\n"
// Response with cache heuristic should not appear sensitive to CORS
// heuristic.
auto cache_response = CreateResponse(
"HTTP/1.1 200 OK\n"
"Vary: origin\n"
"Cache-Control: private");
// Response with both cache and CORS heuristic signals (e.g. vary: origin +
// cache-control: private as well as the access-control-allow-origin header).
auto both_response = CreateResponse(
"HTTP/1.1 200 OK\n"
"Vary: origin\n"
"Cache-Control: private\n"
TEST(CrossOriginReadBlockingTest, SupportsRangeRequests) {
// Response with no Accept-Ranges header. Should return false.
auto no_accept_ranges = CreateResponse("HTTP/1.1 200 OK");
// Response with an Accept-Ranges header. Should return true.
auto bytes_accept_ranges = CreateResponse(
"HTTP/1.1 200 OK\n"
"Accept-Ranges: bytes");
// Response with an Accept-Ranges header value of |none|. Should return false.
auto none_accept_ranges = CreateResponse(
"HTTP/1.1 200 OK\n"
"Accept-Ranges: none");
} // namespace network